Alfie stopped in his tracks and watched in shock as the car rolled over his lover. He felt as though he couldn't breathe. The car was going so fast, the tires screeched as it tried to stop, causing it to lose control and crash into the wall of the building beside Alfie. The driver's door flew open and Alfie saw red.

Matthew fell to his knees outside of the car as he coughed, blood creeping down his face from the crash. Alfie ran to him and punched him. Matthew fell on his back coughing harder as Alfie began to punch him until Matthew began to laugh.

"Did she think she could get away with embarrassing me?" Matthew spat as his face began to swell with the beating Alfie was inflicting. "That kike bitch is dead." He said before Alfie put his hands around his neck.

Alfie squeezed with all of his strength and Matthew began to grab at his arms, attempting to stop him. Alfie picked up his head, still squeezing his neck, and beat it against the pavement until blood began to pool. Matthew was dead. Alfie released him and fell back when he heard a gentle cough.

He turned and quickly got to his feet as he ran towards her. As he reached her in the middle of the road he slowed and examined her. He had never seen a body so broken.

"Alfie…" She said as she looked up at him.

Immediately Alfie fell to his knees and leaned over her. "I'm here, treacle." He said as he stroked her hair.

"Will…will you h-hold me?" She asked, her voice shaking from the struggle her lungs were having.

He was scared he would hurt her but as he looked at her, he knew he needed to do this. He slowly and gently lifted her upper body so that her head lay against his chest. She coughed as he lifted her.

"I-I can't feel my legs." She said in a scared voice. "I'm going to d-die, aren't I?"

Alfie attempted to control his breathing as he held her. "No. You're not going to die. We will get you to a hospital and when you get out, we will take that trip."

"Go to M-Margate?" She said a hint of a smile creasing the corner of her mouth.

"That's right, treacle. We will sell everything. Leave it all behind. You have my word; we will move to Margate. Just me, you, and Cyril. Then-"

"You hate that name…" She said with a light chuckle that induced more coughing.

"When did I say that? It's the perfect name for a dog." He said as he licked his lips and stroked her hair. "We will get through this, alright?" He said as his voice began to shake.

"Alfie, I love you." She confessed gently as a tear fell from the corners of her eyes.

Alfie clenched his jaw and looked away as he tried to gain control of his emotions.

Taking a deep breath, he looked back at her and said, "I love you too, Emma."

"Yeah?" She asked.

He nodded, "Yeah. Which is why you have to stay with me. Alright? You can't- you can't fucking leave me."

Emma picked up her broken hand and put it on Alfie's cheek. He put his hand on hers. As they lowered their hands, she grasped his as best she could and moved it to her chest, placing it on the marquis emerald on her chest.

"I'll never leave you." She said before she began to cough uncontrollably. She looked up at him as blood began to fall down her cheek from her mouth. "Promise me you won't let my father have me back."

"he will never lay eyes on you again." Alfie said as an emotional crease formed between his eyes.

Emma whispered, "I… love you… A-Alfie S-Solomons.."

Alfie shook his head profusely at her in denial of the inevitable, "Stay with me." He begged.

A small smile took over her lips as she looked up at him, "Mar…..gate…" She said as she exhaled, and Alfie watched the light leave her eyes.

Alfie scanned her face and saw the faint smile still lining her mouth that blood trailed from.

"Em-Emma?" He said as he took in deep breaths.

Emma lay motionless in his arms. She was gone.

Alfie made a fist in her hair as sorrow overwhelmed him. He pulled her up to him and kissed her hard on her forehead before hugging her close to him as tears fell uncontrollably down his face. He lowered her and took in the features of her face, running his thumb over her lips before closing her eyes. He couldn't bear to look into the dim green eyes that once shone so bright.

Alfie held her, as he wept silently, memorizing the feeling of having her in his arms when Tommy and May came down the alley.

"Emma!" May yelled as she ran towards Alfie, Tommy on her heels.

Alfie looked at her, his lips parted wanting to find words to say something, anything, but he couldn't.

"No. Nonono!" May said as she fell to her knees in front of Alfie and leaned down, placing her forehead on her cousins.

She clung to her cousin, sobbing. Tommy got on his knees behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. May immediately turned and flung her arms around Tommy's neck. Tommy examined the scene as he held the weeping May and silently concluded the car hit her and Alfie gave him a silent confirmation.

"We should move her out of the street." Tommy finally said.

May, her arms still around Tommy's neck, turned to look at her cousin's body as Alfie began to lift her. He held her delicately in his arms and carried her back to Camden Town.

15 minutes later…..

Oswald walked onto the street, looking for his brother. He hesitated when he saw the crashed car and looked beside it, finding his brother. Oswald knelt down and saw his brothers, bruised and swollen face, his eyes still open.

"Don't worry brother. They will not get away with this. These Jews will pay, you have my word."

6 Months Later in Margate…..

"Cyril, come here you fuckin bastard." Alfie said with a smile as his large, brown bull mastiff galloped to him. "Time to go for a walk, yeah?" He said as he scratched the dog's neck before attaching his lead.

Alfie patted the dog's side as he stood, and they began to walk toward the beach. Alfie walked through the sand and stopped, watching the water. The wind blew a salty breeze and Alfie's hair and coat moved in the wind.

"Well love. We finally made it." He said aloud.

"We did." She agreed with a smile and he looked over to see her bright green eyes.

"I'm only sorry it took so long."

"Don't be. We're here now." She said as she looked toward the water, her smile never fading.

The wind blew, but her hair didn't move, and her dress remained still.

"Do you think he will do it?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. Tommy will do it." Alfie said as he looked ahead as well. "I gave up his brother, again. For you know, insurance."

Emma laughed and turned to him, "Always so thorough."

Hearing her laugh again was like medicine to his soul.

"Does it hurt?" She asked him.

"The cancer? No." He said as he looked in the distance before looking at her, "Having had to wait so long to hear your voice? Yes."

She walked in front of him and stood, looking into his eyes.

"He'll be here soon." She said.

"Then it's all over." He said. "and I never have to be without you."

She gave a slight furrow of her eyebrows. "Oh, my love, I am always with you." She said as she put a hand over the small pocket in his vest that contained his pocket watch.

Alfie put his hand in the pocket and pulled out a gold full hunter pocket watch containing an embedded marquis emerald on the shield. He opened it, revealing a small picture of a woman with bright green eyes opposite the watch face.

He heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see that she was gone. He replaced his watch in its pocked and put his hands in his pocket as Tommy Shelby walked up.

"I do hope you're going to leave the dog out of this." Alfie said to Tommy.

"You were easy to find." Tommy responded.

"Well, there's a good reason for that, Tommy. I wanted it to be here." Alfie said and there she was, standing at the edge of the water.

She smiled at him while Tommy and Alfie conversed, his eyes never leaving her as the sun shined behind her as the wind had no effect on her hair or her dress.

"Tell him." She said.

"No. Don't be dull." Alfie said to Tommy, "The only thing I got on me, is fucking cancer mate."

Tommy didn't respond, so Alfie looked at him. Alfie continued talking and when he looked forward, she held her hand out.

"Fucking get on with it and stop acting like a little girl." Alfie told Tommy.

"He won't do it, my love." She said as she began to withdraw her hand and Alfie shot at him.

Tommy shot back.

Alfie opened his eyes, laying on the ground.

"It's about time you woke up." She said smiling down on him.

"Where the fuck am I?" He asked as he put his hand on her waist.

Emma looked toward the ocean and smiled. "We're in Margate." She said before she leaned down and kissed him.