Chapter 2

"Oh my God, what the hell is going on." Jaune muttered, pacing back and forth in the empty white void. Across from him was the man who introduced himself as Ashura Otsutsuki.

To say Jaune was confused would be an understatement. In fact, Jaune was beginning to think that he was losing his mind. He was beginning to feel that this 'Ashura' was a figment of his imagination. An illusion he created himself. This notion would immediately be shut down, as he began to hear the man speak.

"You seem confused about all of this. Let me try to explain. As I already said, my name is Ashura Otsutsuki. I am the son of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, also known as the Sage of the Six Paths, for his abundant chakra reserves and for defeating Kaguya, the Rabbit Goddess, and the Ten Tails, as well as becoming the jinchuriki for the Ten Tails. My elder brother is Indra Otsutsuki, who created the handsign, a fundamental part of …"

Jaune lost focus. Completely. His mind was about to shut down.

Ashura, Indra, Hagoromo, Ten Tails, Kaguya, and chakra? What the hell is this guy talking about. I know I don't pay attention a lot in class, but even I know this is completely insane.

"Hello? Are you listening to me!?"

Jaune was snapped back to reality. Or rather, snapped back into his subconscious, as a mildly ticked off Ashura looked at him, as if expecting something.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. It's just I'm completely confused as to what is happening. None of what you're saying is making sense. What is the Ten Tails? What is chakra? Who is the Sage of the Six Paths?"

"Hmmm. I understand not knowing about my father, but you don't even know what chakra is? Wait. I can sense it. You don't have any chakra. You have something similar, but it's not quite the same. How can you not have chakra?"

Jaune remained stationary. He calmed himself down. Focused. Took a deep breath, and said what any sane person would say.

"Hello. My name is Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue. Lady's love it!"

In hindsight… that was probably not the right time to say that.

"So, you're Jaune Arc, huh? Well, it's nice to meet you." Jaune was surprised at how calm Ashura was.

"So you don't know what chakra is? Hmm. I suppose I should explain. Chakra is a spiritual energy that can be found in every living creature. It started with my grandmother, Kaguya. She absorbed chakra when she ate a fruit from the God Trees. My father, Hagoromo, and his brother, Hamura, were the first to be born with chakra. My father spread chakra throughout all living creatures, and in doing so, gave birth to Ninshu. Does this make sense so far?"

Jaune stared at him and thought one thing. This man's on drugs.

"Good. Then I will continue. My father intended for Ninshu to be a practice about discovering peace with yourself and with others. It was intended to help people. My brother, Indra, and I, were the sons of Hagoromo. My brother was a genius and seemed to be destined for greatness. He discovered that one can manipulate their chakra networks and create different powers by using different combinations of signs. My brother called these 'handsigns.' However, Indra began to change."

Jaune began to feel a certain chill. Ashura seems more serious now.

"He was no longer the kind, loving brother that I once knew. He became colder and less aware of other people and their feelings. When my father declared me as his successor, Indra lost it. He attacked our village. After an intense battle, I was the victor. Throughout the rest of our lives, Indra and I would continue to fight. Even after our deaths, we reincarnated ourselves into worthy beings, and continued our fight. We both sought peace, but had, and still have, different perspectives as to how to obtain this."

Jaune listened to Ashura's story. Yep, definitely on some strong stuff. However, Ashura realized the look of skepticism on his face, and decided to question the young blonde.

"You don't believe me, do you? Well then, tell me your story. What is this place? And I heard that professor of your's mention something called a Grimm? And what are these huntsmen?"

Ashura began to question Jaune in the same intensity that Jaune questioned him.

"How do you not know what Grimm are? They are everything that humanity fights against. Monsters that seek nothing but destruction. And huntsmen and huntresses are the warriors that fight against these Grimm. That's why I am at this school. Beacon academy. To become a huntsmen."

"Grimm. They sound like mindless creatures. Perhaps they are some sort of descendant from the Ten Tails. Actually, let me ask you this. Where are we?"

Jaune looked at Ashura. I just told him, we are at Beacon academy. Maybe he wants a city.

"Beacon academy. It's in the Kingdom of Vale." Jaune exclaimed proudly. He knew this much at least. However, the next question that Ashura asked shocked him.

"What is Vale? And I heard someone mention Remnant? Is that another kingdom?"

Jaune was even more confused. Even if he was on drugs, Jaune was sure everyone knew at least what Remnant was.

"Remnant is the name of this planet. Are you ok?"

Ashura looked at him with blank eyes. Jaune could tell Ashura had no clue what Remnant was, and even where he was. The next thing Ashura said was something that immediately got Jaune's attention.

"I think I am from another dimension."

What scared Jaune even more than that, was the fact that he could tell Ashura was completely serious about that.

"AAHHH! Where is he?! He said he was on his way."

Ruby Rose wasn't really the most patient person. So when her best friend said that he was coming soon, and then thirty minutes go by, she begins to get a bit 'fidgety.'

"Relax Rubes. Maybe he's taking a number two?" Yang stated, oblivious to her completely inappropriate comment, especially when people are eating.

"Honestly Yang. Can't you see that some of us are eating?"

Ruby turned to see a peeved Weiss Schnee. The 'Ice Queen' was beginning to ease up, but a comment like Yang's would definitely bring out her 'cold' side.

"I'll go to the room and see what's taking him so long."

On the other side of the table was Jaune's partner, Pyrrha Nikos. Ruby knew that Pyrrha liked Jaune as more than a friend. The staring. The blushing. The constant compliments and praise she would give him. Ruby wasn't as oblivious as her friends and sister thought. She was a grown up. She drinks milk. But more importantly, she watches out for her friends.

"I'll come with you." And with that, Ruby and Pyrrha were off to find Jaune.

"Come again?"

"I said, I think I am from another dimension. My reincarnate, Naruto, Indra's reincarnate, Sasuke, along with a couple others, were battling Kaguya, who managed to get restored. Damn Zetsu."

Jaune heard Ashura mutter the last part. Huh. He never mentioned Zetsu before. Ashura began to continue.

"As a result, a massive space-time ninjutsu was created, which sucked up some of Naruto's clones. I guess the portal that was created led to this dimension. Naruto's clones were destroyed, but my chakra remained her. I suppose my chakra sought a host. And after some searching, it found you."

Jaune stared at him. Some of it made sense to him. But the thought of someone being able to open portals to separate dimensions? Just what is this chakra capable of?

"How do I know this is even real. How do I know I'm not losing my mind. I mean, you seem like a nice guy and all, but all of this seems too surreal. Too farfetched. Different dimensions, chakra, reincarnating? This is absurd."

Ashura looked at Jaune and Jaune looked at Ashura. They stared for what seemed like hours, until Ashura spoke up.

"You want proof of chakra, ninshu, and ninjutsu? Alright. Here goes."

Jaune watched in complete awe as a group of blue balls made of pure energy began to form, one after the other. Immediately after, a big ball encased the smaller balls. Jaune heard Ashura say one word.
