Jumping into the air, the homicidal legionnaire flew under Percy, missing him by a hair. Just as the machine was passing under Percy, he willed a sword of ice into his hand. Slashing down, Percy caught the machine where its neck should have been, cleaving the head of the robot off in one clean stroke.

The decapitated legionnaire's propulsors shut down and it fell in a lifeless heap on the floor. Landing on his feet, Percy tried to steady himself but was blindsided as another legionnaire tackled him. The two went sprawling over the stairway before landing with a crunch on the floor of the level below. Using the momentum caused by the fall, Percy grasped the legionnaire around the cuirass, and pulled himself and the machine up. With a heave, he tossed it into a nearby wall. The legionnaire bounced off the wall, and Percy's fist met metal cheek and it collided with the wall a second time. Grabbing the machine by an arm, Percy tripped it and released his hold on its arm and grabbed it by the leg. Using the leg as a focal point, Percy stomped hard on the legionnaire's head, crushing it.

Knowing he needed to get back into the fight, Percy launched himself back up onto the second level. Vaulting over the bannister, he quickly had to duck to avoid Steve riding on the back of a suit as it flew overhead. He did a brief scan of the area; Steve and Tony were working on a suit each. He watched as Nat threw a terrified looking Banner over the bar and behind cover. Thor was trying to cover for Clint as the archer tried to recover his footing on the stairs. Which left Rhodey and Hill; between the two only Hill had a pistol and there was a pair of suits advancing on them quickly.

Making his decision, Percy took off running. After a few paces, he leaped, channeling his will of the sea as he did so. His body took on the form of water vapor and he rematerialized directly over one of the legionnaires. Landing on its back, Percy drove his ice sword up through the back of its neck, right where the brain-stem would have been on a normal person. The machine fell lifeless to the floor, and Percy had to roll to his left as a blast from a propulsor shot through the air where his head had been a moment ago.

Jumping to his feet, Percy met the gaze of Rhodey and nodded at him. The man looked confused for a moment, but nodded back all the same, Percy shot a look and a subtle gesture with his hand to Hill, telling her she could back off, and Percy was pleased to see that she got the message. He knew that the former deputy director was more than capable of defending herself, but to be honest, using a Glock nine-millimeter against one of Stark's suits would be like trying to cut through wood with safety scissors.

On Percy's motion, both he and Rhodey shot forward. Percy ducked under the outstretched arm of the machine, wrapping one hand around its forearm as he did so, and with the hand holding the sword construct, he tossed the sword to Rhodey. Percy rotated his body and pulled the other arm around him. With one of the robot's arms behind its back, Percy quickly twisted the other. Planting one foot on the suits back, Percy kicked the machine while he simultaneously pulled on each of the arms. With a screeching of metal, Percy pulled the arms free from the joints as he kicked the suit directly into the path of Rhodey. Rhodey had caught the sword and as the armless legionnaire stumbled at him, he swung the sword and took the head off in one clean stroke.

Turning his attention back to the room at large, Percy saw that both Tony and Steve had taken care of their targets. Percy turned his attention to where the original Ultron had appeared, in time to see Steve whip his shield into the chest of the final legionnaire.

The room fell still, save for the soft clinking of the original Ultron's metal feet as it paced along the floor.

"That was dramatic," it stated dryly, "I'm sorry, I know you mean well, you just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved, if it's not allowed to evolve? With these?" It leaned down and picked up one of the fallen suits by the head piece, before crushing it into pieces, "These puppets. There's only one path to peace. The Avengers extinction."

Thor had heard enough apparently, as he whipped Mjölnir into the chest of the psychotic bot. The machine exploded into parts, but its headpiece stayed intact. As the light began to fade from the reactor in its chest, it began to sing.

"I had strings

But now I'm free

There are no strings on me"

Which was a bit more than Percy could handle, so he threw a javelin of water through the reactor in its chest, which caused the machine to shut down entirely. The room turned to look at the newcomer, and Percy just shrugged, "Nothing good ever comes from the bad guy singing." he said simply.

And the room fell silent once more.


Banner was working through a monitor at a small workstation in the lab he and Tony used, as Percy filled up a small glass of water in a nearby sink.

"All our work is gone. Ultron cleared out, he used the internet as an escape hatch." he said,

Natasha looked up from her own work at a nearby table, "He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we do about each other."

Percy quirked a speculative brow at that; he had been under the impression that these people had been friends, but that little throwaway comment seemed to imply that the group around him hardly knew one another. Something else, he would need to try and rectify. Closing the spigot, he took the glass over to a nearby chair, where Hill was sitting with a pair of tweezers trying to pull shards of glass out of her foot. He pointed quietly at her foot and she looked at him slightly puzzled, and shot a look at Natasha who just nodded at her. Apprehensive, but curious, the woman turned her attention back to Percy and nodded slowly at him.

Getting onto one knee, Percy set the glass on the floor, and willed the water into the air. The water coalesced into a sphere that floated in the air. Percy waved the sphere of water over so that it engulfed the woman's foot. Narrowing his eyes in concentration, Percy focused on allowing the water to pull the shards of glass out. The woman gasped softly at the strange sensation, but otherwise stayed quiet, watching in fascination as Percy worked.

Rhodey spoke up as Percy worked on Hill's foot, "He's in your files, he's in the internet. What if he tries to access something a little more exciting?"

"Nuclear codes," said Hill softly, her attention still on Percy.

"Nuclear codes," Rhodey affirmed, "Look we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

"He isn't going to nuke us," Percy said, still concentrating on the foot. He had finished pulling the glass out and was now focusing on closing the many small wounds. "This isn't about destroying the planet. This is about destroying you. Destroying the Avengers. You heard him, he said he wanted the Avengers 'extinct', whatever the hell that means." Percy watched, as the final wound closed on the woman's foot. Percy focused the water off of the appendage, and pushed it slowly back into the cup. Grabbing the foot in one hand, he turned it slowly side to side and inspected his handy work. Nodding in satisfaction he stood up, and took the bloody water back to the sink, and dumped it.

Watching him in utter confusion and amazement, Hill grabbed her foot, and ran a tentative hand along her arch. There wasn't even a noticeable mark to tell that she had been injured.

Clint, who had been watching the little byplay decided to speak up, "He also said that he killed somebody,"

Hill looked up, meeting the man's gaze, "There wasn't anybody else in the building,"

"Yes, there was," Tony said morosely, striding over to the center of the room with a data pad in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, a holographic display appeared.

Percy, having finished cleaning out the cup, strode over to stand next to Steve, eyebrow raised in confusion as he looked at the display. It was hard to describe, but to Percy it looked not too dissimilar to what it would look like if you froze a glass bulb, and then shattered it.

"What exactly is that?" he asked tilting his head in confusion,

"Jarvis," Steve said, regret and an undercurrent of anger in his voice as he closed his eyes and his head drooped to his chest in sorrow, "He was the first line of defense. He would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense."

"No," Bruce said firmly, staring intently at the disassembled a.i. "Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This, isn't strategy, this is…rage."

Before anyone could comment, Thor stomped angrily into the room. Striding up to Tony, the god grabbed him by the throat and hoisted him into the air,

"C'mon, use your words buddy," Stark gasped out,

"I have more than enough words to describe you Stark," the god said,

Steve, ever the pragmatist, stepped in before Thor could do any serious harm to Tony. "Thor," he said, getting the Thunderer's attention, "The legionnaire?"

With a look of disgust, Thor released Tony, but did not take his eyes from him, "The trail went cold about one hundred miles out, but it's headed north." He then turned to look at the Captain, thinly concealed anger seeping through his words, "It has the scepter," he growled, "Now, we have to retrieve it. Again."

"Genie's out of that bottle," Natasha butt in, "Clear and present is Ultron."

"I don't understand," said Dr. Cho, speaking for the first time all night, "You built this program, why is it trying to kill us."

Stark looked at her for a moment, before he turned away. He didn't answer, not right away. But he started to laugh. It began as a short snort, but quickly turned into a silent laughter. Bruce tried to get him to stop, but the man just couldn't control himself.

"You think this is funny?" Thor asked, and although he was smiling, it was far from the pleasant expression he had been wearing for most of the evening.

"No," Tony said although it almost sounded more like a question, "It's probably not, right?" The laughter was still evident in his voice, as it shook slightly as he spoke, "This is very terrible. Is it so…is it so? It is, it's so terrible.

Thor cut across him, "This could have been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand."

"No," Tony interrupted, now appearing genuinely upset, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it is funny. It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this."

Bruce attempted to play the mediator, but to little avail, "Tony, maybe this might not be the time."

"Really?" the man in question asked in utter exasperation, "That's it? You just roll over, show your belly every time that somebody snarls?"

"Only when I've created a murder bot," the doctor snarked back,

"We didn't. We weren't even close. Were we close to an interface?"

"Well you did something right." Steve interjected, "And you did it right here." He stepped forward so that he was in Tony's personal space, "The Avengers were supposed to be different than SHIELD."

"Anybody remember when I carried a Nuke through a wormhole?"

"No," said Rhodey sarcastically, "It's never come up," but Tony ignored his friend,

"Saved New York? Recall that? A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space. We're standing three hundred feet below it." The air in the room grew heavy, and Percy was overcome with his own memories of the alien monstrosities that came charging through the wormhole, destroying any and everything they came across.

"We're the Avengers," Tony continued, "We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but that up there…" he pointed up towards the sky, "That's the endgame. How were you guys planning on beating that?"

And Percy was suddenly struck by something, something he had never really understood about the man in question. He had known. Tony had known about Thanos in some shape or form. Percy didn't know how or why but the man had known that something was coming. Percy was suddenly brought back to the meeting room at the compound, hours after Tony and Nebula had landed back on earth.

It had been a relief to know that not everyone had been lost, that there still might have been some semblance of hope left. That had disappeared in the argument that followed. Stark had made a reference to a conversation the team had, had some point in the past and Percy realized that this must have been it.

Percy was so lost in his own thoughts that he almost missed Steve saying that they would stop whatever came together.

"We'll lose,"

"Then we'll do that together too."

That was Percy's breaking point, he needed to say something, make a point. "I'm sorry," he spoke, and all eyes in the room jumped to him, "I know I'm the new guy and all, but can I just say something here."

"Always, Perseus," said Thor, and Percy shot the man a thankful look before turning his attention back to Tony,

"Mr. Stark, Tony," Percy said, "I agree with you. I really do. I was in New York too. I fought; I saw the destruction with my own eyes. I've spent the last few days going over everything you guys had on the Chitauri, and the invasion. You still don't know where Loki got that army, or who was footing the bill." Percy paused and crossed his arms, "Which means that in all likelihood, there can and will be another attack on earth. By who? We don't know, but you're right, in that up there," Percy pointed his own finger to the clouds, "That's where the action is going to be. And for all we know it could be some genocidal lunatic with the ability to destroy half of all life with a snap of his fingers."

Percy snapped his own finger to emphasize his point, and because his back was to her, Percy missed the way that Natasha's entire body went rigid, her eyes widening in shock before narrowing in suspicion and concern.

"So, you're right. We need to be prepared." Percy continued, before he turned his attention away from Stark and looked at Steve, "But the captain's right too. This is supposed to be a team. We're supposed to fight together, laugh together, and win or lose, we do that together too. But more importantly, we need to be able to trust each other. Trust that we all have, not only the best interests of the fate of the planet in mind, but of each other too. We can't do that if we're keeping things from one another. If one of us has secrets that affects the rest of us, if one of us is doing something that affects the team as a whole, and we don't know about, then we aren't a team." Percy looked at Steve hard now, he needed to get his point across, not just to Tony, but to Steve as well.

The downfall of the Avengers came during the accords. Percy knew that much. He knew that Steve was hiding something that tore him and Tony apart so badly, that they weren't even on speaking terms when Thanos came to earth. They couldn't afford that this time. Every single one of them needed to be on the same page. They needed to be ready, and they needed to be prepared. That could not happen so long as Steve and Tony were at odds.

At this point, Percy wasn't even sure if telling Tony, the truth about Barnes would help anything, it might just speed things along and divide the team sooner. But Percy could not leave that to chance. He came back to fix things, and the divide between the two mightiest on the team was his biggest obstacle.

"Kid's got a point," said Clint softly, "But for right now, I think we have bigger issues than personal ideologies. We need to find Ultron; all of this," he waved a hand around at the group, "Can wait."

Sighing in defeat, Tony just looked away, but the speculative look on the man's face told Percy that he had given the man a lot to consider. Steve too, looked like he was considering Percy's words carefully. Percy knew that he couldn't make the man spill his secrets now, but Percy could begin whittling away at the man's conscience. Sooner or later, he would break. Percy just hoped it wouldn't be too late to fix whatever damage was caused.

Steve released a breath but didn't comment on what Percy said, "Barton's right," he commented instead, "Ultron's calling us out. And I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place, let's start making it smaller."


Working through the night, they were quick to discover that there were no files that Ultron had not been through, and subsequently deleted. As Percy was as of yet, "unfamiliar" with the Avengers data network, despite having extensive experience with it, he had to spend the majority of the night playing assistant to Natasha. He wasn't going to complain. He and Natasha had been close, she had been a friend and confidant, more so she had been family, and her death had nearly put him into a spiral.

So being able to spend even more time with the woman was not an opportunity he was going to pass up.

It was going on sunrise, and Natasha was finishing up a conference call with Rhodey. He had left as soon as he could to report in everything that was happening, according to him, War Machine was being deployed to the Middle East to hopefully prevent any further catastrophe caused by panicking world leaders.

She had just been finishing up when Steve walked back into the room, a tablet in his hand. The man made a beeline to Thor, as he was descending down from the floor above, "Any word from on high?" the Captain asked,

Thor shook his head, "Either Heimdall is away from his post or he has been ordered not to answer. But Ultron cannot hide forever. We will find him."

"Well," said Steve, passing the tablet in his hand over to Thor. "He's not exactly hiding." Taking the tablet, the thunder god stared intently at it, before his gaze hardened and flickered over to Percy. Steve also shot a semi-worried glance Percy's direction but his attention was redirected to Tony,

"What's this?" Tony asked, and in response, Thor slapped the tablet into the man's chest. Curious Percy wandered away from his station to peer over the billionaire's shoulder.

"A message," Steve said, as he looked at Percy, an angry glint in his eyes, "Ultron killed Strucker,"

Percy, who had met Steve's gaze turned his attention back to the tablet and pulled it roughly out of Tony's hands. The man yelped in annoyance but allowed the larger man to take it. It was an image of Strucker, lying dead in his cot, the word 'peace' spelled out in his blood on the wall next to him. For the umpteenth time since Percy's arrival, his head exploded in agony. He was once again torn in between two vastly different timelines, the wounds and pains of the man who had tortured and humiliated him for years, the one he had let live at Steve's request, was dead anyways.

His chest ached, and his vision blurred and he found that he was having a difficult time standing. Percy threw the tablet down on a nearby table and stalked away from the group, his breathing coming in slow and heaving gasps. At the back of the room, he clutched at the window sill, and tried to steady himself.

Rage built inside him, as he clutched at the window sill, not noticing that he was bending the metal around his fingers as he did so. It wasn't fair, the man that had single-handily taken everything away from him was dead, and not by his own hand. His rage was so overwhelming that he could not even find solace in the knowledge that he would likely spend the rest of eternity in the fields of punishment. It wasn't enough. Percy had been robbed of justice, been robbed of the opportunity to see the man who had ruined his life face trial and punishment for his crimes.

He also couldn't help but find himself furious with Steve. Part of his inner psyche told him that Percy was being irrational. That Steve had only been trying to save Percy from becoming something he didn't want to be. Percy wasn't the type to kill defenseless prisoners. No matter what the man had done, but that small voice of reason was falling to the wayside. In its place was indignation that Steve had robbed Percy of being the one to deliver that rat bastard to Hades himself.

Percy told himself that he shouldn't be reacting this way, that for him, the man had already been dead for years. But that was only half of Percy's life now. A set of memories from a time that he had never actually lived. Only he had lived it, and his head began to throb uncontrollably and with one hand, Percy clutched at his temple as he tried to soothe the pounding. He couldn't hear, his blood was pumping so loudly in his ears that the rest of the ambient noises of the room was completely drowned out.

He was momentarily torn away from his turmoil when he felt a hand on his back. Looking down, he saw that someone was holding a glass of water under his nose. A glance to his left and, Percy saw that Natasha was holding the cup, a look of concern painting her features.

His head was throbbing too painfully, to fully be able to understand how the woman knew to give him water to help calm him down, so he just grabbed the cup into his hands, and chugged the contents. Closing his eyes, Percy sighed in relief as he felt the effects of his father's domain take over. His migraine subsided somewhat.

Looking to his left, he smiled at the woman in relief, "Thanks," he said, and she just gave him a reassuring smile, her hand still rubbing soothing circles on his back,

"Stupid question," she said, "But how're you doing?"

Percy grimaced, and looked out the window, "Not great," he admitted, stealing a glance over his shoulder he saw Steve as he was pulling files out of a large cardboard box, they met gazes for a minute, and Percy saw a flash of remorse cross the man's features, and Percy felt his stomach drop a little. Steve was clearly feeling guilty. During his time with the group in the other timeline, Percy had been quick to realize that perhaps the only person on the planet who with a worse guilt complex than him was Steve Rogers. Percy knew the man was bullying himself for Percy's own inner pain, despite not even realizing the true reasons behind Percy's frustrations.

Turning his gaze back to Natasha, who had followed his gaze, "I know it's wrong of me," Percy said softly, "I know he was just trying to keep me from potentially doing something I would hate myself later for, but I can't help but feel cheated." He closed his eyes and retightened his grip on the window sill, which creaked slightly under the pressure,

"That bastard stole years from my life, cost me the woman I loved, and kept me from burying my mother. I deserved to see him face justice for what he did to me. Now I'll never have that chance. It hurts." Opening his eyes, he looked over at his old friend,

She nodded in understanding, "I get it," she replied, and she took her hand of his back and shifted so she was staring out at the city skyline with Percy, "You're right, you were cheated out of justice. You were robbed of the only chance at closure that you could have had. But Steve isn't to blame, and I know you know that."

Percy nodded, and sighed, "You're right." Meeting her eyes again he said, "I'm still trying to just come to terms with everything you know? Before all of this, I thought I had everything figured out. I thought maybe I had the chance for happiness, to be normal…" he trailed off as he tried to collect his thoughts. He wasn't sure why he was opening up so much, especially to a woman who technically didn't know him as well as he knew her, but he had always been able to be open with Natasha.

"Then I lost everything. In a manner of hours, I found out that I had lost everything." A sad smile its way onto his lips, "I've just been throwing myself into this…whatever it is this is. And you know, in spite of everything, in spite of all of the grief and pain, I can't help but be hopeful…hopeful that in spite of losing everything, of having nothing…that maybe I'll have this. I'll have all of you."

Something stirred in the woman beside him, she shifted her stance, and Percy saw something he wasn't able to identify cross over her face. Almost like she'd had a realization of some sorts, as though she had found the answer to a question, she hadn't been able to answer. As quick as it appeared, the look disappeared, so fast that Percy almost missed it entirely.

"This whole…thing of ours….is strange. There are days I wake up and still have difficulties believing that its real. That I'm lucky enough to have been surrounded by so many genuinely good people. It's less than someone like me deserves." she looked him square in the eyes, and a burning intensity blazed behind her shining eyes, "It's been a very long time since I've had anything close to a family, and now I have all of this. And I'll fight like hell to keep it together."

She gestured over shoulder, "Right now there's a homicidal robot trying to take away what's ours. We're gonna have to find him the old the old-fashioned way. All hands, on deck. You gonna join us?"

Percy nodded, his migraine was gone, and speaking with his friend had settled down some of his more anxious feelings. If nothing else he no longer felt like he was going to punch a hole in the wall.

Pushing himself off the sill, Percy turned back towards the group. Meeting Steve's gaze once more, he held it, and nodded at the man. Percy tried to assure his friend that he was ok and that they would be ok. Percy watched as the man physically relaxed, and Steve smiled in relief. As Percy reached over and began to dig his way through his own box of files, he grinned.

So far so good.


"What the hell do you mean I'm staying on the damn jet?" Percy demanded angrily. After digging through a few boxes, they had stumbled over an old SHIELD file on Ulysses Klaue, an arms dealer operating off of the African coast. Bruce ran a search on a strange branding on the man's neck. After attempting to smuggle material out of Wakanda, he had been caught and branded. Steve and Tony had notified the team that what he was likely trying to smuggle was vibranium, the strongest material on the planet.

It was a long shot, but they were operating in the dark and any lead needed to be followed up on. So, the team had kitted up, and flown to a former harbor, that had been since turned into a ship-graveyard. Klaue was operating out of one of the old cargo-ships. Since Percy had only been with the team for a short while, he didn't exactly have a suit to put on for the event, so Clint had scrounged up some old SHIELD tech for Percy to put on. Black fatigues, a small ballistics plate-vest, and a jacket. The jacket fit too snugly around his large frame so he had ditched it and had rolled the sleeves of the uniform up to his elbow to try and find some semblance of temperature control on the humid coast.

He had just been fitting a pair of gloves over his hands, when Steve had made the call that Percy and Banner would be staying with the jet. Percy had not taken too kindly to the notion. While he knew that he couldn't put Ultron down without Vision to close the machine out of the internet, Percy had been wanting to try and make a play at taking out the Maximoff twins before it was too late.

He would be lying if he said that he wouldn't take a perverse pleasure in knocking the future Scarlet Witch into next Tuesday either.

"Sorry junior," Tony said, his voice coming slightly modulated through the headset in Percy's ear, "Big kids only."

"Percy," Steve interjected, cutting Tony off before he could get on a roll, "You're talented, there's no question about that, and I know you can take care of yourself, but you haven't trained to operate with this team yet. We work as a unit; we've trained and fought together. I'm not about to throw you into the lion's den before you've had a chance to get worked into the this yet."

Percy was about to cut him off, but Natasha spoke up before he could, "Steve's right Percy. Besides, we need you here to run interference in case anyone decides to try and make a play while we're stuck inside. Also," She jokingly pointed over to Banner, "Somebody needs to keep Bruce occupied, he gets lonely when Tony's not around." Percy wanted to object, but something in the way Natasha was looking at him gave him pause, she wasn't kidding. Sure, her tone had been jesting and sarcastic, but Percy knew the woman well enough to know when she was trying to tell him something. She was being completely serious about Banner, and as Percy thought about it, it started to make sense.

Scarlet Witch could not control minds, per se. But she could influence them, make them see and believe things that weren't really there. If she was there, and Percy knew that she would be, and got loose from the engagement and decided to play around with the doctor's mind…some real terrible things could happen.

And something about that was rubbing at him. A memory of something he remembered Thor saying in the future. Prior to his jump, Percy had surreptitiously been asking the Avengers about the events leading up to Thanos. Sure, there were documents and news reports, but Percy had wanted to hear about what happened from the people that were there.

He thought he remembered something about the Hulk and a rampage around this time, but his head was still throbbing occasionally, and he was having a more difficult time remembering what had happened and in what order.

It was actually very concerning. Neither he nor Dr. Strange had known what would happen when he used the stones to combine realities. They had no idea what the ramifications would be, and Percy just hoped that his haphazard plan to fuse himself together, wasn't about to backfire in a truly horrific way.

"That's cute," Banner said rolling his eyes, "Very cute."

"Fine," Percy agreed, finally coming to a decision. Waving a dismissive hand at the group as they began to exit the jet. Padding over to one of the flight chairs, Percy plopped himself down and watched as the team left. Natasha sent one more knowing look over her shoulder as they left, which just solidified Percy's decision further.

Settling himself in, Percy tried to get comfortable as he waited. Looking over to the doctor, Percy only considered momentarily trying to strike up a conversation, but the man was engrossed in something on a terminal in front of him. Percy just sighed, and crossed his arms as he leaned back in the chair. There was nothing else he could really do but bide his time now.

He lost track of how long he and the doctor had been sitting there. However, his attention was diverted by the distinct sound of gunfire. His head snapped up, and he shared a look with Banner. Things must not have been going well inside of the broken cargo ship.

Banner walked over to a comm unit on the main terminal of the jet, pressing the button he spoke into the mic, "Guys, is this a code Green?" he asked, but the only response was static. Standing up from his position in the chair, Percy pressed the release for the bay door at the jet's rear. With a hiss, the door creaked open. Stepping out of the cool jet, Percy immediately began to sweat. Instead of laboring him, however, the heavy humidity of the jungle behind Percy, invigorated him. The heavily condensed water in the air was easier to access, and Percy natural affinity for his element had only ever felt stronger, when he was actually in the ocean.

He perched himself against the bulkhead, and stared out into the wasteland in the horizon. It didn't take much to determine where Klaue's operation was, because only a few moments after Percy opened the hanger door, Tony's suit was blown through the bulkhead of one of the ships closer to shore. The man righted his course, before charging back inside, only to collide heavily with a large metallic form.

"Jesus," Percy heard Banner mutter beside him, and Percy turned to look at the doctor,

"Your boy has been juicing." he snarked, "Think that's what he needed the vibranium for?" Percy asked,

"Could be…" the doctor said slowly, as he mulled the question over, "From what little I know about the substance, Vibranium is the single strongest element on earth, light in weight and highly flexible. Theoretically, he could it to create an infinitely stronger version of itself…" The doctor trailed off, and Percy just turned his attention back to the fighting at the ship.

He watched as Tony turned the fighting around on Ultron and started dragging the machine's body across the hull of the ship, before the two disappeared from view as the blasted away on the other side of the carrier.

"Well that's disappointing." Percy said, looking back over at Banner, only to start in surprise, the doctor was no longer there.

"Dr. Banner?" Percy asked, "Bruce?" Turning around, Percy felt something tickle at the back of his mind, an all too familiar feeling. One he had felt far too many during his stay with Strucker.

She was here.

She was trying to hurt him again.

Percy saw red, and his anger mounted as he violently clashed against her assault on his mind. He heard a soft gasp and a yelp of pain from somewhere off to his right. Without wasting a moment, Percy turned toward the sight, focusing his will around his eyes and channeling the water in the atmosphere at the same time. The features of the world around Percy dulled, as his godly blood pounded in his ears. Scanning the horizon, time seemed to slow as Percy caught sight of his target.

By focusing around his eyes, Percy was able to find large sources of water. It was incredibly useful for identifying targets in a heavy fight. Steve originally had the idea, and with the help of Natasha, Percy had managed to perfect the technique. Which was how he was able to locate the two hidden forms, crouched in the bushes, a few yards away from the jet.

Knowing he could not do anything to potentially harm his future team members, Wanda was one of the most powerful members in the future, Percy focused the water he was summoning into a geyser, raising the temperature to a few shades below boiling as he did so. The attack would hurt like a son of a bitch, but wouldn't do any lasting damage.

Not really good when trying to kill someone, but perfect for a spot of petty revenge.

Percy outstretched his right hand, and clasped his left hand around his right wrist for stability, and with a grunt of concentration, a full geyser of water shot forward from his outstretched palm, and rammed directly into the two hidden figures.

Wanda and Pietro screamed in pain and surprise, before Pietro scooped his sister up into his arms and dashed away faster than Percy could visibly track. Letting out a huff of satisfaction, Percy shifted his focus and began trying to locate Banner.

He didn't have to look for very long.

An unearthly roar tore through the canopies of the trees behind Percy.

"Oh…that's what I forgot." Percy muttered to himself, and he watched as the heads of several large trees began to topple to the forest floor.


AN: So I'll be honest, I did not think this was going to have the type of support it has, but I love it. Things are going to start getting going from here, some pretty major things coming in the next chapter that I'm really excited for so get hyped! If you like this but haven't checked out some of my other stuff, give it a read, I think you'll enjoy it. Finally managed to make a crack in the next HBP chapter so for everyone waiting patiently on that, it's coming! Thanks again for all the love and support, hope you have an awesome night, and as always, let me know what you think!
