Marinette's Point of View

"This project is going to take forever." Adrian whined pushing back his chair.

I smiled. "Aren't you glad we started early?" I said, and thankfully, didn't stutter. I had a better control on that when I was focused on something like school work. Alya told me to pretend I was talking to her, but it only worked when I wasn't looking at him or thinking about it.

"Yeah. But I think we can be done for today. We got the outline done and know what we need to do and approximately how long each step is going to take. We should be able to come up with a schedule around all of my modeling and lessons to get it done on time. Shall we call it a night?" He asked and leaned forward so that I had to look at him.

"Uh, y-yeah. Good night calling… I mean. Sounds g-good." I smiled, mentally hitting myself.

Adrien smiled and started packing up his stuff. I mirrored his movements and we walked from the upstairs library of the school to the front steps. I adjusted my bag ready to walk home.

"Marinette, do you want a ride home? I didn't realize how late it got." Adrien asked. My mind went blank. He raised an eyebrow. "Marinette?"

I wanted to say yes, but I really didn't have time for all the questions I would get from my parents afterwards. I had to meet Chat Noir soon for patrol. If I didn't ride home with him, the conversation would be miniscule. "N-no. Thanks."

"Okay." Adrien leaned into me to give me a small hug. "Thanks again for being an awesome partner. I'll see you tomorrow."

I watched Adrien get into the nanny's car and drive off before I started walking. The air was chilly, but not too cold to walk in.

"Marinette," a little voice said from my bad. "You really should have let him take you home."

"He hugged me, Tikki." I looked down at my Kwami and saw her roll her eyes. "He said I was awesome." I felt the cheshire grin on my face before the hand.

I was suddenly pulled back into the darkness of an alley. He pushed me into the wall and momentarily removed his hand from my mouth.

"Tikki, sm... " I tried to transform, but his hand was on my mouth again before I could.

"How dare he touch you!" This strong man said in frustration. "No guy gets to touch you. Do you understand?!"

I could feel the fear start to set in. This guy was wearing a mask that prevented me from seeing his face. I had no idea what they guy was saying. When I didn't answer, his grip tightened. I winced in pain.

"You're mine! No one else can touch you. Tell me you understand." He uncovered my mouth awaiting my answer.

"I don't belong to you. I don't even know who you are." I turned my head to the exit of the alley and tried to yell, "Help!" But he was able to cover my mouth again before I could finish the word.

"I will teach you who you belong to, Marinette." His voice was eerily calm as he left go of my right arm.

I was about to try to get away when his fist collided with my right side of my stomach. I doubled over in pain. He took this chance to grab onto my hair and throw me to the ground. My head hit the ground hard and my vision had black spots dancing around.

Adrien Point of View

Chat was on his way over to his meeting spot to wait for his Lady. He knew he was early, but Adrien prefered to be out rather than stuck inside that house. Of course his father started complaining about his time management skills when he got home. Adrien just ignored him and said he had more homework to do as he went to his room.

Chat was close to the school when he heard a muffled yell. He usually wouldn't check it out, but something about the voice made him stop. He touched down on the sidewalk and started walking. As he approached an alley, he heard struggling and a man's voice.

When Chat looked down the alley, he saw a guy wearing a mask behind a dumpster. That's not a good sign. "You wouldn't happen to be dressed up for Halloween, would you?" The guy looked up and his entire demeanor changed. The guy quickly turned and started to run. Chat dropped his head and thought Yeah. I didn't think so. I just wanted some nice alone time with my… Chat's thoughts when blank when he saw the little pink purse on the ground by the dumpster he knew all too well.

"No." Chat said as he slowly started to walk around the dumpster. He lost his breathe when he saw Marinette laying on the ground groaning.