Like I said at the beginning of this story, this is the last one. I'm not coming back, but I'll leave you with this little epilogue as a parting gift. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed my stories.


"Mommy, can the baby hear me?" Sarah climbed onto the couch and snuggled up to her mother and pressed her ear on Natasha's stomach. "Heeeellooo?"

Natasha snorted and brushed her hand through her daughter's red locks. Sarah was a bright little girl, just as smart and special as her big brother James, and she had been excited to find out that a new addition would join the family in a few months.

"I think so. The baby recognizes the mother's voice, so it should definitely hear your voice as well. You can talk to your sibling if you want, sweetie."

"Are you a girl? I hope!" Sarah stared at her stomach like she was expecting an answer from her sibling.

The baby had been a bit of a surprise. Neither she or Steve had been planning it, but they also hadn't done anything to prevent another pregnancy. Sarah just turned two, and Natasha had feared that she wouldn't like to lose the status of being the baby of the family so soon, but she wanted to be a big sister. James wasn't as excited as his sister, but she knew that he would love his new sibling as much as he loved his little sister.

Sarah gave up on getting an answer from the baby and rested her head on Natasha's chest, looking up at her with her big blue eyes framed by long lashes.

"I luv you, mama!"

She smiled down at her daughter. "I love you, too. So much."

"And I luv daddy, Jamie, Uncle Bucky, Auntie Laura-"

Natasha was pretty sure that Sarah could have go on like this for some time, her baby had a big heart, but she stopped because she'd heard the front door open. She jumped off the couch and ran out of the living room to greet her father and brother.

"Hiiii!" Then a squeal. "Uncle Bucky!"

Natasha grinned and got off the couch herself. Sarah planned on marrying Bucky when she was a grown up, ignoring the fact that he was already in a long term relationship with Darcy who Sara thought was the coolest person ever.

"Hello, princess!"

Bucky lifted up Sarah and she giggled happily. Natasha chuckled at the sight and opened her arms so James could run into them. "Hi, did you have fun with daddy?"

"Yes, mama!" He beamed up at her and she leaned down to press a kiss on his head. James was getting bigger and bigger. She was sure that he would be one day as tall as his father. And he was getting more independent each day. It had broken her heart a little when he'd asked her not to call him baby in public anymore because he wasn't one as he'd told her. That might be theoretically true, but James would always be her baby.

"And we ran into Bucky." Steve explained and came over to her to kiss her. "Hi, sweetheart."

"Hi." Butterflies were dancing in her stomach. She loved him so much and her life was so much brighter since she'd finally admitted to herself that he was the one.

"I hope it's okay that I crash?" Bucky asked, letting Sarah back down.

"Of course. You're always welcome here! Why don't we order some pizza?"

The kids started chanting pizza, pizza on their way to the living room with a laughing Bucky in tow, and she and Steve stayed in the hallway a little longer. Her husband put his hand on her little baby bump and smiled.

"How are you two?"

"We're great. I think the baby will start to kick soon."

"Oh, I love that part. I finally feel like I can get engage with the baby."

She remembered that he loved that part of a pregnancy. He'd talked to Sarah for hours, waiting to feel a kick, his face lighting up every time Sarah "answered" her father.

She grabbed the fabric of Steve's shirt to pull him down to her so that he would kiss her. She turned very affectionate and needy during her pregnancies and she finally had her Steve to kiss and love her. The kiss lasted probably longer than it should be with kids nearby and a little tongue was also involved, but Natasha needed it and Steve was more than happy to give it to her.

"I love you, Tasha." He whispered against her lips. "I love you so fucking much. You are my dream come true."

"I love you, too." She smiled and gave him a peck.

Steve tried to deepen the kiss, but they had to pull apart when they heard Sarah loudly whisper uh-oh, and quickly ran to see what had happened.

Every Saturday morning was spent in Central Park and Natasha was glad that it was May and the weather was finally good again. James had a soccer game today that was more fun than actual competition and his family was standing near the field to cheer him on.

Sarah was sitting on her father's shoulders so she could see the game and she loudly cheered for her big brother. James was good at soccer, he was very good at pretty much everything, and it sometimes scared Natasha. People started to notice how special their boy was and she feared that some day it could be the wrong people. She and Steve were civilians now, but there was no doubt in her mind that they would do everything to protect their children.

Baby Romanoff Rogers was very active today and she felt their child kick her organs like it was cheering for James as well. He raced over the field and scored two goals, helping his team win. Unlike the other kids, he was barely sweating when he came running towards them.

"Concats, Jamie!" Sarah grinned at her bother.

"Thank you." He smiled warmly at his sister. Sarah was the only one who was allowed to call him Jamie.

"Great job, buddy!" Steve gave his son a high five and James beamed proudly.

"Yeah, you were amazing, James!" She ruffled his hair and James pretended to be annoyed, but she knew that he loved it. "Why don't we celebrate your win at Stan's, huh?"

Both kids squealed happily and they left the park after James had said bye to all his friends. Natasha was holding Sarah's hand and her daughter told her what she wanted to eat. She was listing so much food that one could think that Sarah wanted to feed James's entire soccer team. Steve and James were walking in front of them, talking about the game. Steve had always been more of a baseball fan, but he'd started to get into soccer once James joined a kids team.

Stan greeted them with a big smile and gave each kid a cookie when he came to their table with the menus. Sarah wanted to have Benedictus eggs and made a face when Stan explained to her what it actually was. She decided to go with French toast in the end.

"How you even know about Eggs Benedict, sweetie?" Steve asked her with a amused look on his face.

"Uncle Sammy, daddy!"

Natasha loved those moments, the four of them together just doing simple things. James was still talking about his game, and Sarah's whole attention was on him. She didn't even look at her father who was cutting her food for her. James promised his sister to show her new soccer tricks later when they were home and Sarah squealed happily.

Natasha looked over to Steve who was smiling at her. God, she was so damn lucky to have this.

"I love you." Steve mouthed to her and she blew him a kiss. James saw it and made a face, he was getting to that age where he found parental displace of affection gross.

Sarah and James played soccer in the backyard during the afternoon while Natasha and Steve sat on the patio, watching the children. Liho joined and jumped into Natasha's lap where she curled herself into a ball. Yeah, this was the perfect life, Natasha thought while she petted the cat.

"Yippie!" Sarah squealed while she jumped off the dock into her father's waiting arms.

Natasha laughed at the sight and waved back at her daughter who was swimming in the lake watched by her father. James was snorkeling near by with his new equipment. She wasn't worried about her children's safety. James was an excellent swimmer and Sarah was great as well for a two year old, and Steve was with them. And Natasha herself could be in the water in seconds, but for now she was sunbathing on the shore with a good book by her side.

It was the weekend of the Fourth of July which was of course Steve's birthday and they decided to head up to Vermont to celebrate. She and Steve had wanted to buy the house from Pepper, but she'd given it to them as their wedding gift. The house was so special to them. This was where their relationship had started and where James had spent his first Christmas with both his parents, and the kids just loved it here.

The baby kicked and Natasha pressed her hand on her bump with a smile on her face and continued to read her book. She heard the kids squealing and the occasional splash of water when Steve threw one of the kids into the air. She loved summer.

Steve grilled burgers on the grill while the kids helped Natasha prepare the rest for dinner. Sarah was singing a song that only she seemed to know, and James told his mother about the things he'd seen under water. She looked at her kids and heart skipped a beat. She loved these two little humans so much, just as much as the little human inside of her. Only two more months and she would meet her third child, she couldn't wait. They didn't want to know the gender, but Natasha had a feeling that it was another girl.

They sat outside, eating their burgers and listening to the crickets and birds. It was the perfect summer night.

Sarah climbed into Natasha's lap and together they watched Steve and James play baseball. Sarah had tried it as well, but soon lost interest.

"Can I ballerina?" Her little girl looked up at her.

"You want to take ballet classes, sweetie?"

"Yes! I wanna be like you, mama! Dance!"

She kissed Sarah's perfect hair. "Then we'll look into that when we're back home."

"Tanks!" Her little girl beamed happily and pressed her face into Natasha's neck.

Natasha's first thought had honestly been to say no. Too many bad and bloody memories were connected to her own dancing lessons, but Sarah's childhood was different. She was loved and protected, and Natasha wanted her to fulfill her dreams.

The kids were tucked into bed, and Natasha and Steve enjoyed some alone time. They had danced outside on the patio before Steve had carried her to their bedroom to make love to her.

Steve's hand was on her baby bump while they softly kissed, whispering sweet nothings to each other. A quiet knock on the door startled them.

"Mommy?! Awake? Mommy? Daddy?"

"One sec, Sarah!" Steve jumped out of the bed, pulling his briefs back on.

Natasha chuckled and put on her own nightgown. The kids knew that they had to knock on the bedroom door and not just storm in. They didn't want to traumatize the children.

Steve was already by the door and opened it. "What's wrong, bunny?"

"Bad dream." Sarah whispered quietly, looking scared. "Sleep here? Please?"

Steve turned to look at Natasha and she nodded at her husband. "Of course. No one should be alone after a bad dream. Mama will keep them away, sweetie, don't worry." He picked her up and walked with her to the bed.

Sarah immediately crawled over to Natasha and snuggled into her arms. "Do you wanna talk about your dream, my love?"

"No." She shook her head.

"Okay." Natasha lied down and pulled the sheet over her and Sarah. "Daddy and I are here, and we'll always protect you. Always, baby."

Steve joined them and pulled Natasha into his arms, both Sarah and the baby between them. Sarah was already asleep again, one of her little hands on Natasha's bump. Steve brushed her red locks behind her ear and kissed the back of her head. Natasha smiled at her husband before she closed her eyes. In the morning she would send Steve to James's room to get him, so they could have a cuddle party.

James was proudly pushing the stroller, Natasha walking next to her son and baby. They had been at the farmers market and James had asked if he could push the stroller. He couldn't really see what was in front of him, so Natasha made sure that nothing could happen to her two babies. Toni had slept through the entire trip, but Natasha was sure that she would wake up soon and cry for food.

It was Autumn, but still warm, so they stopped to get ice cream. Natasha was back in charge of pushing the stroller and James walked by her side, enjoying his ice. James told her about school ( a part from her still couldn't believe that her baby was in elementary school!) and he was very excited about his first school trip.

Natasha carried the stroller into the house while James was holding his baby sister in his arms. God, he was such a great big brother to his sisters. She was relieved that her children had each other and would never be alone. They would have each other's backs.

Steve and Sarah weren't downstairs, but she could hear her daughter's delighted squeal. She took Toni from James, and the three of them made their way upstairs. Her baby was still sleeping in her arms and Natasha pressed her nose against Toni's head to breathe in the baby smell. There was no better smell in the world. They found Steve and Sarah in Sarah's room, having a tea party. Liho was lying on Sarah's bed and jumped off when she spotted James to say hello.

"Mama! Jamie!" She yelled, but lowered her voice when her gaze fell on her sister. "Toni." She whispered. "Daddy and I have a party! Come!"

Toni slept through the majority of the tea party and even James was pretending to drink tea to humor Sarah. The baby woke up and started to cry.

"Okay, I think Toni is hungry as well."

She fed her daughter, and just like her siblings, Toni Romanoff Rogers had a big appetite. Honestly, it was amazing that her body could produce so much milk. Helen had already explained to her when she had been breastfeeding James that he'd drunk so much because of the serums. Natasha looked down at her daughter who was just as beautiful as her brother and sister, and gently stroked her rosy cheek.

Sarah and James had lost interest in the tea party and had gone to James's room to play with his toys. Natasha looked up from Toni and saw that Steve was watching them and she could see his love for his family on his face.

"So beautiful." He whispered in awe and scooted over to pull her against his chest.

"Yeah, nothing more beautiful than a baby destroying your nipples." She deadpanned and Steve chuckled.

"I'm sorry that you're in pain." He kissed her head. "You are a true superhero!"

"Duh! I stopped several alien invasions!"

"I know. I was right by your side. But this...our family...that's the greatest adventure."

"Yes, it is." She looked down at Toni who'd had enough to eat and Natasha could button up her shirt again.

"Don't cover yourself up on my behalf." Steve grinned and took Toni from her to burp her.

She rolled her eyes and left the room to check on Sarah and James. They were trying to teach Liho some tricks with not that much of success. The cat was more successful in tricking the kids into giving her treats.

Natasha made a stew from the vegetables that she and James had brought at the farmers market, and the kids asked if they could watch a movie after dinner. James chose Mulan and the whole family sat down on the big couch to watch the movie. Steve had a sleeping Toni in his arms, Sarah had climbed into Natasha's lap, and James was sandwiched between his parents, his head leaning against his father's arm.

Natasha didn't focus on the film, she watched her family. The four people she loved more than anything, and who were her home. Clint had once told her that she would find her place in the world one day when she'd said that she didn't have one.

You were right, Clint. This, this right here is my place in the world. And I would have never found it without you. Thank you, Clint.