Is He Your Kid?

Natasha Romanoff otherwise known as The Black Widow was not one for kids, hell she'd go as far to say they were only good for information and bargaining. She never once had the inclining or even tingling feeling for the want of kids, or to be in their ungodly presence.

She didn't want kids either, never did, in fact she couldn't. However, that was another story that was way less important.

Nat stood in the Avengers common room like she always did, hidden in the shadows of the room. The rogue Avengers had just been set free and where now free to roam the tower. Originally Tony had planned it sell it, but something stopped him, no one knew why but he didn't sell the tower.

Nat was scanning the area looking for anything weird or unusual… this was known as her usual routine and the others never really questioned it. She was the least well-known Avenger aside from Thor for obvious reasons. No one had ever really questioned or even asked about anything she was doing.

She never said anything that would give away any of her life nor did she ever really care to talk about it. While she loves where she came from, it was never her home nor a place of safety. Clint was really the only person who knew anything about her and that was only through Fury.

However, Nat stopped her daydreaming and focused back on the room in front of her. She was half asleep, even if she wouldn't admit it. However, she still did her usual scan of the room.

Something walked through the small entrance of the elevator, FRIDAY, Stark's new A.I. didn't say anything about the intruder so Nat wasn't quite ready to kill, maybe just interrogate a little. She moved from her post, she wanted to get a good look at who ever it was that was walking around the floor unannounced.

Nat peered around the corner and looked around the room. No one was on the couch, nor was anyone in the dining room. However, she could hear footsteps coming from the kitchen. Nat walked over and looked around.

A... A teen boy with brown hair, beautiful doe eyes and rather nice features stood digging around them fridge. Nat had a small smile graze her face as she watched the teen pull different items from the fridge. Some of last night's pizza and chines food from the day before and he grabbed a soda from the bottom drawer of the fridge.

"Who are you…? And what are you doing raiding the Avengers fridge." The kid jumped, like big time jumped, and the fork he was holding nearly fell to the ground, but he caught it before it hit the floor. The boy let out a puff of air.

"I'm, I'm just making some lunch before I go back to work… I thought you guys would still be in prison." Nat seemed taken aback by everything, what was this kid doing on the Avengers floor.

However, before she could press on anything someone walked into the room. "Hey, Kiddo, what's taking so long. I told you to grab the pizza and come back to the lab." Pete nodded to Nat and tried to walk back out of the room. However, she stopped him and waited for the person who called for the kid, to enter the room.

"Hey Kid, did you hear...m" Tony stopped, he looked at Pete and then Nat who was blocking him. He then looked at Pete once more, trying to access what was going on and figure out how to fix it.

"Nat stop integrating my intern." Nat's eyes seemed to widen as she looked between Stark and his intern… wait intern, when the hell did, he have one of those.

"When did you get an intern, you've never had one before." Tony shrugged at Nat's reaction and proceed to walk over to Pete and lay his hands on the kids' shoulders.

"Well I have had interns before, well… one, Harley was one of my interns a few years back but he's at MIT and won't be back for another few months." However, Nat wanted to know about Pete so he figured he might as well talk about it.

"Also, Pete became my intern after you guys… left, he's here to help me in the lab, and you'll be surprised how smart he is." Tony looked down on Pete and smiled at him as he began to allude to how smart the kid really was.

"So why is he here, on our floor?" Tony rolled his eyes, really their floor, 'you mean the prisoners floor right'. He wanted to say that, but he didn't he just let go a sigh and looked back at Pete.

"Well it was quicker to have him come here rather than have him go to the penthouse." Tony nearly hissed at Nat; she hated the way he got when she got pushy. However, she couldn't argue and had to let it go.

"Come on Pete let's go work on your… My suit." Tony nearly let it slip, nearly let Nat find out something he wanted to keep so close to the chest it wasn't funny, but he caught himself and began to head back down to the lab.

"So… is he your son or something because I'm going to start calling him Junior… Because he looks way… way too much like you." Tony nearly fell on the ground and almost brought Pete down with him. The two looked back at Nat and then to one another. Both exited without saying anything and almost ran back to the elevator.

'Guess it's a touchy subject, and, why is that kid so sweet, he didn't say anything but… well I guess it's because he's not annoying.' Nat focused back into the world around her and walked back over to her usual corner and began to resume her usual watch on the Avengers quarters… or the prisoner's quarters they still weren't sure which one.

Even if they had fixed the accords, they didn't sign anything… in fact they had ripped them up and Tony and Bruce went to the Eu and told the members that no one was signing anything and the next time they had an alien invasion call someone else, they weren't going to deal with the Accords, it wasn't easy, a piece of paper never accomplished anything. Its words might have but not the paper.

Authors Notes.

Welp, figured I would finally update this story after, what a month? Yea I know it's been delayed and delayed again but here is another short story.

Belbelanne - Yea this chapter is more or less a quick catch up to speed type thing.