After the villain Spot stole important information from the shield database to sell to the highest bidder, he decided to rob a bank when Spider-Man noticed him as Peter Parker when he ran out and suited up to fight him.

"They spot you it's bad to steal from others in public" Spider-Man said.

"Oh come on" Spot angrily said.

When suddenly black widow burst through the window shooting at Spot.

"No no not you" Spot said nervously.

"Where is it" Natasha said to Spot.

"No can do" Spot said to Natasha.

When he opened to spots under Spider-Man and Natasha both falling into them.

"Good with both of them gone I can finally escape" Spot said.

When suddenly iron Man and shield spear in front of him.

"Oh come on" Spot said opening a spot under him but Iron Man grabs him at the last second and pulls him out.

"Your not going anywhere" Iron Man said.

Putting cuffs on him.


"Hu ugh" when Peter noticed he was freefalling from high in the air when he noticed Natasha with him and grabs her in the nick of time.

"Think Peter think" he thought to himself when a lightbulb went on his head.

When he decided to rap himself and Natasha into a ball of web attaching it to his back to wrap it around them.

When he strapped Natasha to him waiting for impact to the ground.

When boom they hit the ground hard.

"Good thing it hold up" Peter said holding his head after the collision.

When Peter noticed Natasha fainted from the fall taking of his mask.

When Peter noticed it was getting dark.

"Well I'm going to try to build camp, don't fail me now boy scout training" Peter said.

While Peter is setting up camp he used the last of his webbing to make a net and a hammock putting Natasha in it.

Next morning

"Ugh" Natasha said waking up noticing Peter without his shirt on.

"Your awake" Peter said giving Natasha fish to eat.

"Do you remember anything" Peter said asked.

"Yah but what happened after" Natasha asked.

"Well Spot opened two under us and got sent somewhere in the sky" Peter answered.

When Natasha checks her wrist noticing her comms where busted.

"How far did we fall" Natasha asked.

"I'd say about 2,000 Feet" Peter said.

"Well my quick thinking saved us both bit I don't know where he sent us" Peter said.

"Good thing we landed next to a lake with lots of fish" Peter said.

When Natasha noticed the crater they made.

"Well I gotta go clean my self, exploring this area got me real muddy" Peter said.

Pete then walks toward the lake and takes of his suit and boxers to wash them in the lake when he gets all the stains out he gets in and relaxes in the clean water.

A few minutes have passed when Natasha walks to the lake noticing Peter.

"May I join you" Natasha asked.

When Peter was surprised when he saw Natasha and covered himself immediately.

When Natasha starts to unzip her suit revealing her breast in front of Peter and removing her suit revealing her perfect body and getting in with Peter.

"Ah that feels nice" Natasha said noticing Peter still covering himself.

"Just relax Peter" Natasha said.

When she notices his cock getting bigger and bigger until she can see the tip stick out of the water.

When Natasha then sits on Peter's lap and gives him a thigh job with her smooth soft skin and turns her head and kisses Peter in the lips for a very long time.

"Oh Peter I love you" Natasha said kissing him again.

When she starts to grind her pussy on his cock, and suddenly shoves Peters cock inside her.

"Wait we…" Peter almost said when Natasha cut him off.

"We've gone this far" Natasha said to Peter.

Then Natasha turns around facing Peter eye to eye and hugs him from the neck and starts to bounce on his cock while kissing him over and over.

"I'm about to cum Natasha" Peter said

When Natasha stops and Peter doesn't climax inside her and she gets off him and gets on her knees and starts to stroke his cock and put in between her breast and strokes his cock with her boobs.

"How are you enjoying my breast Peter" Natasha asked kissing the tip of his cock.

"Your breasts feel very soft" Peter said noticing he's about to cum again.

"I'm about to cum Natasha" Peter said.

"Don't worry let it all out" Natasha said in a seductive voice.

When suddenly a stream of cum hit Natasha in the face covering it with cum, and slides her fingers across her face and taste some his cum.

"Uhmm" Natasha said when Peter nervously gets out of the water in a rush.

"Well that was fun" Natasha said to herself.

"Like the time in the avengers shower" she said to herself.

"Well time to wash up" Natasha said.

A few minutes later.

"Oh thank God that's over" Peter said fixing his suit and putting it back on.

When he notices Natasha put on her suit halfway and zipping her top and leaving her breast out in the open and walk towards to Peter.

Peter nervously covering his eyesight " What are you doing" he asked.

"Letting my body get fresh air for a bit" Natasha said grabbing Peter's hand making him grope her.

"How do they feel" Natasha asked one last time

"Soft and smoother" Peter said when Natasha let go of his hand.

When finally she zips up her suit covering her breast.

"Well we got to find communication fast" Natasha said.