Disclaimer for the entire story: Sadly, I do not own Strange Magic, although I do have the DVD that I play once a week.

Just a little silly something inspired by something radioactivepeasant posted on Tumblr. I went for the Strange Magic Monday and wound up drawn into everything their clever brain dishes up. I keep wondering if I should get a Tumblr account but that might require social interactions...right, solitary prowling goblin it is.

The Lughnasa/Lammas story for Wild One series is...coming along. I might get it done before Halloween. Constructive advice is appreciated but please refrain from criticism. Enjoy!

Dawn giggles as her four-year-old runs around the playground to show off her new dress. The little girl was just so proud of the blue jumper with its sunflower stitching. Not even the overcast sky could dampen Sunshine's bright and sunny mood and her tight-curled blond hair seemed to shine like a halo as she darted around.

"Looks like she's awfully proud of her mommy," Sunny murmurs, walking closer and giving a wink. "And what a beautiful mommy she has, too. May I have the pleasure of sitting beside such an incredible woman?"

"I don't know. My husband might not like you flirting with me while he's away on business," Dawn teases.

"Flirting, dear madam!" Sunny gasps, holding a hand against his heart. "Perish the thought! It's not flirting if it's the truth."

"Is that so?" Dawn questions.

"Definitely! In fact,..." Sunny starts.

"Daddy! You're finally back!" Sunshine yells.

"I was only gone for two days, Sunshine," Sunny chuckles, holding out his arms for the running child.

"Feels like forever!" Sunshine whines.

"Well, I couldn't let Grandpa fend for himself, now could I?" Sunny asks.

"I suppose not," Sunshine sighs before wiggling out of his hold and twirling around. "Look at what Mommy made me this morning! Isn't it pretty?"

"Sure is, baby-girl! But do you know who's prettier?" Sunny questions.

"Mommy! Mommy is prettier!" Sunshine states proudly.

"Aww, thank you, Sunshine!" Dawn gushes. "What do you think about Daddy?"

"Daddy is cute!" Sunshine answers.

"Thank you! So, Mommy is really pretty and Daddy is cute but what is Sunshine?" Sunny asks.

Both parents try not to squeal as the four-year-old scrunches up her button nose and taps her index finger against her pursed mouth, a trait that she no doubt picked up from her mother. Her blue eyes light up with excitement before she excitedly yells loud enough for the whole park to hear.

"Sunshine is dangerous! Sunshine weakens and rots and destroys order! Sunshine is chaos!"

"You let your sister babysit again, didn't you?" Sunny mutters in shock.

"I'm going to kill Marianne!" Dawn growls lowly.

Tea Blend.