Ring Ring Ring, you hear the phone ring you get up answer it. "Hello Jessica Mooreis speaking" you say.
"Hello Jessica it's Margert I'm reopening the camp and I was wondering if you wanted to help me" I recognized the voice as Margerts and if I hadn't I wouldn't have believed that it was really her.
Reopening Camp redwood the site of the worst summer camp massacre of all time. The one where my boyfriend Jonas went missing and is presomed dead. The one where Margert herself is the sole survivor and has a missing ear to prove it. I couldn't think of a reason any one on earth would want to open up camp redwood again let alone Margert.
"What,why ?!" I say shocked into the phone. "I'm reopening the camp because if I don't I will have let Mr Jingles win, if I live in fear my whole life then he will win"she says and this dose make since.
I've been terrified to go back or even think about that place, and I wasn't even present at the time of the massacre. But whenever I think about that place all I can think about is all the death that happened there and what Jonas last moments must have been like.
I can't even think about him without getting sad and he wouldn't want that. Margerts right if we live our lives in fear we are letting Mr. Jingles win.
"Ok, I'll help you reopen camp redwood"I say.
AN: Ok so please tell me what you think, I really just wrote this story because there are like zero Jonas fics so I decided to write one. I will try to update soon.