A New World

Despite the fact that they were were two demigods and a satyr, fighting against the king of all Titans (Sure, he was in Luke's body, but that was inconsequential), they were actually winning!

Through heartfelt words, directed towards the dormant demigod, they were able to slowly chip away at Kronos's power. It took a while, but, with Luke's slowly resurging consciousness, Percy was able to knock the Titan's sword into the fires of the Hearth. Allowing Luke to regain control of his body, though temporarily.

Realizing what the prophecy truly stood for, Percy gave Luke Annabeth's knife, the cursed blade. He watched solemnly as Luke removed the armour around his arm revealing his Achilles heel, he smiled sadly looking up at Annabeth.

There were no words conveyed between the two of them, but even a person as dense as Percy, could feel the sadness eminating from both of them. He then turned slowly away from her and looked towards Percy, nodding respectfully. Percy returned the gesture.

Bringing up the knife towards his Achilles heel, and taking a deep breath plunged the knife into it, sacrificing himself for the cause of the demigods, and ending the second Titanomachy.

Unfortunately, I the nanoseconds before Luke died, Kronos, regained his consciousness long enough to perform one last act of vengeance.

He hurled Perceus Jackson through space and time.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A Demigod? Hmmmmm, what to do? What to do? Ooooh, I know! There, much better! Now go spread madness for me my new minion! Heh, Akatosh is gonna be sooooo mad!"

Percy's POV

My vision blurred as I woke up. My body hurt all over despite the Curse of Achilles... Wait, the Curse of Achilles? Memories flowed back into my mind suddenly. What.. Had happened? We had won hadn't we? So where was I? I remembered Luke stabbing himself... and... then nothing.

No, not nothing, I... had heard a voice, something about spreading madness.

"Hey you! You're finally awake?" The voice jolted me out of my musings and I finally looked up seeing a blond man wearing a uniform, with his hands bound with rope. Wait... bound with rope? I looked around to find that there were two more people near me, one a skinny man with black hair and the other was a burly man wearing armour outlined with fur. Both were also bound with rope and for some reason the second man had his mouth also bound shut. Though I had a feeling it had something to do with the powerful aura that eminated from him. I instantly knew that this man was dangerous, more so than any normal human had a right to be.

I looked onto the scenary passing by and I knew that I was no longer in his world anymore. Well, either that, or I was sent to the past, which now that I think about it, is more plausible with Kronos being the Titan of time. It would also explain that I was being carried along in a carriage, instead of a van... or something.

"You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush." The blond man that had awoken me jolted me out of my thoughts again. I nodded at him, wanting to gather more information before I escaped. "Same as us, and that thief over there." He continued nodding towards the skinny guy I had looked at earlier.

"Damned Stormclokes!" The man I now knew was a thief cursed. "Skyrim was fine until you came along. The Empire was nice and lazy." He continued looking at the man sitting in front of him (the burly man) with scorn. Stormcloaks , huh? I don't think I've ever heard that before... though I probably don't have the best history with history (heh).

"If they hadn't been looking for you, I would've been half way to Hamerfell by now!" Honestly I felt for the guy, he was just minding his buissness, and now was probably getting imprisoned for that. He then turned towards me. "You there! You and me, we shouldn't be here you know. It's these damned Stormcloaks they want." Somehow, I didn't think they'd believe the fact that we weren't with them, but I could be wrong. I still wore the clothes I had while fighting Kronos (though they were little more than rags now), unlike the uniforms these 'Stormcloaks' wore,and even the scrawny guy wore rags instead of the aforementioned uniform. So, best case scenario they think we're the prisinors of the Stormcloaks so they might let us live or... they'd imprison us.

Yeah... our odds really weren't that good. "Ulfric Stormcloak?!" The thief exclaimed in shock and disbelief. Stormcloak , huh, so the rebellions (if I had to guess) followed him... that means they weren't going to imprison us! They were going to execute us! Well crap! Time to escape from this place right now!

The burly man, Ulfric turned towards me as I started started gathering the water molecules in the air to help with my escape. He shook his head, dissuading me from doing anything that would alert the various guards present. I stopped gathering magic looking at him questioningly. He gave me a look basically saying Just Wait, so I decided to humour him, for now at least. I was pretty confident that I could take an army of humans(however strong they may be) and still win! After all, I had fought Titans, and Gods and still come out on top!

The carriage stopped moving pushing me out of my narcissistic thoughts. Despite the fact that I wasn't listening to most of the conversation I had gotten the gist of it. If I had to guess, this was some kind of a fake surrender by Ulfric, a way to get inside the country without causing too much suspicion and get right under these 'Imperial's' noses... a Trojan horse if you will. Ralof (the blond guy) stood first and then the rest of us did as well (though the scrawny guy was the last). Though I was curious as to how they were going to get out of the bonds, other than Ulfric, I didn't think there was anyone here that was substantially strong.

We were in a small village only around a mile in radius if I had to guess, but the place was crawling with soldiers wearing shiny steel armour.

"No wait! We're not rebels!" The thief shouted in protest but there was none that believed him. There were two soldiers standing in front of our cart. One was a man holding a book while the other was a woman with the air of a leader around her.

"Step towards the block when we call your name!" The one I assumed was the leader stated, looking at the us with scorn.

"The Empire and their damn lists!" Ralof bit out, before walking forward as his name was called.

"Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm." Ulfric walked forward nodding towards me as he did. I just gave him a look, that he'd regret it if something bad happened.

"Lokir of Roriksted" The soldier called.

"No! I'm not a rebel! You can't do this!" He said trying to run away. I thought of stopping him, but decided otherwise, and I was right to do so, as one of the soldiers shot an arrow to the back of his head, killing him instantly.

"Anyone else feel like running?" Who I assumed was the captain asked, looking straight me.

"Wait... you there, " The soldier with the book said looking at me. "You, step forward." Doing as he asked. "Who are you?"

Deciding to play the amnesiac, I looked at him with confusion and fear in my eyes. "I... don't know." I said with shaky breaths. (Woah! I am a good acter! And by good, I mean good!) The man looked at me with sadness in his eyes, as if I weren't the first person he'd met that is an amnesiac. He looked at the woman, that I'd assumed as a captain, behind him.

"Captain, what do we do? He's not on the list." Huh, so I was right in my assumption... Man! I am on fire!

"Forget the list! He goes on the block!" She said. Somehow, I got the feeling that she didn't like me. Sighing, I walked towards the block and stood waiting.

"Ulfric Stormcloack" A middle aged man, the general (probably) stated looking at him. He was wearing an armour shining silver and gold. "Some here in Helgen call you a hero." So that's the name of the village. "But a hero doesn't use a power like the Thu'um, to murder his king and usurp his throne!" Ulfric just looked on not fazed even a little bit by the General's words. "You plunged Skyrim Skyrim into chaos! And now the Empire is going to put you down! With you gone, peace will be restored!" I really don't know why this guy has considered Ulfric to be defeated already. Didn't he at least assume that this could be a trick? Always prepare for the worst! Honestly, rookie mistake guys, rookie mistake.

Just then, a roar was heard in the distant. Everybody looked around in alarm and I narrowed my eyes looking at Ulfric questioningly. He shook his head, confirming my suspicion that this wasn't his doing. "What was that?!" One of the soldiers asked in shock. "It was nothing carry on." The General scoffed, before turning around and walking away.

"Now, Read them their last rites priestess." The captain ordered looking at the woman wearing the golden robe. Wow, they must really respect their customs, if they were giving the Stormcloaks (people they basically hate), their rights (heh).

"As we commend your souls to ethereus, blessings of the 8 divines upon you-" She started, but was

"You, prisoner," The captain from before yelled looking at me. "come here!" I just followed her orders, going towards the block. I looked at Ulfric, just as I kneeled I put my head on the block not scared one bit.

Now some people might be scared of having their head cut off, but honestly, all it would do, is tickle me. I mean, not to be arrogant or anything, but with the Curse of Achilles, there were very few things that could actually hurt me. An axe, however big it may be, is not one of them.

The roar was heard once again, though now it seemed even more nearer than before. Again, everybody looked around, on guard for what may come. Yet minutes passed by and nothing happened, slowly but surely, evebody relaxed.

The executioner, a man wearing a black mask and holding a huge axe, stepped forward, raised the axe and would've swung downwards were it not for the huge shadow that descended on the village.

Despite kneeling down, I could feel the power eminating from somewhere above me I didn't doubt that whatever it was, it was strong and I mean strong! Not even Kronos had this much power in him (at least not when he was in Luke). With everyone distracted, I looked up, to see the cause and... OH MY GOD! It was at that time, the dragon (yes a motherfucking dragon), took a deep breath in and blew fire out of its mouth. Completely burning down everything in its path.

I quickly got up, looking around for Ulfric as I did so, but the man was no where to be seen. Using my superior strength, I broke the bindings and ran towards one of the buildings (that hadn't burnt down) I had seen Ralof go into. As I entered, I saw Ralof getting bandaged by a woman. I made my way towards him, determined to get some answers.

He stood up, as he saw me coming and beckoned me to follow him. But I wasn't having any of that. I grabbed his hand stopping him immediately and looked him in the eye.

"We need to help the people!" I basically ordered him, but he turned around scoffing.

"What people? Everyone's either dead or dying!" He said, glaring at me, for implying that he didn't want to help his people. "Now you can either follow me or fight for a lost cause!" Even though I didn't like it, there was no doubt in my mind that I would be destroyed were I to fight the dragon. Curse of Achilles or not, I would die. So despite not liking my options, I decided to him, for now at least.

Not waiting for my decision, he started running up the stairs, feeling the danger that was about to come, I pulled him back just in time to prevent him from turning into mush, as the wall caved in under the force of the top part of another building crashed into ours. He nodded at me thanking me for saving his life.

I looked over at the opening caused by the thrown building (I tried not think of that, but damn), the outlines of a plan formed in my head. And so, looking over at Ralof, I jumped, covering over fifty feet with one leap. Rolling as I landed, my body filled with adrenaline as I looked around, surveying the area I was in and... the place was littered with bodies either dead or dying. Making up my mind, I turned around towards the huge dragon, the molecules the air quickly forming into water and then compressing into a solid so strong, that even drills would have trouble cutting it. I no longer had riptide, I knew that, so for now, this would have to suffice.

I ran towards the dragon, leaping over a partially burnt building, this dragon... it had killed thousands, and that was just in the last hour! I was going to stop it! If it was the last thing I do!

I slashed upwards upon reaching the dragon causing a literal wave of water to cut into it. But the water splashed harmlessly against it. The dragon turned towards me its one red eye bigger thany whole body! It took a deep breath in, sensing its attack, I moved, already crossing over a hundred meters.

"FUS" It shouted, a huge telekinetic force leaving its mouth and travelling towards me at ungodly speeds, destroying literally everything in its path. Using my powers to speed myself up, I tried to get away from it, but it was no use. The blast hit me knocking me out instantly.

And Done! OK, I know a lot of you guys want me to complete my other stories, but I really wanted to test this idea out. So yeah... I will be continuing the other stories, buuuuttttt they might take a while, 'cause of writers block. Anyway, I know, I know, you people are thinking, "oh oh oh, this isn't what happened In the game ultimategohan, you're an idiot, I hate u." Well frick off alright, this is an AU. Also, it's really hard to believe that some as strong and cunning as Ulfric would've been captured as easily as in the game. Also, like Percy said, Aludin, is huge! Unlike in the game, where he's about as big as a building, in this one, he'd make aeroplane jealous with his size. Also about how strong percy is... well he got his ass handed to him by Aludin, so no worries there. Hope u guys like the story. READ REVIEW! Love u. Bye bye.