One Month Later

"Please welcome, the new CEO and owner of Mighty Shrimp Industries, Addison Davis."

Addison took a deep breath, walking to the podium and waiting for the chatter to die down before she started speaking. She shuffled her papers despite the fact that they were covered in nonsensical words, in case the camera caught sight of the papers over her shoulder. They were only for show, everything she needed to say on a prompter at the back of the room. She had typed up all the issues she needed to discuss and everything she had to say about them and had her publicity manager read over it before giving it to the prompter.

"Good morning," she greeted. "I have called this press conference to clarify the new directions Mighty Shrimp Industries will be taking under my eye. It has been one month since the passing of my grandfather, the former CEO of Mighty Shrimp Industries. During that time, the company has come under fire for many incriminating allegations. This past month, my team and I have been working to solve these problems to produce a safer, friendlier company.

"We are partnering with Z.O.M.B.I.E.S. to work to fix these errors. First, we are working to become entirely sweatshop and cruelty-free, as well as eco-friendly and fair trade. We are updating our company policy to foster a safe work environment for all of our employees. My team and I will release monthly reports on Mighty Shrimp and our efforts to change. In addition to all the internal factors, one big change we can announce today is the separation of the family business."

There was a collect surprised murmur throughout the crowd. Addison paused, giving them a moment to talk amongst themselves. As long as she or anyone else could remember, Mighty Shrimp had been a family owned business, the leadership passed on from generation to generation. It was the whole reason why she was now in charge; she had gotten the majority of her grandfather's inheritance, including his share of the company, making her CEO.

"The reason I see this fit is because a successful work environment can only be accomplished by a company that is led by someone who is qualified, rather than someone who is only in charge because of heritage. Leadership positions will thus be given based on qualifications and, seeing how many of the current department heads are facing criminal charges for their actions in the past, this new policy will take place effective immediately."

She stopped, letting her words settle before the crowd went into an uproar. "Any questions you have, please send to my office, thank you," she finished, saying her last words quickly just as everyone started shouting their questions at her. She stepped away from the podium and went offstage, away from the screaming press and straight into the arms of her boyfriend.

"You did great, Babe," he said, hugging her.

Addison hummed, burrowing her head in his chest. "I hate working," she complained. "Can we go home now? Start our weekend early?"

"It's Thursday," he chuckled.

"It's not like you work anyway."

"But you do, Miss CEO," he countered.

'I'd rather be Mrs. Necrodopolus.' Addison thought to herself but just hummed, closing her eyes and melting into him. "I'll be sick tomorrow," she said, then let out pathetic, fake coughs. "It's not like I have a boss or anything. I'll tell my assistant to move all my appointments, let Bucky be in charge. And then you and I can hang out all weekend."

"That does sound tempting." He mused, kissing the top of her head. "Let's go home and you can decide later." She nodded against him, though she'd already made her decision, before he escorted her to their 'getaway car.' He held her against his side, shielding her from the flashing cameras and shouting reporters as they and their security team fought through the crowd.

After a gentle shove into the vehicle, he jumps in behind her, "Drive." He orders. The tires squeal as their car speeds off and away from the bustle of the press.

"Ah! Home sweet home!" Zed announced as they exited the elevator into his penthouse. Their penthouse, since Addison moved in about a month ago. She giggled and slipped out of her jacket. Zed unbuttoned his and stretched his arms back for it to drop off his arms but hissed in mild pain from the swift movement. Addison was right at his side the next instant.

"Zed!" She exclaimed in her panic at first.

"I'm ok. Just, sore still." He assured her. She sighed and helped him with his jacket before wrapping her arm around his middle to guide him to their ensuite.

"You need to be more careful! What if you reopened the wound?" She scolded as she made quick work of the buttons of his white shirt. Zed chuckled.

"That wouldn't be so bad. I have such a beautiful nurse to take care of me." He teased, leaning down to steal a kiss from the tip of her nose. She gave him a fond look of warning as she peeled his shirt over his shoulders.

The bandages were still clean of blood, much to Addison's relief, but she still removed each patch to reapply some fresh antibiotic ointment. Every so often, a bit of skin would protest the pulling of the bandage tape and she'd have to mutter a gentle apology as he cursed under his breath.

The sight was still just as painful as the first time. Even though he wasn't bloodied and potentially dying in front of her this time. The punctures in his skin were healing, yes, but things could have ended so much differently. She pushed aside her thoughts and tended to her task, fingers softly applying the ointment over his bullet wounds.

Three, to be exact; shoulder, arm, and upper abdomen.

Once he was cleanly bandaged, Addison let her mind wander again. The past month had been insane. A complete whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities. And god was she grateful to have him beside her with his amazing support. But, things could have easily went completely wrong and ended very badly.

She stood up from her spot kneeling in front of him and cupped his cheeks in her hands. "I don't know where I'd be without you." She whispered. Zed softened and stood as well, lifting her off her feet bridal style. His lips found hers before she could make more than a little surprised squeak.

"It's actually the reverse. I don't know where I'd be without you." He corrected softly as he pressed their foreheads together and carried her back into their bedroom for a little touching and cuddling for reassurance before bed.

For the first time since they met, they got to relax and sleep in. And man was Addison in heaven. Even with the stray streaks of light peeking through the curtains and waking her, she just sighed contently and snuggled deeper into Zed's warm embrace. Her shifting stirred him out of his sleep but he wasn't complaining, he tightened his arms around her and sighed as well.

"Good morning Gorgeous." He says sleepily.

"Good morning Handsome." She smiled up at him.

"Would my powerful CEO girlfriend like some breakfast?" He teased. She snorted at the title he's been insisting on using, even though she doesn't particularly like it.

"I don't know why you always have to call me that. I'm more than just my position." She grumbled. Zed immediately cradled her jaw and held her close.

"Oh Babe, I know that better than anyone! You're so much more than a business owner." He assured, leaning down to plant a soft kiss to her lips before pulling back just a centimeter. "I just find my lady being in such a powerful position extremely sexy." He whispered, his lips still brushing hers with how close they still were. Addison giggled and closed the gap to kiss him again.

"How about we drop the title and just enjoy a nice breakfast together." She said with a grin. He chuckled and rolled out of bed.

"Whatever you want Princess!" He called over his shoulder as he went straight to the kitchen while Addison instead went for the bathroom for her morning routine.

By the time she came out into the main living area, Zed already had a plate full of bacon finished and started on eggs and toast. She inhaled deeply and sighed.

"It smells amazing out here." She commented as she took a seat at the island.

"Didn't know you were dating a five-star chef now, did you?" He joked just as the toaster popped up with burnt black bread. Addison burst out laughing.

"I'd hate to see what a one-star chef looks like!" She laughed hysterically, earning a pout from her green-haired boyfriend.

"Ok ok. So I'm not a culinary mastermind. At least I can make you breakfast." He grumbled as he put new slices of bread into the toaster and tossed the burnt ones in the garbage bin. Her laughter settled down to a chuckle as she softened.

"You know I love you right? Even if you burn the toast?" It was his turn to laugh and smile over at her across the kitchen island.

"I love you too." He says.

"You might wanna pop the toaster before you burn it again." She added with a raised brow. She giggled from the look of panic that crossed his face before he turned with lightning speed to save the scorching bread slices.

Zed then plated up the breakfast he'd prepared and took the seat next to her. They ate in relative silence, just enjoying the leisurely time they could spend together. Not having work or plans to rush off to, or anyone they needed to answer to, was such a relief after the month they've had.

"So," Addison broke the silence, "have you thought about my offer?" She asked, not lifting her gaze from her plate as she poked at her eggs with her fork. He audibly groaned and she cringed, knowing this was one of the touchiest subjects they've argued about.

"Can't we just go one day without worrying about work?" He whined. Addison put her fork down and turned to fully face him in her chair, her brows creased in concern.

"You haven't made any kind of decision about your future since this whole mess started Zed. Both our lives have been completely flipped upside down. I was forced to make my decisions pretty quick, but you," she paused with a sigh, hoping she wasn't coming off too harsh, "what do you want to do with your life?"

He scrubbed his face with his hand then sifted his fingers through his hair. "I wanna be with you and figure the rest out as I go." He told her. She sighed.

"Zed you can't go through life like that. Not with everything. You need to at least know you've got something to fall back on if anything ever happened between us." She countered.

"I'm not gonna freeload off you, ok?" He snapped. She cringed again, knowing that's the harshness she was hoping he wouldn't take it as.

"I'm not worried about that." She assured him softly, reaching over to grab his balled fist on the marble countertop. "I don't care about the money. Or the company. Or anything but you." His shoulders slumped as he locked desperate eyes with hers. "I want you to feel like you have a purpose in life. To feel like you're making a difference in the world. Whatever it is that will make you happy, that's what I want for you." She told him sincerely. His eyes turned to avoid hers.

"My dad wants me to take over Z.O.M.B.I.E.S." He blurted out. Addison blinked in surprise.

"What's so wrong with that?" She asked curiously. Zed got up off his seat to pace the floor.

"I'm not like you, Addy. I'm not good with organization or leadership or business meetings or public speaking or any of it! When I think about managing a law firm, my palms get sweaty and my heart pounds in my ears. Everyone there is 10 times smarter than me and I'd probably fail miserably and destroyed the company within the first year!" He ranted out, still pacing back and forth in front of her. "I don't wanna let anyone down. My dad. You. Eliza, Bonzo, and Bree. Everyone would be counting on me to make all the right decisions all the time and I can't trust myself enough to do that."

She hopped off the chair and halted his pacing by stepping right into his path, grabbing his face gently to force him to look at her.

"If your dad didn't think you were ready, he wouldn't have offered it to you." She told him firmly, then shifted to a much more gentle tone. "Whether you think so or not, you're very smart and you have an insane amount of charisma that most businessmen would kill for. And no one expects you to be perfect."

"But what about—"

"Zed. No one is perfect. No one would expect you to be." She assured him. He deflated and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before turning his gaze to meet hers again.

"So you think I should take it?" He asked.

"I already told you, Baby," she smiled up at him, "I want you to do whatever will make you happy. My offer's still on the table too, if you'd wanna be my personal bodyguard instead." She smirked. He laughed.

"Would I have to stop dying my hair green?" He joked in reply.

"I like the green. You can keep it." She teased, reaching up to ruffled his bed head. He wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He whispered close to her ear.

"Maybe a few times." She giggled.

Z-224a, aka Zed's childhood home, aka the Z.O.M.B.I.E.S. safehouse, had become their weekly weekend meet up and hangout spot since they spent so much time there a month ago. Zed and Addison showed up in his beloved green Camaro while Eliza, Bucky, Bree, and Bonzo were waiting inside with 4 large Zita's pizzas already broken into.

"You're late!" Bucky shouted from across the kitchen as they entered.

"Obviously you didn't wait up before eating anyways so stop complaining!" Addison argued back.

"Take your seats and unload your wallets! I'm gonna be taking all y'all's money tonight!" Eliza cut in excitedly, shuffling the playing cards in her hands.

"Oh, are you now?" Zed asked in amusement. "What're we playing this week?"

"Poker. I'm about to lose my whole paycheck." Bree interjected with a sad pout. Bonzo was quick to engulf her in a comforting hug, suddenly they were gone to the rest of them with their coos of baby talk and little cocoon of cuddles. Eliza made a noise of disgust.

"Guys! You're being worse than Zed and Addison over there! Cut it out!" She complained. The whole group laughed and got set for their game, money and pizza slices spread out in front of each of them.

About an hour in, Eliza had wiped out Bonzo, Zed, and Addison. Bucky and Bree were holding their own against her, but the other three were too reckless with their bets and bluffs. Not that any of them really cared. Zed was actually hoping they'd drop off sooner than later so he could cuddle and kiss on his girlfriend without the distraction of the game, much to Eliza's disgust and Bucky's aggravation.

"Full house!" Bree cheered as both Bucky and Eliza groaned, tossing their hands on the table. Bree scooped the pot to her growing pile.

But suddenly, Eliza's phone sounds with alerts.

Though it's her reaction that stills the room rather than the sound.

"What…?" She questions in confusion, looking at her phone and then tapping away before stilling again. But only for a moment. "Guy! We've got company!" She exclaims.

That's all she had to say.

They all jumped to their feet and Zed opens multiple 'secret' compartments to reveal weapons which all of them equipped themselves for defense.

"How many are there." Bucky demanded.

"Looked like 5. Coming in from the back yard." She informed.

Bucky started barking orders but Zed and Addison were in their own world, staring into each other's eyes as they shared a moment of clarity.

"We're never gonna be able to stop fighting, are we?" Addison asked with genuine sadness filling her eyes. His own sadness also filled his heart not only for her, but for himself as well. For them and their future.

"No. Probably not." He confirmed. He could see the slight slouch of her shoulders but he put a comforting hand on her arm, the one not holding his gun. "But I'm always going to be right here beside you. No matter what." He assured her.

Her chest swells and her shoulders roll back with confidence. She then stretched up kissed him swiftly. "I love you." She proclaimed softly.

"I love you too." He replied before adding, "Always," as the first gun shot ran in the air.