
Right here in your hands the Hunter's Guide to Being a Hunter.

What does that entail, you may ask?

Simply put, this book is a guide to being a Monster Hunter. Self-explanatory, isn't it? I started writing this book because of how many greenhorns out there get themselves killed over very avoidable mistakes as well as help out veteran hunters with any new concepts that seem to pop up. In these changing times as monsters become more and more dangerous, we must adapt and overcome the challenges the world wants us to face.

However, we must acknowledge that the monsters we hunt are a part of nature, like we are. We are not on the top of the food chain, despite the fact we have done such incredible feats in the few years we have existed.

Ultimately, nature is the greatest hunter to ever live. We must respect nature, work with it, or else it will punish us for such hubris. Keep this in mind, even when facing down the most powerful of Elder Dragons. Each and every creature in this world are just trying to live, even to the detriment of others.

But also remember, we must stop nature and take it into our own hands.

It's a balancing act, but rest assured, it'll be fine as long we do not replicate the acts of our ancestors.

Also, please note that my name isn't Hunter. This is a guide from a Monster Hunter for a Monster Hunter. Hunter seems to be a rather common name as I am just discovering.

Anyway, within this book, we will cover topics from inventory management to specific species, from here to the New World. Since I'm just covering topics that comes to mind, please refer to the index to find the topic you're looking for.

And remember, to all hunters, you are never alone.