I don't own RWBY. Monty Oum, Rooster Teeth, and its affiliates do.

Beacon Academy

"Does this look good on me, Ren?" Jaune asked as he showed Ren another outfit. This time, Jaune wore a leather jacket with a white shirt underneath. He wore a pair of blue jeans with some rips on the pants. He also wore some rather expensive shoes that Ren swore was never in Jaune's wardrobe before.

Besides that, Ren was just happy that Jaune was trusting him with what to wear for his date with Pyrrha. It would be a nice change of pace from his match against Cardin merely a few hours back. Ren was going to make sure that Jaune would look his best for his date. They were currently in Team RWBY's room with Blake and Ruby having allowed them to use it for Jaune to try on different outfits for his date.

"Hmm, I think the last outfit looked better," Ren said, grimacing as Jaune looked at himself in the mirror. His hair had been spiked up with gel to which Ren found himself cringing every time he looked at it.

"And… don't do the hair gel. It looks… wrong on you," Ren said.

"But… I was told this was going to help me win over the girl," Jaune said.

"And who told you that?" he asked.

"... Kiiro, back at Domremy. He's one of the bar regulars and a known…," Jaune trailed off at the last word.

"Known what?" Ren asked.

"Playboy okay. He was a playboy," Jaune said.

"Thank Mikael I'm here," Ren said.

"So the last outfit and no gel?" Jaune asked.

"Yup but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do your hair. Comb it at least so it doesn't look like a bird's nest," Ren said.

"Hmmm, that looks nice. It is getting colder… and that looks really good on you," Alice said.

"You really think so?" Pyrrha asked as she looked nervously in the mirror. She wondered if Jaune would like what she wore. To be honest, she was nervous. Despite this being their second date, this was their first official date alone without the rest of their team. Their first date involved them going to the Festival of Israfil with the rest of their team and to them, that didn't technically count. Dates, traditionally, were meant to be for the couple and the couple alone. Not a group outing with the rest of their team.

"I can guarantee that those close will guarantee some midnight training later if you know what I mean," Nora said, winking.

Pyrrha turned red at the undertones of Nora's statement. Alice slapped Nora on the back of the head.

"Pyrrha's not the kind of girl to have sex on the second date," Alice said.

"What… maybe it could happen," Nora said.

"Which brings me to my next point," Alice said. "Pyrrha, I like you a lot and you're my friend but… Jaune is my brother and so, it's mandatory for me to say this."

Pyrrha nodded.

Alice leaned in, her body surrounded by golden aura as a large pressure greater than anything Pyrrha had ever felt fall on her shoulders.

"Hurt Jaune and I scatter your atoms across the planet," Alice said.

Pyrrha nodded, staring Alice fearlessly in the eyes. She wouldn't back down. She would never hurt Jaune. She would die first.

"Good and remember to have fun on your date," Alice said, smiling.

On the floor, Nora was on the ground frothing at the mouth, having passed out from the sudden increase in pressure.

Jaune waited at the airship docks, mindlessly tapping away at his scroll. He didn't feel cold at all. After all, his outfit did consist of a black and red plaid, button-up collard shirt underneath a red knitted v-neck sweater. He wore brown khakis alongside some black shoes.

He was currently reading some texts from Mae. To be honest, he missed the little fluff ball but his parents had helped her and Maria get a house within Domremy where they could live. According to her, she was having fun with the other children. No one judged her for her extra features and that people liked it. Mae spent a lot of time at the bar with Jaune's other sister, Petra.

On another note, Maria had begun Mae's training and his parents decided to pitch in whenever they weren't busy with the bar. Her semblance allowed her to create illusions that were so real, your body would be fooled into actually receiving a physical sensation of touch. With such a powerful and useful semblance, his parents had no choice but to pitch in.

"Texting another girl while you wait for your girlfriend I see."

Jaune lifted his head and glanced at Pyrrha. She smiled as she walked towards him. His breath was caught in his throat as he stared at her. She was wearing a yellow jacket that was open, revealing a black turtle neck sweater underneath. She wore brown pants with light-chocolate brown boots. Pyrrha wore no make-up on her face, allowing Jaune to see her natural beauty. Honestly, in his opinion, Pyrrha never needed to wear any sort of cosmetics. She was beautiful the way she was in his eyes.

"You caught me," Jaune said, smiling. "I've been having an affair…"

"Really? Right before our date?" Pyrrha said, returning his smile with equal fervor.

"Come on or we'll miss our ride," Jaune said, grabbing her hand. Pyrrha blushed a little at the sudden contact and allowed herself to be pulled by him towards the bullhead.

"Do you think they'll be okay on their date?" Nora asked as she sat on the ledge of the rooftop. The very same rooftop where Pyrrha and Jaune escaped to when they wanted to be alone.

"I hope so… Team RWBY is also in town if I remember correctly," Alice said, placing her hand on her chin as she placed another chip in her mouth.

"Hmm, I hope they don't run into them… from what I heard from eavesdropping, Ruby's in town with one of the students from Atlas and Yang and Blake are with those two boys from Vacuo," Ren said.

"Well, I don't know why but that sounds like a recipe for disaster," Alice said. "Why are they even there anyway?"

"Remember that time Team RWBY got involved with Roman Wichtork," Nora said.

"Torchwick," Ren corrected.

"Yeah, him… well, apparently, Blake still has some issues with his partnership with the White Fang. You think that's why they're in town?" she asked.

"I don't know but… whatever it is they're doing, it's probably not good and most likely illegal," he replied.

"You're not heaving?" Pyrrha asked, genuinely surprised at the fact that Jaune was holding it together in front of her.

"Yeah, I took some motion sickness pills before we left so I'll be fine for the ride into Vale," he said.

"And back?"

"I came prepared," he answered as he pulled out a bottle of prescription motion sickness pills. Jaune gave her a wide grin.

"At least you're prepared this time," she said.

"I don't want your memory of our first ever official date to be of me vomiting when we get off at our stop in Vale," Jaune said.

"About that… where is our first stop on this magical night that you promised me," she asked.

"Well, in anticipation of this, I reserved two seats for us at Sunset Blossom," Jaune replied.

"S- Sunset Blossom! That's one of the high-end restaurants in Vale! How did you even afford that!?" Pyrrha asked.

"Well, with the paychecks I saved up from the time that I used to work at my parents' bar of course," he said. He left out the part where he got help but he could always tell her after the date of course.

"Jaune… you didn't have to go this far but thank you!" Pyrrha said. She leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek, causing him to become giddy.

Vale, High-End District

Sunset Blossom was one of those restaurants. A high-end exclusive restaurant that only catered to those who had the money to even afford a meal for two and with good reason too. Sunset Blossom had two Lunar Stars allotted to it since it opened. That price was exceptionally high but Jaune with what amounted to his life savings and some help from his parents (not that Pyrrha would ever know) was able to acquire two reservations for a table inside the eatery.

Sunset Blossom was a fairly large place, larger than the standard suburban house, and contained two floors. There were large bay windows that could be seen at the front of the building on both the first and second floors. Even from the window of the taxi, the young couple could see that they were in way over their heads when they decided to come to this restaurant. Pyrrha wondered if it was one of those places that treated every day at work like it was a black-tie event. She glanced at her boyfriend, who to his credit managed to remain calm.

"That'll be 50 Lien," the driver said. Jaune nodded and forked over five 10 Lien bills. The two exited the taxi. Pyrrha hugged Jaune's left arm as the two walked into the establishment. The two walked over to the receptionist and rang the bell.

"Yes," he asked. The two immediately disliked the man. He had an air of superiority around him and looked at the young couple as if they were stains on the carpet.

"We have a reservation under Arc," Jaune said.

"Hmm," the man pressed a few buttons on his keyboard and a dinging sound was heard from his screen.

"Ah yes, Mr. and Mrs. Arc?" he asked.


"Yes!" Jaune said. Pyrrha's face turned red as she looked away from the receptionist.

"We'll be right with you," the man said, gesturing for a waiter to come over.

"Well, let's go," Jaune said smiling as the waiter came over and showed them to their table.

Blake watched in horror as Roman unveiled his latest weapon. She was currently within a warehouse, attending a White Fang recruitment. Luckily for her, her true target was there. Roman Torchwick. However, what she saw horrified her. Roman had managed to acquire one of the newest Atlas Paladins before they had even revealed them to the public. Unfortunately, her getaway was halted when Roman called for all the new recruits to step towards the stage. She needed to think of a way out of this and fast.

Next to her was another Faunus. He had spiky blonde hair and tanned skin, wearing a loose-collared white jacket. He wore no shirt underneath, displaying his muscular physique to the entire world. On his arms were two red braces. He wore blue cargo pants with a white belt, looping around it. Around his necklace was a gold necklace. Behind him was his defining Faunus trait. A prehensile monkey tail that was as golden as his hair, indicating that he was a Monkey Faunus. If Blake remembered, his name was Sun Wukong and he was one of the students who came here for the Vytal Festival.

"What do we do now?" he hissed.

"Let me think!" she whispered.

"Well, you better think fast before he spots us!" Sun said.

"Shut up!" Blake said as she glanced around the room. As her eyes darted all over the place, they momentarily locked with that of Roman's. She cursed mentally. He would probably recognize her even if she wore a mask. Her eyes would give her away and if she knew anything about this man, he remembered the people who wronged him. She had heard stories of it. Roman Torchwick had broken into a business one night for spilling coffee all over him when he ordered. By the time the owners got there, the whole establishment was in flames. Or so the rumors go in the criminal underworld.

"He sees us!" Sun said as he tried acting normally, smiling and waving at Roman.

"He can't see us if we're in the dark," Blake said. Without warning, she unsheathed Gambol Shroud and took out the lights, plunging the room into darkness.

"Through the windows!" Blake said. With the chaos happening within the warehouse, Blake and Sun managed to escape, jumping onto the rafters and bursting through the windows. The two make their escape, hearing Roman's orders to capture them as they run, hopping from rooftop to rooftop.

"So, you wouldn't happen to have any sort of backup, would you? Because that would be really great right about now!" he said.

"Give me a minute," Blake said as she pulled her scroll out. She went through her contacts, pausing at Jaune's contact before shaking her head. He was on a date with Pyrrha. A date. With Pyrrha.

No! Now's not the time to be thinking about this! She thought as she scrolled directly to Ruby's contact and hit call.

"So how's your food?" Jaune asked as he ate some of his Steak Diane. So far, their date had been going great. Save for the snobby waiters and people staring at them like they didn't belong, it was great.

"It's wonderful… I still can't believe you got us a reservation," Pyrrha said, eating her lobster with gusto. She suddenly stopped, wiping her mouth and feeling embarrassed. She's been to a million upper-end functions and the one time she's not with some high-class snobs, she almost pigs out in front of her boyfriend.

"I know right. I pulled a couple of strings and called in some old favors to get us the money to get a table of two," Jaune said.


"Yeah, a few guys back home owe me some favors for watching their kids, giving them more beer when I wasn't supposed to, you know… typical seedy bar stuff."

"Your parents' tavern is rather family-friendly for a seedy bar," she said.

"Well, after Saphron was born, Mom really pulled things together. No one opposed her decision," Jaune said.

"Sir, we have brought a bottle of Valean Bordeaux for you and the missus," the waiter said.

Pyrrha nearly sprayed her water all over Jaune. Valean Bordeaux was one of the most expensive wines in all of Remnant. How did he have the money to pay for this?

He winked at her and thanked the waiter, accepting the bottle.

"Are we even old enough to drink this?" she asked.

"Nope but a sip wouldn't hurt right?" he replied as he popped open the bottle and poured her a glass.

"You're right," she said. She grabbed her wine glass and raised it.

"To us," Jaune said.

"To us."

The two clinked their glasses and took a sip. Immediately, Pyrrha felt the wine burn her throat slightly due to the alcohol. She glanced across the table and saw her boyfriend doing just fine.

"How are you?"

"Fine? I've had alcohol before. Dad and the others would let me have a sip when Mom wasn't looking," he said, shrugging.

"Wow, that must be some life… I can't relate," she said.

"What was your life like before Beacon? Before… Pyrrha the Goddess of Victory came about," Jaune asked.

"Well, my life's story isn't really… something worth telling," she said.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. You know mine," Jaune said.

Pyrrha sighed. "Well…"

"Is that all you can do girl!?" a man barked. A younger Pyrrha shakily got to her feet as she struggled to stay conscious. The man before her was muscular, extremely so with his arms possibly being half as wide as Jaune. His hair was spiky and red, much like hers. His eyes were red and cold, looking down at her with some measure of disappointment.

"Chryses! That's enough!" a woman said. She was beautiful. Her color was a lighter shade of red than Pyrrha's but the resemblance between the two could be seen. Her eyes were green like the little girl's.

"Don't tell me how to train my own daughter, Chloe," Chryses said, glaring at her.

"Can't you tell she's had enough!?"

"As an Olympia, she's supposed to be strong. I thought that unlocking her aura would change something but it seems I was wrong. We have been the forefront faces of the hunters of Mistral and if she can't shape up then she doesn't deserve the name!"

Pyrrha began to cry as she heard her father speak. Chloe, hearing her daughter begin to quietly sob, hugged her, stroking her hair in an attempt to comfort her. Chryses scoffed and walked inside.

Later that night, Pyrrha sat on her bed, staring at the floor. Her mother had comforted her and she was thankful but maybe her father was right. Maybe she was too weak. If she got stronger, would he finally approve of her? She glanced at the table in her room. The more she thought of how her father looked at her, the more she felt she needed his approval. Suddenly, the metal leg of the table was outlined with a black glow and began to bend. The sound of the metal bending snapped Pyrrha out of her thoughts.

She looked at the table and the black glow disappeared.

"Pyrrha, dear. Are you okay?"

The door to her room opened and her mom walked in. She noticed Pyrrha staring at her table and followed her gaze. Her mouth opened in a gasp as she noticed what happened to the leg.

"Mommy! Look! I have a semblance!" Pyrrha said, pointing giddily at the table.

"What's the… fuss?" her father trailed off as he walked in, just in time to hear Pyrrha declare that she had a semblance.

"Papa! Look!" Pyrrha pointed. Her father let out a smile. But it wasn't a smile that showed pride. Not that her young mind would notice.

"After that everything changed," Pyrrha said, looking down at her plate. "My dad… began training me harder. More harshly. And I did it all… because I wanted him to love me. It wasn't until I started entering the tournaments that I finally began to see what was happening and how my dad really saw me… it was my first one. I was twelve and I made it to the finals."

Pyrrha panted as her opponent stood across from her, winded like she was. Her opponent was an older male who went by the name of Mars. He had a large buster sword in his left hand, poised and ready to move whenever Pyrrha decided to attack.

She closed her eyes, subtly using her semblance and threw Milo at her opponent, using her semblance to increase its speed.

Mars quickly ducked and avoided her spear, using the dust contained within his sword and launched a wave of elemental chaos at Pyrrha. The girl barely had time to raise her shield. She got knocked aside to the edge of the stage by the attack.

Pyrrha coughed as she spat blood out of her mouth, staining the floor red. She shakily got to her feet, stumbling a bit. Her whole world was spinning as she walked towards her opponent, who looked worried.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine!" she yelled, stumbling over her feet before finding her balance. She looked up at him with dull eyes. Sweat dripped from her forehead. She weakly raised her shield, preparing to bash his face in. For victory. She would win this tournament because she was an Olympia. Olympias were stated to be the divine family that guarded Mistral, even during the Great War.

"I don't think you're okay. I think you have a concussion," he said.

"I SAID I'M FINE!" Pyrrha yelled, losing control of her semblance. Mars's armor began to crinkle as the magnetic pressure began to crush it. Mars felt his armor begin to constrict his chest and grunted in pain. He looked between his armor and Pyrrha and noticed something. Her hands were glowing with a dull black light.

He acted quickly, slamming his fist into her face.

Pyrrha fell to the ground, fading away. The last thing she heard before everything went black was the referee announcing Mars's victory.

"I don't want anything to do with her!"

"But she's your daughter!"

"I didn't waste years of my life training a failure, Chloe!"

"This is her first tournament! Can't you go easy on her!?"

"I won my first tournament! So did my brother! And our dad! And our grandmother!"

"She's not you!"

Those were the words Pyrrha came to as she opened her eyes. She winced as the white lights of the hospital room hit her sensitive pupils. She allowed herself to adjust to the light as she sat up.

"Mom? Dad?"

The room went silent as the two went silent, turning to look at Pyrrha.

"What happened?" she groaned. Her memories of that fight were fuzzy at best but returning.

"What happened? What happened is that you lost! Despite the time and effort I put into you, you still messed it all up!" Chryses said, fuming.

Pyrrha went silent as she looked down at her blanket.

"I- I'm sorry," she said.

"Sorry won't cut it! Your cousins are far more advanced than you are and they're younger than you! What is wrong with you!?" he yelled. Pyrrha flinched as her father kept yelling at her. She just wanted it to stop. She tried. She tried really hard to win. Didn't her father see that? Why couldn't he be proud of her for trying?

"Why?" she whispered.

Chryses stopped when he saw her lips move.


"WHY!?" she screamed, sending a magnetic wave across the room. Chryses slid back, the metal on his clothing having been affected by Pyrrha's outburst. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TREAT ME LIKE A NORMAL KID!? I'M YOUR DAUGHTER FOR JIBRIL'S SAKE!"

"Watch your tone around me, Pyrrha Athena Olympia," Chryses growled.


"Really? Then, get out. Get out of my house," Chryses said.

"What!?" Chloe screamed. Pyrrha looked at her father in shock as tears streamed down her face. Her father had just disowned her. For losing. She gritted her teeth and glared.


"I want you out of my house when you get out of this hospital," Chryses said. He turned to his wife.

"Chloe, let's go," he said.

She didn't move. Chloe stood there and glared defiantly at her husband. "No."

"What did you say to me, woman?" he growled.

"I said no. I'm not living with the bastard that has the gall to throw my twelve-year-old daughter out on the streets for losing her first tournament," she said.

"So what? You're siding with her?" he asked.

"Yes," she said.

"Fine… then leave with her too," he said.

"I will," Chloe said, grinning. He huffed and left the room, leaving Chloe and a sobbing Pyrrha. She quickly hugged her daughter and comforted her.

"Shhh, shh, it's okay," she said.

"Why is daddy never proud of me, Mommy?" Pyrrha asked, in between sobs.

"I don't know… your father," she spat out, "wasn't the man I thought he was when I married him. He's more married to the family line that he is to his wife…"

"I don't want to be an Olympia anymore, Mom," she said.

"Good, because by the end of this, you'll be a Nikos," she said.

"Your dad's an asshole," Jaune said.

"That man isn't my father," Pyrrha said, stabbing her cake with her fork.

"So what happened after?"

"Believe it or not, I started training again. I don't know what drew me back. When I fought on the floor, yeah, I thought about making that man proud but… another part of me loved the fights. The heart-pumping decisions. The adrenaline-fueled rushes. It was… exhilarating," she said.

"So Chryses Olympia huh?"

"You've heard of that man?"

"Yeah, Mom said that she and her partner ran into him during their Vytal Festival. Mom defeated him during one of the matches," Jaune said.

"Serves him right," Pyrrha said.

"To be honest, Pyrrha Olympia never seemed to fit you," Jaune said.

"Huh?" she looked at him with a strange gaze.

"Nikos fits you better. I'm glad you left that man and your life in that family. You and your mom are better off without them," he said.

"It was touch and go for a while after that. We barely had any money and mom worked two dead-end jobs just to keep us afloat so… I decided to enter the tournaments again for the cash prize at the end," she said.

"So the Invincible Girl was actually in it for the money?"

"I liked the fights too, remember?"

"So a money-loving battle maniac is my girlfriend. I couldn't ask for anyone better," he said.

"Goes well with my forge-master, back from the dead boyfriend doesn't it?" she retorted. The two started laughing.

"Are you done?" Jaune asked, looking at her now empty plate.

"Yeah, should we get the check?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah, let's head back before the curfew starts. I don't know how I'll butter up to Goodwitch this time," Jaune said.

"You can offer to clean her office like last time," his girlfriend suggested.

"Yeah, no, there is some weird stuff in her office. Stuff that would make you think twice about what Professor Goodwitch is really like outside of the school hours," he replied.

He beckoned for a waiter and asked for the check. The waiter placed the receipt down. Upon seeing the price, Jaune grimaced and pulled out all the money in his wallet and placed it down. That money included a 10% gratuity to the waiter.

With the check paid, Jaune and Pyrrha walked arm in arm out of the Sunset Blossom and into the Valean Night.

"Should we hail a ca- eh!?" Pyrrha yelped as Jaune dragged her down the street.

"Come on. Let's enjoy the night for a little!" he said as the two walked down the busy street of nighttime Vale. The nightlife of the city was bustling with people as they walked in and out of various establishments. Restaurants. Malls. Clubs even. Cars drove down the street as they came in from the highway.

"Wow, I never knew Vale was like this at night," Pyrrha said, taking in the scene.

"Me neither," he said. Pyrrha smiled as she hugged his arm. Jaune blushed as he felt his arm being trapped in between Pyrrha's chest.

"So where should we go now?"

"There's this fountain that Vert told me about. She told me that the spot is great for dates," Jaune said as they walked down the street.


"Yeah, it's down Lawrence Street in the Emerald Plaza," Jaune said.

The two walked for a couple of minutes. The young couple gasped as they turned the corner of Lawrence Street. Emerald Plaza lived up to its name. The plants contributed to a majority of the green for which the plaza got its name. At the center, the fountain stood proudly. The fountain was rather elegant and archaic in design. The fountain consisted of three basins. The main basin at the bottom along with two basins that were built around the fountain pipe itself. The basins were decorated with images of the King of Vale being guided and protected by Cherubic Figures, most likely being sent by the God of Light, Mikael. A small statue of the same woman at Beacon Academy stood at the center of the topmost fountain. A large spire-like design stood behind her, spewing water.

"It's beautiful," Pyrrha said, admiring the architecture.

"That woman is one of the people at the Beacon Statue," Jaune said.

"Do you know the story behind her?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah, a bit," he said.

"Do you believe it?"

"That she was a Ruler? No, Rulers are myths like the Maidens," Jaune said.

As Pyrrha was about to speak, a large explosion interrupted her. The two looked towards the sound of the explosion and saw a large Paladin on the highway. Several white glyphs manifested around the Paladin and fired shards of ice at it.

"Is that?" Pyrrha asked


"Yeah that's them," Jaune said, deadpanning as a large cloud of mist appeared on the freeway.

"Should we help them?"

"How long will it take for our lockers to get here?"

Pyrrha looked down at her scroll, having called hers and Jaune's locker over.

"About… ten minutes" Pyrrha said.

Jaune looked at his watch, and waited for thirty seconds to pass as explosions and Ruby's yelling echoed in the background. The lockers landed in front of them, cracking the cement. Jaune and Pyrrha walked forward, grabbing their weapons.

"Let's go," Jaune said.

Pyrrha nodded as the two took off running.

"BUMBLEBEE!" Ruby yelled as she fired more dust rounds at the Paladin. Blake sent Gambol Shroud towards a flying Yang, who was batted aside by Roman and used her momentum to swing her towards the Paladin for one final blow.

Roman, in the nick of time, managed to sidestep the flaming Yang, avoiding his defeat and the destruction of his new weapon. Seriously, when were these kids ever going to learn?

These brats got lucky the first time since Atlas was there but now…, Roman thought as he trained his weapons on Yang. Ruby clenched her jaw as she saw Yang on the ground with Roman above her, prepared to deliver the finishing blow. As she was about to rush in to save her sister, a certain voice made her freeze.

"Hey Pyrrha, let's test out that new and improved Arkos."

Team RWBY, minus Yang, turned around to see Jaune and Pyrrha running towards them. Jaune drew Sol and Luna from his waist. He tossed Luna over to Pyrrha. Jaune launched himself using his aura wings and flew towards Roman.

Roman's sensors went off as he turned around to see Jaune slice into the Paladin's visor, effectively cutting off his vision.

The Arc landed on the ground behind Roman.

"NOW!" he yelled. Pyrrha smirked as she clicked the button on Jaune's scythe. The head of the weapon glowed violet as she allowed herself to be pulled towards Jaune's Sol.

As Sol and Luna flew towards each other, the two clicked the button, activating the vibroblade function. They both swung their blades at once, flying past one another and landed on the ground.

The Paladin creaked as Roman stumbled back.

"What? Structural integrity around the leg is compromised?" Roman growled.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha yelled, tossing him his scythe.

"It worked," he said.

"It was our first time doing it too," she said.

"Let's finish this," Jaune said as he channeled aura into his blades.

"Good thing this is made of metal," Pyrrha said as her hands began to glow.

Roman moved the Paladin towards the two and raised its foot. Pyrrha reacted immediately, raising her hands. The Paladin froze, groaning as it strained against the magnetic force that Pyrrha imposed on it. Jaune launched himself into the air and sent a barrage of aura fists at the Paladin, knocking it over.

"We could use some help here," Pyrrha said as she pinned the Paladin to the ground.

Ruby snapped out of her daze. She glanced at Weiss, who nodded.


Ruby and Weiss pointed Crescent Rose and Myrtenaster at the downed Roman. Weiss creates a series of glyphs in front of Crescent Rose's barrel. Ruby fired the weapon as Weiss froze all of her shots. Large icicles flew towards the Paladin repeatedly,

The combined shots eventually enveloped the entire thing in ice, allowing Pyrrha to release her hold. Jaune, seeing that it was down, jumped into the air and merged Sol and Luna into Eclipse, activating Thaumiel around the weapon. A black-violet surge of energy surrounded Eclipse as Jaune dived towards Roman. The mech exploded into several parts and pieces as Roman flew out of the pilot's seat just in time, landing on the road across from them.

"Wow, do you know how much money that cost?" Roman asked, dusting himself off. His green eyes looked out across the entire group before settling on Jaune. Yang, still having enough energy, fires a shot off at Roman.

Time slows down as the shot grows nearer and nearer but before it could hit, a girl drops in front of it and opens a parasol, deflecting the blast. The girl hung the parasol over her and Roman. The best way to describe this petite girl was that she was two-toned. The left half of her hair was pink whilst the other was brown. She wore a broad, cropped wide white jacket with a pink interior. Underneath her jacket was a brown corset. She wore brown pants as well as black and white, spat styled under the knee boots.

"Well, well, well, Neo. Nice timing as always," Roman said, grinning. "Look at this, the whole gang's here. The girls, Miss Champion, Blondie 2.0, and Ice Queen."

"Hey!" Weiss said in a slightly offended tone.

"Well, I guess this is our exit," Roman said. "Neo."

Neo nodded.

"I won't let them get away," Yang said as she dashed towards them, her fist cocked back. Yang threw a haymaker, shattering Roman and Neo like a mirror.

"An illusion?" Pyrrha said.

The sound of a bullhead passing overhead confirmed her suspicion as the rest of the group looked up to see Roman waving them goodbye from the cockpit.

"Looks like he got a new henchman," Yang said, sighing.

"Yang are you alright?" Ruby asked, running over.

Jaune and Pyrrha watched as Team RWBY regrouped. He sighed and took Weiss's attempt at a pun as their cue to leave. He turned around, signaling to Pyrrha that they should get back. She smiled and followed after him, leaving Team RWBY to bask in their victory.

"That was a fun night right?" Jaune asked.

"It was fun before the Atlesian Paladin piloted by Vale's best burglar showed up with Team RWBY," Pyrrha said. "But I hope we can do this again."

She kissed his cheek as the two held hands, walking back down to the main street and hailing a cab.

Roman sat quietly as he flew the Bullhead. Neo had fallen asleep in the copilot's chair, leaving him to his thoughts. His mind raced back to seeing Jaune. The mere memory of it stirred old memories inside his head. Memories of the past when everything was peaches and cream. Just the mere image of him made Roman smile.

"So Blondie and Ziggy finally had a son huh?" Roman said absentmindedly. "I hope that we meet again, Little Blondie."

Alright, so you guys are getting antsy so I might as well say it. This is an Arkos fic through and through. I'll say it now to confirm it so people will stop worrying. Anyway, Pyrrha has some baggage that you never expected huh? And Nikos isn't her original name either! Since she does have a Greek Motif, I decided to keep going with it. Olympia is her Father's last name and her former last name before she started using her mother's maiden name of Nikos. I figured it was a nice switch up from the "Abusive Arc Parent Trope". If you're wondering, her father's name, Chryses, is based on a Greek Figure from the Trojan War named Chryses of Troy. His name means... Golden!

And like mother, like daughter, Pyrrha's mother Chloe is named with her eyes in mind since Chloe was a name associated with the color Green. If you guys also noticed, Pyrrha's middle name is Athena. I'm trying to pull a Zeus-Metis thing with her parents except, Pyrrha's mom is alive and not... eaten by Pyrrha's dad.

And to reveal members of Team ARSK!

A- Jeanne Arc

R- Roman Torchwick

S- ?

K- Sigurd Kasimir

That's it for now. I hope you guys liked the chapter. Please leave a review. It really helps me see what you guys think of the story! Remember to have a great day/night or not, the choice is yours~!

PS: Also for you little color checkers, Sigurd is associated with Gold due to his myth of him slaying the Gold Hoarding Dragon, Fafnir. And yes, he took the name Arc upon getting married.