The city of Canterlot was as busy yet peaceful as it was on any other day. The people were all busy living there day to day lives, we find the young man named Flash Sentry walking through town with a frown on his face.
His life had begun to feel very mundane recently. His grades remained just fine, thanks to his friend Twilight Sparkle helping him study. His band was also doing okay, with them having several gigs over the last few weeks.
The real problem was his home life. His mother had died several years ago, when he was barely old enough to remember her. His father was a business man, who was always on a business trip and rarely ever home. Growing up, Flash was always surrounded by nannies who would look after him until he was old enough to look after himself.
Now his life was incredibly stagnant. His house, he had not thought of it as a home in years, was very large and usually felt empty with just him living there. Much of the time, he would stay out of it for as long as possible and when he did return he would almost always go straight to bed.
Today he was simply walking through town, since all of his friends were currently busy and unable to hang out with him.
He looked down at his phone and saw only five minutes had passed his he last checked, making him sigh before looking around. It was then he noticed his wanderings had lead him to an era of town he did not really know, where simple rarely visited shops stood.
Flash sighed again as he continued to walk down the street, feeling absolutely bored at the fact he had nothing to do. That boredom was soon broken, when he turned to corner and felt himself run into someone and both fall towards the ground.
"Ow," he moaned as he rubbed his head, "sorry."
"It's fine."
Flash's eyes went wide at that voice, making him actually turn towards its owner before feeling his heart tighten at the sight of Twilight Sparkle.
Despite giving up on ever being in a relationship with her, mainly due to the fact that she was dating another guy, Flash still felt a small twinge whenever he was around her. Despite this though, Flash still managed to form a friendship with her.
Flash picked himself up and held out his hand. "We've got to stop pumping into each other like this."
Twilight nodded and took the hand before being pull back to her feet. "Maybe we should just try watching where we're going," she joked while brushing herself down.
Flash chuckled at that. "That would help, yeah. So what are you doing on this side of town?"
"Nothing much," Twilight replied. "My friends were all busy, so I'm just walking around and my wanders lead me here."
"Same," Flash said. "We must be pretty boring people, if we're spending our Saturday alone and with nothing to do."
Twilight giggled, a sound that Flash could not help enjoying. "We're not alone now, so let's do something together."
Flash felt his checks begin to heat up, as he blushed at the idea of doing something with her. Shaking his head he turned back to her and nodded. "Sure, let's go."
With that the two continued to wander around the unknown part of town, looking through the windows of the many stores and seeing what they had inside. Flash slowly felt himself relax more and more, until he started acting like he usually did around his friends.
Eventually, he and Twilight came to the end of the street and where about to step back into the more well known part of Canterlot. But just before they did, Flash suddenly stopped.
Twilight turned to him. "You okay?"
Flash did not answer, instead he slowly turned to look down an alley he had not noticed before. He was not sure why, but he suddenly felt compelled to walk down it. It was as if something wall calling to him.
He turned back to Twilight and saw the concerned look on her face.
"Sorry," he said before looking back down the alley, "it's just...I don't know. I suddenly really want to know what's down that alley."
Twilight looked passed him and saw the alley, Flash noticing she too did not seem to be aware of it before. She turned to Flash and looked nervous. "I don't know."
"It'll only be for a moment," he replied before walking down the alley. Twilight was on his heel.
They went into the dark alley way until they turned a corner and saw it, a small funny looking shop that had been hidden away. The entire building was hidden in the shadow of another larger building, making it hard to read the sign above the doorway.
Mysterious Oddities
After reading it aloud, both Flash and Twilight glanced at each other until they both shrugged and reached for the door.
Spinning the handle and opening the door, they cringed at the creaking sound. Once it was opened, they both peered inside and saw that despite its out look it was quite well lit.
Flash was the first one to step inside.
The store was filled with many wooden shelves, which were all holding jars filled with who knows what.
The two of them slowly looked around at the many curious items that dawned the shelf, both confused by what they were looking at.
The two spun around and saw a woman standing behind a counter. she was the same age as Principle Celestia, but her skin was black and her hair was a dark blue. She was wearing a dark green blouse and a black skirt.
The woman looked at the teens and smiled. "It's rare that people find my little shop. It's obvious your both very special."
"Thanks," Flash replied, "I think. We're just looking."
"By all means," the woman said as she rested her arm on the counter. "My name is Chris. If there's anything you'd like to know more about, don't hesitate to ask."
"Thank you," Twilight said before the two of them began moving through the aisles.
There were many odd things that caught their eye, but nothing stood out enough for the two of them to want to further inquire about.
But Flash oddly felt a strange insistence in the back of his mind, telling him to keep looking.
Then he saw it.
On a table at the very back of the store, sat a small wooden box. It looked very old, ancient even, and had many different shapes carved into it.
Flash stepped up to it and once again felt that strange feeling, telling him to open the box and look inside. He did so, slowly lifting the lid and glancing inside.
Sitting on a violet cushion, was a necklace of some kind. It was a light blue crystal with string running through a hole in the top that looped around, with a pair of small orbs on either side. It was about three inches in length and glowed with an unusual aura.
Flash reached into the box and pulled out the crystal, looking it over as he did. He continued to stare at the crystal, feeling like whatever it was was talking to him.
The teen looked away from the crystal and saw Twilight standing next to him, looking concerned.
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"I don't know," Flash replied before looking at the crystal again. "This thing...I feels like it's talking to me."
"So you're the one."
They both turned to see Chris was standing a few feet away, gazing at him curiously. She stepped over to them and took the crystal from Flash before turning around.
"Come with me. I have much to tell you." With that she walked off, leaving the two teens perplexed.
They glanced at one another, but both shrugged and decided to follow.
Chris lead them to a door, which had been locked before she unlocked it, and through into some kind of back room. There was a small two person couch, a coffee table and a single seat couch.
"Take a seat," Chris told them. "I'll make us some tea before I explain what's happening."
Flash and Twilight did as they were told and sat on the two man couch, while Chris walked out of the room. She returned a few minutes later with a tray holding a tea pot and three cups, which she placed on table before sitting down and pouring the tea.
They both took a cup when offered and began sipping it, as Chris sat back and pulled out the gem.
"So," Twilight said, "what's so special about that stone?"
Chris smiled. "This my dear is the Mentis Stone, a powerful artefact that can bend a person to the wielders will."
Flash and Twilight glanced at each other in concern before looking back at the woman. "Are you saying it can control people's minds?"
"That's right," Chris replied. "Of course, the effectiveness varies depending on the person it is used on. The stronger the persons mental will, the less effective the stone will be. A truly strong minded individual can throw off the effects completely. However, the stone itself cannot be wielded by just anyone. It must choose its user."
"And you think that user is me?" Flash asked as he and Twilight finished their teas and put the cups on the table.
"It would seem so," Chris said. "Centuries ago the stone was forged in another world, where it's creator used its power to control the minds of many weak minded beings to do their will. But then the creator came across a being whose mind was so strong, that they were able to completely fight off the magic and take the stone. Fearing the stones power, they threw it into a world were magic didn't exist. This world. They believed that the stone couldn't work here, but they were wrong. The stone had enough power to stay active, as long as it didn't use its power to often. So it went into a hibernation of sorts, only using its power when it found someone who could keep it safe until the time came for its next true wielder to discover it."
Flash and Twilight glanced at each other worriedly, both feeling they knew which world that stone came from.
"Over the last year the stone has been acting oddly," Chris explained. "Its almost as if it isn't scared it'll lose power anymore, like the magic it uses is now almost unlimited."
"It must have been when Equestrian Magic came into our world," Twilight told Flash. "We need to tell the others about this." She tried to stand up, but suddenly her legs gave out and she fell back onto the couch.
Flash tried to do the same, but he too felt a sudden dizziness and fell backwards. "What's happening?" He then heard Chris smile, as she stood back up and walked over to them.
"Don't worry," she said. "The dizziness is only temporary."
Flash and Twilight both raised an eyebrow at this, until they both looked down at the tea pot and realised what had happened. They'd been drugged.
"I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you, that you were too good hearted to accept that Mentis Stones power. I also knew you were too strong minded to use it on you, so I had to weaken you."
Flash watched as she slowly leaned down and placed her hand on his knee, only to then slowly trial it up his leg.
"There are many ways of weakening a mind enough for the stone to be used on them. Drugging a victim is certainly one way, clouding a mind just enough for them to be susceptible to it power." She finally placed a hand on his crotch. "But the truly best way to use the stone, is to first mentally and physically exhaust the one you wish to use it on. And the best way to do sexual release."
Flash and Twilight's eyes went wide hearing this. Was she serious? She intended to make Flash orgasm, in order to weakening him enough to use the stone on him.
Flash could already feeling himself growing hard at the gentle rubbing that Chris was performing on him.
However, in that moment she took her hand away from him. "Oh, but you don't want an old woman like me doing that." She then turned to Twilight and smiled and evil smile. "I'm sure your girlfriend will be more then willing to do it."
Twilight's eyes went wide behind her glasses, as she watched the woman lift the Mentis Stone in front of her eyes.
Flash was stunned as he watched Chris wave the necklace in front of Twilight's face, as a glow started to emit from it.
"No," he heard Twilight whisper as she shook her head while trying to fight off the stones power. "Don't do this."
Chris's smile intensified, as she raised the crystal to her forehead and touched it with the point. The stone glowed and Twilight's eyes began to cloud over. "Help your boyfriend with his little problem." She pulled the stone away from Twilight's head and her eyes returned to normal, then she helped move the girl until she was kneeling in front of Flash's lap.
Once there, Twilight's hands moved over to the zip of Flash's pants and started to pull it downwards. "Twilight," he weakly said, "stop."
"I can't," tears were beginning to leak out of her eyes as she finished unzipping him. "My body's moving on its own." He hand reached into his pants and grasped his cock, making him moan out as she gripped it. His hissed when she was a little too tight, causing her to loosen the grip until it was just right before pulling it out.
As soon as it was freed from its confines, Flash dick shot up for all the world to see. Both Chris and Twilight's eyes went wide at the sight. It was not even half erect, but it was already six inches long and as thick as Twilight's wrist. Twilight didn't have time to say anything as she started unconsciously jacking him off, Flash unleashing a plethora of moans as his cock grew harder and harder.
Eventually, Flash's nine and a half in cock stood completely upright and Chris just smiled. "Well it's obvious to see why the stone chose you as its wielder. It'd be a crime to have something like that and not use it for its intended purposes." She turned to Twilight, "see how he tastes." Twilight's tears increased as she opened her mouth and let out her tongue, using it to lick the side of Flash's dick.
He moaned loudly as this happened, the pleasure to much for him. He almost came right then and there, but remembering what was gonna happen if he did he dug deep and tried to think of things that would destroy his mood.
"So," Chris asked as she stared down at Twilight, "how's he taste. Be honest?"
Twilight tried to bite her tongue, not wanting to say what she thought, but the stone's control over her was to strong. "He...tastes good. I thought it would taste all sweaty and gross...but it' taste's really good." Her tears were flowing if full force now.
"Good girl. Keep it up." Twilight did so, continuing to lick the cock and making Flash moan even more. This went on for a few minutes, Twilight licking at his dick while Flash did everything he could to keep himself from blowing his load. Eventually, Chris grew impatient. "Enough licking. Suck him, like a real slut."
Twilight wanted to reply, saying she wasn't a slut, but she didn't get the chance as she opened her mouth wide put her lips around Flash's cock. The head was first and almost filled her whole mouth, meaning she gagged when she tried to suck in more.
Twilight had no idea what she was doing. Sure, she knew the basics of sexual intercourse, but she had never truly thought about actually doing it. All she could do was try and get her mouth as wide as she could and try not to bite him. Slowly, she managed to get about three inches into her mouth with he head beginning to go down her throat.
Flash was in heaven, the feeling of Twilight's mouth around his dick like nothing he'd ever felt before. But that wasn't a good thing, as he continued to try and imagine unsexy images in his head to keep him from blowing his load. He even went so far as to remember the time he'd walked in on his nanny as she was getting out of the show. The woman had been almost seventy years old, so she wasn't what you'd call a looker. It seemed to be doing the trick, making his urge to cum lessen. But that only drove Twilight to try harder.
The girl cried out as she tried to force of the cock down her gullet, which began to block her airway.
Her survival instincts seemed to overpower the stones power and get her to pull her head back, but a hand suddenly appeared on the back of her head and pushed her back down. "Oh no," Chris told her. "Not yet." She then pulled Twilight's head back a bit before pushing it down again, making her bob her head around the cock and cutting off her air. "Through the nose." Twilight did as she was told and breathed through her nose, getting just enough air to not pass out as as finally got half Flash's did down her throat. "Now carefully play with his balls, boys like that."
Flash cried out as he felt a light pressure wrap around his balls and begin to fondle them, the mental image he'd been picturing flying right out of his head as his brain was shutting down from the feeling. "Oh god," he let out. "I...I can't."
Chris smiled up at him as she took her hand off of Twilight's head, the girl continuing to bob her up and down as she got another inch inside her, and stepped around the sofa until she was standing behind Flash. The Mentis Stone was still in her hand.
Flash didn't notice, as he'd closed his eyes while the pressure in his dick built up. "Twilight," he moaned out, "I'm sorry. I...I can't hold-" He didn't get to finish, as the dam finally burst and he came inside Twilight's mouth.
The girl was taken completely by surprise, as Flash shot his load down her throat. Not wanting to choke, she started swallowing all that she could. But not matter how much she swallowed, she could not keep up with Flash's release and her cheeks were soon bulging as the excess filled her mouth and began to dribble out the side.
Flash continued to cum and his brain was completely overwhelmed by the pleasure, which was exactly what Chris was waiting for.
Before Flash could recover from the feeling, he suddenly felt something touch his forehead and opened his eyes. There he saw the Mentis Stone, making him gasp before his eyes glazed over.
Chris smiled as she saw his face go blank, the stone working its magic and begin to write Flash's personality to be someone fitting its power. A gasp made her look down to see Twilight pull her head back, cum still dripping from her lips, and began coughing with more jizz spluttering out of her mouth and landing on her shirt and the floor.
"So," she asked as Twilight sat back panting, "how'd his cum taste?"
It took a few seconds for Twilight too answer as she had to get her breathing back under control. She leaned against the table behind her and finally managed to steady her breath. " was really nice. I figured it'd taste disgusting, but it was really sweet."
"Sweet?" That was a rarity. This boy was getting more and more interesting by the minute.
In that moment, he glow of the stone stopped and she looked down to she Flash begin to blink as she pulled the stone away. "So," she stepped around him, "how do you feel?" She watched as Flash continued to blink while his face remained blank. But then, he suddenly smirked and his eyes had a new sinister fire burning in them.
"Good," he said. "No, great, amazing even." He stuffed his cock into his pants before picking himself up, the drug having finally worn off as he stood tall. "I can't believe what an idiot I was before. Not getting what I want because I didn't want to hurt others. Well that stops now. From now on, I only look after number one." He looked down at saw Twilight staring up and him, an evil glint sparkling in his eye. "And I'll start with you."
Twilight gasped at the change in the boy's attitude, fearing what he was gonna do to her. At this point, she really wished she hadn't left her geode at home today.
Chris however, simply smiled before tossing the Mentis Stone at him. Flash didn't look away from Twilight, but effortlessly caught the stone out of the air without needing to. He put the necklace over his head and soon, the stone was hanging from his neck.
"I'll leave you two too it." With that, Chris stepped out of the room into the store.
Once she shut the door, Flash began to move over to Twilight. "Flash," she said, "please don't do this. You have to fight it. Go back to the way you were."
"You mean weak?" Flash asked before effortlessly picking her up, "a nice guy that let other people push him around?"
"No one ever pushed you around," Twilight said. Flash gently placed her on the sofa, "you're a nice person that likes helping people."
"And what did that get me?" Flash asked. "Did I ever get the girl? Did I ever get to be the hero that everyone respected? No, I didn't. Well not anymore. I'm taking what I want, what other people think be damned." With that, he reached under Twilight's skirt and grabbed her panties.
She cried out at this, feeling him tear them away before flipping her skirt up to reveal her pussy for all to see.
Twilight's tears returned at this violation, as Flash stared at his prize and smirked at the pink streak running through her purple pubic hair. He reached out and slid a finger over the lips, making Twilight gasp out before he gently stuck the finger inside.
The tightness around his finger made him smile, adding another finger into it before pistoning them in and out of her.
The girl couldn't help but moan as he sped up, while Flash's other hand sneaked up her body and slid under her shirt. He then pushed her bra up and began to fondle her breast, which was the perfect size to fit in his hand. "Please stop," Twilight moaned out.
"Why?" Flash smirked, "aren't you enjoying this?"
"No," Twilight replied only to moan as he squeezed her breast and wiggled the fingers in her cunt.
"Your body seems to disagree."
"No!" Twilight suddenly felt Flash's fingers leave her, looking down to see him stick them in his mouth and taste her juices.
He hummed at the taste, "delicious." He moved his head closer to her pussy, "I think I'll have a first hand taste."
Twilight's eyes went wide, only to gasp as Flash shoved his face into her crotch and started liking at her twat. She broke out in moans as Flash devoured her, whilst sliding his hand under her shirt to play with her other breast. The licking, squeezing and rubbing caused Twilight to cry out in pleasure. The tears having stopped as her body shivered from the assault on her most sensitive areas.
Flash noticed Twilight's clit had become erect and smirked before pulling away from her cunt, only to lightly bit the bud and cause Twilight to yip in both pain and pleasure. "Oh god," she gasped while Flash held it between his teeth before licking it. "FUCK!" She almost screamed as he release started to build.
Any moment now, she'd cum and become Flash's forever.
This made Flash redouble his efforts, restarting his licking of her pussy while squeezing her breasts. This went on for several more minutes, Twilight's orgasm drawing closer and closer, until Flash finally bit down on her clit again whilst pinching her nipples between his finger and thumb.
This was all Twilight could take before she screamed out and began to cum all over Flash's face, the teen boy greedily lapping the juices up while Twilight's body shook as the pleasure overtook her.
Flash smiled as he released the girl from his grasp and pulled away from her pussy, this face drenched with her fluids. He looked down at Twilight and show her twitch, completely spent with the will to fight gone.
Happy with what he had, he pulled his new accessory off his neck. It was time to finally take what was his.
Twilight blinked as she started to come down from her sexual high, only to open her eyes and see that accursed stone heading towards her. "No," was all she could weakly say before the stone made contact with her forehead and began to glow. And like Flash had before, Twilight's eyes glassed over whilst her face went blank.
Unlike Flash, who had to have his entire personality rewritten, Twilight only needed a few tweaks to her being. Those tweaks involved how she felt about Flash. And so, after only a few seconds, the glowing of the crystal stopped and Flash pulled it away.
He stepped back and watched as the girl slowly blinked her eyes as they turned back to normal, while her face remained blank.
"Twilight," he spoke up, "are you alright?"
It was then that Twilight's face turned back to normal, only to now have a sultry look on it as she smiled up at him. "Oh yes." she picked herself up, the stone appearing to have completely wiped away the effects of the drug like it had Flash. Once on her feet, she put her skirt back down before stepping over to him. "Better then I've ever felt before." She snaked her arms around Flash's neck as he placed his hands on her hips, then pulled him down towards her face.
The two locked lips, sharing a passionate kiss that was like nothing they'd ever felt before. No longer were they two different people. Now, thanks to the Mentis Stone, they were of one mind.
And this was only the beginning