The Greatest Gift and Honor

*Maximilian sat on the bench under the cherry blossom tree. One of the blossoms fell into his lap. He picked it up & his eyes began to fill with tears. Sally then entered the garden, holding the sword in her hands. Gathering all her courage, she walked up to him. When Maximilian saw her, his eyes went wide*

Maximilian: Sally . . .

*Sally bowed to him*

Sally: Father. I brought you a sword from the Black Arms. *she gave him the sword* And the crest of the Emperor. *she took off the pendant & put it on top of the sword* They're gifts. To honor the Acorn family.

*Maximilian just frowned, threw the sword & crest aside, got up from the bench & hugged his daughter tightly*

Maximilian: The greatest gift and honor, is having you for a daughter. I missed you so much.

Sally: I've missed you too, Daddy.

*Alicia & Rosie stood at the entrance the garden. Alicia sighed in relief*

Rosie: Great. She brings home a sword. If you ask me, she should have brought home a ma . . .

Sonic: Excuse me, *they turned around & see Sonic standing behind them* Does Sally Acorn live here? *they both pointed into the garden with wide eyes* Thank you.

Rosie: Woo! Sign me up for the next war!

*He walked up to Maximilian, who gave him a stern look*

Sonic: Honorable Maximilian. I - Sally! Uh . . . You forget your helmet. Well, actually it's - uh - your helmet isn't it?

*Sally & Maximilian both smiled at each other. She walked up & took the helmet*

Sally: Would you like to stay for dinner?

Rosie:*off-screen* Would you like to stay forever!?

*Sally shook her head*

Sonic: Dinner would be great.

*Alexander watched the whole thing from the family shrine*

Chip: Come on. Who did a good job? Come on. Tell me who did a good job?

Alexander: Oh all right, you can be a guardian again.

*Chip cheered. Cheese rang the gong & the ancestors woke up. Chip jumped onto the empty pedestal*

Chip: Take it, Cheese!

*Cheese began playing music on the gong & other instruments. A party began in the shrine*

Male Ancestor: You know she gets it from my side of the family.

Chip: Call out for egg rolls!

*He swung on a chain until he lost his grip & went flying out the door*

Alexander:*rolling his eyes* Guardians.

*He landed on the stairs, where Sally was waiting for him*

Sally: Thanks, Chip.

*She kissed him on the head. Muttski & the chickens ran up the stairs & into the party*

Alexander:*off-screen* Chip!