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Erza was understandably the first to react. The woman rush towards Happy and while she didn't grab the flying cat. Happy, himself felt like he had with the demanding glare she gave him.

"Is it true!? Is the Master really dead!?" Erza asked.

Happy must have realized that despite being turned to stone. The girl might have still seen and heard what was going on in the room.

"Natsu tried his best but it wasn't enough. Makarov ended up passing away despite medical treatment."

Mirajane clasped a hand over her mouth as the older members of Fairy Tail were hit the hardest. Even Erza nearly broke into tears. Lucy gave a casted down look at the floor.

'Yet you haven't stopped this Laxus? He was your grandfather. What is wrong with you?' Lucy thought.

Sure, Lucy was sad but like Natsu. She didn't have the same strong bond that everyone else had with Makarov.

"Happy, did Natsu go after Laxus?" Lucy asked.

"Aye..." Happy answered.

Erza quickly rush out of The Guild Hall. She had to get to Laxus before Natsu did because Natsu despite his feats could not hope to win against Laxus. The woman being a S-Class Wizard would easily dodge the rune's being placed around the city. Her eyes reading the several incantations that were placed. However as she was passing a toy store. An attack came her way and Erza jumped to the side to evade the blow. Her eyes glared upwards at the floating toy and she instantly knew it was Bisklow. Erza summoned her sword.

"Bisklow you only have one chance! Let me through or you will suffer the consequences!" Erza roared.

She watch as six toys besieged her.

"I don't think so Erza in fact I think I'll just take your soul."

Erza didn't have to move as she deflected all of the beams sent her direction with her sword. The woman giving a 'tch' before engaging against Bisklow's puppets.

Mirajane rush towards Elfman's aid. She couldn't help but feel so much guilt at being useless. The woman was able to support his weight and start to lift him up. The disturbance made Elfman wake up. The sight that greeted him was Mirajane lifting him up.

"Sorry Sis...I just couldn't save you..." Elfman said.

"You shouldn't be apologizing, I should be the one saying sorry. I just have been so useless." She spoke.

"No you haven't Mira, you always take care of us and fed us. You always welcome us home." Elfman said.

Mirajane gave him.

"Thank you." She said.

Elfman would have to rely on his sister to carry him towards the Guild Hall. The woman despite being smaller then her brother easily carried him.

"Laxus, Makarov is dead can't we just stop all of this."

Laxus would glance over at Freed. The man seemed to waver as they continued the games. He nearly gave into his emotions but the man stopped to think a mintue. Laxus could get Freed's loyalty back if he did this right. The Man went to his knees as he slowly grew an empathetic face. Laxus walked over to Freed to put a comforting hand on the man's shoulder.

"I know it seems horrible but when this is all over, I'll give him a respectful burial. The Old Man has earned that much at least and besides you don't want our work to go to waste. We are making a new Fairy Tail. A better place where they don't throw out actual family." Laxus stated.

It seemed to work as Freed's eyes became a bit more sharp.

"Very well, I'll eliminate any resistances." Freed said.

Laxus watch as his subordinate left the area without another word. His plan was going better then expected. All he needed was to put down any uprisings and he will do it now.

"No matter how many you cut down, I have an unlimited supply of dolls!"

Erza watched in annoyance as six more dolls came to life. The floated in the air as they attacked her again and this time she had enough of his games. Erza changed armors and her outfit changed as a result. The woman's armor would be a silver color with her blue skirt being replaced with a metal one. Her black boots were now armored ones. She didn't waste time and used her magic to summon more swords.

"I'll just take away your precious army." Erza spat.

The woman floated into the air. She cut down any attack that came towards her.

"Stop being so difficult!" Bickslow yelled.

Erza now hovered over the entire toy store and gathered her magic energy.

"Baryon Formation!" Bickslow yelled.

Erza had to stop channeling and rushed away from the incoming green pulse of energy. Biskslow wasn't letting her do as she pleased and she gave a smirk. At least he was taking her seriously. The woman face Bickslow.

"I'm assuming your dolls do the fighting for you. A shame really." Erza spoke.

"Oh? You want me to actually fight you. Then please come close." Bickslow said.

"Gladly." Erza spoke.

Erza shot foreward at Bickslow while the man took off his helmet. Their eyes would directly look into the other and to Erza's surprise. His eye began to glow a healthy green as her body ceased to function. She stopped mid-air and her body wouldn't obey her command.

"What did you do to me?" Erza hissed.

Biskslow chuckled at the power that he now held over the wizard. He walked towards her.

"You wanted me to fight you in actual combat. I'll tell you something before I completely obliterate you. If anyone looks directly into my eyes, then they fall directly under my command. There is nothing you can do. This is goodbye, scum. Baryon Formation."

Erza closed one eye as she gave a grin before chuckling and then it turned to a small fit of laughter.

"What's so funny? The Queen Of Fairies will fall here. There is no hope for Fairy Tail after I defeat you."

"Even if you could defeat me. There is still one person. I may not believe in him a hundred percent. Truth be told I don't want to rely on a lunatic such as himself. Hence why I'm going to be taking you down right here and now." Erza spoke.

Bickslow felt a metal fist make contact with his face. Erza would make sure to not let him recover as she launched herself at the flying male. The woman made sure to summon an extra sword in her free hand.

"Pentagram Sword!"

Bickslow felt his body being attack by a set of slashes that made a pentagon shape. He crashed into a nearby building while Erza floated over the hole. Bickslow managed to get to his feet while emerging from the hole.

"How did you?" Bickslow asked.

"The entire time that we have been in the same guild together. You still haven't realized it? One of my eyes is artifical which means that your eye spell is completely ineffective. I'm in a sense indirectly looking at you since this isn't an actual eye. That means I can never directly look at you." Erza explained.

"Pretty lucky if I say so myself but you have left yourself wide open."

Erza didn't know what Bickslow meant until she heard several beams charging right behind her. Erza instantly turn her head around and a green vertical line was heading her way. She dodged the beam without thinking as the beam would fly directly into Bickslow. A huge explosion occurred with smoke launching itself into the air. Once it died down, Erza saw that Bickslow had finished him off. The woman shaked her head.

Mirajane and Elfman would watch as Freed walked towards them. The Man eyed them both as he readied himself to confront the pair.

"It seems that you have been defeated. I can't allow you to interfere with this Elfman. I will give you one chance to back out of this fight." Freed said.

Elfman steadied himself as he got off of his sister.

"Mirajane can't fight and I'll protect her. I won't let you near her." Elfman spoke.

Freed gave a sign.

"I have no choice. I'll punish you severely for coming back into the games even though you are prohibited from doing so." Freed spoke.

The man began to activate his magic and pulled out his sword. He branded Elfman's chest within a blink of an eye. Elfman didn't feel anything as a result. He charged recklessly at Freed while the man slashed his sword vertically. Elfman felt pain erupt in his chest that sent him to his knees.

"Stop this Freed! He is hurt!" Mirajane yelled.

However, Freed would not stop as he continued to lash away at Elfman. Every swing of his sword would throw Elfman in a set of painful screams.

"As punishment for your disobedience. I will put you in eternal suffering." Freed spoke.

Mirajane's eyes would shrink dangerously at his words. She had killed Lisanna and now she would kill Elfman due to her being useless. The woman didn't want that, she was the oldest but she wasn't doing her job. The push that she needed to fight was right here. Freed was close in landing a final blow but an immense magical upset stopped him.

"Nooo!!!" Mirajane roared.

Freed proceed to watch as a magic circle hovered over Mirajane. The woman releasing all of her pent magical energy. It was so massive that it nearly drove Freed back. Mirajane's body began to change shape. Her white hair began to stand straight up, her eyes became more demon like with her arms would change as well. They became claws with her outfit undergoing a shift. She wore a red suit with red leggings. The woman grew two wings and a armored tail.

'What is this aura? It's so menacing.'

Freed realized that Mirajane was out for blood. His blood due to the blood lust that she held in her eyes.

"Prepare yourself." Mirajane said.

Her voice sounded deeper as well and Freed watch as she lunged at him.