Every hit blazes the path to our reclamation

A Little Bit of Hope 2

He had noticed it before and wondered if there was some kind of story behind it, but Uldren couldn't help but think of how beautiful the moon was even in its broken state. It sat there, high in the sky, touched and shattered by some sort of force. He didn't know if there was anything in the world that could have caused it, but he wondered if anything had taken up residence there. Had the people of this planet even set foot on it? Was it unexplored?

"Aren't you going to take off your helmet?"

Uldren paused in his musings and stared at the silver-eyed girl. Ruby Rose, a budding girl at the age of 16, had offered him a place among them for a short time after he explained he was traveling to Mistral. The group was traveling there as well with the intent of defending Haven Academy, an institution responsible for training future generations of Huntsmen, having apparently been present when Beacon Academy and the Cross-Continental Tower fell.

Upon hearing of how he was traveling by himself, and apparently making an assumption that he was a veteran Huntsman or something of the like, she offered him a place among their group.

Currently, the five of them were sitting around a campfire. The embers crackled and snarled, the wood in its fiery maw slowly burning into sooth and ashes. Over the flame was a spit and slabs of meat.

Uldren turned his head away. "I don't see a reason why I should. You never know when you might get a hole drilled into your head."

A lesson he learned on more than a few times, courtesy of Fallen Vandals and Vex Minotaurs.

Annoying bastards.

"You're too paranoid! Take a load off!" Nora Valkyrie smiled widely at him, hand holding a skewer and pointing it. "We're totally safe here."

"You do know bandits roam Mistral like they own the place, don't you?" Uldren asked dryly.

The blonde-haired boy next to him grimaced. "We know. We saw a village not too far back. It was attacked recently. First by bandits, then by the Grimm."

"Attracted to the negativity brewing because of the bandits?" Uldren asked.

Lie Ren nodded. "That's what we believe. We found a Huntsman there, but his wounds were…" He turned his head away, lips curling downward into a frown.

Uldren could take a guess as to why that was and said nothing. Suddenly he found himself wondering whether or not the settlement he defended a few days ago was still safe. It had little to offer so chances of bandits attacking and ransacking the place were low unless somebody was incredibly desperate. He could only hope nothing would happen to it and they could get help. Worse was that there were most likely other settlements like it out here on this planet; vulnerable, weak, undefended.

He was just one person. He had powerful guns and abilities, but how would he be in two places at once? How could he just be there to protect something when the monsters showed up?

It only strengthened his belief to set up a beacon—as many as he needed to. The Vanguard had to know of this place.

The campfire snapped and crackled again. The meat was now cooked and the children wasted no time in digging their skewers into the darkened pieces of meat.

"Are you not going to eat?" Ruby asked.

Uldren smiled wryly beneath his helmet, wondering how they would react if he did take it off and showed them his face. If there were no Awoken here, then chances were this was them making alien contact or something.

Well, at least first contact was pleasant for them since he was their first alien, even if Awoken did use to be human.

"I'm not hungry," Uldren told her.

Ruby pouted and gave him an odd glare but stopped after a minute, choosing instead to focus on the food in front of her.

The group of children eventually fell asleep, safely tucked away in their sleeping bags. Their weapons were close by, but who was to say a bandit wouldn't discover them and attempt to sneak up on them, kill them and take their belongings?

Atop his perch in the trees, cloak blowing in the cool evening wind, Uldren stared at their vulnerable forms. His tracker saw no movement or any sign of enemy movement. There wasn't even a snarl or howl in the wind or hint of Grimm in the area.

"They're good kids, don't you think?" Pulled Pork appeared in a flash of light, dancing over his shoulder. "Two budding boys and girls, on a mission to defend one of the great cities of humanity. They're practically Guardians already. Actually… It's weird, but I think they're attuned to the light."

Uldren stared at Pulled Pork in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah, but it's weird. Their light isn't like Guardians. It's hard to describe, but it feels more…primal I guess? I'm not really sure how to describe it."

"…what do you suppose would happen if one of them were to become a Guardian? Would their light change?"

"Maybe? I have no idea. We don't even know if any Ghosts found their way here yet. We are outside the Sol System." Pulled Pork's optic dimmed. "Regarding that bit of information, we need to talk about the beacons. Even if we lay one down, it probably won't reach the Tower. We're in a whole new system, nevermind how far away we are from Earth. The beacons have a very long rang, but they aren't that long."

"What do you propose we do, then?"

"Remember that space station we woke up in? We were able to establish communications with the Vanguard inside, so I think I might be able to use that to boost our signal. It's a long shot, but it might be worth it. What do you say, Sov? Want to try?"

Uldren shrugged. "We don't really have very many options, P. The sooner we can establish proper communications with the Vanguard, the better. This planet needs all the help it can get."

After having said that, the Hunter gave a small pause and frowned. While it was true that the Guardians assistance on Remnant would prove invaluable, both in regards to their technology and in their skills and ability, there was no guarantee that the officials in power that ruled over the kingdoms—the Councils—would approve of their being here. They would be seen as strangers wielding incredible powers, far too potent and bizarre to be 'semblances,' and they came from another world. Another planet. Would they really accept the aid of people they knew nothing about? Of individuals who could so easily bring them down if they wanted to? Of aliens?

It was a troublesome thought, one that warranted further discussion with the Vanguard.

"Do you know where we can set the beacon?"

"We can set it up right here, actually," Pork told him. "Better hide it after you've set it up, though."

Uldren nodded and went to work.

He never noticed the black crow staring at him from far away, its red eyes tracking his movements.

After the beacon was set into the ground and hidden away in foliage, Uldren had left Remnant behind him in favor of the space station in the planet's orbit. He hadn't noticed it when he left to defend the settlement, but now that he had a chance, he saw that the station was utterly ancient. It was definitely pre-Golden Age, its exterior dented and bent. The lower chunk of the station was torn apart, as if something had torn its way inside.

The creature he discovered inside the station upon awakening came to mind. Had it been some kind of Grimm? Or was it something else?

The ship drew close to the station, practically touching it. Uldren was transmated inside and was greeted with the frigid hold of space. He returned to the console he used to speak with Commander Zavala, finding it untouched.

Pulled Pork floated over to the console and went to work. "This'll probably take a few minutes. Why don't you give the Vanguard a call?" Pork paused. "…you don't think they might be angry you hanged up on them, do you?"

"Me being here is enough to make them angry," Uldren snorted. It still frustrated him, not knowing what it was that earned their ire. Pushing that thought aside for now, he opened up his communications channels.

Before Uldren could utter a word, a familiar voice spoke. [Do you still breathe among the living, Uldren Sov?]

"Eris," Uldren greeted. "Long time no see."

[Indeed. I had feared the worst after your encounter.] Eris spoke with fear in her voice. [Have you encountered that nightmare of Dredgen Yor again?]

"No. I've found no sign of him, and in all honesty, a reunion is not high on my list of priorties."

[…that is what I was afraid of.]


[I believe it would best to have Zavala explain this,] Eris said.

The channel switched over. The voice of the Titan Vanguard Commander was as imposing as it was neutral. [Guardian Sov. Eris told us what occurred in the Shrine of Oryx. It would seem our worst fears truly have come back to haunt us…]

"Commander, regarding my refusal to return-"

Uldren was cut-off. [We can discuss that matter later. This is of dire importance. Every Guardian needs to hear this, including you.] Zavala's voice was tighter than usual. He sounded disturbed. [In the last few days, we've received troubling reports of activity across the Solar System. Numerous Guardians have been found killed with their Ghosts discarded nearby. Both dead.]

The Awoken grimaced. "How many so far?"

[Too many. And that isn't even the worst of it.]

[Their Light was ripped from their very essence,] Eris continued. [Torn out of their bodies and shells. Devoured. Consumed. At the hands of the shadow you encountered in the Shrine. The Nightmare of Yor has been killing Guardians and taking their Light.]

Uldren felt a cold shudder run down his spine. The chilling memory of those glowing, inhuman eyes came back to him. The barrel of that damned gun staring him down, its thorns ready to rip him to shreds the second the trigger was pulled.

"…is there a reason why this nightmare is taking their Light? Or is he just doing it for kicks?" Uldren asked dreadfully, unsure of whether or not he wanted to hear the answer.

Zavala sighed. [Eris has a theory. And I hope it is wrong.]

"What theory?"

[The Hive on the Moon,] Eris began. [Or rather, the Hive in the Scarlet Keep, are attempting to use the Nightmares in an attempt to resurrect the old Hive Gods. Crota. Omnigul. Oryx.]

Chilling laughter. A wave of destruction heralded by unearthly light. An explosion that wiped out so many of his kind. A face he felt so fond of, obscured and muddled, taken by the light. Leaving only him.

Uldren felt his fingers curl into a fist. His hands were trembling.

[But this Nightmare of Yor… It is worse. It has found a way to revive itself into the world. It is driven by a wanton desire; a means to resurrect. To become an embodiment of fear and anger.]

Eris Morn's words were as chilling as they were horrid.

[If it continues to devour the Light of Guardians… Dredgen Yor will return to us. More real and deadlier than ever before.]

[A New Light – Fallen Crowns]

Petra Venj watched as the newly born Guardian stumbled away, his hood pulled over his head and his gun in hand. A whirlwind of emotions was running through her mind, but all she could feel was bittersweet relief. At first, she had been shocked by their presence here at the Dreaming City. She had so many questions to ask, but they were answered when his little pink Ghost, decorated in a beautiful shell of Awoken design, greeted her and asked her for directions.

It was cute, really. She didn't know Ghosts could be so animated or cheerful, but it was a welcome distraction from the fact that she knew the Ghost's newborn Guardian.

She had found him wandering through the shores, nearly attacked by a group of frenzied Scorn. Their reaction was far more hostile than she expected, but it was understandable. The Guardian's existence was a betrayal to them; to their misshapen House. Part of Petra wondered how the Fanatic would have taken the news had the Young Wolf allowed him life.

She saved him, of course, thinking he was one of hers. Then she saw his face, then his Ghost, and understood. She offered him weapons and a ship, as well as coordinates to the Last City. She warned him those there may not take kindly to his presence, but didn't elaborate. She just couldn't find it within herself to tell him the truth.

The Guardian thanked her—thanked her—nonetheless, grateful for her assistance.

The memory lingered in her mind as she approached the altar, her footsteps echoing through the halls of the chamber. By the time she arrived, the chamber was already active. Her Queen was waiting.

Petra kneeled and bowed her head. "My Queen… Prince Uldren has been sent on his way."

"Has he now…" Mara Sov's voice was eerily calm. It was as if she knew of Uldren's rebirth as a Guardian. If she had, it would not have surprised the Queen's Wrath. "Does he recall his past?"

"No, he does not. He did not recognize me at all."

"I see." Mara Sov went silent. "…inform the rest of the Wrath and the Reef. Uldren Sov is no longer prince of the Awoken."

Petra stared in shock. "My Queen?!"

"Uldren is lost to us, and his crimes gone unanswered in spite of his death at your hands. He is no longer Awoken."

Mara's words were as cold as they were sad. As stoic as she was, Petra could not miss the pain and despair in her voice.

"Just as I am no longer his sister."

One day, young hawk, thou shalt sail beneath the silvered moon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Two chapters in one day. That almost never happens to me. Guess there was some good out of quarantine, but not by much.

This will probably be my last update for the month, though. I am currently working as a beta-reader for another author on this site and I am helping another author with another story that is currently in the works.

Regarding the inclusion of Grimoire Cards, what do you think? Should I keep them or leave them out? Or keep them but don't feature them as often?

Oh, and welcome to the "Shadows of Remnant" Arc. Good luck, Uldren. You're going to need it.


Mythfan: I hope you will continue to enjoy this story.

Schmidget: Thank you. I hope you'll continue to follow this story.

The Neckbeard Knight: I don't really have a set Power Level for Uldren. His gear is pretty much what he had on him after he was resurrected, plus what few weapons he got out on the field.

Flickered Raven: I'm glad this story caught your interest, and I hope you will continue to follow this story to its conclusion.

Arrogant Comprehender: If that is a reference to something, I'm afraid you lost me.