Note: The story takes place after Estarosa and most of the ten commandments were defeated by the seven deadly sins. The manga arcs afterwards have not taken place before this story but some reference to them will be mentioned at a later point.


The seal

Inside a strange sewer like place stood a cage, within that cage were two separate seals, one to open the cage and one to grant freedom of its inhabitants. Inside sat a giant red fox with nine tails, the creature responsible for so many deaths of a village.

Now as the malevolent creature sat there and waited until he heard an unearthly disturbance. As he looked outside his cage, he was greeted with the sight of a blond boy with whiskers marks. This was Naruto Uzumaki.

"So, my container decided to visit me, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The fox asked sarcastically.

"I am going to remove the first seal." He said plainly without looking up and slowly moving towards the cage.

"Finally gave in? Yes, release me and grant me the chance to rip those villagers apart!" The fox commanded only to be ignored with silence.

"I'm not freeing you. I'm freeing your real self." He said slowly ripping away the seal as a light appeared. "And the only way to do that is to defeat you." He said determined.

"A ningen, like you? You cannot defeat me! I am the nine tailed fox, the strongest Bijuu and demon lord!" The fox boasted.

Naruto's face turned into a scowl as a dark tattoo made of darkness appeared over his like a scar. "Trust me you are no demon and you weren't a Bijuu before." He said.

"What is this stupidity you are spewing?" The fox asked.

"Kurama the nine tailed fox died centuries ago and he forced you to take his power in hopes of being reborn. Sadly, what he didn't know that only his behavior was reborn but you are still trapped in that form." Naruto explained as more shapes formed around his face from the darkness.

"I've had enough of your annoying voice!" The fox shouted swinging his tails at Naruto only for the boy to jump and hit him in the face directly. "You insolent little..." The fox was interrupted as several Naruto began to strike him with green blades weapons with jagged edges.

(Seven Deadly Sin OST - Big Tsumi Tsumi)

"This is a sacred treasure; you would recognize this if you were yourself and not stuck thinking your Kurama." Naruto said coldly as the copies began to slash around the tailed beast's body making it howl in pain.

The fox growled in anger and started smashing his tails against the clones in hopes of killing the real Naruto. All four popped but he lost sight of his real container. Without realizing it, he noticed a yellow blur as it sent his face crashing into the sewer water. The fox was annoyed and was ready to annihilate his utter annoyance.

"I'm done playing your games you stupid ningen!" the fox shouted as he charged up his chakra and started forming a giant sphere of energy, the bijuudama, the inspiration for Minato Namikaze's Rasengan. The bijuudama finished and was fired at Naruto who just stood there flaring his curse mark as he prepared for the blast as he held out a short broadsword.

"Full… COUNTER!" he shouted as he held the short sword in a defensive position and was being pushed back by the power of the bijuudama. The fox smirked thinking Naruto was prolonging the inevitable only to see that the bomb has stopped in its tracks and slowly grew. The tailed beast's power soon grew and unexpectedly moved backwards very slowly. After a minute, the bijuudama moved faster and faster and eventually moved faster than when it was shot.

The fox was bewildered at his power being deflected by a lowly human but was too slow to move out of the way as it came directly back at him.


The fox soon fell on his side feeling a great amount of shock as his greatest ability was merely deflected, strengthened and turned back on him. He looked up wincing as the pain from the stronger bijuudama was too powerful for him to recover from.

Naruto approached him, "Are you done yet?" he asked receiving a loud growl, "I guess not, but I don't have any more time to waste on a stupid animal with a god complex." He said coldly as he closed his eyes as his cursed marks disappeared. A minute later he reopened his left eye showing his normal blue eye but then he slowly opened his right eye revealing it to be orange. The orange eye had a strange symbol on it.

He quickly moved away as the fox brushed away the pain as he attempted to swipe at Naruto again but didn't expect him to float away. Naruto soon landed but jumped in the air as he removed his shirt and jacket revealing his bare chest. As he was in the air, his eye briefly glowed as wings revealed themselves from his back. They were two pure white colored wings with two smaller ones right below them as all four kept him floating.

"Don't think the fact you were able to turn a bijuudama on me suddenly makes you invulnerable! I am the nine tailed fox! The greatest and strongest bijuu of all the nine tailed beasts!" The fox shouted as continued swiping and clawing the flying blond who dodged at every attack.

"Ark!" he shouted as a seal shaped beam of energy hit the fox directly knocking him on his back. "You fought the demon, now it's time to fight the angel!" Naruto shouted firing another ark at the fox before he got the chance to get back up.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU ARE!" he shouted firing one more bijuudama after several more claw strikes. Sadly, the explosive jutsu missed as the flying boy completely dodged it with insane speed as he struck the fox several more times with his short sword.

"Time to end this!" Naruto said crossing his arms. "Let there be light!" he shouted firing a drill of light energy as it hit the fox directly.

"What did you do to me?! Why do I feel so weak?!" the fox shouted as he begun to lose all of his energy.

"I purified you. It's time for you leave this existence and free the innocent soul you enslaved. BEGONE!" he shouted as the fox howled in pain as his existence was slowly being ripped apart. Soon light consumed the sewer as Naruto closed his eyes. "Mito and Kushina failed but I didn't. I helped you find peace." He said to himself letting the light consume him.

(End of Song)

The "Boar Hat"

Naruto opened his eyes and found himself lying on a ground covered in grass. He stood up and turned to see an old bar. The boar hat, that was its name Naruto opened the door to find the place well-furnished as if it's been kept clean and was never abandoned. He took a seat at the front counter on one of the stools.

As he waited, he heard several footsteps coming from the stairway at the side of the bar. Someone came out, it was an older man with a scar around his neck he was very muscular like an Olympian and wore a revealing red leather jacket with a matching pair of red leather pants. He also had red eyes like he did in his fox form along with pale blue hair, other than his strange tattoo and red eyes, this man had no physical resemblance to a fox like he would have expected.

"So, after nearly a century with red headed bimbos it takes an idiot who turned out to be my best buddy's descendant?" he asked Naruto who nodded keeping his orange eye active. The man went behind the counter and looked down as he sighed, "So after so many years… he and the love of his life are gone huh?" he asked without turning around.

"I'm sorry for your loss but don't lose hope." Naruto comforted.

"Why? everyone I know is gone. It started with Elaine but now… the captain, Elizabeth, the holy knights and even rest of the gang is gone, and I've been cursed again. First, I'm immortal now I'm stuck being a tailed beast for the next millennium. So why shouldn't I lose hope?" he asked turning back around surprised to see Naruto maintaining a straight face while holding out a scroll.

"From my ancestor Meliodas, he and my other ancestor Elizabeth came to me one day in a dream and left this message. I'm not sure how but this was formed when I woke up." Naruto explained before ban took the scroll.

Hey Ban!

Hopefully our great, great grandson or however many greats he is gave you this message. While you were turned into a giant beast, Elizabeth and I were forced to freeze everyone we could get our hands on after we defeated Zeldris and fought in another holy war. I won't dwell much into that but sadly, my curse was lifted along with Elizabeth's immortality and power to reborn.

We thought we would only freeze the gang for a couple of centuries but apparently that's not the case. Elizabeth and I may have ended the conflict between us, the Goddess clan and Demon clan but apparently that wasn't enough. We managed to lock the demon clan away, but we aren't completely sure for how long. However, we have tamed the goddess clan so fishcake can take over as soon as those angels recognize and decide if he's worthy most likely some pure of heart BS test.

Anyways, here's the list of everyone we managed to save, I'm not sure what happened in the last few thousand years but don't worry fishcake here said he can get a map and maybe an expert with the map on the bottom to find everyone. Good luck pal, oh and by the way we're leaving our abilities with fishcake along with my sword and Elizabeth's ability to summon the Goddess and angels, they call it a summoning contract now for some reason.

Slader, Lil' Gil, Howzer, Guila, Zeal, Jericho, Drefus, Griamore, Hendrickson, Margaret and Veronica. Yeah I know long one but I decided to keep the holy knights and Elizabeth's sisters together even though King Bartra died. I remember how they reacted when he died, I can only imagine what fishcake will say when he meets them. He'll be like "Hi I'm Meliodas' and Elizabeth's descendant, why do I say that? Because your friend and sister are both dead." Yeah not so subtle is it?

Anyways they're in the old kingdom which is abandoned and sealed by a barrier made by Elizabeth.

Gowther, Hawk and Hawk's mama are together in some weird forest place, funny thing that most of these guys that live nearby have these weird powers mainly with fire. It seems dangerous but honestly they seem weaker than lil' Gil when he was a kid learning his elemental powers.

Merlin and Escanor are together at Merlin's request, Escanor blushed for some reason but they're both in a sealed cave in a desert.

Diane, King, Matrona and Matrona's family along with Elaine's body are in the old fairy's forest, funny story, with the land suddenly changing I only found it again after swimming aimlessly for nearly an hour near some giant tree near some waterfall.

So that's it, I hope fishcake here helps fill in the gap I made. I'm sorry Ban, I know we've all been through a lot, but I guess the destinies we create for ourselves can still influence where we find ourselves. Goodbye Ban tell everyone we miss them as much as they'll miss us.

-Meliodas, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins

-Elizabeth, third princess of Liones

P.S. Tell fishcake that I give him permission to take up my name since he's my legacy along with Elizabeth's, I don't think fishcake tides or whatever his name means will earn him too much respect.

P.P.S Ban this is Elizabeth, please don't call Naruto by his name's meaning, I also wanted to let you know that if my sisters are ok with, I'm letting Naruto use my surename since I learned about his family abandoning him. I believe it is wrong to abandon your child for the sake of two others, since he is our descendant that makes him the nephew of Veronica and Margaret.

Ban wiped a tear and looked back at Naruto who powered down his eye.

"Well, when do we start?" he asked getting a raised eyebrow, "Well I'm done crying about being hopeless and now that I think about it… if Meliodas is your distant grandfather what does that make me and the gang?" he asked.

"Well you know the truth about my parents and I technically have godparents and I don't entirely trust Sarutobi anymore. He kept the truth away from me and I can't be sure what his true intentions anymore." Naruto answered.

Ban placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "Well kid, you know King and Diane secretly had feelings for each other and they don't have normal human life spans."

"Where are you going with this?" Naruto asked seeing Ban planning something.

"I'm just thinking of candidates for your godparents." Ban said as he started cooking something, "Now that I think about, Margaret and Veronica may have adopted Elizabeth, but I think once they come around, they'll make decent aunts." He continued. "You know, Kushina was able to train a bit in here and felt pain but I think the same goes for eating and if so, I thinks it's time you ate something besides ramen." Naruto smiled at the thought.

"Thank you… Uncle Ban." Naruto said as Ban stopped and looked at him for a second then smiled.

"No Naruto, thank you… for freeing me… for giving me hope… to family."

"To family." Naruto said back.

From that day, the two talked all day and planned out finding their friends, surprisingly as they studied the maps, they found out Gowther and Hawk were the first ones they could find.

One year later

Naruto was tossing and turning in his bed the images were haunting him. He was remembering his younger days before he was a ninja and was a civilian child. The hate, the glares, the abuse, the wrath that manifesting within him. Deep down, his wrath was filling up again, ever since Meliodas and Elizabeth helped awaken him to his powers, his inner hatred was stirring up and making his wrath stronger. He can't contain it as he was used to, the false innocence and happy attitude was just a cover that held down that power.

Without realizing it, the blond descendant of the demon and angel flared his curse mark as he continued to violently toss around his bed.




The curse mark became brighter as he started to drown in cold sweat.

"Die demon!"

"You killed my family!"

"Get the fox!"

"Finish what the Yondaime started!"

Naruto's eyes opened as he flared his goddess eye and slashed at his roof creating a large gaping hole. He just looked around and noticed the sun still hasn't risen. The fourteen year just stood up from bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face. As he did, he looked in the mirror and saw someone behind him.

"You think anyone noticed?" Naruto asked.

"You're lucky you have no neighbors or a landlord." The person said.

"That's good I guess, maybe I should check on Celine. You think she and the other members of the Goddess clan figure out to break the seal? We found the pig and the doll, the moment we get them out. We start looking for everyone." Naruto said receiving a chuckle.

"You know, despite the fact you maybe his distant grandson and a hell of a lot more serious but you are just as eager for adventure as him." Said the person entering the bathroom revealing to be Ban.

"Yeah, the chunin exams are in a month but I'm sure with the right incentive, I'm sure Sarutobi would let me visit Uzushio or Suna." Naruto said exiting the bathroom.

"So basically, get the holy knights with Elizabeth's sisters or Merlin and Escanor. Regardless with Gowther around we'll be able to explain everything rather quickly since he can spread your memories and since I'm a bijuu now and I'm still linked to you, we don't have to worry about him experimenting on our minds like he did to Diane." Ban explained looking at his nephew figure.

"Yeah, maybe meeting my potential aunts and uncles sounds more fun, maybe we should visit them first. You said Hawk's mama is fast right?" Naruto asked rubbing his temples.

"Faster than you on foot, so I'd say we'll get Uzushio within a day at a decent speed, besides she's been through a lot and I'm sure Hawk will be excited to become Konoha's captain of scraps disposal." Ban answered with a snicker.

"Yeah, maybe I should call Celine. I hope she's at least made some progress; granny Elizabeth's techniques make regular sealing look like chicken scratch." Naruto said preparing making his eye glow brighter. "Summoning Jutsu: Celine!" he shouted.

Smoke filled the room and short girl with brown hair tied in a braid and purple eyes appeared wearing a roman style dress appeared looking around in confusion until she saw Ban and Naruto.

"M-master N-Naruto, did you require my assistance?" she asked in a sudden panic.

"Yes, I just wanted a quick update on my grandmother's seal." He answered getting a nod.

"Yes, Lady Elizabeth's seal was difficult and rather tedious but after so much research and with the help of your notes I believe we have a way to crack it and free master Ban's associates." She explained as she summoned a scroll, "We've been going over several times before we considered contacting you just to avoid wasting your time." She finished politely.

"Good, Celine I will contact you in the morning again, I want you to prepare for the unsealing so if you feel unsure this is your last chance to review the unsealing method." Naruto said with the angel training nodding as she disappeared in a bright light. "Better get some rest to Ban, our journey might start tomorrow." He told his tenant who nodded and went back into his seal.

The next morning

Naruto found himself in his true form wearing a tailored version of Meliodas' bartender suit since it was the only thing, he could get his hands on that wasn't an orange monstrosity shops would sell him. At least it was semi-formal and for some reason very durable since his ancestor somehow avoided his own outfit from being torn about from all the fights, he's found himself in.

After an hour of travelling the pair found themselves in the illusion Elizabeth made, Naruto broke it and found what they were looking for. The crystal-like material surround Gowther and Hawk along with remnants of the boar hat meaning Hawk's mama was right underneath.

"Summoning Jutsu: Celine!" he shouted revealing the brunette in holding her scroll.

"Ah Master Naruto and Master Ban! Are you two ready?" she asked with the two nodding, "Very well, let us get started!" she said unwrapping the scroll and activated several runes and seals.

Celine soon jumped over the crystal-like material trapping the trio making them glow and slowly shatter. The angel soon found herself chanting something as the goddess seals appeared around the confinement crystals.

"Holy crap, I think she might be able to get break them out." Ban said voicing out his excitement, "As annoying as the two are, it better than nothing." He finished with Naruto nodding remembering all the stories Ban told about everyone ever since he regained his sanity.

A few minutes later Celine finished her chanting and the seals disappeared as the crystals started to fall apart as bright lights appeared around cracks creating a loud boom as they fell apart.

"It looks like your job here is done Celine, I thank you and the Goddess clan for your assistance." Naruto said.

"It was our pleasure Master Naruto." She said before disappearing in a bright light.

A couple of minutes later two shadows appeared from the smoke caused by the destroyed crystals. As the smoke cleared, it revealed a young man with pink hair wearing glasses and a large pig.

"Hey Hawk, Gowther over here!" shouted Ban grabbing their attention as they ran towards him.

"Hey Ban! I thought you lost your mind didn't you become a dog or something?" Hawk asked.

"I believe he was a fox Hawk, now that I think about it, we didn't have time to assist you as the captain required for us to be frozen. Has it been two centuries?" he asked until he noticed Naruto, "Excuse me sir but who are you?" he asked as Hawk looked up as well.

"I can tell you it's been more than two centuries." Naruto answered.

"What?! Meliodas is that you?! You got older!" Hawk shouted out then he looked around the forest for a moment, "Hey where's Elizabeth?" he asked.

"It's been a few millennia but I'm not Meliodas." Naruto responded as he wiped his hair away and revealed his Goddess eye shocking Gowther and Hawk.

"What?! Don't tell me!" Hawk shouted.

"Hawk, I believe he may be related to the captain and Elizabeth themselves." Gowther stated observing Naruto.

"Oh my god! Those two had a baby?!" he shouted again.

"Yes, but I'm not that baby." Naruto responded.

"What?" Gowther and Hawk asked.

"Gowther don't you have the ability to share memories between us?" Ban asked receiving a nod, "Well you and Hawk are going to have to go through his memories, so we don't have to go through the whole story." Gowther raised his hands and began to link their minds together as Gowther and Hawk experience Naruto story.

The two went through his childhood abuse to the time he learned the truth about his parents followed by the fight with Ban in his tailed beast form which led to the memory of Meliodas and Elizabeth visiting him in a dream explain what happened to them finally ending the journey with the year of training under Ban.

"Oh my, that is unfortunate." Gowther said lacking any emotion.

Hawk however was starting to cry, "So… Elizabeth… and Meliodas are… gone?" he asked receiving a nod only for the pig to cry out loud. As he cried, everyone was surprised to see that Hawk was being comforted by Naruto as the blond hugged the pig.

"I'm sorry Hawk, I grew up alone and hated for something I wasn't even aware of until over a year ago. Then I learned my real family left me practically left me for dead whereas you lost someone you knew for a long time." Naruto said comforting the pig who started to calm down.

Gowther decided to speak up as he always kept a calm demeanor, "Wait Naruto was it?" he asked receiving a nod, "In your memory, you gave Ban a scroll from Meliodas correct?" he asked as Naruto nodded again pulling out the scroll.

"That's right we needed to get to you guys first since you were the closest and Hawk's mama can help us get to everyone faster than going on foot." Ban explained as Gowther read the message.

"He is right Hawk, even though the captain is no longer with us, we still have the rest of the group along with the remnants of Liones." Gowther added as he passed back the scroll.

"Really, like Diane and King?" Hawk asked wiping his tears with hove.

"Yes, Hawk but first we'll be looking for Merlin, Escanor and the remnants of Liones since I'm still having trouble pinpointing Diane and King's location." He said making the pig still keep his hopes high.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Mommy!" Hawk shouted making the ground around them shake as the damaged Boar Hat soon began to shake as well. After a couple of minutes a large green pig with straps connected to the tavern itself rised from the ground. "Where to new captain?" He asked.

"Hawk just because I'm his descendant doesn't mean I want to completely replace him." He said making the pig look down. "Besides that I need to get us permission to leave the village, you did pay attention to the knowledge of the hidden village through my memories right?" He asked with the pig looking at him confused.

"Hawk, Naruto can not leave as that would mark him as a deserter, so he must gain clearance before we begin our journey." Gowther explained with Hawk nodding.

"Yeah, Naruto you better get the old man's permission." Ban said but then it hit him, he couldn't go alone since he's a rookie Genin and the village's Jinchuriki. "Wait hold that thought!" He shouted as he pulled a piece of paper and quickly wrote on it and handed it to Gowther.

"You want me to ask for a mission with Naruto as a bodyguard?" Gowther asked.

"Yeah, since he's only a rookie, Naruto can't go on his own since he's a rookie unless it's a simple mission like a short escort." Ban answered, "Then Hawk and I can wait in the outskirts of the village and we can take off since a giant pig will draw too much attention." Ban finished.

"I understand now, I should make my way there now, care to escort me Naruto?" He asked.

"Yeah but I better activate my disguise since no one is aware of my appearance." Naruto said transforming into the orange wearing idiot.

"Good disguise, I bet they think you're an idiot wearing so much orange." Gowther said receiving a nod.


Gowther made his way to the tower keeping a disguise by changing his hair and eye color as Naruto decided to wait at Ichiraku's.

The goat sin soon found himself exploring the halls of the tower as he made it to the secretary's office.

"Good morning how may I help?" Asked the secretary with a bright smile. 'Hypocrite' thought Gowther thought as Naruto's memories showed this woman would often try to kick Naruto out before he could talk the village leader.

"Yes, is this the hokage's office? I am here to request a mission." Gowther said politely.

"Yes, please wait a moment." She said as she spoke into the intercom, "Hokage-Sama May see you now." She said with Gowther nodding as he walked through the doors.

"Hello young man, how may I help you today?" Sarutobi asked eyeing the now green haired boy.

"Hello Hokage-Sama, I am Alan and I am here to request one of your Shinobi to escort myself to a village near Wave country." Gowther answered maintaining his disguise. "Preferably the hero of wave country." He said.

Sarutobi remembered the report he got from Tazuna as Naruto actually inspired the inhabitants of the poor trading post and named their bridge after him. Perhaps this could be some good experience for the Kyuubi container.

"Are you sure you wouldn't need a whole team?" He asked.

"No unlike Tazuna-San I guarantee you that the only hazards will be the way there as it is rather far to go on foot. So I believe an experienced Shinobi will be necessary should I get lost or run into wild animals since I cannot defend myself." Gowther explained.

"How long will this mission last? I do expect my Shinobi to return at some point." Asked Sarutobi hoping for his surrogate grandson avoids trouble or arguing with the client.

Gowther places a hand on his chin, "If it were by horse I would say a two full days but since I am on foot, it will take two almost three days to reach my village plus the extra two or three days to for your Shinobi to return on his own." Gowther answered, "If you are worried I can send a carrier pigeon at every mail post site we come across marking our progress and your Shinobi can do the same." He continued hoping to ensure Sarutobi that Naruto should go alone to avoid suspicion.

"Alright, I expect a letter from my Shinobi every chance or everyday marking your progress on making to and back to the village." Sarutobi explained receiving a nod.

"Well then, ANBU!" one of them appeared from his corner, "Bring me Naruto Uzumaki."


A few minutes later

Naruto arrived with a bored demeanor, "Hey gramps you called?" He asked, "Hey who's this guy?" He pointed to Gowther.

"Naruto this is Alan; you will be escorting him to his village near wave country." Sarutobi answered.

"So why isn't Kakashi Sensei and everyone else here?" He asked.

"No Naruto, Alan here has asssured me that this mission will be a solo one for you since he claims the only problem is the distance and the potential wild animals he will run into." The Kage explained.

"Sweet! I get my very own mission?!" Naruto asked with stars in his eyes.

'This is how he forces himself to act?' Gowther thought to himself.

"Yes, Naruto just you but I need you to write to me every chance you get when on your extended trip." Sarutobi answered.

"Wait why?" The blond asked looking curious.

"Because it's a solo mission that will possibly take a week since you are going on foot plus the time it take to comeback since Alan here states his village is close to wave but tricky to get to." Sarutobi said filling out the paperwork for the mission.

"Ok." He said as he turned to Gowther, "Hi Alan-San I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm the future hokage! I'll see you at the gates in a half hour!" He shouted as he ran out the doors.

"Thank you hokage-Sama I will send the payment once I reach my village. Good day to you." Gowther said bowing and leaving as he went toward the village gates. 'I doubt even Merlin would keep her calm demeanor if this was how he really acted. This personality is worse than the captains.' He thought to himself.

An hour later

Naruto and Gowther were already out of range from the village, "This is far enough." Naruto said quickly stopping and removing his disguise and revealing his older appearance with the bartender uniform he was wearing earlier. He immediately started groaning in pain as he covered his eyes, "That's the last time I'm ever using that eye star technique." He said.

"How bad is it?" Gowther asked with Naruto staring at him in anger.

"Let me show you." He said feeling annoyed.


"IS THIS PAIN?! WHY AM I CURIOUS ABOUT EVERYTHING?!" Gowther shouted as he was laying on his back covering his eyes in pain from the technique.

"Told you, where the hell is Hawk's mama anyways?" Naruto asked as he prepared his healing technique with his Goddess technique. Several minutes later after healing the doll man, the two looked up to see the giant green pig walking towards them sporting that giant smile she always has.

"We're here!" Hawk shouted from above as he pushed down the rope latter. "Come on we have friends to save and adventure to look forward to!" he continued running back inside as the pair below climbed up the rope.

"Naruto, where are we off to?" asked Gowther.

"Near Uzushio or the land of Whirlpools, it's where my birth mother was born along with Mito Uzumaki who were both sealing master that carried Ban within them before I released him from his insanity." Naruto explained as they made it to the top.

"Intriguing will we be passing by?" Gowther asked.

"Very likely but there's nothing there considering the place was destroyed during the last shinobi world war when Konoha failed to arrive on time when they were attacked." Naruto answered.

For an entire day, the group found themselves talking about what they would do as Naruto planned out how he would get them into Konoha without drawing too much attention without revealing themselves or that very least mark them as a new clan in Konoha. They would have to cross that bridge when they get there especially when they have to come up with another excuse once they figure out where Diane and King are along with Diane's friend Matrona.

Later that night, Hawk's mama found a place to rest as she dug herself underground for the night. Ban decided to Naruto around the tavern to show him where the rooms were as Gowther already claimed a bed, leaving the other two to choose their rooms for the night. As for Hawk, the pig decided to just lay beside Naruto with the former already trying to build a friendship with Meliodas's descendant.

The next day

The group had their breakfast and signaled to Hawk's mom to move again reaching Uzushio an hour later, the large pig managed to maneuver around the village's illusions since chakra didn't affect her making it easier to avoid the whirlpools and strong tides from pulling her in. The hazardous journey soon ended once they reached the end of the ruins since no one in the tavern had any interest in digging up old fossils or collecting any rubble or outdated sealing scrolls since apparently Elizabeth and the Goddess clan sealing methods were more advanced.

After a couple of hours of searching the group stopped as they finally found the barrier to Liones. "Summoning Jutsu: Celine" Naruto shouted as he summoned the brunette for a third consecutive time.

"Ah Master Naruto, do you require unsealing again?" she asked with a smile as she and the rest were loyal to the boy and were never annoyed by the blond since his attitude was a façade and he would only use them when necessary.

"Yes Celine, I want you to see if you can remove this barrier." He pointed to the illusion, "I believe it might be similar to what my grandmother made when freezing everyone." He explained receiving a nod as the angel flew to towards the barrier and did the same process as she did with the crystals that surround Gowther and Hawk.

"Who's the flying lady?" Hawk asked.

"She's Celine, the Goddess clan was tamed but the Demon clan wasn't so after a quick set of trials Celine became my main some for personal use and her clan was responsible for figuring out the seals Elizabeth used to freeze you guys and make that barrier." Naruto explained.

"Sure, wish I was around to see that." Hawk responded.

"How long will this take?" asked Gowther.

"It took ten minutes for you guys but this barrier looks stronger so I would say relax for now." Naruto answered. Everyone just sat there as Ban grabbed some ingredients Naruto brought before leaving the village as he began to cook lunch for everyone. A half hour later, the group felt the barrier release as it created a small earthquake that shook Hawk's mama along with the tavern.

"I am finished Master Naruto will that be all?" Celine asked flying inside the tavern.

"No not yet Celine, this was the barrier and to convinence you, you might want to sit back until we find the rest of our group." He explained getting a nod as the angel took a seat on one of the stools.

Liones… what's left of it

The giant pig along with her inhabitants saw the ruins of the once proud kingdom of Liones ruled by a strong and kind leader, King Bartra now turned into a shadow of its former glory. Naruto immediately used his multi shadow clone technique as he summoned hundreds of copies of himself.

"I want all of you to search every nook and cranny of this entire kingdom until you find the crystals containing the holy knights." He told his clones.

"What was that technique you did? I did not see you use the sacred treasure and do not believe it can make that many illusions." Gowther asked rather analyzed.

"Gowther, that was the shadow clone jutsu and even without Ban's new power I can make several hundred of them without exhaustion and the best part is that once they dispel I retain their memories making it easier to gain experience and memory." Naruto explained.

"I see, so by making hundreds of yourself, you cracked down on the time it would take to find everyone." Gowther stated.

"Correct, now all we have to do is play the waiting game again and hope at least one of them finds them so we can move on to rebuilding the Seven Deadly Sins." Naruto said.

"I'll drink to that." Said Ban in the back.

"I'm so excited, I can't wait to get everyone back!" Hawk shouted only to look down, "But what do we tell them about Meliodas and Elizabeth and better yet, how will Elizabeth's sister react. It's only been a few minutes for them and they're just going to hear that their sister is dead." Hawk elaborated.

"Gowther will help as he can transfer my memory and as for how they will take it… I'm really not sure but we'll have to cross that bridge when we get there." Naruto responded realizing how everyone might react to their entire civilization being gone and rebuilt as something foreign and strange. To top it off, he's the only memory left of his distant relatives with barely any plan of what to do when he unfreezes them.

"I should have planned this better." He said to himself as everyone else contemplated on what their next move after the unfreezing is done.

"Don't sweat it Naruto, beside I'm sure the princesses will at least feel somewhat better knowing they have another living relative and won't break down in "Depression" saying that they'll feel better with lots of alcohol and gambling." Ban spoke up.

"I don't ike Tsunade as much as you, but I want first dibs, after that I heal her completely, so you have your turn, then heal her again so we can double team." He said receiving a chuckle.

"You know kid, if I was freed years earlier, I would've adopted you instead of laughing like a maniac at the fact that the stupid monkey screwed up." Ban said.

"Yup my parents were the hokage and a clan heir from a clan that controlled an entire village… but my new parents are an immortal guy and fairy who looks like a little girl. Maybe after we find Elaine, we can use Tobirama's jutsu and my eye to restore her." Naruto said.

"Well if she's ok with it then I guess King would have to be your godparent or something." Ban said with a chuckle but frowned immediately, "Then I would be related to king." He said growling. The two were friends but always at each other's throats.

"Can I start calling you dad instead of uncle?" Naruto asked as Ban just left after thinking about becoming King's brother in law. "I guess not, oh well I have aunts." He laughed.

Meanwhile at the hokage's office

"You can come out now Jiraiya." Said Sarutobi as a man dressed as a kabuki character jumped through the window into the office.

"Well sensei clearly I'm losing my touch." He said with a grin.

"Yes, but that isn't why you are here is it?" the old man asked taking a deep inhale from his pipe.

"About that, I'm going to be Frank with you." He said to his former sensei not taking his mouth off the pipe. "Kasumi and Narumi's bijuu chakra is gone along with their seals and now Minato is coming back to check on Naruto." Jiraiya finished.

"Well Jiriaya is Minato coming back to stay and possibly take custody of Naruto again?" the kage asked.

"Very likely, besides Tsunade has been considering taking him on as an apprentice knowing he might get excited to be trained by a sannin unless I get to him first. Why do you ask?" Sarutobi took off his hat and place his pipe to the side.

"Jiraya I am going to be Frank with you as well. Since Orochimaru left the village a new development has happened along with Minato leaving." He said surprising the toad sage.

"What is it sensei?" he asked feeling concerned.

"I went back to having three disappointments instead of two." He said plainly.

"I don't understand." Jiraiya said in confusion.

"Jiraiya I made many mistakes and there's one I intend to fix before someday fixing another one. When Minato Namikaze returns… I will tell the truth of the Kyuubi attack and along with that I will name a fifth hokage." He said shocking his student.

"Sensei what about Iwa?" he asked.

Sarutobi glared at him, "WHAT ABOUT THE DAMN VILLAGERS!" he shouted scaring Jiraiya, "They've been trying to end his life believing he was the damn fox itself! Where you there? No you weren't were as I had hundreds of thousands of demands for the death of a boy who until a few years ago kept asking me one thing that would haunt me! Do you know what that is Jiraiya?!" he asked the toad sage who started getting scared.

"He asked me, 'Why don't I have parents? Am I loved? Why does everyone hate me?' do you have any idea how it feels to look down the eyes of a child and lie to them? No of course you don't while you and Tsunade were joining the Namikaze family eating lobster and enjoying walks on the beach because your senile frogs drew something and put it on the fridge you assume child abandonment should be supported!"

"But sensei the prophecy…"

"What prophecy? What does it say now?"

Jiraiya remained quiet.

"Jiraiya unless you have something interesting to say then you and Tsunade better be expecting some horrible consequences once I tell the village and Naruto the truth and before you decide to move on from writing porn to comedy, no I will not choose either of you to be the fifth hokage!" he shouted flaring enough ki make Orochimaru himself melt into a puddle.

"Now if you don't have anything else to report you are dismissed." He said with the toad sage making a break for it.

He then looked under his desk to see the photo of Naruto wearing the kage hat on his sixth birthday with himself in the background.

"Naruto, I've failed you and all I can do now is tell the truth… I've seen that look in your eyes and I can tell you aren't the kind of boy you really are… most boys your age wouldn't suffer as you have… I can only hope your journey becomes a fruitful one." Sarutobi said to himself wiping a tear away as he saw Naruto as another grandson and could cry if Konohamaru went through the same treatment.


Next time… two sides of the truth