Hi, everyone! Sorry it's been so long. Things are crrrrazy in my life and in my state! Hopefully this long chapter makes up for it. Please know I have no intention of abandoning this story, so even if I'm 1 or 2 months without an update, the update will come! Also, please know I love, love, love reading all your reviews and the ones who hold me accountable, asking for update, really get me moving. So, thanks again to those who took the time to review!

There's a trigger warning in this chapter that deals with death, funerals, grief, etc.

It's past eight, and dad's been next door for an hour.

Mom yells at me to relax.

I've walked every inch of this house since Mr. Cullen invited dad into his home and mom shut the door before I could run out.

I'm surprised I haven't worn down the wood from my foot traffic.

"Honey," mom says, sipping a glass of wine and patting the couch next to her. "You have to take a breath."

"What if he's hurt?"

"When did you last hear from Edward?"

"Before we sat down for dinner."

"Did he have plans to go anywhere today?"

"I don't know. I don't think so!"

"Then I'm sure he's okay."

"Then what is it? What if it's Alice or Jasper or Mrs. Cullen? I mean, it has to be one of them, right?"

Mom's lips press together in a tight line. She knows it's true, but has nothing to say to me.

"Let's try not to think about it. I'm sure your father is doing everything he can regardless of the situation."

I nod, take as deep a breath as I can manage, and send one last text to my three besties next door.

Please tell me what's going on.

I push back the tears, reserving them for later when I'm alone and safe inside my room.


It's another 30 minutes before heavy, slow footsteps stomp their way onto the old wood of our front porch. Mom and I both hold our breath, waiting for the front door to open.

She's so much better at hiding her feelings than I am. Where I pace and pull at my hair, mom sits still and sketches. Where I sigh and groan, mom presses graphite hard against paper. But there's no mistaking our same reaction when dad walks through the door, uniform rumpled, grimace plastered to his face, a heavy heart helps heavy hands unbutton the top of his uniform.

"Well?" I ask, unable to sit still any longer.

Dad looks from me to mom. Old age etches his face, and today he looks older than I've ever seen him before.


Dad turns and sighs. He kicks off his boots and cracks his neck.

"I'm going over. I'll be back—"


It's a simple, soft statement coming from dad. Finally, he speaks.

"You can't stop me. Those are my—"

"And their parents are handling it. You aren't going over there, Bella."

Tears well in my eyes.

"Then tell me what happened! Is it Alice? Is it Jasper? Is it… Edward?" My voice sort of cracks on his name, and please, dad, don't notice it.

A tear slips down my cheek. It's hot and angry and fast. I slap it away before dad notices.

"Your friends are… safe," he says cautiously.

I turn on my heels. Mom watches the entire thing and says nothing. I don't expect her to because what could she even say? I don't hide any of the tears that fall from my face. Fast, nervous feet run up the stairs and into my room. The clock on my night stand says 8:37. It's dark outside, and I hope to see cherry run burn bright from the backyard next door, but I see nothing.

I kick off my stockings and lay flat on my bed. My phone sits silently beside me. I check multiple times over the next hour to make sure my sound is in fact on. My small lamp illuminates the room in soft yellow. Turkey and emotions cause my eyes to droop. I turn finally onto my side, rub the dryness away, and stare out my back window until sleep takes me.


The wind against my window and in the forest behind the house wakes me. Quickly, I sit up and glance at the clock. It's just past midnight. I check my phone. Nothing. My heart beat slows and disappointment trickles through my veins before turning into worry.

Why is no one answering me?

I curse the wind as it knocks against my window again.

I can't believe all three of my friends are ignoring me. Maybe not ignoring, though. Maybe something really, really bad happened, and they haven't checked their phone.

My pulse quickens at the thought.

I stand swiftly, walk to my door, and open it to check my parents are no longer downstairs. The only light coming from downstairs is the overhead light above the stove that spills out onto the walls.

I close my door softly and decide I'm done waiting around. I pull open my drawers and tug out sweats. It's cold, and with the way the wind whips around outside, I want to be warm when I sneak out. I'm about to lift the hem of my dress when the knocking sounds again. Then again. And again, but this time it sounds firmer.

I walk closely to my window and squint before nearly screaming when two eyes gleam back. I unlock my window and throw it open quietly but frantically.

"Jesus, Bella, this would have been so much easier if you kept your window unlocked," Edward whispers lowly, carefully climbing into my room and placing the window back down. The hood of his sweatshirt covers his hair, and when I pull it down, his eyes are rimmed-red and sad.

"What are you doing here?" I ask softly, cupping his cheek in my palm.

He's frigid and shivering and his eyes won't meet mine.

"Your dad—"

"He wouldn't tell me anything, Edward. I've been… I just… no one will tell me anything."

I finally let tears skate down my cheeks. They scorch and drip down my neck. Edward pulls me into his arms and sits quietly on my bed. He kicks off his shoes, pulls us under the covers, and holds me against him tighter, safer.

"I'm glad you're okay. I was so afraid—" but I can't make myself finish my statement because if he's safe, then who's hurt? "Who is it, Edward? What happened?"

Edward breathes in slowly and sighs slower. He smells like warmth and cologne and November air. His black sweatshirt is soft against my arms and his legs entwine with mine. He traps my knee between his thighs and scoots even closer so that his chin rests atop my head. Edward squeezes me to him.

"We were in the middle of dinner when your dad showed up. Jasper and Alice were in the middle of talking about going shopping tomorrow in Port A, and my mom was talking about the sales, when my dad asked to talk to Jasper in his study. They were in there forever, B. I was so nervous. I know Jas has been straight. I check him every day. His eyes are clear, his voice is straight. Jas has been sober, you know, aside from some weed recently, but he's off the pills, so I didn't understand. I thought that fucker Riley threw him under the bus or some shit."

Edward gulps, and I can feel the slide of his Adam's apple against my hair.

"I ask Alice point blank if Jasper's been fucking around and she says not even once so nothing makes sense. I ask mom if she knows anything and she just shakes her head. I could tell she was nervous as shit. None of us could finish eating, so we pack everything up and just sit and wait. Eventually, your dad comes out and leaves, and Jasper and dad stay in the study. After a while, dad and Jasper come back to the table and tell us what happened."

Edward takes another deep breath and blows out slowly.

"Jasper's biological mom overdosed."

I take a moment to let that sink in.

"Wasn't she clean for, like, a while?"

"She was. I guess she stopped going to meetings a few months ago, got back with Jasper's biological dad, and… well, the same shit started happening. He'd beat her, she'd leave him, he'd give her drugs, she'd come back. It was cycle. This time she took too much."

"She died?" I whisper, sitting up.

Edward's eyes leak slowly as he nods. "Jasper's a mess. He had been getting closer with his mom. I guess she never stopped talking to him even after she got back with his dad, but his mom never said anything to him."

"Not even during visitation?"

"They haven't had visitation in months. I guess we know why now."

"How is he?"

"Bad, Bella. Your dad told my dad they got a call from her neighbor to do a welfare check and they found her on her bathroom floor. It had been days."

"Where's Jas now?"

"He was with my parents. They were briefing him on his choices, options, all that shit. I had to get the fuck out of there."

"What do you mean? Is he going away?"

"No, no. He's staying with us, but his dad's missing, no one has seen or heard from him, and she has no other family. It's up to Jas if he wants to have a funeral and shit."

I nod and go over everything he's told me. His mom who recently came back in his life, got sober, wanted a relationship with him, just died. Jasper, sensitive and kind, has to deal with putting together a funeral to burry his mom at too young of an age.

Edward holds me close to him, kisses the top of my head, squeezes me when the wind howls, whispers love when I need it most.

"I'm sorry," he says, scooting lower so our noses touch.

I pull the blanket over our heads and envelope myself in his scent and the warmth he breathes around us.

"Please don't be," I whisper, gliding my hand through his tangled, shaggy hair. "You guys had your hands full. I wish I could have been there for you guys during this."

"I didn't have my phone all night. I thought it was charging in my room, but the plug fell out and by the time I left Jas, Al, and my parents, I didn't want to waste time charging the thing. I had to see you. To smell you. To feel you."

My arms wrap tenderly around his midsection and pull him to me.

We lay in silence for long moments. The only noise is the beat of his heart and the whispering of tall pine trees out back. The wind doesn't sound as scary when I'm wrapped up in him.

"You know," he starts, yawning heavily, "I didn't think this is what it would be like the first time I snuck into your room, B."

I chuckle once, low, and shake my head. "Me neither."

I kiss his gentle lips and rub his back until his snores fill our small blanket fort.


"I don't think it's a good idea—" dad starts before I interrupt.

"He's one of my best friends, dad. He's been through a lot. I want to show him my support."

Dad sighs and rubs his temples. He doesn't want to say no, but he doesn't want to say yes.

Jasper's mom's funeral is this Saturday at the church downtown. He decided against a wake, but wanted to hold a service for her at the church she used to attend for religious and personal reasons. Later that night, Edward told me it's where she went to Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. That makes much more sense.

"I'll go with her, Charlie. She won't be alone." Mom puts her fingers in dads palm to reassure him.

Dad glances at his wife and then to me. I'm not hopeful because I'm not asking. He knows this. I will not leave my best friends because my dad wants to keep me locked in my room for the rest of my life.

"Okay," he agrees with a nod.

There's no happiness. There's no celebration. This isn't a win. This is his daughter attending her best friend's mom's funeral.


It's Friday, and Jasper's been out of school all week. The first snow fall of the year floats down around us. This week has been gray and dull and cold. Maybe it's the absence of Jasper or the sadness cloaked over Alice. Either way, it sucks.

During Science, we watch a movie on the life cycle of frogs, and I turn my attention to the window. Outside, snow turns to sleet and sleet turns to ice in a matter of forty minutes.

Think we'll get out early? Rose texts at 9:33.

We never do I answer back, but I sort of hope we do. Dad's working a double, and mom's at an art class until 5.

At ten, they make the announcement.

All the students buzz about, making plans to hang out and get a kickstart on the weekend.

"Practice is cancelled," Edward says, sliding down the hill to his car. He skates around on the ice patches, pulling me with him.

Alice waits for us impatiently at the car.

"C'mon, love birds. Let's get the fuck out of here."

Edward drives slower than ever. Mostly because everyone else is, but also because the roads are trash.

We're three blocks from home when my phone rings.


"Hi, mom."

"Hi, sweetie. Did you make it home?"

"We're almost there now. Where are you?"

"I'm stuck in Port Angeles. I got here just as they canceled the class, and I don't want to drive home in the ice."

"You should definitely stay, mom. It's like an ice rink around here."

"Will you be okay? Dad's at the station if you need anything."

"I'll be okay, mom. Be careful."

We hang up as Edward pulls into his driveway. Alice hops out and slips but she manages to catch herself. I, unfortunately, but predictably, am not as graceful. I take one step on their driveway and slip down hard, landing on my knee. I catch myself with my palms and curse loudly.

Alice laughs but stops when she sees the tears threatening to spill out.

"Oh shit, you okay, Bella?" she asks, leaning down.

Edward rushes over, skating carefully to me. Alice moves out of the way, taking Edward's backpack and walking inside to meet Jasper.

He calls to see if I'm okay and I wave him off. He looks like maybe there's a hint of a smile at my clumsiness, so I offer a small smile and hide my eyes.

"Let me help you home, B," Edward insists.

He practically carries me, holding me close to his side, stepping first, testing the spot before allowing me to walk. At my door, he unlocks and opens it, setting my backpack on the floor.

I put my keys on the table and press the button to listen to the voicemail machine.

"Hey Bells, it's dad. I just wanted to check in, but I guess you're not home yet. Mom said she's staying in Port Angeles until the weather breaks, and I'll be at the station, but if you need anything, you better call. And stay home! I'll try to catch you later. Be safe."

Edward walks up behind me and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"What are you going to do with an entire day to yourself, Pretty?" he asks gently.

"Hm, I though maybe I'd make a snack, watch a movie, take a nap, take a hot bubble bath in mom's fancy tub."

"How fancy we talkin'?"

"Has jets and everything."

"Jets, huh?"


"Well, I may need to stay and try this bathtub out for myself, too, ya know."

I smile as he turns me and kisses me softly.

I break away and head to the kitchen, pulling out some pans, bread, butter, cheese, and soup.

"Tomato soup and grilled cheese sound okay?" I ask, turning to see him braced against the door frame, arms crossed.

"Sounds delicious."

He helps spread the butter on the bread and when he rips two piece, I task him with heating the soup.

When I turn to place our food on the table, I wince at the unexpected pain coming from my leg. He eyes me questioningly.

"My knee," I tell him, and when I look down, there's a dark splattering of blood coating light denim.

Edward pushes me back and lifts me so I'm sitting on the counter. My skinnies are too tight, so he unbuttons the top and pulls them down my legs. I hide my lavender, lacey undies with my hands as bends to inspect my knee.

"You busted your knee pretty good," he tells me.

"Band aids are in the downstairs bathroom closet." I nod my head towards the hall.

When he comes back, Edward has tissue, antiseptic cream, peroxide, and the biggest band aid ever.

"Edward, I think you went a little overboard."

He kneels before me, looks up at me through his lashes, and quirks and brow. It dawns on me that this is one of the first time's he's been between my legs and not—

But then he pours the peroxide on my cut and the cold stops that thought. He leans in closer and blows it dry. He spreads some cream on the cuts decorating my knee, then gently presses the bandage to my wound. He bends down to kiss it and when he looks at me, my knees go slack.

Edward runs his fingers up and down my legs until they rest on my inner thighs, then he spreads me slowly.

He greets lacey lavender with a smile and bends to kiss my mound softly. The phone rings and when Edward gets up to grab it, I lean back on my palms and release the breath I was holding.

I cross my legs and catch my breath but then I hear the click of a button and Edward's handing me the phone. His eyes say it's for you.


Edward kneels and spreads my knees slowly again, wider this time.

"Bells, you're home?"

"Oh, hey dad. Yeah I'm home." I make sure to enunciate dad to make sure Edward knows, but his smirk tells me he already does.

"You're safe?"

Edward pulls my hips to the edge of the counter, leaning me back, and places my feet on his shoulders.

"Mhm," I answer, trying to close my knees around his head. What's he doing? I'm talking to my dad!

Edward gives me a devilish look.

"The roads are really bad, kid. Make sure you stay home."

He pulls my undies to the side and cold air hits the warmth of my slick center. I watch Edward lick his lips as he leans in. He looks at me like I'm his last dinner and he plans to lick his plate clean.

"Yeah. I slipped and fell when we got home." I don't know what to say and to be honest, I'm not even half-listening. How can I be when Edward's slowly descending.

"You fell? Are you okay? Do I need to come home—"

"No!" I insist a little too eagerly. "No, I mean, it was pretty funny actually. I'm not hurt I just—"

And then Edward swipes his tongue out to taste my clit and my hips buck and my voice catches in my throat and I fall back against the cabinets.


"Sorry. Sorry I just—"

He does it again. His tongue is firm as it circles and flicks. He glances at me before his hands come to circle my hips and he pulls me closer so he can feast like he intends to.

Edward flattens his tongue and licks my entire pussy from bottom to top in long, hard licks.

"Are you okay?" dad asks. "You're kind of out of breath."

"Yeah, sorry, I just ran up to my room to grab my calculator."

Edward dives in fully, sucking my clit between his lips, pulling my mound back, exposing the little nub from it's hood. He laughs against my lips, eating my pussy like he never has before.

"Homework on a Friday? Don't work too hard, Bella," dad laughs.

"Okay dad. I'll talk to you later. I want to study while its still—" lips around my clit and sucks in strong "fresh in my mind."

I can't help but grunt and try to push his head away with my free hand. Edward pulls it away and holds it firmly in his hand. "Sorry. Stubbed my toe."

Dad chuckles. "You are clumsy, huh? I'll give you a call a little later, Bells. Be good."

"I will. I'll be good," I say, before hanging up.

"Will you?" Edward asks.

"Oh shut up and keep going," I tell him, leaning back, putting my hand back in his hair and pushing his mouth back onto my clit.

"Are you a good girl?" he asks me, mouth full of my pussy.

"Oh shit, like that, Edward. Don't stop."

Edward pulls me closer, encouraged by my confidence. He eats me hungrily. The flatness of his tongue spreads my lips and flicks repeatedly, quickly against my swollen nub.

"You have the prettiest pussy I've ever seen, baby. So smooth, and pink, and tight. Fuck you're so tight," he teases, slipping the tip of his finger into my opening. "So wet and responsive. Everything I do makes you soaking wet." For emphasis, he sucks my lips, one at a time, into his mouth and then licks big, lazy circles around my opening.

"Oh fuck," I moan loudly, closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling of my boyfriend's tongue between my lips, on my clit, at my entrance, and then lower. "Edward!" I screech, seizing my legs.

"Relax," he whispers.

I do but only marginally. Edward tongues below my entrance and while it doesn't feel bad, it doesn't feel as good as it does northward. He must catch on because he comes back with a vengeance. Edward's mouth sucks onto my clit and I feel his tongue flick against me. He doesn't release me like he has been, and when it becomes too much, I take his hair between my fingers and squeeze hard.

"Oh my fucking god," I mewl. "Holy shit," I whimper. "Edward, don't stop. Don't stop. Don't fucking stop."

I convulse around him and on him and in his mouth. His tongue slows and the suction releases gently. He brings me down lightly, licking and tasting my orgasm until I'm way too sensitive and have to push him away.

"Edward," I start, catching my breath. "That was…"

He smirks, knowing.

"That was so…" but there really are not any words.

Edward cleans me with a washcloth and straightens lace, helps pull my pants up, and sits down to dig into his sandwich.

I take my time getting to the table. I'm lightheaded and slightly airy, but I make it when he's finished with half his sandwich.

"Didn't you just eat lunch?" I half joke.

He laughs and kicks my foot under the table. "I could eat your pussy all fucking day and still be starving, baby. Should we try it?"

"Not after that," I tell him. "I've never orgasmed that hard in my life."

He smirks proudly.

"But don't ever do that when I'm on the phone with my parent ever again."

He smirks again. "That's why you came so hard, baby."

I spend the rest of lunch quietly thinking about his words.

He cleans up and tells me to pick a movie on TV. I settle on Fifty First Dates when Al and Jas walk in.

"How's your knee?" Al asks, plopping down next to me.

"Bandaged and healing," I tell her.

Jas sits quietly on the recliner.

"Hey Jas," I offer.

"Hey Klutz," he teases quietly with a wink, but the sparkle is half lost and I really miss it.

Al and I watch the movie while Edward and Jas snooze softly next to us. Edward's head lulls back, side to side, against the back of the couch, and even Jasper gently snores in the recliner. Halfway through the movie, ice turns to balls as it hits against the windows.

"This weather sucks," Alice whispers, spreading a blanket onto Jasper's sleeping form. "This is one of the first times he's slept all week."

I believe it, too. His eyes are lack-of-sleep bloodshot and his eyebags have eyebags.

"I really love him," Alice whispers tearfully, "and this is so fucking hard. This whole time he thought he was getting clean with his mom and then his mom just fucking OD's and dies."

"You don't think—"

"Nah," she says immediately. "We talked about it. He said he wasn't getting clean for her, he was getting clean for him, for us, for our future."

I nod in acceptance.

"Tomorrow's going to suck, Bella."

I nod in acceptance again.


It's just after four when our friends leave. Edward stirs awake as the door shuts.

"Did I miss the movie?"

"Which one?" I tease.

"Sorry, B, we just haven't been getting a lot of sleep at night."

I smile gently in acknowledgment as he nods off again.

I walk up the stairs and start the tub in my parent's bathroom. I light a dozen candles like mom does when she's had a particularly rough day, and it reminds me to call her.

She picks up on the second ring and tells me the roads are no better and she might have to bite the bullet and stay at a hotel for the night.

"Mom, just do whatever you can to stay safe. I'm not a baby anymore. You can trust me."

"I know, sweetie, it's not that I don't trust you, I just worry with the roads and what if there's an emergency and dad can't get to you?"

"Mom, that's literally his job," I joke. "Besides, there won't be an emergency. I'm getting ready to take a hot bath, I'll probably watch some movies, eat some ice cream, and head to bed. I'll lock all the doors and windows. I have to be up for the funeral tomorrow anyways."

I can hear mom practically nodding in agreement. "If I'm not back, I'll make sure dad's able to take you."

"I can go with the Cullens," I remind her.

"Be safe," she tells me, blowing me off. "See you tomorrow."

We hang up just in time to but the bubble bath in. When I turn, Edward's standing in the door frame sleepily.

"You didn't wake me."

"I was just about to."

I walk over and pull his shirt from his chest and slide his jeans and boxers down.

His penis hangs limply, and I take a second to admire it. He's long and thick, even when he's not turned on. I meet his gaze and he's staring into me. I look down again and he's thickened substantially.

I remove my shirt and jeans. Edward walks to me, slipping his fingers into the sides of lavender lace, and slowly pushes them over my soft hips and down my thighs. Edward's lips are firm and loving against mine. One hand rests above my hip and the other grips my neck.

I watch Edward step in and settle before I shut the lights and step in to rest between his open legs.

I scoot back and he grunts. "Careful. You gave me a semi," he teases. I feel his hand grace my lower back under water as he rearranges.

We're quiet, enjoying the calm water lap at our arms and chest.

"Remember that night at the beach when I nearly fucked you into the sand? I always hated dry humping until I met you… then it was my favorite fucking thing in the universe," he laughs.

I nod my head with a giggle, too.

"I remember it was the hottest thing I'd ever done, obviously, but I had scratches up and down my thighs for a week and couldn't wear shorts. My mom kept asking why I was in pants or long dresses when it was hot out and I just had to pretend I was cold."

He kisses his way down to my neck.

"Remember when we were playing ball before school let out last year and Jas bounced it right into Alice's face?"

"Boy was she pissed. Her nose bled for a long time, too. I think even your dad was getting worried."

"We thought she was overreacting. You know how dramatic Al can be."

I nod my head because boy do I.

"Remember when Al and I were sunbathing in your backyard and—"

"Jas and I dumped a bucket of cold water on you guys."

He laughs as I swat water at his arm. "That was so mean."

He pulls me against him and wraps his arms under my breasts. "I wanted to see how hard your nipples would get."

I shiver at his statement and give him an "mhm" passively.

"Besides, you wear wearing a white little bikini, Pretty. How could I not? It's like you wore it just for me."

"I did."

Edward lightly traces the under side of my breast with the tips of his fingers. It's so light I can barely even feel it. Barely.

"Remember when I kissed you for the first time?" he whispers.

I nod and smile. "I didn't know what the heck you were doing."

"I had to bring Jasper just incase Alice followed him out. I wanted to do that the first day I saw you," he admits, running his now soapy fingers up my arms, across my chest, and back into the water. "You knocked on my door with your mom and you brought cookies or some shit, right?"

I nod yes.

"I never told you, but I had seen you before. Before you knocked on my door that day. When we first moved in, I saw you in the backyard helping your dad rake leaves. All the leaves hadn't even fallen yet and I was wondering why the fuck you guys were doing all that work. I was still so pissed at my family at the time. I sat on my back porch and watched your dad throw leaves over your head. You screamed there was spider and tore your sweatshirt off. You only had a little tank on underneath, Bella. Your body wasn't developed like it is now, but you were still so fucking beautiful then. Your skin was creamy like milk and you hair was windblown and Autumn leaves dirty. Your playful screams and laughter made my heart double beat. My family took me away from Arizona because I was selling drugs and fucking too many girls. Then, they moved us into a house with literally the girl-next-fucking-door. It was fate, Bella."

His voice melts into my ear as his hands caress every inch of flesh they can until he settles on my waist.

"That day you came over, literally minutes before you knocked, I was in my room jerking off. Well, trying to at least. I was picturing you in my thoughts, Bella. I didn't know who you were, I didn't know your name, I didn't know your dad was chief of fucking police, and there I was rubbing one out to his daughter thinking about how I could get you over and just look at you. Then you knocked and no one was answering, so I shoved my dick in my pants and answered. Bella, believe me when I say I nearly jizzed right there when I opened the door and it was you. I could see your face, smell your hair, hear your laughter next door in Alice's room. I always knew this is where we'd end up."

"In a tub in my parent's bathroom?" I tease.

"Seventeen and in love with so much fucking future in front of us."

His hope and excitement bleeds into me. My smile burns my cheeks. My heart nearly soars into heaven.

"I can't really remember when I first touched myself to you, Edward, but I know what I thought of."

The grip on my waist tightens as he waits.

"I pictured you above me on the couch in the basement, kissing my neck so slowly. I could nearly feel your tongue flatten against my skin and drag upwards slowly. You had me pinned down and you were rocking your hips into mine. You let me grip you over your pants. I remember becoming so incredibly wet at the thought of seeing you. Kind of like that night at the beach, I guess."

I stop to trace my fingers against the warm water, skimming the surface delicately.

"What next?" his voice husky in my ear.

"You sat against the couch and I was on my knees. You showed me what to do. You used your words to instruct me, to tell me what you like. You were so vocal in my fantasy, Edward. You were sweet and caring, and your eyes were so blue as they stared me down. I came the second I put your cock in my mouth. I came thinking about what you'd look like as I tasted you for the first time, how you'd sound when I put my mouth on you, where your hands would be."

Edward grunts in my ear lowly and his cock presses its way along my spine.

"You fingered your pussy and made yourself come to the thought of sucking my dick?"

I bite my lip as I remember and nod slowly.

"You get off on my pleasure, baby?"

I nod again.

"Same, Bella. I love hearing every sound you make and the look on your face. I'll never forget what you looked like the first time I gave you my cock. You were all smiles and lip biting and moans of pleasure when I pushed into you."

He now grinds himself against me. I keep still, letting him use me in any way he wants.

"Tell me your fantasy," he whispers. "Tell me something you want to try, a place you want to have my cock, anything at all."

I think for a moment and turn in his arms. I straddle him lazily, our centers barely touching, so he's surprised when my fingers grip him out of nowhere. Although the tub is wet, my palm pulls at his skin and I can't imagine it feels good, but he says nothing. Instead, he thrusts into my palm when I move too slowly.

Normally, I'd be too embarrassed to tell him my secret fantasies, thoughts, wishes, hopes, dreams about our sex, but the lights are dim and the candles glow fades slightly. It's darker in here than before, so I tell him everything.

"At school," I whisper.

"Where?" he growls.

"Anywhere." Then I think for a second more. "The room in the library. And that wing on the third floor they never finished. The one all taped off that no one goes in. At the lunch table."

"Keep going," Edward whispers, leaning forward to kiss from one side of my throat to the other.

"In my bed." He licks from my throat to my collar bone. "On your kitchen counter." He nips from my collar bone to my breastbone. "In the water at the beach." He kisses from my breast bone to just above my nipple. "In your parents' room." The last one has my biting my lip, but when he sucks my nipple into his mouth and bites gently, something tells me it doesn't quite gross him out like I feared.

"You want me to fuck you in my parents' room?"

I nod slowly, arching back to feel give him more of my breast.

"Where in their room, Bella?"

He sucks harder, egging me on.

"Against the wall, maybe on that little chaise in the corner… on their bed."

Edward pushes me away and for a brief moment I think maybe I've finally done it. I've out perved my pervy boyfriend, but then he stands and his hard on nearly slaps my chin.

"Turn the jets on, Isabella."

I suck my lip between my teeth. It's on.

I press the button and the jets bubble around us.

"How many times have you pressed your pussy against the jet and made yourself come?"

I blush. How does he know? "Two."

"Show me."

He's sitting on the edge of the tub, slowly jerking himself as he watches me assume position. I'm on all fours, backing up against the stream, lowering my top half. I'm so glad my parents didn't skimp out and buy a tiny tub. This one is like a mini hot tub, and both me and my vagina are thrilled about it. I press myself against the stream and close my eyes.

Edward stretches himself out, sits on the edge of the tub, brings his erection closer to my mouth, and guides my head down.

"Don't you dare come," he warns when I start gyrating my hips.

I look at him, placing him on my tongue, and then immediately get to work. He's been so attentive to me lately, and I need to return the favor.

I let my tongue roll around the head of his cock, sucking gently, letting my saliva coat my hand and his length to make it easier. His hand never leaves my hair, but he doesn't push me any further than I go. I glance up to see if he's watching. He is, but he's not watching my mouth. His eyes are tying to see through the bubbles. He wants to know what the jets are doing to me.

I moan loudly with him in my mouth and press my hips back and forth, giving him the show he wants.

His smirk sets me ablaze. God, he's so hot.

"You like that, baby? You like sucking my cock and having your clit played with?"

I nod yes and take him deeper. I pause. I go deeper yet. I pause. Edward grunts, and I know it's killing him to keep his hips still. My throat muscles relax, and I hold back a gag as I push him deeper again. I try to swallow with him stretching my throat and Edward growls loudly as my throat muscles contract.


He thrusts the slightest bit and my throat closes harder over his cock, causing me to gag until he pulls me off with my hair. I release him with a gasp.

"Do you trust me?" he asks.

I nod because of course I do.

He stands now. Water drips off of him. I lean forward and taste his soapy, wet thighs. He watches me. I place my hand around his shaft and lean down to lick his balls, an area I don't pay nearly enough attention to.

I jerk him slowly, letting my tongue move over and between the two balls in front of me. His fist tightens in my hair and he brings me closer. He encourages me, and when I open my mouth to taste one fully, his moans are louder than ever.

"Fuck, Bella, yes."

Edward steps back slightly, replacing my hand with his, jerking himself faster, looking down at me on my knees.

"What a fucking view." He pauses then nods his head. "Back up."

I do. I move back against the jets but there's not enough room to place it against my clit just how I like. Instead, it hits just above my opening in this position.

I tilt from knee to knee, trying my best. "Edward," I groan, trying to lean forward to help myself out. He steps closer, stopping me.

"Sit back… on your knees."

When I do, my body jumps away.

"Stay there."

The jet pulses and vibrates against the opening at my backside. The pressure feels weird and dirty but his eyes are so hooded and black and his cock leaks in front of me.

I lean forward and taste it. He hisses at the contact and steps closer.

"If I hurt you or it's too much, tap my leg, okay?"

I nod. His eyes blacken further, his erection pulses, moving on its own as he gathers all my hair with both fists.

"Is it against your asshole?"

I nod, moving my hips. The pressure builds in my lower belly. Does this actually feel good?

"Keep it there."

Edward steps closer yet. My neck is bent nearly all the way back and he hovers over me completely. His entire cock covers the length of my face and then some. He moves his hips until he's nestled between my lips and then he holds my head still.

Edward uses his hips and sets his own pace to fuck my mouth. He starts slow, and my tongue is able to keep up. I circle his head and massage his shaft. I even scrape my teeth just the slightest to feel him jump. He picks up the pace, going deeper, making me hold my breath. Then he pushes as far into my mouth as I can handle before gagging and holds me there. He moans and does it again.

"Relax," he whispers.

Easy for him to say!

Eventually I do, though. My throat opens, I breathe where I can, and my belly stops convulsing.

"Open," he encourages, slipping further into my throat.

His commands are so hot it makes my belly flip-flop.

I swallow and constrict around him and Edward grinds his words in his mouth.

The jet relaxes me, and the pressure starts to feel good. I roll my hips to get more pleasure. Soon my hips gyrate, and Edward pulls out abruptly. He jerks me up and bends me over. I thought for sure he'd want to fuck me just like this, but I'm surprised when he gets on his knees.

Then he grips both ass cheeks in his palms and spreads me open.

I can feel the warmth of his mouth against my glistening lips and both my entrances.

Edward leans forward and licks from my clit to my opening, placing his tongue inside like he's done with his fingers so many times. This position is absolutely incredible, and my hands splay against the tile in front of me. I jut my backside out and grind my center on his tongue. He's never had me like this, from behind, and it's so good.

Edward does this over and over and over until I'm clawing and so close it hurts.

"Not yet," he tells me, rubbing my clit very lightly. "Close your eyes."

I do as he asks and hear as he steps out of the tub. I want to ask where he's going, but I know he won't tell me. I hear him rooting around drawers and opening cabinets. I want to tell him my parents don't need condoms, but he steps back in the tub before I can open my mouth.

Edward spreads me again, and this time doesn't stop to tease me. he puts one finger in my pussy and kisses my other hole with the flick of his tongue.

Taken aback, I pull away slightly, but there's no where to go, he made sure of that.

"Trust me, Bella. Please."

I nod and relax my hips. Edward slowly slips his finger in and out of me while gently tracing my ass with his tongue. He slips just the tip inside and my body buzzes.

I hear him unscrew a cap and then feel the drizzle of something on my lower back, my cheeks, and my puckered hole. He removes his finger my pussy slowly to circle and trace the hole just above. He adds more liquid, which I can now smell is baby oil, and slips the very tip of his finger into me. We both hold our breath as he slowly slides the digit in and out until it reaches the second knuckle and then the third where it's inserted in me as far as it'll go.

Edward drips more and more oil around to use as lube.

"Are you okay?" His voice comes out rough, like he's trying so hard not to shove anything else in me.

"Yes," I pant. Honestly, it does actually feel pretty good. Or, maybe it feels good because Edward likes it. Either way, it makes my clit throb and my walls constrict.

Edward takes my right hand and places it on my mound, encouraging me to play with myself. I wonder briefly what this view is like for him as my fingers spread my lips and tease my clit and his finger sits knuckle deep in my ass.

Edward begins to slowly pull out and push back in. He's fucking me with his finger and the pressure on my clit nearly sends me over, but he told me not to come, so I won't. Every slow thrust of his finger causes me to hiss, ache, pulse.

He pushes faster into me, and his finger glides easily now as I've relaxed and there's ample lube. He starts pressing harder, and I'm tumbling off the edge.

"Edward," I whine, near tears.

"Go ahead, baby. Come for me while my fingers fucking your ass."

I rub hard circles as he fucks me faster and harder from behind in the one place I never knew could feel this good. My free hand grips the tile as I smash my cheek against it, hoping for an easy come down.

Moans and grunts fill the steamy room. My hips roll, and when he's not going fast enough, I fuck his finger the way I need it. My hard, fast circles slow as I finally come down from the second intense orgasm of the day and then sigh and slide down to my knees.

Edward reaches over to turn the jets off and I feel his erection pressing against the hole he was just stretching.

I grind against him and with the lube, he slides with me.

Edward chuckles then, though, and stills my hips. "You'll need a lot more stretching than just my finger if you want my cock here, baby."

The bath water chills by this time, and we get out and towel dry. He tells me to go lay down while he cleans up and I don't fight him.

I'm pulling an oversized shirt over my body when he walks in, still naked, still hard.

Outside, the ice has turned back to snow and the sun is just about to set. Gold glows throughout my room, off my walls, across my bed.

Edward walks to me and slowly pulls the shirt from my body with a smirk. "I don't recall telling you to put this on."

He flips me around and puts me on all fours on my bed, pressing on my back to lower my upper half. I feel him at my entrance as he slides up and down my lips and then slowly sinks into me.

I'm soaking wet still, warm, and pulsating already.

"Fuck," he whispers, grazing his hands against my cheeks and squeezing hard before slapping me gently.

I push back onto him and whimper. His groin rests heavily against the back of my thighs and ass cheeks.

He doesn't say much more before he pounds into me from behind over and over until I'm seeing stars and sparkles and rainbows and can taste him in my throat.

He pushes us both over as he presses his thumb against my asshole and hooks it in, pressing up, and fucking me with hard, fast strokes of his cock.

Edward remembers last minute and pulls out, coming on my back, my ass, my glistening pussy lips.

He's out of breath and ragged as he slaps the head on the back of my thighs, cleaning himself off.

"Isabella Swan, your pussy was made for me."

We lay naked in bed for the rest of the night. Dad calls once more around ten and I put on my sleepiest tone. He apologizes for waking me and I feel almost bad but then Edward kisses my neck and palms my breast and I let him give me smallest, darkest hickey on my shoulder.

"You're mine, Pretty Baby B. Your freckles and your arm hair and your tiny little toes. Those are all fucking mine."

Edward pulls a blanket over our heads and we're trapped in darkness and love. He surrounds me with soft promises and the way I make him feel like floating.

"I watch you in the halls in these cute little boots and the curve of your hips and that beautiful smile of yours and my heart feels like pins and needles before it balloons inside my ribcage," his tender love breathes hot across my chest before his lips capture my own in the sweetest, longest, purest kiss I've ever felt. He sucks my soul into his body before giving it back. "You feel like home, Bella. I don't know how we kept ourselves a secret for so long. I could never go back. Could you?"

I shake my head and brush my nose against. My legs wrap around his waist. My skin glues to his and it's still not close enough. "Never, Edward."

My words are simple and pure.

He enters me then and makes love to me. I'm sore and sensitive, but he's gentle where I need it. He can sense what I need before I even tell him. Tears spring to my eyes right before my orgasm hits, and I try to wipe them away, but Edward's lips beat me to it. He kisses away too many emotions and as he pushes me over, his arms circle around and pull me to his chest as he rests me on his thighs and relaxes his bottom against his feet.

"I love you," he whispers over and over into my ear.


Edward and I spend the rest of the night kissing and running our fingers over the cracks in each other's skin. Around three, Edward dresses, wraps me in blankets and warmth and love, and kisses my forehead.

"See you later, Pretty," he tells me.

I'm asleep before he's out the front door.


My alarm sounds just after seven and I groggily turn it off. I send three simple texts to my best friends.

How are you guys doing, Al?

I wish I could take your pain away, Jas.

I love you forever, Edward.

I shower briefly and apply simple makeup. Waterproof mascara. Pink blush. Clear gloss.

I curl the ends of my hair in soft waves and pull a black, long sleeved dress over-head. Dark stockings decorate my legs to keep me warm, and I zip up dark booties.

Clink. Clink. Clink sounds against the hardwood from my boots as I descend the stairs.

Mom's in the kitchen in dark slacks and a sweater.

"Almost ready, honey?"

Her soft voice brings tears to my eyes and she wraps her arms around me.

"I know," she whispers, rubbing my back, kissing my temples.

This is my first encounter with loss and I hurt so deeply for Jasper and Alice and Edward. My skin feels paper thin like the blood in my veins could rip through it at any second. My eyes are sore and dry. My head pounds. My fingers tingle. My arms feel like cement.

"When did you get home?" I ask, wiping away any tears that spilled.

"About an hour ago. I'll go clean off the car. Roads are still pretty nasty."

As mom disappears outside, I grab my stuff and head to the door.

I wouldn't wish this pain on my favorite sister Jas texts back and my heart splinters gently, easily.


The church is small and musty but the room spills with people I don't recognize. My mom and I walk to the front of the church with a heavy-hand-waving Alice.

"Hi," she says, pulling me into the tightest hug. "I need you."

"I'm here," I whisper, smoothing her hair and rubbing her back like my mom did for me.

Alice releases me and Edward pulls me in as mom shares condolences with Alice, Jas, and Mr. and Mrs. Cullen.

"It's been a rough one," he says, resting his lips on mine briefly before kissing my forehead.

I notice his eyes are blue-black dark and sullen.

"Did you sleep?"

He shakes his head gently. "Jas needed me," he whispers, stepping aside.

In front of me is a very tall, very sad Jasper. His pulled back hair is slick from gel and his eyes are so heartbreaking it scares me.

He pulls me to him and wraps long, strong arms around my neck.

"I'm so sorry, Jasper," I manage, holding back the waves I've been keeping at bay.

He holds me tighter and I know my message is received.

Jasper is a man of few words, so what he says next pushes me over the edge. "You're the light of our lives, B. Please never stop loving us."

"Never, ever," is all I can manage.

"I don't say it often enough, but I love you, B. You're more than my friend, more than my sister. You're my second favorite girl in the whole world."

I hold onto him for as long as he'll have me, but when someone pats on his back, he detangles from me and kisses the top of my head. His lopsided smirk is playful but full of sorrow.

I sit between Edward and my mom and hold both their hands as the funeral procession begins.

Jasper sits between Edward and Alice, and his leg bounces and shakes and moves in every way possible.

The funeral comprises of beautiful words and memories. I'm not a religious person by default of not growing up around it, but hearing everyone sing and come together in passages has me feeling some kind of way. Jasper's mom's friends stand together and deliver short remembrances. Some are sweet, others are funny, and most are sad. Jasper's leg bounces higher every time someone says, "I met her at a meeting…"

Just as I think the funeral is nearing it's end, the Pastor calls on Edward. He gives me a simple smile before walking slowly to the podium. I didn't know he was going to say anything.

His gray suit and tie look sharp. His hair is slicked back as neat as I've ever seen. When he unfolds the paper he pulls from his suit jacket, he looks right to Jasper.

"My best friend, my brother. Your pain is shared in miniscule amounts by each person in this room, but no one can take away the hole in your soul from losing your mother. I knew her growing up, I knew her as she was getting sober, I knew her when she was sober. Every memory I have is of her saying how uniquely special, kind, and generous her son Jasper is, and I think everyone in your life can agree, Jas. Please lean on those who have leaned on you. Please seek support even when you think you can stand on your own. Please come to me when you—" and he stops suddenly, clearing his throat. Edward glances down at his paper and when he looks back up, Edward's eyes are sea-foam green and laden with emotion. "Please come to me even when you think I'm too busy or you'll bother me. I'm here for you always. Your mom would want you to ask for the help she couldn't. With that being said…" Edward clears his throat again and stands straighter.

"Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep

Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die"

Edward folds his simple white paper with too many creases and slips it back into his suit pocket. I watch as Jasper stands abruptly and meets Edward half way. They throw their arms around each other and hug tighter than I've ever seen. Edward whispers in his ear and Jasper nods, crying softly into the arms of his best friend, the one who saved him from the tumultuous life his mom went down.

When Edward sits beside me, his fingers find mine, and we squeeze so hard it's beautiful.

Jasper stands in front of everyone. He has no paper. He has no concise message. He has nothing but feelings and memories and heartache and abandonment and love and forgiveness.

"I think we can all agree that my mom made some poor life decisions. She was in and out of my dad's life as well as mine. She suffered from something rooted so deep in her soul and she could never escape it. I used to come home and clean up after her. I used to think why is my mom making me do this at eleven? I hated her for so long, and I used to think she hated me, too. Then, one day, everything changed. My best friend helped me through the worst moments of my life, and we became the family I never had. My mom gave me the greatest gift she ever could. She put aside her pride. She put aside her dignity. My mom allowed a new family to care for me in ways she could never think of."

Jasper sniffs and looks away. He steps back and scratches his head before stepping forward again. I watch out of the corner of my eye as mom dabs at tears with tissue.

"I can never show my appreciation and gratitude to my mom for letting Mr. and Mrs. Cullen care and provide for me in every way. They allowed me to see her when I wanted to and got me the help I didn't know I needed." He looks at them and nods. "Their daughter Alice, the most stubborn, head-strong girl I'll ever meet pushed me to be the me I am today. Bella, my sister forever, the cool breeze in spring, Indian Summer, ice cold soda on a warm summer day, thank you for everything you've ever said or done or given to me. Edward, there really are no words, man. Secret keeper of all things, carry everyone's weight on your shoulders, most intensely loving person I've ever met. I'll never be able to repay you for changing my life."

The three of us sit and stare and wipe away tears caused by unexpected words.

"My mom will always be my mom. I'll miss her forever. Thank you to all who shared. Please don't put out her light."

Mr. Cullen is the first to stand and receive Jasper who by now has tears dripping off his cheeks. Mrs. Cullen, next, cradles herself in his arms. Then, Alice wraps her whole body around him. Her arms and legs circle his trunk and she puts his face in her neck. Edward stands and shakes his hand but pulls him to his chest like before. And then my legs carry me to the only brother I've ever known and try to radiate love and home and absorb some of his grief. Jasper's embrace is tight and warm and he kisses me right on the forehead with wet lips and wetter cheeks.

"I love you," I tell him platonically. "I love you. I love you. I love you."

He whispers it back and releases me.

My mom pulls him into a hug, and she's crying too, but she's holding him in a way only my mom can. His arms around her back and whatever she's saying he's nodding yes too.

He and the Cullens head down the aisle first. Mom and I walk hand in hand behind them. She squeezes my hand for support and love and in this moment I couldn't wish for a better mom in my life.

Her hair is graying, her cheeks are wrinkled, and small crows dance their feet around her eyes. But she's still my mom and I can't believe I've taken her for granted for so long. I lean my head on her shoulder and she pulls me in. She smells of home and honey and paint.

We reach the end and my heart panics so intensely. In the church foyer, crowded now by those in attendance, waiting to speak with Jasper, is my dad, dressed simply in black.

His right hand shakes Jasper's and his left clasps onto Jasper's shoulder. I can't hear because my mom's talking, and other's are loud, and Jasper's crying, and the blood in my ears.

Dad finishes and pulls Jasper in for the kind of hug I hope he gives Edward one day. The one where his guard is down and he finally accepts these people, this family, as some of the most important people in my life.

Dad shakes Edward and Mr. Cullen's hands, and hugs Mrs. Cullen and Alice. When he finally walks over to us. He sweeps his wife into his arms and supports her the way she's supported me. Last, he grips and crushes me to his chest. I feel like he can sense something. I wonder how much he watched. I wonder if he knows the reason why Edward sat next to me. I hope he understands. Will mom back me up? What if this causes a fight between them? I'm just about to open my mouth and tell my dad that Edward's the light of my fucking life when Mr. Cullen interrupts.

"We're having a very small get together at our house around three. Please, stop by."

Mom nods and dabs tears from her eyes.

"Ride with us," Alice says, pulling my arm.

"Can I?" I ask my parents.

Dad nods and mom waves.


It's not even 10:30 and I feel like I lived an eternity.

Edward's driving to the beach. He doesn't even have to say it, I just know. It's our place.

Jasper sits up front while Alice lights up in the back. She passes to me and I hit it once and tap Jasper's shoulder.

"Don't get too fucked, B," Jasper half jokes with a raspy voice. "Your dad told me to look out for you."

I smile and nod and exhale as warm little fireflies light up my belly.

Jasper hits it three times and passes to Edward.

"And he told me not to fuck with you, Pretty" Edward says through a laugh and a wink. "But don't worry, I didn't tell him what we did in his bathroom last night."

"Oh fuck off," Alice yell-laughs in disgust.

We make it to the beach and park and sit and chill and listen to music, and watch white froth sink into the sand.

No one says anything for the longest time and we're content to sit and vibe to the music and calm down from this morning.

Soon, Jasper begins to lighten and lift his spirits. Alice makes jokes and Jasper kinda-sorta laughs. Edward teases me and Jasper definitely laughs.

Jasper says he's hungry, so we drive to the little diner and watch as he eats a weeks worth of food. Maybe it's the weed. Maybe it's his appetite catching back up to him. Either way, I think we all feel relieved and relaxed.

Edward sits next to me and puts his arm around the back of the booth. I'm leaned in more than his little sister friend should be, but I don't really care. I take a breath and look around. None of my dad's friends or coworkers are near, so I turn to Edward and kiss him gently on his lips.

The stubble from two days of no shaving scratch my chin and I wonder briefly what that scratch would feel like between my thighs. Edward nuzzles me taps his nose against mine before stuffing a fry in my mouth.

"Just ask me already," Jasper says, leaning back and sucking down the rest of his water.

"Ask you what?" Edward responds.

"To be your fucking best man."

We're all still and quiet and frozen until Edward throws his head back and laughs so loudly all the customers are looking.

"It's going to fucking happen, so just do it already."

"She's not eighteen, numb nuts," Edward teases.

"Well, I'm calling it. You'll be married by nineteen. Pregnant by twenty-one," Jasper says.

"Nope," Alice and I both chime in.

"He'll propose when she's twenty-seven. Married at twenty-eight. Baby at thirty-one. Twins, actually. They'll live in Forks, own a lake house, and we'll be their neighbors," Alice corrects. "Actually, Jas, you and I will be married at twenty-one and a baby six months later."

"That's… oddly specific," I tell her.

"Is that right?" Jasper asks, smirking gently and kissing her temple.

"It is," Alice says with a nod.

"Why did you wait so long to propose," I tease Edward, jabbing him playfully in the ribs.

"He had to wait for your dad to accept him," Alice answers, her tone sad like she's just figuring it all out now.

I look skeptically at her and quirk my brow.

She shrugs after minute, the seriousness fading from her sharp features. "But, what the fuck do I know? I just smoked a blunt and I'm high as fuck."


Some of Jasper's friends and their parents show up after we arrive. Mrs. Cullen had it catered, but mom still made cookies. I hear our parents upstairs filling their glasses with wine and eating hors d'oeuvres while we sit in the basement.

Alice sits on Jasper's lap and Rose has her legs thrown across Emmett's lap as night falls around us. It's only the six of us left and mom and dad left an hour ago.

"Be good," dad says with a kiss to my forehead. "Call if you or anyone needs something," he says at the door as mom slips her feet into boots.

"I will," I tell him. "And dad?"


"Thanks for coming. Thanks for…" telling jasper whatever he needed to hear, being there for me, accepting the Cullens as part of our family, loving and guiding me throughout my life, providing a safe, warm home for me and my friends "everything."

Dad smiles and nods. He hugs me sort of awkwardly and kisses my temple. He never says you're welcome but he doesn't have to. For him, actions speak louder than words.


In the basement, I climb on Edward and kiss him on the lips because I can. Because my parents aren't here. Because he lifts me up and holds me and accepts me and loves me.

"What was that for?" he asks, panting.

Rose and Emmett are in the darkened corner of the basement and Alice and Jasper are sharing my mom's cookies upstairs in the kitchen.

"Because I love you so much it makes me impulsive."

Edward's chuckles kiss my skin and then he positioning himself against me so I'm off his erection and cradled to his chest.

"I can't believe I found you so early in life," he whispers. "Some people have to wait forever for a love like this, and I found it at thirteen."

"Promise me you'll never leave me."

"I do."

"Even if my dad forbids you from seeing me?"

"Just keep your window unlocked, Pretty."

"Even when you leave for college?"

"I'll buy the phone with the highest quality camera so we can video chat and have phone sex."

"Even when I go to college?"

"Even then." He kisses me softly and then more firmly and then breaks away. "But, I think it's time we tell your dad."