Late in January in the snowy city of Edmonton Alberta Canada, there was a massive mansion that was far away from the city. Inside of the villa were four people, three of them were former Total drama Contestant Cody, Lindsay, and Bridgette the fourth person was Tv Host Blaineley.

Cody Pov

Now I know what you are thinking right now why me, Lindsay, Bridgette, end up in this house. Well, about 3 hours ago the four of us were in a limo going to some Tv event for new shows that producer Total drama cooked up and we have been invented guests to the event. The drive to the Tv event was not too special I chatted with Lindsay and Bridgette while Blaineley wasn't too happy to be sharing a limo with us. Then about round the time, we're halfway to the Edmonton the limo driver had stopped when he saw a bleeding homeless men in the middle of the road and the limo driver went to check on him.

The next thing I know, the homeless men bites a large chunk of the limo driver's neck and starts to eat him. Like any other average person who sees a person eating another person, we all scream in horror then several more people like the homeless started to pop up. Lindsay out nowhere gets out of the limo and gets into the driver side of the limo and drove us away from those people who now I realize are zombies, but Lindsay wasn't the best at driving, and we crashed into a tree. By pure luck, we came across this mansion that looks like it belongs in Beverly hills we go into the house and I find a security button next to the front door and a bunch of house security turns on with an electric fence that covers the whole house popped out of the ground. As of right now, I'm trying to process the situation we're in and how this zombie outbreak started and did it affect the whole country, even the world only time could tell.

Third Pov

Day 2

Cody comes out of the house entertainment room after watching a couple of old episodes of Family Guy trying to take his mind off the zombies that were around the house. He goes into the kitchen to get a snack where he sees Bridgette at the kitchen table, eating an orange she was looking depressed. Cody grabs a bag of chips and sits next to Bridgette to see what is wrong with her.

Bridgette turns to Cody "hey, Cody,"

"Hey, Bridgette, how are you doing?"

"Not so well you know with zombies actual being real and crawling around outside,"

"I know crazy, right?"

"Yeah, I keep thinking it's some trick that Chris cooked up to get more views but seeing as there was a lot more of things outside it's not a trick,"

"Bridgette we're safe here, and those zombies wouldn't get in,"

"True but what about our friends Cody they might be in the city, and they could've gotten bitten by a zombie,"

"Let's just hoping no one didn't Bridgette we'll find them soon as it's safe to go outside I promise,"

Cody and Bridgette kept sitting next to each other as Cody tries to help Bridgette to feel better. After the two teen talk, Cody left the kitchen to explore more of the mansion when he came across Lindsay listening to music on her phone.

"I thought she would react more scared in this situation after last night then I thought, I guess people have their own way of handling this outbreak," Cody thought as he didn't want to disturb from her music

Then Cody found Blaineley hitting the Tv in the dining room, trying to get to the tv to work.

"Work you piece of shit," said Blaineley

Cody comes in the room "you know that going to help get it to turn on,"

Blaineley turns to Cody in a sour mood "you have any better ideas on making this Tv work nerd?"

Cody ignore Blaineley insults and see the problem with the Tv "Blaineley you forget to plug in the TV," Cody grabbing the plug off the floor

"Great now I feel like an idiot," Blaineley grabbed the cord and plug in the Tv

It turns on to the News show with the anchormen wearing a white-collar shirt and loose red tie and grey hair.

"We got information that the zombie outbreak has are contained in the north and east of Canada," said the anchormen

"Okay what about if there any rescue coming this way," said Blaineley

"Just listen Blaineley," said Cody

"Know for any survivors that are in those areas must wait a few weeks before the military can come and rescue them,"

"A few weeks!" said Blaineley shouted

"Survivors must stay indoors, don't go outside, if someone bit you must destroy the brain and now for sports," Blaineley turns the Tv off

"A few weeks huh, we need to check if this place has any more food and material that could last until rescue can come,"

"You do that I'm going to take a bubble bath to calm me down," Blaineley walks off

"Why does she have to be so hot and a major bitch," Cody thought then looking a Tv "I hope we can survive this outbreak at all,"