okay I don't own any of this Loud House belongs to Nickelodeon.

Story idea by Shaeril Mcbrown

It is Halloween night and all around Royal Woods people were celebrating in their own way such as: partying, setting up haunted houses and mazes, or more traditionally go out trick or treating. This is what the younger Loud siblings are doing with Leni watching over them as their father had barricaded himself in his room to avoid Halloween. Luckily Leni wasn't a scaredy cat unlike their father.

Currently Leni is waiting by the curb waiting for her sisters to come back from a house on a tall hill, as she waits for them she looks looks around the neighborhood, looking at the decorations, the kids trick or treating, the rabbit holding a lollipop in its hand- wait what? Doing a double look Leni did indeed see a rabbit holding a lollipop.

Curious Leni walks over to the rabbit, "Hey little guy, what are you doing with that lollipop?"

The rabbit suddenly ran off, "Don't run little rabbit." Leni gives chase, she chases the rabbit all the way to a burrow under a tree that was big enough for her to crawl in, and she does just that. Leni crawled through the burrow which got darker and darker as she crawled further, she suddenly falls down a deep dark hole.

Leni screams as she falls around her the dark twists and turns within reality, yellow eyes open, Jack o lanterns smiled at her, the background changed blood red. Leni lands hard into a pile of bones, Leni gets up and looked around confused she was in a graveyard with bones scattered everywhere, a creepy forest surrounded the graveyard, up above the sky is blood red with a ghostly white moon.

"W-w-where am I?" Leni asked herself nervously.

The ground shook and zombies burst out of their graves, they moan and groaned as they walked towards Leni reaching out for her; Leni screamed and ran off through the graveyard she approaches a grave and a ghost of girl with a split in half head rose up and screamed making Leni scream then run in the opposite direction.

She runs out of the graveyard through an old gate, she stirs a bunch of bats making them flock into the sky. Leni runs to a coffin and leaned against it to catch her breath, she then turns around to notice the coffin the said coffin opens and a vampire rose out, he looks at her for a second before baring his fangs and hisses.

Leni screams again then runs off with the vampire turning into a large bat as he gives chase, Leni ran through the spooky forest with ghoulish faces on the trees, she gets to a clearing coming across a witch brewing a potion in her cauldron. The witch notices Leni and lets out a wicked laugh then throws a magic spell at her, Leni ducked and the spell hit the vampire instead, the two then proceeded to fight as they did Leni snuck away back into the forest.

Coming back in the trees turn to her and roared loudly, Leni rushes through the forest before coming out of the forest and into a small village with a large castle behind it, at the right side is a pumpkin patch with human heads instead of pumpkins on the ground.

Leni entered the village, the freaky townsfolk looked at her menacingly, two twin girls with bloodstains on their dresses looked at her with the girl on the right holding a bloody butcher knife, nearby a conjoined deranged man with two heads made a lot of unintelligible words as they twist their body around.

Not wanting to stick around Leni decided to head straight for the castle, lighting flashed through the sky when she got there.

Entering it she saw a hallway with creepy pictures: there was one with a man about to chop another man's head off with an ax, skeletons in women's clothing having a tea party, and a small boy holding his teddy bear among the wreakace of a car. Leni walk through the hallway observing the creepy decor when the floor beneath her suddenly collapsed, she falls and lands straight onto a giant spider's web.

To Leni's absolute terror a giant spider emerges out of the dark and crawled towards her slowly, it raises it's upper body up revealing the fangs and the creepy underside, Leni screamed before getting cut off as the fangs sink into her.

Within the shadows Nightmare Entity watched his pet eat.

"That's a good Fluffy enjoy your din dins." Nightmare Entity turns to the readers, "Well my filthy humans it looks like Leni learned the hard way to follow strangers, and had a ghastly good time in my realm though its to bad she didn't get to see the rest of the realm, she would have loved the bog of no return where the swamp monster lives, the cave of snakes, werewolf hill, my laboratory with my monster in it."

"Oh well what's done is done. Anyway I hope you had a ghastly good time reading my spooky tales and thank you for giving me ideas, now if only my creator got up his lazy butt and actually did the whole month then the title would've been accurate. Anyway see you next year and remember to watch your backs or else my friends will pay you a visit." Nightmare Entity lets out a evil laugh before fading into the darkness.