Being back in his home state was a bittersweet feeling for Jon Moxley. The former Dean Ambrose hadn't been back home since leaving WWE. But, this week, AEW's weekly program was going live in Columbus on Wednesday, so Moxley was back whether he was ready or not.

Aside from wrestling, Jon was mostly looking forward to trying out a new massage parlor he read about online. It had just opened up and apparently had an all-female staff. Jon was a happily married man, but getting a deep tissue massage from the soft hands of some girl did seem very pleasant. A long few months on the road did take its toll eventually, after all.

Jon parked his rental outside the building his phone's GPS led him to. "A Moment of Bliss", stylized in a fancy cursive font, stood over the front door. It was pretty discreet and well hidden within the suburbs of the town, but it was apparently the most popular in the area. Jon wasn't used to having himself pampered like a soccer mom after dropping her kids off, but his back was killing him from a recent table spot and he could use some relaxation.

Jon stepped inside the air-conditioned building. A bell above the door dinged. Jon scanned the room a few times over. He was surprisingly the only person in the lobby, aside from the receptionist. The place was brightly lit and had pink and white flowers decorating the walls. The girly decorations and fake plants made Jon grown and wish he just gutted it out for a few more days and had Renee, his wife, rub his back instead. But, the Latina sitting behind the reception desk looked at Jon with a friendly grin, so Moxley decided to stay and find out what all the hype was about.

"Hi. Welcome to 'A Moment of Bliss'. I'm Zelina, how may I help you?" The receptionist spoke with a soft New York accent. Her smile was simply for customer satisfaction, Jon could tell that much, but he wasn't too concerned about her style of smiling.

"Uh, yeah, I heard about you guys online," Jon said with a shrug. "Figured I'd give it a look. I've been sore as hell for a few days."

"No problem. What package can I interest you in?" Zelina asked, her bright smile never wavering for a moment.

"Uh, package?" Jon mused out loud. He barely scanned the reviews long enough to know the different things they were offering. Jon mostly saw the five stars and urgency from some to come back as soon as they could.

Zelina handed Jon a pamphlet. "Yes, we offer several different packages. We have the standard, deluxe and premium. You can have the massage, Brazilian wax or the massage and Brazilian wax combo. We have a discount for the wax/massage combo right now if that interests you."

Jon shook his head. "Just the massage. I guess I'll do the standard."

"Sure, no problem. Name please?" Zelina asked, her professional demeanor still painted on her face.

"Uh, Jon Moxley," Jon said. "Don't, uh, tell anyone I was here."

Zelina nodded. "We keep all of our clients perfectly discreet. It's part of our policy."

Jon smirked. "Good. My wife would kill me if she knew I was doing this."

Zelina typed a few things on her computer. "It appears that you're a first time visitor, so do you prefer a male or female masseuse?"

"Uh, chick. Please." Jon said with a chuckle.

"Ok, that'll be five hundred dollars," Zelina stated.

"Holy shit," Jon muttered as he dug in his pockets for his credit card. "Better be a good massage."

Zelina swiped Jon's card. After a moment, she gestured to a curtain hanging next to her desk. "Just go ahead and step in there. Your masseuse will be with you shortly. Feel free to disrobe and wrap yourself in a towel. Room three, please."

Jon nodded and thanked the woman for her help. Jon stepped through the curtain. For a moment, he expected a wrestling ring to be on the other side, but he chuckled to himself and rolled his eyes.

Room three had its curtain open. Jon stepped into the small room, stripped himself naked, then wrapped a towel around his waist and laid stomach side down on the massage table in the middle of the room.

In no time at all, a woman entered the room from the opposite side Jon came in. The tiny woman was blonde with red streaks in her hair. She wore a plain white sleeveless tee and a short pair of shorts to match. Jon admitted he found the girl extremely attractive. Her exquisite curves and enhanced set of breasts did catch Jon's attention. But, like a reflex, he remembered he had a loving wife waiting for him back home.

"Good afternoon, sir," the blonde woman greeted with a warm smile that closely looked as staged as Zelina's. "My name is Alexa. I will be giving you your 'Moment of Bliss' today."

"Wow, you're pretty hot," Jon said. "I was expecting a big Samoan lady to come in here and break my back."

"If you'd prefer, Nia is here today. She's six foot one and specializes in dominate-"

"I was just kidding, miss," Jon cut in. The mental image of a large woman actually coming in and manhandling him touched a few nerves that Jon didn't particularly like.

Alexa smiled again. "Ok. Just relax and we can begin."

Jon laid his face down. Alexa started pushing down on his shoulders with the tips of her fingers. Right away, some of the knotted up muscles in his upper back started to pop. Jon let out a groan of relief, which made Alexa giggle.

"You have a lot of stress in your shoulders, Mr Moxley," Alexa commented. "Do you play sports?"

"I'm a pro-wrestler- HOLY FUCK," Jon groaned. "This is what I get for carrying the company on my back."

"You sound like a very important man, Mr Moxley," Alexa stated.

"Please, call me Jon," Jon insisted. "Mr Moxley was an asshole."

Alexa giggled again. "I'll keep that in mind."

Alexa continued working on Jon's upper back. Jon groaned loudly into the table. Perhaps wrestling the hardcore style he was used to was finally catching up to him, but Jon loved it and he didn't plan on slowing down any time soon. Alexa worked her way down to Jon's mid-back and eventually his legs. Jon made a comment about Alexa taking the time to rub his 'glutes', but Alexa simply chuckled and declined.

"Ok, now I'll have you roll over to your back," Alexa instructed.

Jon did as he was told and rolled over. Alexa started by rubbing Jon's chest. The only thing visible to Jon at the moment was Alexa's chest just a few inches from his face. He didn't know if Alexa was purposefully rubbing her tits in his face, but Jon surely wasn't going to complain.

Alexa switched to rubbing Jon's midsection. It tickled slightly, but Jon kept his laughter down to keep from embarrassing himself in front of Alexa.

Alexa massaged the back of Jon's legs, then dug into the soles of his feet with her thumbs. Jon groaned again, nearly yelling out.

"A lot of built up pressure in your feet, Jon," Alexa pointed out. "You should really get them massaged more often."

Finally, Alexa set Jon's foot down. Jon sighed happily. He was actually feeling somewhat relaxed for maybe the first time in his life.

"Ok, time for the last touch," Alexa announced. "I have a bottle of imported oils from Spain. It helps stimulate the skin and makes the experience so much better for you. I should know especially. I have my fiance use this all the time."

"Fiance? Damn," Jon joked with himself.

Alexa tugged on the fold in Jon's towel. Jon's eyes popped open, thinking he might've been overthinking what Alexa was doing. He felt a few drops of oil suddenly on the shaft of his cock and, making him grunt in both surprise and sexual desire, Alexa gripped him with both hands and started loosely stroking him.

"W-what are you doing?" Jon sputtered. Alexa's hands, the oil and his total relaxation were causing him to nearly climax just as Alexa began.

"Lubricating your cock. You ordered the standard package, right?" Alexa asked, switching her left hand to focus on softly rubbing Jon's testicles while her right pumped slowly at his stiff cock. "It comes with a normal massage, followed by a handjob with imported oils. Zelina should've shown you the pamphlet."

"I guess I didn't read it carefully enough," Jon groaned. "What kind of exotic massage place is this?"

Alexa giggled. "Erotic, not exotic. Don't worry, you aren't the first to mix it up."

Jon peaked at the woman massaging his most precious body parts. Alexa's soft fingers nimbly stroked his cock, while gently squeezing his balls. The tiny blonde made eye contact with Jon and smiled. Her smile for once actually looked genuine.

"How does it feel?" Alexa asked.

"I think I'm about to fucking cum," Jon groaned, letting his head fall back again.

"I'm not surprised. The massage relaxes you entirely," Alexa explained. "Then, with the oils making your cock extra sensitive, your entire body focuses on my hands."

Jon felt a little guilty about doing this while married. But, then again, both of Alexa's hands were gliding up and down his rock hard shaft and he couldn't think about anything that didn't involve cumming all over himself.

"Please use your mouth," Jon sputtered.

"That's deluxe only, Jon. But since I assume you'll be a return client, I'll give you a free preview," before Jon could ask for clarification, Alexa suddenly took him all the way into her mouth. She paused for a moment at the base of his cock to swirl her tongue around his entire length, then pulled her head back up. Her lips made a crisp pop when she broke away. The second her lips left Jon's cockhead, he erupted in a geyser of cum. "There we go," Alexa stated with a giggle. "Mmmm, so much cum. It looks so tasty too."

Jon grunted as more cum oozed from his stiff member. His entire body felt like it had gone numb and he couldn't even imagine trying to move at this point.

Alexa retrieved a soft washcloth and mopped up all of Jon's release. She made eye contact with her client and licked some extra cum off her hand. Jon dropped his head again and moaned, baiting another laugh from the tiny blonde.

"Feel free to get dressed whenever you can," Alexa said. "I'll give you my card so you can personally request me next time if you want."

"What does the premium package get me?" Jon's eyes scanned over every inch of the blonde woman. Try as he might, his imagination couldn't do justice to the stunning blonde eyeing him down.

"A full body massage with the imported oils," Alexa leaned close to Jon's ear and scratched her fingertips through his hair. "And I'll let you cum inside me. If you want." She whispered in his ear with so much sultriness in her voice, Jon nearly came again.

"I just want to cum in your mouth," Jon admitted.

"Get the deluxe package then," Alexa offered with a wink. "But, for now, I have to check in with the list to see if I have another client."

Jon watched Alexa disappear behind the curtain she entered from, but not before she handed him her personal card.

"You bet that sweet, fuckable ass of yours I'm coming back," Jon muttered to himself, gradually sitting up so he could get dressed again.