
The soft puff of warm breath on her shoulder was what woke her next. She was excessively warm, her limbs heavy and languid and a feeling of thorough contentment suffused her being. So she stayed exactly where she was, not bothering to open her eyes or think about anything other than how good she felt.

Until, that is, a hand, a very big hand, started stroking her side, as someone made a happy sounding hum.

This led her to pay more attention to where she was. She was lying half over someone else, one of her legs hooked over theirs and it felt like her head was on their chest… Rey's eyes opened wide and she sat up with a startled yip of surprise.

Ben, for it was Ben she was in bed with, gave his own shocked yelp and also sat up, his longish hair stuck up at all angles and his cheeks coloured crimson.

Rey snatched some of the duvet to cover her bare legs, thanking the Light she was at least wearing a vest and panties and Ben grabbed a pillow to cover his lap… he was shirtless.

Rey didn't know where to look, "I, I, I'm so sorry!" she stammered out, "I must have slept walked!" she had sometimes slept walked as a child but it had been years since the last time. She didn't think she had been so embarrassed in all her life.

Ben went to say something, coughed, then tried again, "S'okay," he mumbled awkwardly, looking anywhere but at her.

Scrambling off the bed, Rey realised she couldn't take the duvet with her and felt her hot face somehow burn even more - she'd just have to leave as quickly as possible and hope he didn't look.

But as she reached the door she paused, because that tugging sensation returned. She let go of the door handle and stood for a moment as her brain forgot its discomfiture and started to wonder… when she turned back, Ben's face was still turned away from her but he was in the same position, bare chest visible.

Stepping hesitantly back to the bed, Rey stopped caring about her state of undress as she followed her gut and that tugging sensation, right back to Ben.

He started slightly when she got back on the bed, turning surprised eyes on her, biting his full bottom lip as she reached out a trembling hand and touched the Kyber crystal in his chest.

Warmth... welcome... unity... completion.

The Kyber was still joined to her Ringorn, Ben Solo was her Seventh.


She fled then. Rey wouldn't describe herself as someone who ran from a difficult situation, but this? This was something her mind could barely even comprehend, let alone deal with.

Midna was still curled up on her own bed and Rey crawled under the covers, cuddling the slightly disgruntled cat against her as her eyes spilled hot tears into soft black fur.

What was she going to do?


Maz arrived a few hours later as Rey stared blankly at the wall, mind numb and quiet.

"I know you've had a difficult few days but it's time to get up and get going again," Maz told her firmly as she set a breakfast tray on the side table.

Letting Midna go, Rey struggled to sit up and wiped her eyes then reached straight for the mug of tea.

Maz's face softened with concern, "Why do you weep, child?"

Rey closed her eyes briefly, "Ben Solo is my Seventh… the Kyber is still connected to the Ringorn, to me. What am I going to do?!"

"Do? Maz rolled her eyes, "There is nothing you need to do. Why did you think he was here?" she shook her head as if Rey was being particularly slow, "You have looked for belonging for so long, you cannot recognise it when it falls into your lap! The belonging you have always sought is in front of you, with Ben Solo."

This was not what Rey had been expecting, this was utter madness, "None of it is real, it's just the crystals!"

Snorting slightly, Maz shook her head as if disappointed, "My dear child," she hopped up on the bed and patted Rey's arm as her hands were still clasped around her mug. "You know by now, after all you have seen and done, that this is more than 'just' that. The universe has a design and will get you there by hook or by crook. It would seem that boy is your destiny, embrace it, doing anything else will only lead to pain."

Destiny? Rey had never been particularly concerned with the concept up until now, she had never felt she had one, other than to use her gifts to help people… yet her gut was now telling her that Maz was right, she felt the truth of her words deep in her bones.

But she still felt utterly out of her depth.

"Now," Maz said kindly, "Eat your breakfast and go and sit in the garden, you need to reground yourself."

Nodding mutely, Rey finished her tea. Maz left and she dutifully ate her breakfast, then raided Maz's supplies to make a body wash that would cleanse and ground while she showered. The hot water combined with the scents of ylang ylang, vetiver, spruce and sandalwood settled her spirit somewhat, releasing tension she hadn't realised she held.

When she finally felt clean she dried off and found some of her clothes laid on the bed, along with a warm pottery mug which looked like one of Maz's famous tisanes. After dressing quickly in jeans, t shirt and hoodie, she wrapped her hands around the mug and breathed in the scent before taking a sip. The tastes of sage, nettle and dandelion sweetened with mānuka made her smile as she drank before quietly making her way downstairs and out into the sunlight.

The fresh air was a blessing and she took off her boots and socks so she could feel the earth with her feet as she tilted her face upwards to soak up the sun.

She could hear the sounds of the city, but tuned those out as she listened to the breeze shake the leaves still remaining on the trees and the birds call to one another, clear songs musical and sweet.

When she felt ready, she whispered, "To the ground, I am bound, see my roots reaching down, feel the weight of the stone, one with Earth, flesh and bone," repeating it three times.

Midna wound around her legs as she chanted, then disappeared, hopefully not into someone else's house.

Time fell away until she felt the tugging inside grow less. Opening her eyes, she turned to find Ben standing a few paces away, hands in his pockets and obviously uncomfortable.

"I can feel it again," he said lowly as his eyes darted back and away from her, "The… pull to your light…" Rey drew a sharp breath in and he froze, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, I, I just can't stay away." He shook his head again, "I should leave, go back home," he turned away.

"Don't go," the words left her lips before she could think them, but she found didn't regret them.

Ben stopped, his shoulders tense as he stayed where he was, not leaving but not turning around either.

Wriggling her toes in the earth, Rey tried to decide what she should do, unconsciously chewing her lip.

Neither of them spoke for a good few moments, then Ben's back straightened slightly, "Are you sure you don't want me to go?" his low voice warmed something inside her, "Because I don't know if I can hold myself back anymore. I can't fight this…" he shook his head slightly, and finished roughly, "I don't even want to."

This was crazy, they didn't even know each other, just each others names really, but Rey didn't hesitate, because this felt right, "Don't go." she repeated softly, a little shyly, but he heard it.

Ben whirled around and strode towards her, although they weren't red, there was a fire in his eyes. It was wild and intense and she had just a moment to swallow nervously before he reached her.

There was absolutely no hesitation in him, one hand cupped her face and the other curled around the small of her back, pressing her against his body as their lips met.

She had expected him to be reserved, to just hold her or kiss her briefly. There was nothing of that, though.

He molded her body to his, his soft lips urgent and demanding, claiming hers before his tongue swept inside her mouth, tangling with hers in a heated dance that left her dizzy with desire.

Amid all of that, she could also feel the Kyber in his chest pressed against her, pulsing with their combined energy.

It should frighten her, this ardent embrace, or at least make her uneasy considering the last time their lips had touched he had been possessed by Kylo Ren. But somehow all Rey could think about was Ben, her Seventh, her future.

After a while he groaned a little and broke away from her lips, resting his forehead against hers as they both breathed deeply.

"Was that okay?" he asked, still so close his breath caressed her face as it left him.

Rey let out a slightly shaky laugh, not really certain what to answer, so she simply went with, "Yes."

Their eyes met, his softening from desire to almost reverence. Her heart did a weird sort of flip in her chest, which was repeated by her stomach. She was hyper aware of all the places their bodies were touching, tingling where his fingers on her back were gently stroking the skin under her t-shirt.

He kissed her again, softly this time, sweetly, and her eyes slid shut, allowing herself to just enjoy the moment.

They had a lot to talk about - much to learn about each other and how this would work and what their connection meant; but for now, Rey just kissed Ben Solo under the sun and the clear blue sky.


Neither of them noticed the butterfly fluttering in the shadows cast by a large Belladonna, which still bore a few stubborn flowers, hidden away from the sun. The creature floated on soft wings made of midnight, it's tiny red multifaceted eyes observing everything.

Rey was so absorbed by Ben, by his lips, the way he tasted of mint and Earl Grey and felt like home, how warm his fingers were and how his touch made her skin hum and her head spin, that she didn't feel the presence of their silent watcher.

The butterfly continued it's scrutiny until the wards guarding the area overwhelmed it, its body crumbling to ash that blew away on the cleansing wind.

But Kylo Ren had seen all he needed to.



A/N: Sooooo, that's the end. There may or may not be a sequel.

I am so sorry this took so long, had issues, my bad. I know its not very long, but it was meant to be posted the day after the fourth chapter...