The planet seemed deserted. The eerily silent village had obviously been abandoned long ago. SG-1 had arrived two days ago and all they found was the deserted village and on its outskirts the remains of a naquada mine. Carter's instruments found no current signs of human activity in the vicinity.
Colonel Edwards' team was called in to assess whether the mine or the piles of tailings might be worth the effort to extract the valuable mineral.
Carter was busy with the assorted scientists and engineers inspecting the mine. Teal'c was assigned to watch her six. Jack had memories of mines, which caused him to avoid it. Some of these memories were unpleasant, memories of them worked near to death. And others, although implanted, left him with the memory of his first meeting the lovely Thera. Staying far from the mine was a prudent choice.
Daniel was in the village looking for any information about the former inhabitants. He found bits and pieces of the detritus of daily life but no writing, no books, and very little ornamentation. The walls of the houses had been white washed at some point in time. It would have been the perfect substrate to write or draw upon. On Abydos writing had been forbidden, so this may well have been a Goa'uld planet with the same prohibition.
Jack, lounging against a door post, heard a squeal of something heavy being moved across a warped wooden floor and looked for the source.
"Whatcha doing Daniel?"
Daniel was standing looking dumbfounded. Behind a large cupboard was elegant lines of script covering the wall. Most was illegible due to the flaking of the plaster surface of the wall and water damage. What he could make out was "Cave ab uno malo".
"What's it say?" O'Neill asked.
"It looks like Latin." Daniel replied.
"Yeah, so, what's it say?"
"'Beware the evil one.' More or less." Daniel looked around the room for more hidden words. "Jack give me a hand."
Jack rolled his eyes and groaned. He avoided moving things in his own house.
"We probably won't find anything behind things easily moved." Daniel surmised.
"Of course not." Jack muttered.
"Give me a hand with the headboard."
They tugged for a while. "I think it's welded to the wall." Jack said. One more yank and it came loose and revealed more script.
"Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est."
Daniel recognized the text. "It's...this is a line from a Christian antiphon from..oh...somewhere around the fourth century C.E."
"And, so?" Jack was impatient.
"They were taking people from Earth even then?" Daniel thought it only had occured in the remote ancient world.
"They never cease to amaze." Jack believed there was no limit of the Goa'uld's depravity.
"What does it say?"
"Where there is charity and love, there is God."
O'Neill pointed to one word "Charity I get but amor - like amore?"
"Yeah" Daniel said distractedly "Physical love."
"Behind the headboard, interesting location. Amore that's heavenly or otherworldly, hmm, like an incantation."
"Yeah...but the ancient world, the Greeks and Romans, had all different words for different kinds of love - so it caritas and amor or agape and eros. Jack help me move this."
"Eros as in erot…"
"Yes Jack" Daniel started to sound testy.
"Amo, amari...ah...amatus sum. That's all I remember."
"High school Latin? Did you pass?" Daniel quipped.
O'Neill gave Daniel a dirty look.
Carter poked her head in and asked "Redecorating?"
Jack immediately stopped pushing the large chest and clapped his hands and said "Just in time."
Sam smiled and reported "The mine is played out and it wouldn't be cost effective to bother with it or the tailings. Colonel Edwards' team is packing up and will meet us at the gate in 20 minutes."
"Let's go Daniel."
"But we don't know which Goa…"
"Oh, it was Ra. No need to worry." Sam said.
Jack gave Carter a hint of a smile and said "Te amo."