
'Normal thoughts'


~location and transitions~

Disclaimer I don't own Star vs the Forces of Evil

Potential start of the story

Eclipsa stood in front of the high magic commission with a smile on her face. She knew what was about to happen but at the moment she was happy as Glossaryck had told her that her baby will be ok.

Omnitraxus Prime moved forwards as he spoke "Queen Eclipsa it is the decision of the Magic High Commission that you be imprisoned for all time for your crimes. Do you have anything to say?"

Eclipsa smiled wider as she posed in a way to show herself as a proper lady "make sure you get my good side."

Lekmet smiled a bit at this before frowning as although it was by majority vote he felt this to be too much for a punishment "baaaaa"

Omniprax looked back to Lekmet "it has to be done. You know that."

Lekmet just bowed his head as he took a step back to be by Glossaryck who was sitting on his floating book.

Rhombulus grew extremely impatient and without anyone giving him the go he shot his crystal beam at Eclipsa and she was soon encased in a large crystal

Hekapoo threw one of her arms in the air "what the heck Rohombulus!"

Rhombulus looked at her as he raised both his limbs in the air "what?! She was talking too much and she said to get her good side so I did it!"

Hakapoo just slapped her palm in her face as she shook her head.

Omnipraxus turned to look at Hekapoo "whats done is done. Now we must do what we must with that." he said as he pointed at the thing that Hekapoo was holding in her left arm.

Glossaryck floated over to Hekapoo as he examined the bundle "hmm. Hmm. hmm?" he floated around it and lifted the blanket and looked at it "I have an idea on what to do."

Hekapoo turned her head to Glossaryck as she gave him an incredulous look "are you sure you have an idea and not just a whim that you think will work?"


Everyone only sighed at Glossaryck's answer

Hekapoo looked down at the bundle and unwrapped it. In her arms was a baby. The baby had a tuft of brown hair on the top, his eyes were a bright green color with the pupils slitted like a feline. On each of his cheeks were crescent mon symbols and from springing out of the blanket was a dark purple tail with the tip having another tuft of brown fur. "So what are we going to do with the little guy?"

Glossaryck floated away a bit before gesturing them to follow him.

~later, large chamber~

Each member of the commission were standing in a large circle with their arms extended and palms facing the center, where the baby lay.

Rhombulus grumbled as he shifted his eye to the others "why can't I just freeze him like the other two?"

Hekapoo snorted as he looked at Rhmbulus "that can't be the answer for everything! Besides, this is Glossaryck's idea."

Omnipraxus looked at them "alright that's enough you two. Now let's begin."

They all began to chant out the spell "We of the high commission call upon the void of magic to cease the magic. We cease the magic of one to restrain the one and to send him off for the betterment of all."

As they finished the spell a large portal appeared above the baby, who was sucking on his tail.

The baby looked at the portal and clapped his hands as he thought it was pretty. He reached out to it as he began to float up into it. As he entered the portal he continued to giggle.

Once the baby was inside the portal, it closed and everyone collapse on to their hands and knees, except for Glossaryck, as it had taken tremendous amounts of magic.

Hekapoo looked to Glossaryck as she caught her breath "you know where he ended up?"

Glossaryck put his hand on his chin in thought until he just said "I don't know."

~present day~

Crying could be heard at the front door of a couple. When they opened the door they looked down to see that on their porch was a baby wrapped in a bundle.

The woman immediately bent down and picked the baby up "oh you poor thing. Who would leave a baby like you here? Aw, you're so adorable."

The man went closer as the baby began to calm down and smiled at them "what is your name nino?"

The woman looked through the blanket to see a named stitched on it "Marco. Such a nice name. Come on let's get you inside."

The man was tickling the baby as he spoke "look honey, he has your eyes!"

End of chapter

I've been thinking about how I would start the story and give a way for how Marco being born long before the show started to end up in the present day so I came up with that spell. It was inherently a banishment spell that removes magical attributed on the person as well as sends them through space and time.

This is basically a prototype of the first chapter of my SVTFE that I have yet to start writing. I will get to it eventually but I don't know when

Hope you like it

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