Surprise! New chapter within a short time! Disclaimer, some characters might be OOC.

The Lost Miraculous - Season One: A new Miraculous, a new story
Prologue: How it all began
Part three: New friends

Adam and Gabe took out two baseball caps from their backpacks and put them on before heading into the classroom, where some people were already inside. They glanced at the twins, and they didn't seem to recognize them.

"Dibs on the back seat!" Adam yelled before sprinting to the back and jumping into the seat, literally, using the desk behind it to perform a front flip to stylize the landing.

"You are so dumb!" Gabe yelled as he sat next to his brother.

"What? What? What'd I say?"

Gabe smacked his head against his desk. "I hate you…"

The students around looked at them with weird looks, but they thought nothing of it and resumed their conversations. With their attention gone, Adam and Gabe took off their shades and caps and started using their phones whilst everyone else came into the class.

Familiar faces came inside pretty soon, the brunette and ravenette from before, they seemed to dislike the spoiled blonde from before and oh god that's her. She's in this class.

Adam leaned over to Gabe and pointed at her. "Yo, brat alert." His twin brother snickered and they fist-bumped.

Then not long after came a guy with a red cap and…

"Is that Adrien?" Gabe whispered to Adam. Adam's eyes widened as he saw him. Before Gabe could stop him, he got up and walked over to him, then poked him in the shoulder. He turned around and his eyes widened as well.

"Adam?!" he yelled, getting everyone's attention. When everyone realized who was there, well…


Adam's grin widened, only this time, it was a sarcastic, uncomfortable grin.

"Thanks, sunshine! It's nice to see you too!"

"What's next, you're gonna greet the President of the United States when he enters Paris?"

Adrien rolled his eyes when he heard both responses from the Starshines.

"You know, you could have remained silent when I yelled Adam's name because no one noticed you!"

"Yeah, but the fact is if people know that Adam Starshine had step foot into the school, then they'll eventually know that I'm here as well! Plus, I was the one who wanted to stop him, but he was too quick for me."

Adam simply shrugged, whilst the blonde model deadpanned. "On second thought, that sounds logical as well…" he said, before chuckling and sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Adam laughed as he shook Adrien's hand. "Nice to see you again, Adrien! It's been ages!"

He winced from the strength of Adam's handshake. "Yeah, nice to see you too, Adam."

The capped boy poked Adrien's shoulder. "Dude, you're friends with the Starshine twins?"

The brunette behind them then asked, "How come you never told us you know Adam Starshine?"

"Yeah, I don't exist, or anything…" Gabe mumbled.

Adrien simply shrugged. "I didn't think it would be so big, I mean, he's a celebrity, yeah, but so am I."

The capped boy vigorously shook his shoulders. "But this is Adam Starshine we're talking about! My all-time favorite singer!"

And here came the brunette. "And my all-time favorite actor!"

The rest of the class then began clamoring around about the same topic, and Adam visibly blushed in embarrassment and tried to hide his face.

So much for keeping a low profile… I hate being famous…

"Everyone stop!" A voice yelled, the girl with her hair in pigtails.

"Just because he has a big name in the movie, music and fashion industries doesn't mean that everyone has to start clamoring on and on about him! Like Adrien said, just because he's a celebrity as well doesn't really mean anything big! He's a person just like us! And he's clearly uncomfortable with him being the only thing everyone can talk about ever since he stepped foot into this class, so can we please change topics?!"

Everyone seemed surprised by her outburst. Adam smiled widely.

"YES! Thank you! Someone sees how I feel!" everyone turned to Adam. "She couldn't be further from the truth. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy to get so much love and support from everyone who knows me, but since me, my brother and my sister will be going to this school, I really don't want everyone coming near me and start detailing me how much they adore me, idolize me and whatnot, so for the duration of our stay here, I only want us to be treated as normal people, not celebrities, please?"

A scoff was heard before any could say a word.

"Wow, Adam Starshine, one of the biggest names in the world, can't handle being famous? That is utterly ridiculous! How about you suck it up and accept it, and learn how famous people are supposed to act?" the blonde from before insulted, with an evil smirk on her smug face.

"Chloé, could you quiet your trap for just once in your life?!" a shout was heard from a girl with pink-dyed hair and everyone began acting hostile towards her, save for Adrien.

Chloé? As in, Chloé Bourgeois? The mayor's daughter? So that's why she's such a spoiled prissy pants.

"Why are you booing me? I'm just stating the truth! And besides," she then arrogantly flipped her ponytail. "Everyone knows I'm the real star of Paris."

We'll see what you have to say to this then, real star of Paris...

Adam smirked as he heard the remark. "Yeah, I suppose you're right…"

Chloé smirked at Adam, but her smirk disappeared when she saw the boy was still smirking.

"...a hot ball of gas that has dead for countless eons before anyone noticed or cared."

"OOOOOH!" Yells were heard throughout the school from the classroom because of that burn. Even Gabe's eyes widened and he began yelling in excitement. The still smirking Adam leaned back after the roast as the boys in the class caught him and started lightly shaking him.

Chloé was shocked, to say the least.


"What is going on in here?!" everyone's eyes darted to the door.

Entering the classroom was a woman with teal eyes and ginger hair tied into a bun, it seemed to be Madame Bustier herself.

She sighed. "I suppose the excitement is understandable, given that we have famous students joining us, but please leave the joy until after the class, okay?"

Everyone nodded and returned to their seats, all except Chloé.

"Madame Bustier, Adam Starshine-"

"...kindly asked her to return to her seat. Chloé, please, would you? You're interrupting the class, no offense…" Adam cut her off with a facade sweet smile, and the teacher smiled at the boy.

Chloé's eyes twitched, she growled and sat down. Before she turned her attention to the teacher, she could have sworn that she saw Adam with a smug smirk.

"I used to like your content…" she muttered to herself.

Class ended (a fairly okay literature class), and the twins began packing their things away after everyone else had left the class, not before shooting some glances at the twins and getting a glare from Chloé, which Adam just looked smugly at, and were chatting when Adrien came up to them.

"Hey Adam, Gabe," Next to Adrien was the boy with the cap, who seemed nervous.

"I'd like you two to meet my best friend, Nino. He was one of the first friends I made here at school."

Adam smirked at Adrien. "I thought I was your best friend! You cheater!" he then playfully punched Adrien's arm.

Adrien winced a bit from the hit but rolled his eyes as he rubbed his arm. "Both of you are. I just haven't seen you for so long, I had to adapt."

Adam nodded. "Makes sense."

Nino regained confidence when Adrien nudged him. The boys shared a handshake.

"It's awesome to meet you, dude. Sorry for freaking out earlier, I should have known how celebrities tend to react to this kind of stuff…" he said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Adam waved him off. "It's all cool, dude. I get it, you mentioned I'm your favorite, and I feel flattered. Thanks for your support, dude." he held his hand out for a fist-bump, which he bumped back.

Gabe then stood up and walked over to Nino. "I apologize for any trouble this doofus may have caused, he can't keep a lid on himself."

Adam childishly blew a raspberry at Gabe, getting his spit all over his face.

"UGH! DUDE! Why are you such a kid?!"

The three boys let out loud laughs. The blonde techy rolled his eyes.

"Very very funny, really. So original."

"Next time Gabe, don't insult me in front of people!" Gabe then rolled his eyes at his brother's antics, but he smiled. He then shook hands with Nino as the two exchanged greetings.

"That reminds me, I also wanted to introduce you to two other friends I made here," Adrien said, smiling at the twins.

"You made more friends?" Adam asked surprisedly, Adrien just rolled his eyes again.

"Yes, yes I did, I may have been homeschooled for years, but I make friends surprisingly quick, unlike some people." the model revolted with a smirk of his own, surprising everyone.

Adam simply smirked back. "Not bad, Agreste, not bad at all."

They shared another laugh, and just as they were about to go to said friends, two girls showed up behind the boys, the brunette and dark-haired girl from before.

"Here they are! Adam, Gabe, two more of my friends, Alya and Marinette."

"Hello! Nice to meet you guys! I'm sorry about my freak-out from before, I usually don't do that, really." Alya greeted, albeit a bit embarrassedly because of before.

"As I said to Nino, don't worry about it. This isn't the first time this has happened." Adam said as he and Gabe shook hands with Alya.

Last but not least, there was Marinette.

"Nice to meet you two! Can I just say, the Darron Cross movies were spectacular! My parents and I are big fans."

Adam chuckled as he heard this. "Thank you, Marinette! Also, I wanted to thank you for what you said before. You couldn't have been truer when it comes to how me, my family and more famous people live their lives."

"If you hadn't said that, we'd probably still be having our classmates drawn to us like bugs to a light. Really, thank you." Gabe added.

This caused Marinette to blush. "Oh, it was nothing, really. I just pointed out the truth…"

"They're right, you know," Marinette turned to Adrien, and right away, her face turned even redder. "Celebrities really don't have easy lives, and it's a pain to keep their public and private lives separate. So you did an awesome job detailing how they live," he said, finishing with a wink.

"Th-th-thank you, A-Adrien!" Marinette stuttered as she smiled nervously at the model.

"Oh, by the way, Adam," Alya said. "You do know that Chloé is gonna hold a pretty big grudge against you after you pulled off that stunt, right?"

Adam simply shrugged. "I already have a lot of people who hate me, so?" This surprised Alya.

"If you know Adam Starshine, you'd know that he doesn't care if people hate him or not," Marinette said to her, which made the twins raise eyebrows.

The blackette just shrugged when she saw how Adam was looking at her. "I heard enough gossip about both of you to remember a few things."

Gabe nodded. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."

"Dudes, we gotta get to Mendeleiev's class, we're gonna be late," Nino stated, as everyone looked at the time and they looked surprised.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to get detention, come on!" Alya said as she started walking out of the class.

"Wait, detention just for being late?!" Adam shouted in surprise, as he and Gabe's eyes widened, and everyone nodded and said "Yep."

"Well then last one downstairs has to explain why we were late!" the blue-haired boy then sprinted out of the door, and everyone else followed.

Leaving Gabe behind.

The blonde boy sighed. "Of course it's gonna be me…" he then ran after the others.

Fall break, you are a blessing. ^w^

Review responses:

theworstisgoingtohappen: I apologize, but I don't do self-inserts. OC inserts, yes (for potential akuma victims), but not self-inserts. There's a difference between the two.

The Sensational SpiderDom321: Yep, my OC is an asshole! Haha, jokes aside, I'm really happy you enjoyed the chapter. Details were 100% accurate, and I'm pretty sure I know which part you're waiting for. Actually, about openly humiliating, I will try to tone things down, but there will be times where Adam will go agro. Loss and regret is not going to be missed in this story, I can assure you. I just hope I can get it out soon, and I can do it right. Like I said in my previous response, the Starshines will get more cameos, and I'm delighted to see the optimism you have for me. Thank you for your support once again, my friend. I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! ^w^

LaViolaViolaRosa: I started reading your Canadian version of MLB, and I can say the same. Thank you, and keep up the good work! ^w^

Guest: Thank you for your support. Yes, I thought animal-related Miraculous were getting a bit repetitive, so I figured I'd try something new. I'm ecstatic to see you like the idea! ^w^

Thanks for all your support! See you guys soon!

~ Adam / Starshine89