I don't own anything at all.

During the ride to Jaune's home they continued humming songs from the likes of Blink-182 to Paramore. On the way to Jaune's house they passed by the skate park gaining some waves from the people there. They continue on their way.

By the time they reached the Arc household it was late afternoon with the sun almost down. A bit of info on Jaunes parents. Their names are Julius and Juniper Arc. They are both archeologists and recently they have gotten permission from Menagerie to search through ruins and sites of old civilizations. Because of this rare opportunity and how most ruins have never been searched on Menagerie they will be staying for some time.

When the couple reached the household they saw a grey sedan in front of the house. When they reach the door they can hear laughter. When Jaune opens the door he is greeted to the sight of his history teacher and parents laughing in the kitchen. As it turns out his history teacher, Dr. Oobleck, is a part time archeologist who loves spending his time sharing his knowledge to the youth.

"Ah Jaune, Reese, you're finally here!" Juniper exclaims while getting up and meeting the two.

"Yeah, sorry for the wait, Juniper, but this one here was taking too long." Reese says teasingly towards Jaune who did not appreciate that.

"Says the one made us get caught." Jaune retorts and smirks when he sees the blush on the girl's face.

"Son that's enough, leave the girl alone" the deep voice of his father caught their attention. The older Arc stands up to a proud height of 6 feet and 4 inches.

"Yes, yes. We must be leaving soon so please don't waste time." Dr. Oobleck says rather quickly. And then takes a sip from his thermos.

After a couple minutes of talking they all are outside saying their final goodbyes. They all have some tears, but Julius will fight anyone who says he was crying.

"I'm going to miss you two!" Julius exclaims hugging Jaune and Reese while crying "manly" tears.

"We're going to miss you too Dad." Jaune says using all of his oxygen in that sentence. A hand reaches and taps his father's shoulder.

"Honey let go before they suffocate." Juniper calmly says ignoring the gasps from the teen. After her husband lets go she then brings the two into her own hug.

"Look after each other okay? And Reese please do me a favor and wack my son if he ever does something stupid?" Juniper says while holding them.

"It's part of the job being his girlfriend." Reese says jokingly.

After that they let go of each other. The adults got into the car waving towards the young couple. Jaune holds Reese by the waist and waves back. They stayed there until they couldn't see the car.

"Well let's get inside. It's getting a bit chilly." Reese says holding onto Jaune.

"I need to get the mail so you go ahead. I'll be there in a sec." Jaune says pushing her towards the door.

"You won't take forever will you?" Reese asks teasingly with a smirk.

"It's just the mail. What's so hard about that?" Jaune asks rhetorically. Reese went inside and he went on his way to the mailbox. He opens it and grabs the envelopes. "Dads, Dads, Moms, junk, junk. Me? Who is it from?" As he was about to check someone called his name. "Jaune it's so nice to see you!"

That was Pyrrha's mom. Her name is Helen and looks almost like her daughter except she has shorter hair and wears glasses.

"Hi Mrs. Nikos. How are you?" Jaune asks. Though inside he was worried. "Please don't bring up Pyrrha."

"I'm great. It's been so long since I saw you. How come you don't visit anymore? I see you at some of Pyrrha's games." Helen asks, being curious what the boy has been up to.

"Oh you know I've been busy with work and dealing with Reese. I got to go nice seeing you again Mrs. Nikos." Jaune says quickly waving bye and hurrying home.

Once inside all stress left his body. "Thank God that's over." Jaune sighed in relief. He went to the living room and saw her on the couch looking through netflix. Jaune plop down next to her and hugs her.

"What happened?" She asks knowingly.

"Pyrrha's mom." Jaune says into her hoodie.

"That's tough." "Can't you see my suffering?" "I can see a musical you like to watch whenever you feel down." "..I love you." "Love you too you big baby."

They spent the night watching musicals and singing the songs to each other.

For those that care, I live. Sorry for this very late update and my only excuse is school and dumb choices I have made. Also no song because I am still trying to figure out what to do and what songs to use. Also I will not have an update schedule until further notice and thank you all for the helpful comments and songs. I just hope I don't mess this up.

So stay safe and I hope all of you don't hate me.
