Toby ran with me as we made our way through the castle. I glanced back and saw that Maz was trailing us in the distance. I didn't know where the lightsaber was, but at the moment I did not care just to get rid of that thing. I ventured out of the castle, pushing away from all of the hubbub.
"Where are you going?" asked Toby.
"To the woods," I said. "To think."
"Okay," he said. "Take BB-8. He seems to do better with you."
I nodded. We had not talked about our moment on the Falcon when we kissed, but I felt like I meant something to him. Maybe now was the time.
"Toby," I said.
How do you say this? I care for you? I have feelings for you? I sighed. "See ya soon."
He grinned wide. "Not if I don't see you first!"
I laughed. "Goodbye, Maz."
"Be safe, Dear."
I turned and ventured into the forest, following some unmarked trail that lead me into my subconscious. BB-8 rolled along with me as I thought about the lightsaber.
I tried to get my mind wrapped around my visions. First, I remembered Anakin Skywalker's face. He looked a lot like Toby, but with a long scar over his right eyes. I assumed the man and women Padme, a Queen from Naboo, who were fighting by the cart talking about the diplomatic solution was Anakin and his wife. They were pretty and looked in love. I wished I knew her name.
The second thing I remembered, that one person, obviously a Jedi, told someone named Obi-Wan, also a Jedi that Anakin "can restore balance to the Force". I did not know what that meant, and I filled it away to remember to ask Toby what that was.
Lastly there was the killings. Anakin decapitated a man, which is not Jedi style, slaughtered children, also against the Jedi code, and choked if not killed Padme, who was pregnant and called the child his, both getting a girl pregnant and killing her is against the Jedi Order. He clearly fell from grace. I tried to think why the force was telling me the story of Anakin Skywalker, and what that meant.
A small beep told me that I was not alone, and I glanced down at my feet to see BB-8 happily rolling along beside me whistling asking what I am thinking about.
"My visions. Its hard to explain," I said.
"Beep Beep," he said.
"What?" I asked. "Who is coming?" I looked back toward the castle expecting that Toby had actually followed me out here after all.
However, slowly behind the trees came a figure clothed in black in a dark mask. He, I assume he was a he, was tall, clothed in all black with a hood over his head, so I could not see his face. He took out a weapon, and ignited a lightsaber, with three red blades.
Terrified, I drew the weapon, suddenly grateful to Han for looking out for me and started blasting. He deflected the blast with swift precision, and I started retreating towards the tree line.
"Run BB-8!" I screamed.
I had no idea who this man was or what he was after, but there was a pretty good chance that blade could cut me in two. I ran deep in the forest and hoped that BB-8 got away in time. I just ran ass fast as my legs could carry me until I snuck in behind some boulders.
Then, I turned around and started walking backwards slowly, careful not to trip on any roots. I thought I was safe until a red lightsaber appeared over the top of the boulder, and the man came out from behind it.
I started walking, almost running, backwards, firing shots as I went hoping I would get lucky and hit him. Of course, he blocked any shot that actually got close. Just when I got my back up against a wall, I saw a small trail leading uphill on the other side of the path. I ran for it, and climbed up the trail. When I got to the top, I turned around, backed up, and started shooting, because he had followed me with agile speed.
Suddenly, he reached out with his free hand, and my arms were pinned to my side and I was unable to move. Slowly, he crept toward me until he was only three feet away.
"The girl I heard so much about," he said from behind his mask.
He crept towards me again, this time a foot behind me. "The droid," he asked, moving his saber next to my neck. I felt the radiation on my skin. "Where is it?"
When I remained quiet he deactivated his saber, and walked around me, still magically holding me still. Slowly, he moved his hand to my face, and I felt a slow pull on my mind. It got stronger and stronger. I tried to push back, but the energy it took simply drained me.
"The map," he said.
An image came forth in my mind, but I vanquished it quickly.
"You have seen it," he said, with a subtle glee.
I was just about to let tears fall, the pain was so excruciating from fighting him in my head, and what was worse, I was losing.
"Sir!" came a voice out of my vision.
He dropped his hand and walked away. I still could not move, but the pain in my head went away, and for that I was grateful.
"Resistance fighters. We need more troops," came the voice.
"Pull the division out. Forget the droid. We have what we need."
A fog came over my head and the world went black.