WOW: clock and sour. Castiel may know about cartoons, but he doesn't understand them …

I missed last week's challenge, so including last week's word as well as this one!

Disclaimer: I don't own them.


"Dean, why are you laughing? The coyote is only chasing the bird because it is a carnivore and needs to eat. It doesn't deserve to be crushed by a giant boulder."

"Chill Cas, stow the sour face; it's not real, it's only a cartoon."

"But why are you laughing? You don't normally laugh at the death of animals. You almost cried after you ran over that raccoon last week."

"Cas … first off, I wasn't crying, it … it was a dusty road. And second, cartoons are just funny. Like the coyote doesn't die. He'll just crawl out from under the rock, dust himself off and try to catch the roadrunner again."

"I do not understand."

*sigh* "See, when the coyote sees the roadrunner, the red mist comes down and he thinks up with ever more elaborate and bizarre plans to catch it which all backfire and he's the one who ends up getting hurt by them. And it's even funnier when he doesn't see it coming. Get it?"



"CAS? What the hell? You punched me!"

"You didn't see that coming. Was it funny?"

"No it freaking wasn't, look, I'm bleeding!"


"Is it because you're not a coyote?"

