A/N: No warnings for this chapter ~Meowser

Maddie and Chimney were slowly devolving into a pattern. Whoever got off second would go to the other's apartment, usually bringing food. They were eerily like dates, but Maddie shrugged it off, Chinese takeout in her hands as she walked up to Chimney's apartment door. She'd had a later night than him, so it was her turn to bring sustenance.

He swung the door open before she even reached it, reaching to take the bags from her hands. "Thank you for bringing food," he said.

"I'm sure you're regretting waiting for me now, I got off two hours after you," Maddie said, kicking her shoes off.

"Who said I waited?" Chimney said. "I may have snacked a little but rest assured that I saved myself for you."

"Can you check the bags for hot mustard?" She asked, following him to the kitchen. "I specifically asked for it on the phone and when I got there."

He'd gone through both bags, and came out with empty hands. "Nope, still not here."

"Damn it," she said, reaching for the egg roll package. "What am I supposed to have with these now?"

"Hot mustard," he said, pulling a bowl from the fridge. She found that she was stunned to silence. What did this mean for them? He was making her hot mustard? That was such an incredibly sweet gesture but it was also so dangerous.

"You made me some," she stated. "Thank you."

His face fell at her lackluster reaction. "I had a feeling they'd forget again," he said.

She felt like a jerk, and found herself stepping closer to him, invading his body space, until she was in his arms, her hands linking behind his neck. "Thank you," she said again, and Chimney responded by kissing her.

The food was cold by the time they got back to it.

"I think it would be a good first step," Maddie told Buck, sipping at her coffee. "You need to move on, and figure out what your life is without Abby."

"But where should I go?" He asked, looking at the various apartment brochures spread before him.

Maddie shrugged. "Don't you have friends you could stay with?" She asked. "Where were you living before Abby?"

"Okay, that is definitely not an option," he said firmly. "I don't even know those people anymore, if I ever really did."

"Okay," she began. "Maybe there's someone at the fire station needing a roommate. It wouldn't hurt to ask around."

"True," Buck mused. "I don't know, I still don't think I'm ready."

"Maybe you'll never be ready," Maddie suggested. "Not if you keep thinking like this. Maybe in order to be ready you just have to do it, regardless."

Buck sighed, and Maddie's phone buzzed.

Chimney had texted. Her cheeks warmed at the content and when she looked back up at her brother, he'd raised an eyebrow.

"What's this?" He asked. "Or should I say who?"

"It's nobody," she said.

"I better not tell Chimney you're seeing nobody," he teased.

"What?" She asked.

"I shouldn't have brought it up," Buck said, scratching his head and shifting in his chair. "Just I think that he's still hung up on you."

Maddie tried to laugh, but it stuck in her throat.

"I know," Buck said, seeing her discomfort and misinterpreting it. "I've been telling him, he needs to get over you, just like I...need to get over Abby."

Finally, something Maddie could cling to. "I don't say that to be harsh," she said. "And I can't tell you what to do or how to live your life. I can just hope you learn from my failed experiences. Let go." She patted his hand, standing up. "I need to get to work."

Chimney went to Maddie's that night, with pizza, but he'd barely made it inside when Maddie started kissing him, and once again they let the food get cold.

He carried her to bed, feeling the fervor behind her kisses and wondering where this had come from. He definitely wasn't complaining, however, and clung right back to her.

He'd figured that conversation wasn't part of this relationship, and that he really shouldn't be calling it a relationship. He wanted to cuddle her all night long but he forced himself to roll over. He tried to not sleep over at her place, wanting to give her an out unlike that first night they'd spent together. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or pressured.

She slept at his place sometimes, if she didn't have work til late. Waking up next to her was the best moment of Chimney's day. He still wasn't sure how this thing between them would end up, but what he did know was that he didn't want it to end.

So it wasn't going to. He slid beneath the sheets, making Maddie moan and squirm at his touch. He felt smug when she came, more than once, and he couldn't breathe when she returned the favor. The pizza was somehow better once it was cold, and they ate it eagerly.

At the end, Chimney was pulling his shoes on, waiting for Maddie to tell him not to go. She was sitting on the bed, wrapped in sheets, staring at him. He wanted to kiss her goodbye.

"I'll see you next time," he finally said, waiting for her to tell him he could stay over.

She just smiled at him, worry creasing her eyes a little. "Okay."

When he got home that night Buck was waiting, camped outside his door. "Buck?" He questioned, noticing the bags around him.

"Hey, why are you getting in so late? Our shift ended five hours ago," Buck yawned, standing up and shaking off his sleep.

"I had stuff," Chimney said. "What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping I could crash with you," Buck said. Chimney bit his lip but couldn't figure out a way to tell him no, unlocking the door and directing his guest to the couch.

He wasn't wrong in thinking that this was the beginning of the end.

A/N: Oh no such an ominous ending. Hope y'all enjoyed. ~Meowser