The lieutenant had called them in to thank everyone for their hard work on the Mayan case and debrief. It was a mercifully short meeting. He had interrupted, in that way he had that never netted him consequences, three times. Once to talk about how hungry he was, once to announce he was craving pancakes, and one last time to express his delight at how thoroughly he'd been missed while he was out of town on family business.
After the meeting, Chloe went back to her desk to deal with the paperwork still stacked chin high by her phone. He sat in his usual chair, just looking at her. Or more accurately, looking at her as if she was a tray of his favorite delicacies that he just couldn't wait to sink his teeth into.
"I could use a little help here," she hinted, hoping he'd go in search of someone who needed help (not with paperwork) or at least focus his attention on something other than herself for a minute. But he only smiled wider, and more deviously, scooted closer to her, and found ways to "accidentally" brush her hand or her arm every few seconds as he reached for another paper.
After a few minutes of assistance, she noticed 3 separate people staring. Maybe paperwork was a bad idea. She glanced at Ella, who was also staring. Sensing that Chloe was feeling a bit hounded, Ella emerged from the lab and asked Chloe to retrieve something from the evidence room. She was relieved to have a reason to get away from all those eyes for a moment, right up until she heard his footsteps following her through the door, and the door lock behind him.
"Do you know," he started, casually, "that I was in the middle of disciplining a demon when you first prayed to me?"
"Were… you?" she hesitated. She hadn't really thought about what her prayers might be interrupting.
"And in the middle of a very important ceremony of sorts when you found the riding crop."
She blushed that time and was grateful that in the room's poor lighting he probably couldn't see it.
"I'm sorry." She wasn't, but it seemed like the right thing to say.
"I had to use my mojo to keep everyone's eyes on my face. I waited alone in my quarters like a lovesick fool for the next time you would pray." He seemed mostly fascinated by the whole thing.
She wanted to be regretful, but mostly she was just amused. She saw the amusement in his eyes.
"Dad sent Nosey Mikey to hold my place until further notice. He's to report to me and follow my directions. Well played, Detective."
They shared a chuckle and she started to say something, but before she could she found him advancing on her.
"In recognition of your accomplishment, I am prepared to be lenient in your punishment." He backed her up against the wall, bracing his hands on the walls behind her and leaned in to whisper into her ear.
"Just say orgy pants when you've had enough.'
He gave her a moment to think about it, brushed his lips ever so softly against her cheek, and when her eyes focused again, she was alone in the room.
Well, then. That was the game. She was ready to play.
They somehow got through the paperwork just in time for lunch. Chloe insisted that since he'd been craving pancakes, they should go to Ihop. He talked about the stallion he'd let her ride, about having tack made to her specific requirements, and the relative benefits of this or that kind of leather as well as the likelihood that he could find it in the exact color of her eyes.
When they went back to the office, he told everyone who would stop to hear him what an accomplished rider she was. He promised Ella she could come visit his ranch someday. He told Detective Douche he should have taken her for a few wild rides while they were married.
She dragged him into an interrogation room intending to berate him for teasing her in front of the others, but ended up kissing him instead, and finding herself pushed against the door, lifted just high enough for him to grind ever so gently against. And then he was letting her slide down, asking her if she had something to say. And when she smiled and shook her head, he nibbled gently on her lip and lifted her up again for more kisses.
When the Lieutenant came to the top of the stairs and told everyone to go home early, they didn't look at each other. They gathered their things, walked out to their separate cars without saying a word.
Lucifer was waiting in the garage when Chloe's car pulled up, and still without looking directly at each other they got into the elevator together. It was early and there was nobody around. They went up to the penthouse, tension rising as the lift carried them up.
"Did I ever tell you I had a dream about you, right after that kiss on the beach?"
He raised his brow and turned slightly towards her.
"I don't believe so. Do tell."
She studied her shoes casually.
"We were in the elevator, arriving at the penthouse, as we're about to do. Doors opened, and…"
She trailed off, wanting him to ask.
"Yes? And what?"
She waited for the doors to open and continued.
"We kissed. Passionately. Like this." She helpfully demonstrated.
"I see," he caught his breath then nudged. "Did we do… anything else?"
She nodded, with her best innocent look firmly in place.
"We staggered around a bit, still lip locked, shedding coats, and you lifted me up onto the piano."
"Like this?" He played along, and when their coats were on the floor and she was sitting on the piano with his body pressed against her and still looking the very picture of innocence and nodding, he asked:
"Then what?"
"You carried me over to the sofa, and sat with me on your lap, working on getting your shirt off."
"This is a fascinating dream." He carried her to the sofa, wondering how she managed to look so wanton and so pure at the same time.
"This is when you looked at me with your best devilish grin and asked if I was sure."
"And what did you say?"
She chuckled, pushing his shirt off his shoulders, arching into his bare chest.
"I'll tell you what I didn't say."
She nibbled his earlobe and whispered "Orgy pants. I definitely did not say orgy - "
Before she could finish the sentence, she found herself on the bed, barely restrained energy radiating from him.
"Are you sure?"
"Shut up."
And she pulled him in again to make sure, this time, he would.