That day in Hardgion, Lucy found something she had been dreaming of for years. A Nikora. Canis Minor. The little dog. Her excitement at finding a new celestial friend could not be overshadowed even though the merchant totally ripped her off. She would make a contract with the small spirit as soon as she found a place to stay for the night. Her mood soured only an eensy-bit she shuffled through her purse only to realize she was short on Jewel. If she were to stay anywhere without cockroaches, she wouldn't have enough to rent a closet.
She stomped her foot and huffed. She didn't think the hotel would go for her feminine wiles in the same way the shop owner had. They'd probably think she was a prostitute. And if she went to the sleazy hotel down near the docks… They would definitely assume she was a prostitute. It wouldn't be the first time she'd have to ask her spirits for help keeping watch during the night.
Head hung low, Lucy started to walk with blurred thoughts towards the bad side of town, oblivious of the man shooting purple flames, and especially ignoring the pink-haired idiot who thought said man was a dragon.