A/N: Wow, I can't believe I wrote the first part of this story in September! I'm sorry it took so long to update. Thank you onceuponaprincessworld for letting me share ideas with her and for constantly being a cheerleader. This part has not been beta'd, only self-edited so feel free to let me know if I overlooked any mistakes.
Hope you enjoy!
"I hope you don't mind, I invited someone to join us."
Liam cuts Killian a sideways glance, his brows climbing to his forehead as they make their way up the walkway of the bistro. "No, not at all, but when we talked over the phone, I thought it was just going to be us brothers celebrating over rum and wings at our favorite pub."
"Well, make no mistake," Killian says, clapping his hand on Liam's shoulder, "we will be celebrating and there will be rum, but I thought we could splurge and come here where we can get an actual drink. There is someone who I would very much like for you to meet, and I think the top shelf rum is better suited for the occasion instead of the cheap stuff. But don't worry, I'm paying," Killian assures him, in case the cost is what he's worried about.
Liam waves off his words as they reach the entrance and wait outside. "Nonsense, little brother. We're here to celebrate your victory on the sting op, so I think I can foot the bill."
Before Killian can demur, he turns his head to see a gorgeous blonde in a radiant blue dress as she makes her toward them, her high heels clicking against the sidewalk and long loose hair bouncing around her shoulders in golden silk waves that he itches to run his fingers through. His gaze travels down her form, appreciating every curve and every inch of exposed porcelain skin, before returning to her face.
"So who is this person joining us?" Liam asks curiously before he turns his head to see what Killian is gaping so shamelessly at. Or rather who. "Oh."
Killian can hear the smirk in his brother's tone, but he's too fixated on those beautiful emerald orbs glinting in the soft outdoor lighting, and that great big smile which shows off her pearly white teeth, and can't seem to tear his eyes away from her to catch the expression on Liam's face.
"Hi, babe," she says, kissing Killian's cheek in greeting.
Placing his hand on the small of her back, a low groan bubbles in his throat when he can feel her smooth, silken skin under his palm and realizes her dress is backless. "Hi, love," he murmurs in her ear and lifts her hand with his free one, brushing his lips over her knuckles. "You look stunning." He places a soft kiss to her delicate, supple skin as he takes in the sweet, lovely scent of her perfume.
"Thank you." She giggles when his prickly scruff tickles her skin, and her laughter warms his heart. "You're not so bad yourself."
A big grin takes over his face. "Thank you, love." He releases her hand so he can wrap his arm around her hourglass figure and pull her against him. As he eyes her luscious lips and darts his tongue to lick his own, he has to refrain from kissing her senseless while they're in his brother's presence.
Right. His brother's here.
Reminding himself he's not alone with his lovely Swan, he turns his head to Liam, who is standing there awkwardly with his arms crossed, waiting for them to finish groping each other, or so Killian assumes. "Liam, I would like you to meet Emma. Emma. this is my brother, Liam."
It's funny because Killian has never introduced him to her before; he hasn't so much as shown his brother a picture of Emma because, based on his own experience, photographs don't do her a bit of justice. And yet Liam's eyes widen with recognition and he's standing there staring at her for longer than what is appropriate and necessary.
Killian clears his throat to gain his brother's attention as he tilts his head toward her.
It doesn't take Liam long to understand what Killian is trying to tell him. He quickly amends his behavior and shoots out his hand, offering it to her. "Apologies, lass. Where are my manners? It's very nice to meet you."
She doesn't seem to take offense as she shakes his hand. "Likewise."
Liam is still gawking and scrunching his eyebrows at her, and Killian's afraid he's making her uncomfortable, even though she doesn't appear to be.
When Liam doesn't release her hand in a timely manner, Killian gives him a nudge in the ribs. Is he seriously checking out his brother's girlfriend?
"Ow, what in the bloody hell did you jab me in the ribs for?" Liam grumbles as he lets go of Emma's hand to rub his ribs.
"I was gently persuading you not to ogle my girlfriend," he teases, though his tone is void of any humor and is loaded with sarcasm.
"I wasn't ogling your girlfriend, Killian. It's just…" Liam scratches his head and seems to scrutinize every detail of her face.
She arches a brow, waiting for him to explain himself. "Just what?"
"Have we met before?" he finally asks her.
Emma purses her lips and pinches her brows together in assessment for a moment, then she shakes her head. "I don't believe so. I'm not from around here."
Liam lifts his hand, rubbing his chin in contemplation. "Hm, you look very familiar but I don't know where I've seen you before."
"Maybe from a picture?" Emma guesses, looking at Killian for answers.
"No, that's not it. Killian never showed me a picture of you."
"Aye, photographs don't do you justice, love," Killian says, winking at his lovely girlfriend.
A pretty, pink blush paints her cheeks and she smiles at him. She leans into him, wrapping an arm around his back as he snakes his arm around her shoulders and kisses her temple.
Liam narrows his eyes at Killian. "Come to think of it, you haven't even told me about her. Why is that, little brother?"
Emma glances at Killian, equally curious about the question. "Yeah, why is that?"
"First of all, it's younger brother," Killian corrects Liam before his eyes move to Emma, "and secondly, I didn't mention you because I wanted it to be a surprise." Killian balls his fingers into a fist and points his thumb in Liam's direction. "Do you know how long this ponce has been nagging me about finding a proper girlfriend after the last one ripped my heart out?" He shivers at the mention of his ex. He'd told Emma about her, and the gory details, but didn't wish to bring it up again, especially tonight because it's supposed to be a celebratory one.
Liam frowns. "Oi, I haven't nagged you about it, I gently persuaded you to get over her," he says, mocking Killian's earlier words.
Killian rolls his eyes. "Uh-huh. Gently persuaded my arse."
Emma laughs and shakes her head at the two bickering brothers and loops her arm through Killian's. The three of them head inside where the hostess seats them at a booth and passes out menus. Killian slides in next to Emma, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and caresses the warm, bare skin at his fingertips as they get comfortable in the booth. Emma molds into him and rests her hand on his knee underneath the table.
When their waitress arrives to take their drink orders, the guys order Bicardi Superior and Emma orders a Rum and Coke.
"A lass who enjoys her liquor, I like her already," Liam teases Emma, "even though you're ruining your rum by adding soda to it. I'll let it slide, though."
Killian leans over to kiss her cheek. "I happen to like her too."
The waitress returns with their drinks and leaves when they're not ready to order their food yet.
While they're browsing the menus and chatting about what to eat for dinner, Liam keeps staring at Emma every now and then like he knows her. "I swear I've seen you before, I just can't figure out where," he says before taking a sip of his rum.
Killian sighs, and Emma shrugs.
"Sorry, I'm not sure. I'd remember a face like yours."
Liam grins. "Oh, really?"
"Yeah, I mean even though you bear a slight resemblance to Killian, you have one of those unique faces. I, on the other hand, have a familiar face."
"I tend to disagree, love. While you do have a friendly face, your beauty is far from common."
Emma blushes crimson and moves her hand to his thigh, squeezing him gently as she leans in to whisper in his ear. "You're asking for it, aren't you?"
"And what exactly am I asking for, darling?" he murmurs quietly so Liam can't hear.
"As if you don't know."
The clearing of Liam's throat indicates they weren't quiet enough or maybe they're sitting too close and practically pawing each other on the other side of the table. Or maybe they both share that look—a look that says they're going to rip each other's clothes off and fuck each other's brains out once they're alone in her cozy hotel room.
When Killian returned to his hometown to visit his brother, he'd invited her to stay with him at Liam's but she didn't wish to invade Liam's space, especially since she hadn't met yet. So Killian paid for a hotel room for the night in hopes she would come around after getting to know Liam a bit and be comfortable enough to stay at his place. But with the way Liam is creepily staring at her, Killian doubts she will warm up to him anytime soon.
"Alright, get a room, you two," Liam grumbles and returns his eyes to the menu in his hands.
"We have one," Killian says to his brother, "and believe me, we're dying to use it." He winks at Emma, and sees her blushing and smiling from ear to ear. She is bloody adorable when she blushes.
"You got a room for the night?" Liam asks Emma curiously. "You could've stayed at my place. If my knucklehead of a brother told me about you, you wouldn't have had to pay for a hotel."
"That's okay. I'm used to staying in hotels for work."
Liam sets down the menu and curls his hand around his tumbler. "Say that again?" he asks before draining his drink.
"I'm used to staying in hotels. I get around a lot for my job."
Liam spits out the expensive rum, spraying it over the table.
"What in the blazes, Liam?!" Killian yells at him as he looks at Emma to make sure the rum didn't get on her.
She quickly reaches for some napkins and wipes off the table. Luckily the rum only splattered the table and menus.
"Sorry, lass," Liam says while grabbing some napkins and frantically trying to clean up his mess.
Killian notices a change in his brother's behavior. He seems nervous about something, but he's not sure why.
"Are you two ready to order? I'm ready," Liam says frantically and turns his head, seeking the waitress before Killian and Emma can reply. He raises his hand to summon her over.
"I guess we're ready," Emma says with a laugh and glances at her menu once more before handing it to Killian.
The waitress takes their orders and menus before leaving the table.
"So, do you want to explain to me what your problem is, brother?" Killian asks in irritation as he glares daggers at him.
"Nothing, I… I'm sorry, the rum just went down the wrong pipe is all."
"I'm not talking about that specifically. You've been acting strange all night," Killian chastises.
"It's nothing. I'm fine really." His eyes move to Emma. "I just realized where I know you from. I saw your picture online. While you were working."
"Oh god," Emma groans, "I look terrible in that photo. I had pulled an all-nighter right before that picture was taken.
"I disagree, love, you looked beautiful. You always do." Killian grins at her, remembering that photo very well. He and Emma had busted an organized crime ring that trafficked women into the local sex trade, and it was plastered all over the news. The photograph of them making several arrests had been taken for a local newspaper, but he's not sure how Liam had seen it since he doesn't even live in Washington.
Liam's face pales as he glares at Emma with disdain.
Killian scowls at him. He will have a little chit chat with his brother later on about displaying proper manners around his girlfriend.
"So, tell me, Emma, how do you like your profession?" Liam asks, his expressions steely as he observes her pointedly.
"Oh, well, it's very challenging at times, but at the end of the day, it's very rewarding knowing I'm making a big difference on the streets. The day that photo was taken, I single-handedly took on fifty guys at the brothel. I was so exhausted if you can even imagine." She sighs as though experiencing that same exhaustion she had felt that day. There was so much paperwork from all the arrests they had made.
"You were brilliant, love," he compliments, leaning in to kiss her cheek. He was so proud of her that day. But for some reason, he can feel the burn of Liam's stare which feels nothing like pride. He tilts his head to see him glowering conspicuously at him, appearing to be both mystified and disappointed. And Killian doesn't understand why.
"So you're okay with her occupation?"
What in the bloody hell? Here, Killian thought his brother would be happy he found someone as amazing as Emma, especially since Liam had been encouraging him to get back in the saddle after Milah broke his heart.
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" he asks, irritated by his brother's crude behavior. "I'd be a hypocrite if I weren't okay with it, don't you think?"
He can feel his lovely Swan stiffen at the topic, her jaw tight as she glares at Liam. "Excuse me, but even if he weren't okay with it, no one's going to tell me what I can or cannot do for a living. Believe me, my brother has been trying since I was nine," she says bitterly before sipping her rum and coke through a straw.
Liam's eyes pop out of his skull, shock washing over his features, and if Killian's not mistaken, a hint of pity. But he has no bloody clue why. "Nine?! Wow that's young."
"Well, obviously it was only a dream of mine at the time. I wanted to follow in my adoptive mother's footsteps."
"Your mother was one too?" Liam asks, completely appalled. "No wonder you took to this lifestyle."
"Oh yeah, and thanks to her talking some sense into my brother, he came around to the idea, and now I work for him."
Liam claps his palm on the top of his curly-haired head. "You work for him?!"
Emma furrows her brows at him from across the table, not sure why what's so shocking about growing up around people who were in the police force, but thankfully she doesn't take offense and seems okay about being hammered with so many questions. Killian supposes it's because she was nervous about meeting Liam and was worried about whether he would like her. Killian had been quick to assure her he would absolutely love her, but now he's thinking maybe he didn't know his brother as well as he thought he did.
"Yeah, but believe me, he shows me no nepotism; he rides me hard all day, every day. In fact, he's down my throat more than anyone else," she says, rolling her eyes at David's constant need to dictate and tell her how to perform her job.
Killian can actually hear his brother gasp as he slaps his hands over his cheeks. "Oh my God, your own brother?!" he blurts out, loud enough to gain the attention of other diners. "That's bloody appalling!"
Emma wrinkles her nose and narrows her eyes at Liam's response. He seems to take everything she says way out of proportion. "Look I know it's a dangerous job, but I'm just as qualified as any man in my field."
Killian agrees with a nod and strokes her back as he regards her with genuine pride. "Aye, she's a feisty lass. She has no problem taking on a heavy load."
"Lass, I didn't say you weren't qualified, I mean you're very… attractive—"
"Wait, you think I got this job because of my looks?!" she demands, cutting him off. She's clearly pissed. For good reason.
Liam shrugs, not seeing what the big deal is. "Well, yeah. I mean I assume you get work based on your body, not your brains."
Emma audibly gasps, her eyes popping out of her skull. "Excuse me?!"
Liam raises his hands in defense and speaks casually, as though it's a typical Tuesday and he's not being a misogynistic tosser to the woman his brother loves and adores. "Well don't get me wrong, lass, I'm sure you give fantastic beejers too. Any man would be happy to have you."
"What the bloody fuck did you just say?!" Killian demands hoarsely. He's completely aghast, and he can see the rage spiraling through his girlfriend, he can feel her anger as she taps his shoulder, urging him to move. He feels his own anger bubbling up inside of him. He clenches his jaw as he glares at Liam, letting him know he's not happy. Why the fuck is Liam speaking to her like she's a prostitute? What's worse is he doesn't even appear to be apologetic.
"Can you let me out, please?" she asks Killian in a cold, rigid tone.
In other circumstances, he would've attempted to defend Liam despite his childish behavior, he would've begged Emma to say, but what his scoundrel of a brother had said was not okay—not even close. Killian slides out of the booth and steps aside so Emma can leave. Once she slides out of the booth and stands up, she goes over to the other side of the table and smacks Liam hard in the face.
It's not until he feels the sting of her slap when he appears to be apologetic. As he lifts his hand to soothe his cheek, she picks up his drink and throws it at him.
"Oh whoops, it looks like I ruined your rum by adding a big sexist pig to it!" The bite of her tone and sting of her slap (based on how loud it sounded) are much stronger and bitter than the cheap rum at the pub. She bolts away from the table as Liam wipes off the cocktail from his face with a napkin and sighs.
Apparently they've gained an audience because all the female customers and servers are glaring daggers at Liam, all of them ready to kick his arse. And despite being a cop, Killian wouldn't bother to stop them. Not after the way Liam spoke to his Swan.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" Killian barks out, but doesn't stick around long enough to hear the answer, and instead follows Emma out the door. "Emma, wait," he calls after her as she heads to her car. "Please…" His voice is cracked with worry. He hates that she's so upset and hurt. Even worse, he hates that his brother is the culprit.
She stops and turns around, and his heart clenches when he sees tears sliding down her cheeks. He just wants to hold her in his arms and make everything better. His jaw twitches as he lifts a hand to wipe the tears from her face. "I will kick his bloody arse for talking to you that way. I am so sorry, baby. He's not normally like that."
"It's not your fault, Killian. I just don't understand how he's your brother," she says, pointing at the building in the direction he's probably still sitting in the booth. "He's nothing like you."
Killian cups her cheeks in hands and speaks softly. "Please, just let me talk some sense into him."
"You can do whatever you want." Her voice cracks as she wipes at her glistening eyes. "I'm going back to the hotel."
Killian nods and raises his hand to swipe some stray locks of hair behind her shoulder before wrapping his arms around her. "Can I come by later?"
Relaxing in his hold, she rests her forehead against his, allowing a small smile to tilt the corners of her mouth. "You better."
"Of course I will," he reassures, kissing her forehead before lowering his gaze to hers. "I love you," he whispers.
"I love you, too." Fisting her hands around the collar of his shirt, she brings her lips to his.
His arms tighten around her, both hands resting on her back, pulling her flush against him as his tongue parts her lips and they lose themselves in each other. His heartbeat quickens as he thinks back to their first kiss when he was posing as a john and she a prostitute. The kiss was intense, fierce. Full of heat and raw lust. But this one is so much different. It's passionate, slow, tender. Full of love. He combs a hand through her hair and takes his time, enjoying the hint of alcohol and soda coating her mouth. The combination is sweet and smooth against the heat of her breath, and he savors every second of her.
Though Emma had said she didn't date colleagues, they both had chemistry neither of them could deny. They plotted strategies together, and how they would bring down the biggest crime ring the county had ever seen. They had met for coffees and lunches for a few months before he finally gathered the courage to ask her out on a real date. She was so relieved and said she was tired of them dancing around their feelings for each other. They went out to dinner and talked for four hours, and then he brought her home and they talked all night, just curled up in her bed holding each other and talking. That was one of the best nights of his life, and every time he's with her gets better and better.
When she pulls away, he does his best to keep her there for a few more precious seconds. He knows she's ready to get away from his brother as far and fast as she possibly can. As her mouth closes, he bites down gently and drags his teeth over her perfectly pink bottom lip. A soft moan escapes her mouth, and he smiles and slowly releases her from his hold as he licks his lips.
He walks Emma to her yellow bug and kisses her one more time before she gets in her car and drives away. Now that she's gone, he can focus on the matter at hand—figuring out what crawled up his brother's arse and died. Anger surges through him and he clenches his fists as he marches back inside the bistro. His heart is racing again, but for different reasons. He's not a violent person but he feels his brother deserves a good ass-kicking. That is if he hasn't received one already from the other patrons who witnessed such an atrocity. He finds their waitress and tells her to box up his and Emma's food and he pays for their drinks and dinner entrees, but not Liam's. Then he storms into the dining area and is shocked to find Liam in one piece. He's working on his third glass of rum, not including the one Emma threw in his face, his hair and clothes still damp with soda and alcohol.
Killian slides into the booth across from him and gives him a deadly stare. "So, you wanna tell me why in the bloody hell you're being a fucking wanker?"
Liam sets down his drink and sighs slowly and deeply before lifting his eyes to Killian and crossing his arms on the table. "Why don't you tell me why you felt the need to pay a hooker to be your girlfriend? So I wouldn't harp on you anymore, is that it?"
Um, what?! Killian's temper spikes again, and he has to refrain from throwing his drink in Liam's face. Or throwing a punch. Emma was far too kind to him. "Excuse me, what the fuck did you just say?"
Liam reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. "You heard me."
"Emma is not a hooker," Killian snarls. He's vibrating with rage as he stands from the booth with clenched fists.
"Oh, really?" Liam pulls up something on his phone and shows it to him. "Then how do you explain this, brother?"
Killian grabs the phone from his hand and has to rip his angry glare from his brother to study the photo.
Liam had snapped a photo of Killian's computer as it displayed Emma's picture and fake ad from the Cinderella Escorts website. The website solely designed to lure men who were looking to buy sex. Confusion washes over Killian's face. Was his brother looking to pay for a prostitute? Please tell me I don't have to arrest my own brother. On second thought, with the way Liam behaved to Emma, he'd be happy to throw him behind bars for a night or two. "How did you find this website?" he demands through gritted teeth as he lifts his eyes from the phone to look at Liam. The man he thought was honorable. But there's nothing honorable about buying sex.
"I should ask you that. That is your computer, Killian. It was in your browser history. I just found it and snapped the photo."
"Why were you snooping around on my computer?" he asks angrily, although he should be relieved this was just a huge misunderstanding. But he's kind of bummed he doesn't get to arrest him.
"I wasn't snooping," Liam claims as he snatches his phone back and tucks it into his pocket. "You had left for work and I was bored so I got on your computer and found it by accident." Liam looks him in the eye, his features softening. "Look, Killian, I know it must be lonely being away from home all the time, but a hooker?" he asks, his nose scrunched up in disgust. "I thought you were better than that."
Killian's jaw clenches as he stares hard at his brother, then slaps him upside the head. "Emma is not a prostitute. She's a cop, you prat."
Liam's face pales, his mouth falling open. "She's a what?"
"You heard me. She's not a prostitute, she'd been going undercover posing as one."
Killian sees the transformation in Liam's expression. He sees him processing and putting all the pieces together. He sees Liam going through his conversation with Emma in his head, and it's now clicking with him that she was referring to arresting johns for buying sex, not sleeping with them. She was referring to her job as a cop, not a prostitute.
Killian sighs and reclaims his seat in the booth. "We wanted to tell you we met while going undercover. She was posing as a prostitute and I was posing as a john, so when I met her at the hotel and pretended to pay her, we tried to arrest each other."
Liam stares vacantly across the diner in pure and utter shame. "Wow, that's hilarious," he says, but there's no amusement in his tone, his face pale with humiliation. "That would've been a great story to tell."
"I know, that's why we wanted to tell you, but then you started asking her ridiculous questions. That night we decided to team up. We worked together to take down the biggest organized crime ring in King County, and that is why I invited her to celebrate with us." She and Killian had celebrated in Seattle with all the officers involved in the operation, and of course, the man pulling all the strings, Emma's brother (he was amused upon learning how they met, but far from it when he found out they were dating. He slowly came around to the idea though). Being a thousand miles away, Liam wasn't able to attend at the time, so Killian and Emma had planned to have a small celebration of their own where she would finally get to meet his brother. And Killian had been ecstatic at the idea of introducing his brother to the woman he's been doting on for months. But of course, Liam ruined that when he spoke to Emma the way he did.
"Think about it, Liam, I'm responsible for taking down a huge sex operation, saving hundreds of women from human trafficking and getting them into programs so they can live a better life, so why on bloody earth would I be paying one to date me?"
"In my defense, you never told me what kind of operation you were involved in. You just said you took down a big crime ring, you didn't mention what crime."
"Does it matter? I'm still a cop, an honorable one at that. And so is Emma. We both work for her brother, who is the Sheriff of King County."
"Oh, boy." Liam scratches his head and suddenly goes into panic mode, realization finally sinking in. "I accused her of getting work because of her body, not her brains." His eyes snap to Killian's. "I thought her brother was a pimp?!"
He buries his face in his hands, mumbling into his palms. "Bloody fucking hell, I am so sorry."
"No need to apologize to me, I'm not the one you thought was a hooker."
He lifts his head and nods. "Right. I need to apologize to her. Did she leave?"
"She went back to her hotel room."
"Take me there, please?"
Killian shakes his head. "Liam, I don't think she wants to speak to you right now."
"Please, I need to explain myself to her. She needs to know this was a big misunderstanding."
Killian shoots him a warning glare. "Okay, I will, but you better be prepared to do some serious groveling."
Liam nods furiously. "I will." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. "I'll pay for your meals and have them boxed up."
"I already paid for mine and Emma's."
"Okay. How much was it?" he asks, digging out his card.
"Liam, it's fine."
"How much?" he repeats.
Killian sighs in defeat and tells him the amount. He supposes Liam deserves to pay since he's the reason Emma stormed away.
Emma is beyond fucking furious at the audacity of Killian's brother! He accused her of becoming a police officer because she gives good blowjobs! Emma had worked hard to get where she is. And she didn't gain the respect of her fellow officers because her brother is King County Sheriff either. No in fact, at first they treated her like his kid sister. It took time and dedication to gain the same respect and trust they had for David. So to have someone accuse her of becoming a cop based on the way she looks or the outrageous idea that she performs sexual favors is a crock of shit! And here she was so excited to meet the reputable brother Killian always goes on about. She had no idea he was a chauvinist pig!
Emma's blood sizzles under her skin as she unzips her dress and pulls it off. She can't believe the things he'd said! And to think she had bought this perfectly nice dress to wear tonight, one that was, of course, approved by Ruby.
Oh well, she'll just have to wear it again when she goes out with Killian. He doesn't think she's just a piece of ass. He loves her for her mind and for who she is as a person, and she loves him for that. She still can't believe he's related to that fucking douchebag.
She changes into her pjs and grabs her phone to text Killian and invite him over. After that parting kiss, she needs him, and after that terrible dinner with his jackass brother, she needs to feel her boyfriend's warm arms wrapped around her. Emma places her hand on her stomach when it growls mercilessly. Thanks to Liam, she didn't eat, and now she's starving. She wonders what the restaurant downstairs has. She grabs the menu and plops down on the bed to scan it over. She had ordered ravioli at the Bistro, and that's not an option at the restaurant downstairs, but she could really go for a burger right now.
She picks up her phone to ask Killian if he ate yet. She's hoping he didn't stay and have dinner with his brother, because that would feel much like betrayal. She begins typing out the text but is interrupted when there's a knock on the door. Raising a brow, she stands from the bed and strides over to the door. It must be Killian. Just in case it's not, she peers through the peephole, but she doesn't see anyone on the other side. Her instincts as a cop tell her to grab her gun, but she can't help it. She's encountered many creeps while posing as a hooker, and her vigilant attitude was kicked into high gear when there was a knock on her hotel door while she's staying in an unfamiliar city, and no one appears to be at the door. Emma grabs the gun from her bag and returns to the door, keeping the weapon at her side just in case.
She cautiously cracks it open, and can't believe her eyes.
Kneeling on the floor in front of her is Killian's sorry excuse of a brother holding a bouquet of buttercups, his face etched with shame and apology. Oh, and there's a sign on his forehead that says I'm a donkey in black marker . In other circumstances, Emma would've laughed, but the sight of him fills her with rage and she slams the door in his face. She marches away when she hears him yelling through the door.
"Emma, wait! I can explain! You're really gonna laugh when I tell you this. Maybe not right away but someday."
She scoffs and replaces the gun in her bag before making her way to the bathroom where she'll be able to tune him out.
"I didn't know you were a cop, I thought you were a prostitute."
She stops in her tracks and waits for him to continue.
He pauses for a beat and speaks in a quieter voice, his words laced with apology. "I was using Killian's computer the night you met him and saw your photo on a website on Cinderella Escorts."
She contemplates opening the door to hear more of what he has to say. She did post her picture on a fake escort website afterall.
"Emma, I cannot tell you how sorry I am."
Emma turns around and slowly walks over to the door, hauling it open and placing her hand on her hip as the other one lingers on the doorknob. Her face remains steely though as she looks down at him. "A pig is more accurate," she remarks, referring to the sign on his forehead.
"You're absolutely right, lass." He pulls out a black marker from his pocket, removes the sign and scribbles out the word donkey and writes pig above it before replacing it on his forehead.
She allows a small laugh to escape her throat, which ignites a hopeful glint in his eyes as he looks up at her again. And damn, she really wishes he didn't have the same sea-blue eyes Killian does. Because then she might find it easier to slam the door in his face again. "Get up. You're making a fool out of yourself."
"I've already done that and then some," he says solemnly.
"You're not wrong about that," Emma remarks in a sassy tone.
Liam gulps and pushes himself up off the floor. "I'm not actually like that—I don't view women that way, I really don't."
"So you only view me like a piece of ass?" Emma says with a nod. "Good to know."
"No, lass, you see I was just looking out for my brother because I thought he had paid you to be his date since all I do is harp on him about not dating."
"Really?" she says sarcastically. "Why would Killian pay someone to be his girlfriend? He can get any woman he wants."
Liam's lips twitch into a small smile. "Aye, and that's what I told him… after you left… before I knew you were a cop."
Emma sighs and purses her lips as she leans against the doorframe. She doesn't know if she should accept his apology or not. She supposes he has a valid reason for acting the way he did. She would be concerned too if she thought someone close to her, say her brother, had paid a prostitute. Emma certainly wouldn't stand for that, but she doesn't have to worry about that, considering he's the one who started the Women's Justice Program and is leading the initiative to reduce prostitution and human trafficking in the county. Plus he's happily married and constantly reminds Emma of how much in love with Mary Margaret he is. He's the last man who would seek out the company of a prostitute. Well, he and Killian of course. A thought suddenly occurs to her, and she scowls at Liam, fighting off the urge to slap him again. "Wait, you thought my brother was my pimp?!"
"Aye." He hangs his head in shame. "Look, I don't expect you to forgive my behavior, but I want you to know I am truly sorry." Liam bends over and, with his free hand, he picks up two bags he had brought with him. "I brought your dinner and ordered you dessert. Killian told me you like Tiramisu." He hands her the bag from the bistro and Emma accepts it, peering inside. She does love Tiramisu. And she's completely famished, so she's not about to turn down free food. Though it wasn't exactly free; she paid the price when she was accused of being a hooker. Liam holds up the other bag. "I also got you a bottle of Bacardi Superior and a two-liter of Coca Cola."
Her lips tilt into a small smile. "Thanks."
He shakes his head, looking down in shame. "Please don't thank me, Emma. I really don't deserve it."
The expression on his face almost makes her heart hurt. Almost. She steps back inside and opens the door wider to let him in. She goes over and places the bag on the table as he does the same and hands her the bouquet he's still holding.
"I'm guessing you don't have a vase to put these in?"
Emma brings the flowers to her nose and inhales their fresh scent. "No, I don't even have a vase at home."
"That's okay. If you like I can keep these at my place and you can stay there for the remainder of your week here in town. I'll make you and Killian breakfast every morning, I'll even escort you to wherever you need to go." As soon as those words leave his mouth, his eyes squeeze shut, his features twisting with regret. He claps his hand over his forehead, where he's still wearing that ridiculous sign, which wrinkles under his palm. "Sorry, poor choice of words," he sighs, opening his eyes again and dropping his hand.
Emma folds her lips in to keep from laughing. In all honesty, though, she can see the sincere apology in his eyes. She reaches over and pulls the sign off his forehead with her free hand, crumpling it up into a ball and throws it in a nearby trash can.
"What do you say, lass, can you give this pig a second chance? Can we start over?"
Emma mulls it over for a moment. She supposes giving him a second chance wouldn't hurt. She sighs and points a warning finger at him. "Okay, but that's all you get—one shot to redeem yourself, got it?
"That's all I need," he says, a grin lighting up his face as he sticks out his hand. "I'm Liam."
Emma dons a smile and switches the bouquet to her other arm so she can shake his hand. "Hi, Liam, I'm Emm. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise. I can't wait to get to know the woman my brother is madly in love with." He raises her hand and plants a chaste kiss on the back of it before encasing her hand with his other one.
Emma smirks, blush warming her cheeks. Now this is how a lady should be treated.
As if on cue, there's a knock on the door, she opens it to let Killian in after she sees him through the peephole and greets him with a sweet kiss on the lips. He's carrying a bag of what she assumes is his and Liam's dinner after he informs her they didn't eat at the restaurant. Instead, Killian drove his brother to her hotel hoping she would be willing to hear him out.
Killian curls his free hand around her hip and turns his head to look at Liam. "I just wanted to make sure my girlfriend didn't murder you," he chuckles.
"What if I did? Would you arrest me?" Emma challenges, placing her free hand on his warm chest.
The corner of his lips tips into a smirk as he looks at her. "No, I'd help you bury the body."
"Oi," Lima frowns at him. "I said I was sorry."
"I know," Emma smiles sheepishly.
She invites them to stay for a movie, and after the three of them nuke their dinners in the microwave, she and Killian eat in the king-size bed, leaning against the headboard as Liam sits in the chair. After the movie is over, she decides to sleep there for the night, and Killian stays with her. Liam does make good on his promise though and makes her and Killian breakfast every day she's in town.
When she gets to know Liam more, she finds out he's not so bad after all. In fact, she's able to look back at that night and laugh hysterically.
One year later...
"That, ladies and gents, is how my brother met the woman of his dreams." Liam glances over at the happy newlyweds, pointing his champagne flute in Emma's direction, "and how I thought this lovely cop was a prostitute."
The crowd laughs softly as the best man takes his seat.
Killian leans over to speak into the mic in Liam's hand, "And how the best man lived to tell our story."
David, who is sitting next to Liam, rips the microphone from his hand, scowling at him as he adds, "And how he thought I was a pimp."
Another roar of laughter fills the banquet hall, this time louder and more prolonged; even David's wife, Mary Margaret who's heard the story a dozen times, is cackling hysterically. David, however, is still unamused.
Emma is usually able to laugh about, but not on her wedding day, even though she knew it was coming. She blushes deeply, burying her face in her hands as Killian leans over and wraps his arm around his bride, kissing her temple. She's going to kill her brother and brother-in-law once she and her husband return from their honeymoon.
"It may have not been the best of beginnings but I wouldn't trade meeting you for anything," Killian whispers in her ear, instantly calming her.
She lifts her head, smiling at him as she rests her forehead against his. "Me neither." She takes the ends of his undone bowtie in her hands and pulls him to her, capturing his lips and wrapping her arms around the back of his neck, eliciting an eruption of cheers and whistles from the guests and wedding party.
When they break the kiss, she tips her champagne flute toward her husband. "Here's to our happy beginning."
Killian clinks his glass against hers. "To our happy beginning."
They drink to that, looking forward to their future together as husband and wife.
A/N: This was inspired by a post on Tumblr about an undercover cop posing as a john. He arrested someone for prostitution who turned out to be another undercover cop. Legend has it they got married a year later. When I heard about this post, I just had to write it for cs. Thanks for reading!