I don't own RWBY and Call of Duty. I own my OC.
Sorry if you find any grammar mistakes. I'm still learning English because it's not my first language.
Also, as I wrote in the summary, this story is inspired by the fics, where the cast of RWBY is taken to a theater by someone, who then makes them watch alternate version of themselves, so in this story, I'm going to use RWBY characters, to replace Modern Warfare characters (I'm sorry if you're not going to like the idea of replacing the characters)
Ruby Rose, the leader of Team RWBY, awoke her slumber. She let out a long yawn and rubbed her eyes tiredly, before realizing that something was wrong.
"Wait." She said to herself, looking around the place, "This isn't our room!"
She was laying on the floor, in a place which looked like a theater. There were dozen's of seats in front of her and there was a large movie theater screen up on the wall in front of these seats.
Everything just became weirder when she noticed that she wasn't the only person in here. There was Yang, Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Ozpin, Goodwitch, Port, Oobleck, Team CFVY, Team CRDL, Team SSSN, only a name of few.
"What is it, sis..." Yang said as she woke up from her slumber as well. A moment later, she found out where she was, she screamed, "WHERE ARE WE?!"
"Pancakes!" Nora shouted as she jolted up from her sleep because of Yang's scream, which was followed by many other people in the room.
"How did we get here?" Blake asked when she woke up along with Weiss.
"That's what we all want to know." Russel said, his teammates nodding their heads in agreement.
"This place looks like a threater." Ironwood stated.
"You think?" Goodwitch asked him, sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.
"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby shouted in joy when she saw her uncle before she launched herself into his outstretched arm, and hung on it, causing him to look at her, "It's so good to see you! Did you miss? Did you miss me?"
"Nope." They shared a grin as he pat his niece's head, before Ruby let go off his arms.
"Where the heck are we?" Tai asked.
"Dad?!" Ruby and Yang shouted in unison.
"Girls!" Tai shouted, happy to see them, as he held his arms out for a hug, which his daughter gave him a moment after.
"Well, ain't it a nice family reunion." Qrow's and Tai's hearts nearly stopped when they heard this voice. They turned to the source of the voice and saw Raven and her right hand Vernal who was standing next to her.
"Mom." Yang said, her eyes reddening.
"Raven." Tai said, glaring at her.
"Blake?" Blake thought she was going to pass out when she heard this voice. She turned around and saw that her parents, Kali and Ghira were here as well.
"Mom... Dad." She said, nervously as she took a small step backwards.
"My little girl. I missed you so much." Kali said as she ran up to Blake to give her a hug. She hugged her as tightly as she could, not wishing for this moment to end as Ghira joined them in the hug.
Sun smiled at the view Blake reuniting with her family, as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned back and saw Neptune, along with Sage and Scarlet.
"Hey, dude." Neptune greeted his team leader, and friend.
"Winter..." Weiss said as she ran over to her sister and gave her a hug.
"Specialist Schnee." Ironwood said to the older Schnee.
"General Ironwood." Winter said back, saluting at him.
"Friend Ruby!" Penny Polendina cried out at her first friend, and she rushed up to her and hugged her so tight, that Ruby was suprised she didn't run out of oxygen.
"It's... good to see you too... Penny." Ruby said, while doing her best to catch a breath, "Can you let me go. I can't breath."
Penny immediately reacted to her words, and let her go, "Oh, apologies, friend Ruby."
"It's okay." Ruby smiled at her.
"Neo. Do you know what happened?" Roman, the infamous thief of the Vale asked his partner in crime, after they woke up.
"Torchwick." Ironwood roared at him, "Are you the reason why we're here?"
Neo got herself in the defensive position, in front of Roman, who started explaining to Ironwood, "Look, Irondick, I may be a criminal mastermind, but I would never came up with something like this."
"Roman?" A voice that was very familiar to Roman, Neo and Yang said.
"Neo?" The two similiar voice said in unison.
"Junior? Melanie? Miltia? You guys are here too?" Roman asked as the three of them nodded their heads at him.
Cinder, Mercury and Emerald were the next ones to wake up, but unlike most of the people here, they decided to stay silent and see what happens.
"B-Blake." A stuttering female voice said, which made Blake turn in the direction of it, to see Illia Amitola.
"Illia. You're here t..." Blake didn't even finished what she was saying when she saw the person she didn't want to see again.
"Blake, my darling..." Adam said, smirking at her.
"Calm down, Taurus. We have more things to worry about now." Sienna Khan, the current leader of White Fang told him.
"Ozpin. I wish I was happy to see you." Ozpin, Goodwitch, Ironwood and Qrow's froze in the place when they heard this voice. They slowly, very slowly turned to the source of the voice, hoping that this person wasn't who they thought it was, but their hopes were quickly crushed when they saw Salem, the queen of Grimm herself.
Arthur Watts, Tyrian Callows and Hazel were standing by her side. Tyrian was giggling madly, Watts remained as stoic as ever, and Hazel was just glaring at Ozpin, ready to attack him at any moment.
"Okay. Now, that all of you are interacting with each other. I guess it's time to reveal myself, before you start killing yourself." An unknown male voice suddenly echoed through the room.
"Who said that?" Yang said what everyone were thinking at this moment.
"Come out and show yourself." Salem ordered.
"I was about to do it..." The unknown voice said back before a skinny man appeared on the stage. He wore a black shirt which had "Avengers" written on it, black pants and blue boots. They couldn't see his face because it was covered by a mask. The thing that interested most of them was a strange golden gauntlet which was on his right arm.
"Who are you?" Cinder demanded to know.
"Just call me B." The now so called "B" introduced himself with a small bow, not even trying to hide his excitement in his voice.
"How did you bring all of us here?" Qrow wanted to know.
"It's simple. I used this. It took me nearly three hours, but I think it was worth it." B replied, showing his gauntlet off to them.
"What is this "Avengers" thing you have on your shirt? Is it a super hero comic book, or a movie? Because it sounds like one." Jaune asked as some of the people there looked at him in disablief. Was it really the think that was bugging him the most about this human who was most likely responsible for putting them in this theater?
"It is. It's a really good series." B's answer was short and quick.
"What are we doing here?" Now it was Port who said something.
"I'll tell you in a minute, or two, or three but at first." B said as he pointed at Neo and Roman, "Neo. Come to me." Neo was confused by it, but decided to go along it, perharps it would get her and Roman out of here. She came up to the stage as the man held his gauntlet in front of him, and said "I hope this works." before snapping his fingers.
"Why..." Neo's words died in her throat as she grabbed her throat in shock, realizing that this... she didn't even know how to describe this man has given her voice back. She looked up at him, and B just shrugged his shoulders at her with a smile. Neo then turned back to Roman, with tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks, "Roman! I got my voice back!"
Roman didn't had a chance to reply as Neo rushed towards him and gave him a bone-crushing look. The orange-haired man hugged her back, as he glanced over at B, and send him a quick nod, which was saying, "Thank you."
Even Junior, and The Malachite twins seemed to be grateful for what he did to Neo.
"Anything for my favourite villains from this show." B thought to himself, referring to Neo and Roman as nodded his head at him.
"How did you do that?" Goodwitch asked. It was hard to impress her, but this human has certaintly impressed her by giving Roman's henchwoman her voice back.
"The answer is the same as to Qrow's question. I just used this. Now you may be wondering how I got it, or not. I just had to choose which thing is going to my "Author's Power Thing", or something like that and I choose The Infinity Gauntlet from Marvel comics and movies." B said as he held his hand out, once again and it began glowing, informing everyone that something is going to happen, "And Ruby, I have a gift for you too."
Ruby only watched in wonder as B snapped his fingers again, and a portal opened next to him. A moment has passed, before a woman which looked like an older version of her came out of it. Ruby gasped in shock as she immediately recognized this person. It was Summer Rose, her mother.
"Mom!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as she ran up to the stage and hugged her mother as tightly as she could, not wanting to let go.
"Ruby?" Summer asked, suprised by what just happened. What was she doing here?
"I don't know! This man just snapped his fingers, and then you came out of the portal!" Ruby explained, as Summer shot B a quick glance. He just shrugged his shoulders at her in response.
As Ruby continued to hug her mom, she was joined by Yang, who was tearing up a little, and Tai. Raven was trying to hide the fact that she was happy to see Summer again, as her brother was did his best to not shed a tear.
B just stared at them in silence, not wanting to interrupt the family's reunion, but was caught off the guard when Ruby used her semblance and crashed B into a hug.
"You brought my mom to me! How can I thank you for that?" Ruby said, as she proceeded to hug B, grateful that he brought her mother back to her.
"I was planning to show you something." B began patting Ruby on her back, silently telling her and her family to return to their seats.
"What were you planning to show us?" Watts asked him, some people from the audience nodding their heads in agreement, as Ruby released B from the hug and went back to her seat, followed by her family.
"I was planning to show you." B said, as he pointed at the black screen before him. A second later, a title appeared on it, "Call of Duty Modern Warfare Trilogy, but with you as it's characters."
"Call of Duty Modern Warfare Trilogy?" Pyrrha repeated him.
"The title sound nice." Neptune stated.
"What do you mean by "but with you as it's characters"?" Ren asked, even though he already knew the answer. He just wanted to be sure.
''It is going to present you as the characters from this trilogy. It'll be something like an alternate universe." B replied, confirming Ren's theory.
"Speaking of this trilogy. Can you explain what is it?" Winter was the next one to speak up.
"Modern Warfare Trilogy is a part of a popular video game franchise. Originally I was planning to show you The MCU." B began explaining his intentions as he looked down at his shirt, a small disappointment in his voice, "But I changed my plans two days ago, because Modern Warfare is getting a rebooted, and it's the first time when I feel positive about a game from this franchise since Black Ops 2 and this game came out 7 years ago."
"Why?" Ozpin asked him, wanting to know why this man has suddenly changed his mind. He could tell that this guy was really looking forward to this "MCU" thing.
"Let's just say the last few entries were..." B cleared this throat before continuing, "Awful. And it really hurt me as a person who was with this series since it's first game. The other reason is that it would be really hard to turn all of the characters into you, because there all so many of them. I guess I would have to show it you the other day, but without you as it's characters."
"If you are really that big fan of this trilogy, then why don't you just tell us our role in this and take us back to our places." Salem asked, not really wanting to be here, mostly because of Ozpin being here too.
"Believe me, Salem. I knew how much I was risking when I decided to invite you and your sidekicks to this little party, because of your story with Ozpin." Ozpin and Salem were suprised by his answer. Did he knew about the story between them? If yes, then how did he found out about that?, "As for your question, I haven't seen it myself. I do know the story of this game, but I don't know which characters are you going to be. However, I do have a guesses." B said, as he sent quick glance at Ironwood.
He was certain about the role Ironwood is going to get in the story of Modern Warfare. And he knew that Ironwood was not going to like it.
"Why is he looking at me like that?" Ironwood thought to himself.
"And now..." B said as he got himself off the stage and walked over to the seat that was separated from the others and sat down down it, He rubbed his hands excitedly as he said, "Shall we begin?"
So, here we are with the first chapter. This story is probably not going to be the best, because It's my first time writing a fic when the characters are reacting to something.
And yes, I know what recently came out about loot-boxes, and the survival mode being available only on ps4. B doesn't know about it, yet because I started writing this story before this news came out. I'm planning him to comment it in the future chapters.
Goddammit Activision. Everything was looking so good about this game, so far, but you just had to do something to piss the players off a month before the release! The worst part is that they know people don't want this and are doing it anyway.
Anyway, hope it wasn't that bad. See you in another chapter.