Hello there.

Welcome my friends, to the next chapter of Avatar Heroes II: Rebirth.

I hope your going to enjoy this chapter and now on to story time.

"Whoa!" Jaesa exclaimed in awe, sitting on her knees on her seat when she looked out of the window of the train she was on as it moved out of the portal, giving a magnificent view of a lush and green surroundings.

She along with Korra, Asami, Mako, Bolin, Claire, Jaysen and Classic were sitting in the train, which was on the line passing through portals specifically set up by the Alliance for easy passage between Worlds they were allied to.

"Hey Jaesa. I have a question" Asami said, getting the attention from the girl sitting next to her, "I have been wondering, how did you change your outfit like that? From skin tight battle suit to that school uniform."

"Oh, it's my nano suit." Jaesa said turning back to look out of the window, "It can transform into any type of clothing I have programmed into this watch." she indicated the silver bracelet with some sort of tear drop looking device on top.

"That's pretty cool." Asami said, leaning closer to her, "Think you can give me the schematic's on how to build my own?"

"I can..." Jaesa said slowly turning from the window once more to look at the older woman with a smile, "But in exchange, If I can take a look at your armor schematic's. They are so refined and less bulky looking than mine."

"Deal." Asami said, shaking hands with each other.

As the two girls were talking about their passion and mutual interest in power armors, Mako looked on until he heard someone whisper his name.

"Hey, Mako. I need your advise." Jaysen whispered, finally managing to get the attention of the firebender, "Your a bit of a lady killer right? At least you look like one."

"I have had a few girls, yes." Mako said, a bit satisfied with himself, "Why?"

"I knew it! Okay, I want your honest opinion." Jaysen whispered, looking over to Claire who had been talking with Korra. Making sure the girl wasn't paying attention to them he continued, "You think I have a chance with Claire?"

"I don't know, Jay. She seems to still be hurting over her Jason. But as for your chances." Mako advised him, "She's kind of the Champion and you don't even have your first gym badge yet."

A few seats away, Korra looked over her shoulder watching Jaysen overreact insulted to what Mako had said to him.

"What are they talking about?" she said, indicating Mako and Jaysen with her thumb.

"About the chances Jaysen has of getting it on with Claire." Jaesa said, not turning away from the window, "Don't see the problem. Jaysen is not hideous."

"Ah, isn't that cute." Asami said with the teasing tone of an older sister teasing her younger sister, "Seems someone has a little crush of her own." she patted the top of Jaesa's messy black hair, messing it up even more. But Jaesa puffed out her red cheeks, crossing her arms in front of her chest and turning away from her.

"I don't think Jaesa and Jaysen should be together." Classic noted, his small arms crossed in front of him, "Would that count as incest or selfcest?"

"I like this little guy." Bolin said, leaning into his seat and gesturing down to the chibi, "He ask the important questions."

"And I like this big guy." Classic said leaning back into his seat as well, gesturing upwards, "He reminds me of a younger me."

"A younger you?..." Asami said surprised, "How old are you anyway?" just as their train came to a stop at their destination.

"I think we lost them." Lily said when she had reached a park in Republic City, getting curious looks from passerby's from her still holding Iroh in bridal style.

"Not that I don't enjoy being carried in your strong arms..." Iroh began, a bit of a blush on his cheeks, "Could you please put me down. I would really appreciate it."

"Oh, right." Lily said a bit sheepishly not having realized it. She put him back on his feet, "So uhm... Iroh. I have a few questions."

"Well let's play twenty questions then." Iroh said with a chuckle as they began to walk around the park, "What would you like to know?"

"What is this Alliance that cop was talking about?" Lily began, looking him into his eyes, "And what is an Alliance Hero?"

"With the Alliance we refer to the Alliance Between Worlds. It's exactly what it says." Iroh began to explain, "An alliance formed between multiple Worlds who agreed to come to each others aid, and share knowledge with each other."

"As for Alliance Heroes, they are a branch of the Alliance which gathers, coordinates, and supports individuals who have risen above the simple soldier rank." he continued to explain, "They often work alone or in small group and are send on the Alliance most important missions."

"Sound a lot like the Specter's from the Superior Order." Lily noted before turning to her next question, "Earlier you said I fought like The Skywalker. What did you..."

But it was at this moment she came to a sudden stop. The world went silent around her as her amber eyes widen in shock. At the end of the path, overlooking the large lake in the middle of the park, stood a memorial statue.

It depicted a young man with spiky hair, a cape flaring from his shoulders as he was depicted as if he was touching down from flight and his right arm extended as if to offer a helping hand. The voice of Iroh felt so far away, as she looked at the stone face of the young man. She had no need for an explanation to know who it was that the statue was depicting.

"J-Jason..." Lily whispered softly as she stept closer until she could read what was on the plaque at the base of the statue.

'If you seek his true monument, look all around you.'

Team Avatar and the Skywalker's arrived at their destination where they were guided towards the Alliance Command room by a one of the officer's in the base. The Skywalker's looked around the white halls with impressed look before they stood in front of a large door.

With a swishing sound, the door slid open revealing a large circular room, a large window on the other side giving a magnificent view of the mountain range and the small village down below.

In the middle of the room, a large round table capable of displaying holographic images and video feeds. At the table stood a tall and slender young woman, issuing commands to the troops.

"Keep pushing onward, give it everything you got." she told her troops on a screen, before swiping her hand to open another, "Status report on Marc?"

"No sign of him. He's still missing in action."

"Marc is missing?" Korra said shocked.

Upon hearing her voice, the woman turned around. She had blue eyes and medium-length blue hair, mostly parted to her left. She wears a black and navy blue, high-collared halter top, a black corset with two pairs of white laces and black shorts. She wears black stockings reaching about halfway up her thighs, leaving a small area of bare skin.

"Team Avatar and... others." she said with a smile, "Apologies for not coming to welcome you in the hallway. It's been a busy week."

"It's no trouble." Korra said, before turning to the Skywalker's, "Claire, Jaysen, Classic, Jaesa, this is Director Aqua, current leader of the Alliance."

"Charmed." she said with a small smile.

"What was this about Marc being missing in action?" Korra asked.

"We have had some worries about the Vanitas of Zeru." Aqua explained, leaning back against the command table, "Our scouts had disappeared, we send Marc in to investigate."

"Vanitas of Zeru?" Mako spoke up.

"They are a cult worshiping an ancient being from outside the Verse or more commonly known as the Arcmoani Network." Aqua explained, "They believe there is more than one Network... And from what Tenzin has told me yesterday and the reports on the attack on Republic City, it seems they are right."

Team Avatar glanced in the direction the Director was looking, and found her looking at the Skywalker's.

"You mean?..." Asami said in surprise, "There is another Arcmoani Network?"

"Maybe more." Aqua said crossing her arms, "Toshi theorized that there might be fifteen Arcmoani Networks."

"Speaking of my favorite blunette, where is he?" Bolin interrupted, "Maybe if he and McGrath put their heads together..."

"The Harmonic Heroes are off World at the moment, all of them. It's classified, sorry, I can't say more." Aqua explained "But once they are back, I will have them working on a way for you all to get back to your own Arcmoani Networks."

"Really?" Jaysen said, "Just like that?"

"Of course. We can't have four Skywalker's running around." Aqua said with a soft smile, "Think of the property damage!"

"I don't rack up that much property damage." Jaesa mumbled, stroking her chin, "In the meantime, I think I have a way to track where they are keeping this Marc. The only problem is I need to build it."

"If you think you can, we can bring you to the lab right here at HQ." the Director told her.

"Really just like that?" Jaesa said surprised.

"In the Alliance Science department, you want to do something, you get a budget and told to do it." Aqua said with a smile, "...Unless it's very unethical or complete nonsense. Like how Kyle wanted to create a what he called... a 'Super Crown'."

"This World is awesome!" the young girl said, throwing her arms up.

"Not sure if we should trust a child to do such a task." Claire said, crossing her arm in front of her chest.

"Who are you calling a child!?" Jaesa said turning to the taller blonde with an angry glare, "I'm the brightest person in the room. Have you seen my armor?"

"Your dad made that for you." Claire pointed out, "You said so yourself."

"I made my nanotech suit myself!" Jaesa said with an irritated tone, "And I made my own upgrades to both my suit and armor."

"You want to throw down?" the taller girl said as the two glared at each other while walking closer, "Your just a little girl in a suit of armor. Take that away and what are you?"

"Super genius, top student at Beacon Academy, fluent in English, Korean, German, Dutch, Japanese, a black belt in karate, judo and tai boxing, number one player in Overbutts." Jaesa said smugly, crossing her arms as she counted on her fingers, "What where you again? And what have you done to get your powers?"

"Put on the suit." Claire growled angrily, uncrossing her arms, "Let's go a few rounds."

"Bring it on, blondie!" she growled back.

As the two young women glared at each other intensely, Korra, Asami, Bolin, Mako and Aqua looked on with a feeling of tense in the air. Before the two girls smirked at each other. Jaysen slid closer staring at them, "Kiss!" he whispered.

"Dude!" Bolin scolded him, "How old are you?"

"I'm fifteen!" Jaysen said back, "What did you expect!?"

"Not much." Mako said turning to his brother, "And look at you being the responsible 'big bro'." Bolin laughed at this when his own older brother heard that he got a notification on his Scroll, "It's Roukio."

Turning away from the group, he picked it out of his pocket as he looks at the message.

Lily was sitting on a bench in the park, staring in the distance as tears ran down her face. "I failed... I failed him..." she thought, "I failed my boy..."

Iroh sat next to her, softly rubbing her back, "Are you alright?" he said gently.

"No..." she said softly, "Nothing is right."

"Nothing?" Iroh said confused and concerned, "Lily what's wrong? What about your mission?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing does..." she said staring down to the ground, "He was my world... My world doesn't exist anymore."

"Then what are you going to do?" he said concerned, seeing this proud and confident woman suddenly being so broken.

She didn't respond immediately as she looked down at the hilt of her weapon, "This would be a good death..." she thought as she stood up, "But not good enough."

"I do have a promise to keep... But after that... Well, we'll see." she said softly, standing up as she turned to him, "Can you take me to Air Temple Island now. Please?"

"Yes, of course..." Iroh said, standing up as well.

Over at Air Temple Island, Roukio sat next to Jinora on the roof of the temple, eating lunch together.

"The entire street had sustained serious damage and the criminals swore they were defeated by a female Jason Skywalker wielding a purple double bladed lightsaber." Roukio said, holding his sandwich in hand.

"A double bladed lightsaber? Sounds pretty cool... or a good way to lose limbs." Jinora said, taking a sip from her drink, "Think it's another Skywalker?"

"I hope not..." Roukio said in mock horror, "Chief Beifong has enough grey hairs as it is!"

Just when Jinora's boyfriend Kai landed on the same roof. "Jinora, we have guests." Kai said to her, turning from to send a glare at Roukio.

"And why didn't you went to my dad?" Jinora said curiously.

"He's in the city at the moment." Kai explained, "And you have the most seniority among the airbenders."

"Good point." Jinora said, downing her drink and turning to Roukio, "Your coming?"

"Sure." Roukio said, as he watched Jinora jump off the roof and land on the ground.

He stood up as well, seeing Kai giving him another glare. "Roukio." the young airbender said.

"Kai." he said, and the two jumped down the roof as well.

A short walk later, they arrived at the courtyard where they saw general Iroh waiting for them. Next to him stood a woman, staring around in amazement.

"Where did all these airbenders come from?" the woman said.

"The most recent Harmonic Convergence created an energy shift the likes of which this World has never felt before." Iroh explained, "Numerous nonbenders across the world suddenly discovered they had airbending abilities."

"That's... great." the woman said with a smile, "Rebuilding the air nation was Aang's live long dream."

"Greetings." Jinora said, with a wave getting the attention of the two.

"Greetings, Master Jinora." Iroh said with a bow of respect, something Jinora returned, "It's good to see you again."

"Likewise General Iroh." Jinora said with a smile, "My father isn't present at the temple at the moment. Perhaps I can help you?"

"Well, I think my friend here can explain it best." he said gesturing to the woman next to him.

"Greetings, Master Jinora. I'm Lily Skywalker, but call me Lily." the woman introduced herself stepping forward, "It's good to meet another airbending master."

"Another?" Kai said surprised, "You mean you have met Tenzin?"

"Who the feck is Tenzin?" Lily said surprised.

"Then who..." Roukio said getting the attention from the woman, who's faintly glowing amber eyes widen upon seeing him, "Something wrong?"

"N-No... Sorry, you just look like someone..." she said, regaining her composure, "Anyway, I have need for a Keyblade wielder. There is this rift in the spirit world where creatures known as the Corrupted are pouring through. If the rift get's to wide, they could consume the entire spirit world along with this World."

"If you need a Keyblade wielder, why come here?" Jinora said surprised, "Why not go to Alliance HQ? That is where the new Keyblade Academy is."

"Keyblade Academy? New Keyblace Academy" she said surprised, a flare of anger in her voice.

Jinora and Roukio exchanged a surprised look, as if not sure if she was being serious. "Lily has been..." Iroh said unsure to the trio, "Living off the grid for a while."

"Sure, let's go with that." Lily said dryly, "So how do I get to Alliance HQ? Anyone has a spare Solar Ship?"

"A Solar Ship?" Roukio said with a raised eyebrow, "You can just take the train."

At this Lily became stoned faced, turning around as she began to walk back towards the boat, mumbling something that sounded like "How Long have I been gone!?"

On the roof of the Alliance HQ, Mako, Bolin, Jaysen and Classic were sitting together and having lunch.

"These chimichanga are amazing!" Classic said, throwing his fist up as he stuffed the remains of the deep-fried burrito in his mouth, before taking another one from the paper bag.

"You sure eat a lot." Mako noted, holding a sandwich in his hand, "For such a small guy."

"Do you have any idea how much calories I burn!?" the chibi said with his mouth full, "With all the running around, smashing through things that I do?"

"Do you know what they call a quaderpounder in French? A royal with cheese. It's all because of the metric system." Jaysen said munching on his burger, getting a raised eyebrow from the other three, "What?"

"That was very random." Classic said disappointed, "You can do better."

"I just was just throwing a random piece of trivia out there." Jaysen said, "You know... this is nice."

"What is?" Bolin said, stuffing some fries in his mouth.

"Just us boys goofing around, having lunch..." Jaysen explained, laying down on his back after finishing his food, "I don't have many male friends... I don't have any male friends come to think about it..."

"Well you have three now! Mako, Classic and me!" Bolin said cheerfully, "You know what that is?"

"A three hundred percent increase!" Jaysen and Bolin said at the same time.

"Hey, I got a cool idea to pass the time." Classic said jumping up, "Jaysen, we are going to need that key of yours."

Meanwhile down in the lab, Jaesa was typing away on a keyboard with Asami overlooking a screen showing them what Jaesa was programming and how long it will take for the tracer to be installed into her armor.

Jaesa had put on her playlist as a loud music blasted from her speaker:

'There's nobody else that could handle, all the attention and fame. What would you be willing to gamble? To her it's Just a Game! Bright lights are shining all around! She's stepping up into the final stage! Her adversaries best be wary. She's suiting up and she's about to engage!'

"This is really the music they listen to in the year 2626?" Claire said, sitting next to Korra on a nearby bench.

"You don't like it?" Jaesa said putting chips from a bag in her mouth.

"It's catchy." the blonde admitted, leaning back as the two continued to work.

"So how long is it going to take?" Korra asked just as a cooking alarm went off.

"It's done." Asami said as the younger girl suited up in her armor.

"We can now locate that Marc guy." Jaesa said, seeing the display of in her armor, "Now where are the boys?"

At that moment, a ball came flying through the window, followed by a small blur, revealing itself to be Classic as he landed on the wall, catching the ball.

"I got it!" Classic shouted.

"How is he standing on the wall?" Asami said looking at the chibi, "That doesn't seem possible."

"We have vehicle's who can travel between dimensions, we have people punching entire planets apart, moving entire mountains with their minds, we have people who can fly to the edge of the universe and back in seconds..." Korra began to sum up, "But this is the breaking of the laws of physics that made you think, 'huh, this is weird'."

"...I maybe become a bit desensitized to all the weird event the past five years." Asami chuckled, as Jaysen, Bolin and Mako came running into room as Classic jumped to the ground.

"Well feck, he caught it." Jaysen said, resting his sword on his shoulder, "Is the goober ready yet?"

"The what?" Asami said.

"Goober or whatever it is you smart people call it." the brunette said, "I'm not going to pretend I'm smart enough to know what it is called." as the door slid open and Aqua entered as well.

"I was having lunch at the cantina when I saw a small ball being chased by another bigger ball." Aqua said looking up at the hole in the window, "Now I see it was Classic..."

"Yeah... Sorry about that Director." Classic said, tossing the ball over to Jaysen.

"Oh please, this is hardly anything new here." she brushed it off as she looked at the screen on Jaesa's work station, "Is it ready?"

"Yes, it is." Jaesa said, striking a few strokes over her screen, "Sending a copy to you now, Director."

Aqua looked at her a pad in her hands, nodding to confirm she had received it. "We are intending to immediately pursue Marc." Korra said to the blunette, "Any objections?"

"None at all." Aqua said turning to Asami, "Before you go, have you thought about the offer we made you?"

"Not yet." Asami said.

"I hope you find your answer soon." Aqua said turning to the group at large, "You are about to enter the unknown to find one of our top agents. While this isn't an official Alliance operation, it is greatly appreciated. Once the Martha Box activates, you will be teleported as close as possible to our agent's location. Get him and return back to HQ as quickly as you can. Are you ready Team Avatar and... What do the Skywalker's call themselves?"

"Team Awesome?" Jaysen suggested, "Team Jaysen?"

"We'll get back to you on that." Claire interupted him as Jaesa began the countdown to the portal opening.

Once she reached zero, a green rift opened, large enough for even Jaesa to step through in her massive armor.

"Alright team." Korra said as she took the lead, "Let's find Marc."

And there ya go, another chapter, hope you enjoyed.

Many thanks to everyone who reads, reviews, favorite or follows this story, you beauties!

If you liked what you read, don't forget to leave a review and maybe check out some of my other work.

Not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but these are the voice actor's for the New OC's introduced in this story if it was an animation.

Claire - Hayden Panettiere

Jaesa - Charlet Chung

Jaysen - Jason Griffifth

Classic - Josh Keaton

Zeru - Ben Diskin

Anyways, I wish you all a fantastic day and I hope to see you ladies and gents next time.