This Chapter is NSFW

Their scent was still in the air, lingering around the bedroom, but it was faded, as if the fall breeze had somehow crept into their Brownstone and whisked it away. For the first time in a week, she felt the cold of the crisp morning, and as she burrowed underneath the thick black comforter, her legs still tangled with Sirius and Remus' the realisation sunk in.

Her heat was over.

Her muscles didn't ache, her skin wasn't sweat stricken, and the slick that had covered her thighs was gone. She was...normal; well as normal as an Omega could ever be. Her eyes fluttered, and she blinked the sleepy haze from her brain as her hand snaked up from the covers to brush across her gland that no longer ache.

Her fingertips pressed gently against where it now lay dormant and instead of unadulterated bliss, she felt...nothing. No pleasure, no pain, just empty.

She should be relieved, this is precisely what she wanted, but for some reason this news felt more like last goodbyes at a funeral instead of joyus. The soft snores from both Remus and Sirius filled the room, providing the only sound above the soft chirping of the birds outside the bedroom window.

Pushing up on the mattress, Hermione was careful not to disturb either man. She looked around the room curiously, as if seeing it for the very first time. Pictures of their lives together adorned the wall—snapshots from their world traveling vacations, and domestic bliss. They looked happy, content with one another. Like they needed nothing more in the world other than each other.

Hermione chewed on her bottom lip as she dragged her eyes away from examining her surroundings to look at the men that lay on either side of her. Even in their sleep they were still together, their fingers laced over the top of the pillow she'd used last night, a sweet example of their love for one another that just made her feel more guilty, and more confused about this whole situation.

Sirius told her she was theirs, as if she'd had a place not only in their hearts, but in their lives; but it couldn't be true. It had to be the heat talking—after all, how could they even find room in this perfect little life they'd created for her? They hardly knew her, beyond the small details Harry listed in her Findr profile, which was next to nothing. They didn't know how she took her tea, or that she read far too much, or that she absolutely hated shopping for clothes. They didn't know she was allergic to strawberries, or that she was scared of swimming in bodies of water with fish in them. And they certainly didn't know that as much as she longed to find the person, or perhaps persons, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, she was absolutely, positively terrified of falling in love.

Which also clearly meant that this—whatever this was between them was nothing. It was just a nice couple helping her through her heat, and because that was officially over, it meant that she could push these confusing feelings aside and forget about them. Because they certainly didn't want, nor need, someone like her meddling in their relationship.

Pushing the covers to pool around her waist, Hermione debated the easier way to exit the bed with sleeping men on either side of her. Sirius was sprawled like a starfish, practically taking up the entire real estate of the left side of the bed, whereas Remus had laid snug against her body, as if trying to absorb her warmth.

Logically, she couldn't crawl over Sirius without disturbing him in some fashion, so she opted to take her chances with Remus. She had less to crawl over with him, and—should he wake up, she could just tuck him against his lover before slipping out of the home.

Rolling onto her side, Hermione carefully swung her leg over Remus' waist, knee sliding against her bared hip and she pushed off the mattress, hovering over him, ready to slip onto the floor when she felt two impossibly warm hands find her waist and anchor her so that her pussy brushed across an already hard cock.

"Morning, Hermione." Remus didn't even open his eyes as he spoke, his voice low and syrupy.

An involuntary shiver ran down her spine, and her fingers flexed against the mattress. "M-Morning." She stammered, her tongue sweeping across her lips nervously. What was he doing? Surely he could sense her heat was gone, there was no need for him to— "Ahh!"

He was in her, his cock pushing past her folds in one gentle nudge and he guided her hips down until she was settled so perfectly in his lap, it was as if her body was built specifically to fit against his. His thumbs swept across the soft jut of her hip bones, a low grumble of bliss leaving his lips as his eyes slowly blinked open. "Going somewhere?"

Was she? She couldn't remember.

Hermione shook her head no, and as he guided her hips backwards and forwards, slowly grinding her into his cock, soft gasps parted her lips. His hand trailed up her body, sliding across the soft curve of her waist and over her ribs and higher still until he slipped his fingers into her wild curls and pulled her down until his mouth found hers.

Hermione knew Remus could feel the way her heart beat erratically against her chest, like stampeding horses, thunderous and wild. Everything about his kiss, and touch was head—intoxicating, swallowing up her uncertainty and fear and burning it to ashes until they were nothing left.

Her hips rocked into hers in shallow little thrusts, clearly intent on taking his time as he had her this morning. Holding her tight against his torso, He gently rolled her back to the mattress until Hermione lay on her side between him and Sirius once more.

Her leg lifted, knee resting against his hip, giving him more access to thrust into her open and willing body as he swallowed up her whimpers and moans with slow, loving sweeps of his tongue.

"Started without me?"

A new hand slipped across her cheek, and slowly pulled her mouth away from Remus' addicting lips. She turned, compliant and eager until the gentle motion and soon her lips were against Sirius'. She felt him scoot across the bed until his front molded against her back, his hard cock resting gently on the cleft of her arse as his tongue swept into her mouth to finish what Remus had started.

Remus kept his slow pace, his cock filling her completely before pulling out with a slow purposeful drag, clearly intent on driving her mad as he edged her closer towards orgasm. It was a far cry from the fantic coupling that they'd all participating in the last couple days, but equally as fulfilling.

She lifted one hand from Remus' chest and curled her fingers into Sirius' hair, holding him to her as he ate up her moans and soft cries in pleasure. Despite her eagerness for his kiss, Sirius gently pulled away, his nose nudging hers before he moved to nuzzle against the frizzy curls beside her ear. "So perfect for us…please don't go, Hermione."

She gasped at his words, her fingers flexing. She had to have heard him incorrectly, right? Surely he couldn't have meant that.

"We want you...we want to always share you." Sirius nipped at the shell of her ear, gently rocking his hips against her backside so his cock stroked between the globes of her arse as a pace that matched his husbands sleepy strokes in her. "Isn't that right, Remus? Tell Hermione."

"You can't go…we just found you." Remus' lips pressed against her shoulder and collarbone. "You have to stay, love."

"B-But my heat." Hermione gasped, eyes rolling closed when Remus hit that spot inside her that made her toes curl. Oh Jesus, this was so much—almost too much, but after a week spent between the two of them, she was becoming more and more accustomed to the sensory overload of being worshipped by two men.

"Fuck your heat." Sirius swore, his hand sliding gently over her side and down to grab a handful of her backside, gently lifting her cheek so he could nudge the head of his cock against the place he'd been working with his fingers all week. "This isn't about your damn heat anymore, Hermione...I know you feel it too."

Her brain felt fuzzy, not in that I've just come out of my heat sense, but in the I've attended class one too many times on too few hours of sleep kind of fuzz. None of it made sense—they barely knew her! But this wicked things they did do her body not only plucked the strings to her desire, but somehow they'd managed to also burrow their way into her heart over the past week.

Remus taking care of her, feeding her, kissing her, holding her through her heat. And Sirius protecting — that primal instinct to make sure she was safe, healthy and well taken care of. She'd spent the last four years on her own, eating ramen and whatever free pastries she could find in the breakroom at various deadend jobs as she finished up her degree, and now this? Two incredibly handsome men wanted her in their lives, and not just as a bloody fuck toy they passed between them two of them.

Although, to be fair, she wouldn't exactly mind being passed between the two of them—and quite frankly she hoped their insistence that she stay and become theirs included many nights doing precisely what they were doing right now.

Remus pushed his hips against hers as far as they could go, his cock filling her to the brim, forcing the air from her lungs so that when Sirius began to breach her back entrance, gently nudging his cock in past the first ring of her arse, she grew lightheaded and hazy. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck."

"Christ, Sirius." Remus joined in, his voice tight, strained and his hands on her body squeezed harder than before. "So bloody tight." He groaned, his forehead pressing against her shoulder as he drug himself and pushed back in her in small shallow thrusts that under normal circumstances would be barely enough movement to register much pleasure but now felt like drudging waves overtaking her entire consciousness.

The edge of her vision blurred, and distantly, she felt Sirius adjust her leg up higher on Remus' side untilher kneecap was nearly aligned with her chest, opening her up more for him to— "Ughh!"

"Breathe, little one." Sirius murmured, hissing through his pain-pleasure as he sunk into her at an impossibly slow pace until his cock was nestled deeply inside her arse. He gently released her backside, and moved to dip his fingers between her spread thighs. She felt them move across where Remus was shallowly thrusting into her, collecting as much of their combined nectar as he could before he moved his hand to rub the slick around the base of her cock. "Just breathe."

Right, Breathe. Easier said than done.

She wasn't even sure she could remember how to blink properly, let alone utilize her lungs properly. But, she'd be willing to try as long as it meant he stayed inside her.

She felt full before while taking his cock, her body quickly accommodating to take his knot, but this full was different. She felt like she had not a single ounce left of her untouched, and that she couldn't possibly do anything beyond lay her and accept the blissful punishment of their cocks as they drove her closer to her inevitable demise.

Because truth be told, in that very moment, Hermione was certain they were going to kill her. Unintentionally, of course, but nonetheless, she would die by their hand—or in this case, their cocks.

Her eyes slammed shut, and she focused on doing precisely was Sirius had instructed. Breathe. She could do this. In through the nose, our through the mouth, and just when she thought she could take the pleasure without being pulled under it's consuming waves, Sirius began to move.

"Jesus fucking—Please don't—Fuck!"

The words that tumbled from her mouth unbidden made no sense, even to her own ears, but the incoherent rambles were all she could make out as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she lost herself in the pleasure. The gentle, yet steady pace from Remus, his cock dragging across her clit with each stroke, and nudging, filling presences of Sirius in her arse.

"You like this, don't you, Hermione?" Sirius purred, his voice was breathless and low as he set a slow delirium inducing pace, timing his thrusts so he would be fully sheathed in her heat when Remus bottomed out inside her. "You can have this whenever you can always have us."

Her body was melting, surrendering to their every whim. She could barely breathe when they both pushed inside her, and Remus opted to grind against her instead of returning to his slow push and pull.

Their names fell from her lips and pleasure obliterated her in violent waves. Her nails dug into their skin as she tried to hold on—tried to ground herself to something, anything that would remind her that this was real and not just a runaway fantasies, that these men wanted her regardless of being in heat or not.

"That's it. Good girl," Sirius praised, his lips running across the back of her sweat stricken neck, adding to the overwhelming fire that was consuming her. "Come apart for us. Show us how much you love our cocks."

"Shit, Sirius—I-I. Fuck, I can't—" Remus was barely hanging on, his eyes shut tight and before he could so much as wait for approval from their Alpha, he followed suit, her fluttering cunt pulling him under with her. Hermione could feel his cock pulse against the engorged walls of her pussy, spilling his seed deep within her.

Slipping her hand from around Sirius' neck, Hermione gently lifted Remus' head from where it'd fallen on her shoulder. She let her lips find his again as she rocked her hips against his, drawing out as much pleasure for the both of them as they came apart. Her tongue swept into his mouth, leaving no stone unturned on her quest to steal the air from his lungs.

His arms moved to tighten around her middle, rough hands splayed wide on her back and he held on for dear life, crushing her until she was forced to break their lip-lock just so she could find air once more.

He didn't leave her body, instead allowing his cock to stay buried deep inside her, but Hermione felt Sirius pull out, and the sudden loss of his cock made her heart pangwith need. He was right, this wasn't about her heat—and it likely hadn't been for several days now. She wanted to be part of this—to be with them in this perfect little world they'd created. She wanted to wake up beside them, and walk into rooms to find them snogging. She wanted to add a third chair in front of their fireplace and leave her slippers by the hearth.

Sirius' hands ran reverently across her and Remus' sides before he pushed up to a tall knee, his hand already stroking his cock, gray eyes dark and stormy as he looked down to the pair. "Can I come on you? On you both?" The question was a far cry from the dominating behavior that he'd displayed even a day prior, and a reminder that this was him and not his Alpha running the show any longer.

Hermione glanced to Remus, as if seeking approval before she looked back up to Sirius and gave him a quick nod. "Gods, yes." Her voice cracked, still raw from her cries as she came apart between them.

Sirius moved up higher on the bed, his knees sinking into the plush pillows as he picked up his pace, his hand curled so tightly around his hardened length she was surprised he could feel anything at all.

He looked like a man possessed, his eyes ran over her and Remus' joined bodies, looking almost adoringly at them as he brought himself pleasure. A snarl of completion echoed around the bedroom and she watched him come apart kneeling above them. The hard plains of his lithe body flexed, muscles taut and building, veins on his forearms defined and hot ropes of his come erupted from the tip of his cock and landed across her and Remus' faces and chest.

His free hand moved, bracing himself against the wall with a loud thump and his head dropped head, shaggy black hair framing his face as his eyes closed tight, crinkling the corners of his eyes.

Soon the only sound that filled the room was his heavy breath. The rapid rise and fall of his chest captivating her—everything about this man was intoxicating. His words, the hard lines of his body, the way he looked at her and Remus both, as if they were the only things in the entire universe that could inspire him so.

Her hand lifted, fingers brushing through the sticky liquid that coated her cheek and she turned to look at Remus, and she bit the inside of her cheek to hold back the audible groan at the vision of him before her. His eyes half-lidded, pleasure still radiating from him, and in his beard, droplets of his husband's come clung to the rough hairs.

"Jesus Christ, you two are trying to kill me," Hermione breathed, lifting her trembling hand to brush across Remus' facial hair, smearing Sirius' come across his beard. Could she ever get used to this? Seeing them both so drunk off desire, and lost in the throes of something was surely against some sort of law. They weren't supposed to want this—were they? Legally speaking, this had to be adultery, right? Even if they were all willing participants.

Remus dropped his head, his lips wrapping around the tips of her wet fingers and she gasped when she felt his tongue lap against the pads of her fingertips, sucking the remains of Sirius' come from them.

"We don't want you dead...just incapacitated so you can't leave." Sirius chuckled breathily as he lowered to the mattress beside them. His arm was thrown around her waist, fingers curling around Remus' hip, holding him both of them tight as he snuggled in close. "Is it working?"

"I'm afraid so." Hermione slowly pulled her fingers from Remus' mouth, letting them dance across his impossibly soft lips before she slowly pulled her hips away from Remus, letting his cock slip from her aching body. Rolling onto her back, her hands rose, fingers sliding into her damp curls as she pressed her palms against her eyes until technicolor stars burst behind her closed eyelids.

She felt Remus shift up onto his elbow beside her, his hand falling against her stomach, thumb stroking across her abdomen. "You alright?...Look if this is too much you don't have to—"

"We didn't mean to frighten you." Sirius cut off his husband, and she assumed that the hand she felt skitting across her jaw was his.

"You...did you mean what you said—what both of you said?" She whispered the questions, tentative and unsure. When they said it, their persistent instances that she remain with them—theirs, but she had to make sure. She'd never done something like this before, let alone take two men with her through her heat, but something about it felt...right. Like she belonged.

"About wanting you to stay?" Sirius' hand curled around one of her wrists and he gently pulled it away from her face before doing the same to the other, but when she didn't open her eyes like he'd clearly intended, he leaned in to press a kiss on the centre of her forehead. "Absolutely."

"More than anything," Remus added, leaning in to brush his lips across her temple with such overflowing devotion she found herself at a loss for words. "We talked about it when you slept during your third night here. You''re what we didn't know we were missing."

Her heart seized, and for a moment it was as if the planets aligned and time stood still like in some cheesy sci-fi film. "B-but…"

"But nothing. I knew I'd liked you the moment that first night we messaged on Findr...and I knew Sirius would too. We weren't looking for a third to our marriage, and...well, I don't even know how we'd go about doing it, but maybe...if you'd like we can date...the three of us...and sometimes just us, or you and Sirius. I don't think I'm speaking for myself when I say that I'm not ready to watch you walk away...not without at least trying." Remus hand moved up the centre line of her body, his fingers brushing over her sternum and through the valley of her breasts until he wrapped his hand over Sirius' on her jaw and he pulled their combined hands down over her heart.

"Date." Hermione breathed, mulling over the word that seemed to hold so much meaning in her mind and she slowly allowed her eyes to crack open. Remus' lips were lifted in a hopeful smile, his kind green eyes sparkling in the soft morning light. He was so understanding, even now she could tell if she told them now, he'd gracefully accept her decision—no matter how painful it would be for him.

"Yeah...just date. Go to the cinema, or out for pints or to the club...or whatever twenty something year olds do now." Sirius added in, brows lifting and his head cocked to the side, giving him all the semblance of an overgrown puppy.

A small laugh slipped from her lips, and Hermione let out a small groan, tipping her head back on the pillows, her curls haloing her head as she sucked in a deep breath, letting it fill her lungs to capacity before she held it. It was just dating. She's gone on dates before! It wasn't truly a big deal...and technically speaking if they were all okay with it, then it wasn't really weird...was it?

Harry would understand—once he saw them, he'd definitely understand. And the rest of their friends might come around...especially if Remus and Sirius hosted the occasional dinner where they fed her ragtag crew.

"Yes." She let her response slip with a heavy exhale and she dropped her hands from her curls and let them fall on the pillow above her head as she lowered her chin to look down at the two men whose eyes seemed to brighten immediately. "Yes, I'll date you...both. But you have to promise me something."



Remus' question was overshadowed by Sirius' enthusiasm, and she couldn't help but laugh at the difference between the two men. "That if this isn't working—for either of you, that you'll be honest with not only me, but each other too."

Sirius let out a small bark of a laugh, and a smile a kilometer wide spread across his lips, showing even his molars. "Sure...I can promise that, but you've got to understand something, Hermione," he said, pushing himself up so his chin propped against his upturned hand. "I highly—highly doubt that will happen anytime soon."

"If ever," Remus added with a wink.

Author's Note:

Tada! That's it folks. Thank you so much for all your reviews, kudos, comments, follows & recommendations of this story! It's been such a fun trope to explore and I am eternally thankful you are all open to my depraved smut.

That being said, I have some exciting news... *drum roll* A continuation of this fic will be coming to you beginning Mid-December/Early January! Make sure to join Restricted Section: Multi + Triad's Only to stay up to date on its release. We are also hosting Kink-Tober and have smut filled triad/mutli pieces written by some seriously talented folks! ( h_tt_ps:/_/ww_ .com_/gro_ups/r_ .fanfic/ - remove the '_' to make the URL work)

Until next time! xx