Hi everyone! Just a quick note- I'm new at writing Inu Yasha fics! I've written Slayers fics with my friend under her name (Amori Malee) but this is my solo adventure! So here are some things to know about me before starting this story:

1. I've only seen Inu Yasha as far as Cartoon Network has let me (DAMN THEM!)

2. Although I've taken Japanese, I'm not completely secure in using a lot of terms in my story…So once in a while I might throw in a word here or there, but not too much (I hope- wouldn't want to say something wrong!)

3. I don't own Inu Yasha (Obviously or else 1 and 2 would be null and void!)

So, on with the story!


Chapter 1: To Loose Everything

Kagome made a mad dash towards the well. 'Now's my chance!' after "sit"-ting Inu Yasha about 10 times, she though he was embedded enough into the ground to make an escape.

"You are NOT going home!" Inu Yasha's voice growled out from the treetops.

'Dammit!' Apparently, it had not been enough. 'Maybe he's getting immune to those rosary beads or something…maybe getting a tolerance…'  Trying to put all her energy into running, she continued forward and sped up. 'Just a little further!' Seeing the well beginning to appear gave her a burst of encouragement, 'Yes! I will make it!'

She continued to charge towards the well when she saw a red figure dash by her out of the corner of her eye. Then he appeared, jumping down on to the edge of the well, with his arms crossed angrily.

"Dammit Kagome, we have to keep looking for the shards! You can't keep running off to your world!"

Grinding to a halt, an angry Kagome took her arguing pose, with her arms straight at her sides and her fists balled. "But I've been gone for a 2 weeks! I need to go get food and my homework! I have a life too, ya know!"

"Feh, I don't care what 'life' you have! You need to STAY here and look for the shards!"

"Shards this, shards that! I need time to see my family and friends!"

"I don't care about your family and friends! Besides, you broke the crystal, you need to fix it!"

'That's it!' "INU YASHA! SIT!" Kagome yelled and watched as an invisible ton of bricks hit Inu Yasha and sent him colliding into the ground.

"Dammit wench!" mumble the smashed hanyou.

"Hmph! SIT SIT SIT!" each word pushed him further into the ground. Walking around him and climbing on to the well, Kagome turned and yelled "And don't even THINK about coming and getting me! I'll come back when I'm good and ready!" with that, she jumped into the well, and through time.

'How dare he! Like I have nothing better to do than follow him all over Feudal Japan! I have priorities! …which of course, I've kind of been slacking off on…' A fuming Kagome climbed out of the well on her side and sat on the edge for a moment and sighed. Why was it always such a struggle with him?!? Couldn't he just once say, "Oh, ok, see you when you get back!"  No it was either one extreme or the other. If he wasn't screaming at her that she couldn't leave, then he was telling her to not come back and shoving her down the well!

Getting up and pulling her pack over her shoulders, she sighed again. "Well, this time I'm not going back till I'm good and ready to! He can just find his precious crystal shards without me!" Then, realizing what she had just said, whispered to herself, "Yeah right baka, like you could stay away for long…" Slowly she made her way to her house.

As she continued to approach it, she noticed an eerie feeling around it. 'That's odd' Kagome thought as her Miko senses told her something was not right, 'I hope everyone's ok!' She quickened her pace.

Reaching for the handle, she noticed the door slightly ajar. Moving further into the house, she called, "Mom! Souta! Grandpa! I'm home!" Silence answered.

"Maybe they went o-" Kagome's words got stuck in her throat as she walked into the kitchen.  Gasping, her hand covered her mouth as tears began to appear in her eyes at the sight they viewed.

There, at the table in her kitchen, her family sat as if they had been ready to eat. But each of them had an arrow sticking in their back.

"What…No! Mama! Souta…Grandpa!" Kagome sobbed as she took a step forward.

"Oh, poor Kagome…she's lost her whole family….her life!" a voice as cold as ice called out to her from her left.

'I know that voice!' Kagome turned slowly to see the person the voice belonged too, afraid that her fears were right.

"Tell me Kagome, how does it feel to see your loved ones like this?"


Well, that's it for chapter one! What did you think? Please tell me! Read and review! Thanks!!!