NOTE: This story was originally published in 2017 on another account.

In the morning of July 1, Todd was in his dining room, enjoying a bowl of Sugar Smacks cereal and orange juice for breakfast. His mother was at the table
reading the daily newspaper. Through the corner of his eye, Todd saw an interestong article that caught his eye.

Todd: "Paranormal expert Peter Wishbone believes that an alien spaceship might show up in Roswell, New Mexico on the 70th anniversary of its first rumored

Todd asked his mother if he could read the newspaper after she was done with it. After she finished reading it, she then gave Todd the newspaper. Todd read
the entire article, and then went to the telephone to call Peter Wishbone himself. Believe it or not, Peter was one of his closest friends outside of
Wayside School.

Todd: Hello, is this Peter Wishbone?
Peter: (on the telephone) Yes, this is Peter Wishbone speaking. Who's this?
Todd: This is Todd, your friend, that goes to Wayside school.
Peter: Oh, hello Todd. Nice to hear you again. Say, how are you doing at Wayside?
Todd: Well, luckily, I'm off school for the summer. I just wanted to hear how you're doing, as well.
Peter: I'm working on a project with one of my workers, who's also into spooky stuff, like I am. The thing is, we have to switch planes doing this, we won't
be in Roswell for 2 days.

Todd was thinking about how cool it could be if he actually saw that spaceship, even though it was likely only a myth.

Todd: I was wondering, if I could come with you and your friend to Roswell to do this project with you. I read about your article this morning. It sounds cool, and besides, I don't have any other plans to do anyway.
Peter: (a little hesitant) Well, you would have to ask your family first if it's okay with them. I can't just take you without proper permission. However, I will come to your house this afternoon, and if your family says it's okay, I will buy an extra ticket. Sound good?
Todd: Yes.
Peter: Alright, I will see you this afternoon.
Todd: Bye, Peter.

Todd then hung up the phone. He then went to his room to get dressed, and spend the rest of the morning waiting for Peter to show up. Finally, after he and his mother finished lunch, the doorbell rang. Todd's mother opened the door to see that it was Peter. Todd's mother has orange hair like her son does and is wearing a blue dress with sandals.

Todd's mother: Hello, how may I help you?

Peter is shown to be an Italian-American man with brown hair, a white shirt, black jacket, blue jeans, and brown shoes.

Peter: I'm Peter Wishbone, a paranormal expert and a friend of Todd. We met at a Boys and Girls Club activity, then became a team on it, and we exchanged phone numbers.
Todd's mother: Okay, then, what's this all about?
Peter: Todd called me this morning to have a conversation. We then talked about my trip to Roswell, New Mexico that I'm taking with one of my workers who's also into paranormal activity as well, and then he asked if he could join us on our trip. I'd say yes, however, I need your permission to see if it's alright.
Todd's mother: Hmmm, well, Todd, will you pack some important stuff you might need.
Todd: Yes, mom.
Todd's mother: Peter, would you make sure you and your friend will keep my son out of danger?
Peter: Yes, I'll make sure of it.
Todd's mother: What exactly would you guys be doing in Roswell?
Peter: We're going to try to see a rumored spaceship or U.F.O. which means Unidentified Flying Object, on that ranch where 70 years ago, someone in Roswell claimed to be the first person to like something like that. However, I'm hoping to see it in the sky myself, on the 70th anniversary. However, it could just be a myth. But I also thought we could do some sightseeing while we're in Roswell.
Todd's mother: (hesitant) Well... if guess if Todd is careful, and he doesn't get in any danger, then yes, I'll allow him to go on the trip.
Peter: Okay, Todd, you might want to pack whatever things you need, because we need to catch our flight soon.

Todd packed his things, said goodbye to his mother, then he and Peter walked out of Todd's house, and walked over to Peter's van. In one of the bushes outside Todd's house, someone was hiding in there, giggling. Peter then drove himself and Todd to the airport, where they were greeted by a Caucasian woman with black hair, a red long-sleeved shirt, black pants, and brown boots.

Woman: Hello, Peter, who is this young boy?
Peter: Claire, this is one of my best friends, Todd. Todd, this is Claire Bigelow, my partner who's into spooky stuff like myself.
Claire: Why, hi, Todd. It is a honor to meet you.
Todd: You, too, Claire.

Todd and Claire shook hands. Claire then showed Peter a list of things to do when they get to Roswell.

Claire: I've got the list right here.
Peter: Claire, do you mind if Todd comes along with us on our trip. His mother said it was okay, and I'm going to buy a ticket for him.
Todd: I didn't really have anything to do this summer.
Claire: No, I don't mind at all. You're going to have a lot of fun in Roswell, Todd.

After Peter bought a plane ticket for Todd, the three people boarded their first flight, where they would have to take a second flight to get to Roswell, New Mexico.