Disclaimer- I don't own Hunger Games universe it belongs to Suzanne Collins. Neither do I own Miss Americana and Heartbreak Prince song from which this fanfic is loosely inspired. That belong to Taylor Swift. When I heard this song I thought it was more than a love song. And after hearing it and reading Taylor's statement:
"The song is about disillusionment with our crazy world of politics and inequality, set in a metaphorical high school." Taylor Swift said in her storyline explanation"I wanted it to be about finding one person who really sees you and cares about you through all the noise."
I knew it was more than a love song and that it will fit Madge and Gale and Capitol world perfectly. So I wrote this fanfic
Dedicated to all crazy people wanted new Gadge Fanfic.
They won. Both of them won. Madge couldn't believe weird twist of fate. Or the emotions she is feeling. First during night lock situation she was tensed she knew what it meant what it suppose to mean to people in district. A moment of hope. That no. We are not a part of your game. It was a dangerous thing Katniss did. Subconsciously. She didn't even know that what she started. She was so sure that gamemakers will decide to let them both die. But no. They didnt want to risk them being martyrs. So they let them both live.
After realizing that Madge felt relief and happiness. Her friends are coming home. Peeta and Katniss are coming home.
And suddenly there are celebrations all around in Madge house. All the Capitol visitor who were upset that the had to come to this backward district where nothing happens are exciting.
'Finally. District 12 will have a winner. And not a winner but 2 winners. Ain't destiny amazing. " A capitol visitor with hot red stripes on her skin says with a sigh.
Madge looks around seeing her Dad Mayor of district wearing his perfect fake smile and look of joy. Seeing his eves make her realise how much trouble her dear friends are in.
People of both town and Seam see Madge and Mayor Undersee through rosed color glasses. They see what they want to see. It sometimes help. It helps to keep Capitol off their backs. But they don't know the truth. They think it's simple. Mayor Undersee is the reason why this town is in so sad state. More than 90% of population go hungry. More than 60% dont have a roof . But their is Mayor Undersee living in a manor throwing parties. Wasting food at every turn. But they dont know parties are for capitol benifit and manor is to keep Capitol officials busy and away from poking their nose in district business. Every piece of food that is not eaten is donated.
Same is with Madge Undersee Mayors daughter. The princess. The good girl. Richest and Luckiest girl in the district . They know she will be lucky enough to leave backward district. She is only one always wearing pretty dress. Which can feed 10 people or more. She too has to maintain facade look the part whenever and wherever. You never know who is gonna be Capitols eyes or ears. Always on guard. Princess. They dont know that has a sick mother who is used by Capitol to keep Madge and more properly Mayor under control. They dont know she has no friends to turn to.
So through rose color glasses of district Madge and Mayor are privileged and happy people. Privileged they are but happy definitely not.
Seam and town all agreeing only one thing that: You can't trust Undersees.
Madge suddenly remembers the drills her dad taught her what to do when district has a victor. Madge never thought it will be of use. But here we are destiny always play a twisted joke.
Madge is happy really happy that Katniss and Peeta won. But she can see the big picture. The picture that all the rebels can see. She can see it in Mockingjay Pin she had given Katniss with hope that maybe it will help her with sponsors and other districts. She was right. But she would never had thought impact would be like that.
Madge know there is no time to think. She knows she has to get in role of hostess as her Mom is unable to. Madge 's dad with a smile stand up and say,"Let's raise our glasses to the winners of district 12: Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark. "
With that everyone clink their champagne glasses. Refills are being done every day. Madge just wants into role and starts gushing with others, "Oh. I knew Katniss would win. She always was so clever in our class. And the way she played the game" There are murmurs of agreement .
And Flia a capitol visitor with matte blue skin and glitter says. "Katniss is all good. But have you seen Peeta Melark and how he looks. And how they are in love "
That's enough for most of them to start blabbering about Peeta his handsomeness, Katniss, star cross lovers and Finnick Odair.
Madge's dad give her approving look and a sad smile
There are few visitor that actually are observing Madge and Mayor s behavior. So they join in the celebration too. But they can't wait till all the visitors will be gone. To have some peace.
Soon everyone is talking about to many things at a time. Suddenly Madge overheard Flia complain. " I have to do interviews now and I dont know which people to interview beside their families. "
"I know. It's like both of them have no social life. Anyone who would be ready to talk about their romance would be a good send." The other responds
"Oh darling Madge I have heard you go to school with both of them and go to their classes. " Flia says.
"Yes. I do" Madge respond.
"Great. So do you know anyone who Katniss sit with in school?" Flia asks
"She sat with me." Madge respond hesitantly.
"Perfect. You are even pretty and charming enough for camera. And you dont look like a peasant. I will interview you. So with Katniss Family and one of her cousin. We need someone interesting and I think you might be it. So I will see in an hour ?" Flia asks.
Madge wants to say no. But one look at her dad she knows this interview is important. So she replies, "I would be honored. "
And everyone talks excitedly about interview. She ask to change.
So here it is Madge is going to have a interview about Katniss and Peeta with Gale. Not awkward or tense at all.