TtThe Newest Updates are bolded. This serious is written out of order, so when it is published, chapters are moved around so they are read chronologically. takes a bit before it's ready, so sometimes it doesn't appear. Feel free to message me if you ever have concerns, and I will respond!
Hermione's Hounds
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester!
Master of Death
The Malfoy Ward
Abandon All Hope
The Devil You know
Godmum Duties
My Heart Will Go ON
Frontierland II
Drinking at Bobby's
Survival of the Fittest
Mistress of Death
Revenge and Forgiveness
Queen of Hell
Queen of Hell II
She never did like England. The English never respected the olde ways, not even during the tenth century when magic was unrestrained. Instead of respecting the beauty of it, the English sneered at magic, declaring it to be evil. Those overzealous bastards declared magic to be evil and infected the Scottish Clans with the poisonous idea. Though it took centuries, the English successfully eradicated magic just as they conquered the clansmen of her native land.
Even in the modern era, the British hadn't learned from their mistakes. They remained an ungrateful people living in a terrible climate. Though, she did admit they'd finally gained control of the rat population and stopped them from running rampant as they did during the Black Plague. Walking down a dark alley, Rowena was nearing her destination when she overheard a woman struggling against a brute of a man.
Reaching into a concealed pocket within the folds of her dress, Rowena removed a hex bag, and approached the two individuals.
"Mind your business," the attacker snarled, his hand fisted in a heap of brown curly hair.
"Tsk Tsk, such awful manners dearie," Rowena said, sniffing at the man. "Tis no matter, I just dropped by to give you this."
Tossing the hex bag at him, the man reflexively caught it. The effect was instantaneous. He dropped his grip on the brown curly hair of his victim to clutch at his throat as he choked. His body hit the ground, no signs of life, as the brunette scrambled away from him.
Rowena noted the subtle shimmer on the girl's left forearm as she scuttled backwards, along with her indifference to the dead body next to her. Both were curious, and required further investigation.
"Have you taken any harm?" Rowena asked, watching as the brunette shook her head. "Do you have a name?"
"Hermione," the girl spit out. Rowena nodded, realizing that the young lady remained a bit shaken. Thank you for the help. Your timing was nothing short of predominant."
"No trouble at all, dearie," Rowena said with a gentle smile. The Scottish witch's curiosity grew when the girl didn't question how the man died. Never had Rowena seen anyone react so indifferent to the reveal of magic.
"How about we get a cup of tea, hmm?"
Hermione nodded, and allowed Rowena to help her stand before leading the Scottish witch to an upscale café. When the maître d greeted the girl by name, Rowena realized it was a place she must frequent often. Upon being asked for their order, Rowena requested a pot of Earl Grey, presuming the English lass would be partial to it.
"Two fingers of Craig," Hermione quietly ordered, as Rowena's eyebrows skyrocketed. "Would you like a glass? Make that two please."
"You've got fine taste," Rowena commented, studying the enigma in front of her. "My son used to breathe Craig."
"A friend of mine is rather snobby when it comes to his palate," Hermione admitted, her posture perfect. "Unfortunately, he believes it's not rude to insist I constantly have it on hand should he decide to visit. As a result, I've developed a taste for it."
After they received their drinks, Hermione smiled at the redheaded witch.
"I can't thank you enough. Really, you're clearly a natural," Hermione said as Rowena looked at her appraisingly, suspicious of the girl's chosen terminology. "I don't even think a policeman would have de-escalated the situation that quickly."
"I'm astonished with how calm you've remained," Rowena said. "Most people would be hysterical over having their attacker drop dead before their eyes, even as they're relieved to still be among the living. I do apologize about the method of disposal. It's just one of the least messy solutions."
"It was unexpected," Hermione answered diplomatically, "However, he'd made it clear I was not his first victim, nor would I have been his last. "
"Clever girl," Rowena said, surprised at the statement, before setting down her tea cup. "Now, I would like to discuss payment for services rendered."
"Tea isn't enough of a thank you?" Hermione asked, her voice remaining polite and innocent. Her lack of outrage was unexpected, though refreshing to Rowena.
"Spells like the one I used don't come cheap dearie," Rowena replied, a coy smile forming upon her face. Yet again, the young woman sitting across from her showed no hint of a reaction. Which was why the girl's next question confused Rowena.
"When was the last time you were in Scotland?"
"It's been an age," Rowena answered, her curiosity getting the better of her. When the girl nodded, Rowena decided to take a calculated risk.
"I don't think I've been since the burnings started."
"You're really her then," Hermione said, startling Rowena. She hadn't even supplied the girl with her name. The lack of utter hysterics was beyond charming.
"A Hogwarts graduate, aye?" Rowena asked as Hermione gave a single nod. "Clearly one of Godric's little cubs. I've never seen one behave so boldly. Honestly, I'm surprised Hogwarts still talks about me at all. After the other three threw me to the wolves so to speak."
"Time has a way of white washing history," Hermione answered demurely. "I suppose you expect me to feel in awe that the great Rowena Ravenclaw saved my life tonight."
"It would make it easier to acquire a wand," Rowena agreed. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to part with yours for a dedicated educator in dire need."
Hermione smiled, "It's curious how your legacy is portrayed. Your friends turned you into a virtuous teacher, one who valued books and cleverness."
Rowena's eyes suddenly narrowed at the witch in front of her. The girl sounded entirely too smug of all sudden.
"Unfortunately, I have a penchant for discovering lost knowledge, particularly the kind that has been purposefully hidden. Did you know Rowena, where muggleborns and naturals come from?"
"I'm sure you'll tell me."
"Gladly," Hermione agreed. "You see, when a witch or wizard's magic is bound, it behaves like acid and eats away at the restriction. Now generally, it can take generations for the magic to successfully remove the binding. A muggleborn arises once the bind has been destroyed. Naturals, on the other hand, still have their magic bound, but it's weakened enough for their abilities to manifest to a degree."
"Now considering your longevity and the raw talent you originated with before the bind, it's not at all surprising your magic resurfaced."
"I can break the rest of it with a wand," Rowena said. "You wouldn't deny a witch her magic."
"Normally, no," Hermione answered. "However, I'm not ignorant to the crimes you committed in order to earn that punishment."
"As though you know the truth," Rowena sneered, not expecting Hermione to smirk.
"Did you know that your lover Salazar kept a journal? One with entirely too much detail. Let me tell you he's not one to withhold information."
"I am not an enemy you want to have," Rowena threatened quietly. "Don't waste the opportunity to become an ally."
Hermione merely smiled, "I know when to walk away from bad deals. Have a pleasant evening, Rowena."