How everyone found out

Even though it's common for UA students to wake up early in the dorms, but for Izuku Midoriya he had to get up even earlier, and the reason was just coming off the elevator to join him for breakfast. "Hey Deku." Ochako Uraraka, Izuku's secret girlfriend since the start of their second year together. "What's for breakfast?"

"Cereal, like always."

"Shame it can't be something more… romantic." Ochaco said as she rested her hand leaning on the table.

"Okay, how does someone make breakfast romantic?" Izuku asked sitting down. "I mean it's breakfast you just woke up, you still feel a little tired cause you stay up late…"

"Yeah you did." Ochako said raising her eyebrows suggestively with a Cheshire smile.

"…studying." Izuku said smiling at his girlfriend who couldn't stop giggling

"Something which you also make fun and somehow romantic last week."

"The power went out and Kaminari was busy powering the tv and charging everyone's phones, candlelight was all we had. Though candlelight made you look very angelic." Izuku said with a blush on his cheeks.

"Oh, you sweet talker." The couple continued to talk and flirt over breakfast, just enjoying each other's company. "Why can't it be like this more often?"

"Because we share the same roof as eighteen other students, who if they found out wouldn't leave us alone for a second and then we wouldn't even have these little moments." Izuku said pouring Ochaco another glass of orange juice.

"Yeah, I guess, and who knows how Mr Aizawa would act. Probably go on about how it's not rational to pursue a relationship while focusing on hero work yadayadayada"

"I'm more afraid of Miss Midnight, Togata told me if she smells even a whiff of student relationships, she hits the entire class with a SexEd lesson with some overly graphic visual aids." Izuku leaned in closer and whispered. "Amajiki didn't show up for class for three days."

Ochaco leaned also leaned in to Midoriya to the point he could feel her breath and said. "Well it wouldn't kill you to learn something." Before placing a kiss on his lips. When she sat down, she looked at Midoriya was just frozen in place and red as a tomato.

"Where did that come!?" He said shocked trying his best not to yell

"The girls and I have been doing extra art classes with Miss Midnight, just a little girl time, and well Miss Midnight likes to teach us how to use our 'womanly ways.' Mina has really taken to it."

"I bet Mineta would give his right arm to get a camera in that class." Izuku said with a chuckle

"We've taken precautions against that. There was a strategy meeting, steps are taken, I even use some of the stuff we come up with for that strategic planning assignment last week."

"… You got the highest marks in the class for that."

"I know, it was a very detailed meeting." Ochaco just stared at Izuku with a smile on her face.


"Nothing, just enjoying the company."

"Probably not as much as I am. Believe me I would love nothing more than to just take you out on a proper date, have a whole night to ourselves and just forget all of this," Izuku gestured to the building. "and just have it be us. But until they let us have a bit more freedom around with our comings and goings with heights alliance, I'm afraid this is the best we can do."

"Well I'll take what I can get." Ochaco took his hand leaving her pinkie finger in the air.

"Me too." Izuku tightened his hand. "Thank God we share a classroom."

"Yeah, though that does make me wonder how out of all people, how would Iida react."

"Probably between friend supporting friends in a relationship and Class Rep who worries about his classmates falling or making his class look foolish."

"C'mon it's not like we're the first people in UA to start a relationship, are we?"

"No we're not, I know a few people in years ahead, but Hero Coarse relationships are uncommon due to high tension and stress. You don't think I'm stressful, do you?"

"Hey even before we were together, my head would have probably exploded from stress since coming into UA, or maybe even dead. The scary part is that might not actually be joke. And frankly as much as I wish we could be more open I actually do find the sneaking around a bit exciting."

"Yeah it kind of is isn't it, I never thought I'd be the type of guy that sneaks around with girl. Speaking of which we better get moving the others are going to start getting up soon."

"Okay, guess it's time for sneak Deku and Uravity." Ochaco started moving towards the elevator to go back to her room.

Izuku was cleaning the bowls when a thought popped into his head. "How about sneak IzuOcha?"

Ochaco stopped mid step and started laughing. "That is so corny, and I love it. C'mon let's go."

Izuku put the bowls away and caught up with Ochaco and got on to the elevator.

"Yeah you guys aren't anywhere near as sneaky as you think are." Hagakure said standing by the door wearing just her running tank-top and shorts. "I'm wearing cloths and they don't even realise here. For over a week I get that I'm invisible but how do you not notice the floating tank top." Hagakure went to the sink for some water. "They may make a cute couple, but I bet in another months' time everyone's going to know, which is half the fun of being invisible, I can watch it all unfold. Beats the hell out of just telling everyone." Hagakure went to take a shower cackling to herself.