Well guys! It's finally here! This story is coming to an end, but the adventure never stops! But for now, here's a lemon and the ending to this fanfic. Thank you everyone who supported and read, it continues to give me motivation to write. Enjoy, everyone!
Shadow stared off into the distance, his crimson red eyes looking at nothing particular. His chest slowly heaved to his breathing, lean muscles showing only slightly through his fur. It had only been a few days since the incident, his body was still healing from the amount of force he used on the Chaos Blast that irradiated Dr. Eggman's base and the T-Series robot.
His mind had been a complete mess after he had awoken, but he still remembered the tender and gentle kiss that he partook in with the blue hedgehog.
It was too much for him, he was aware of the blue hedgehogs feelings for himself, but there was too much on his plate right this minute.
A deep rooted sigh left his tan lips as he slowly stood up from the patio chair he was sitting on, after adjusting himself, he slowly limped into Sonic's house, being sure to close the door behind him.
Although he wanted to see and explore the world around him, the doctor was still not found and he didn't want to risk getting spotted by anyone who might be incontact with the robust human.
He had the house to himself for the time being, his new house mates were out meeting with the resistance and Princess Sally.
The dark male could tell Sonic hadn't trusted him like he used to, it was obvious with the way he spoke to him about minor details for the resistance. The blue speedster had refused to include Shadow to anything revolving around the Resistance or the Freedom Fighters. It was fair, in Shadow's opinion, he did lie and deserved to be punished in such ways.
As he continued his journey to the kitchen, his thoughts continued to rain in. A sigh was heard once more,'how could he trust me after all I have done? I don't deserve the kindness he has shown me in the slightest. He has shown me true kindness without expecting me to give anything in return aside from descent hospitality.'
After brewing another cup of coffee, the hedgehog grabbed the dark blue mug and headed for the living room to see what was on tv, enjoying the peacefulness of the early morning.
Sonic tapped away at the large round table he sat on, not exactly listening to anything the leaders of the resistance were saying.
They had called an emergency meeting to discuss the current events that had unfolded with not only Eggman but Shadow as well.
"-I don't think he should have free will with the distruction power he has," a Mobian knight from the Freedom fighters spoke up.
This immediately caught Sonic's attention,"you don't think someone who was trapped his whole life deserves freedom?"
The Mobian looked distraught at the sudden voice of the blue hero who had been quiet the entire time,"his power is uncontrollable and as far as we know, this could be part of Eggman's whole plan!"
Sonic 'tsk'ed,"Shadow had a hard life, he had pent up anger and feelings he didn't know and the constant manipulation directed him in the wrong direction. I think if we give him a chance, he'll do the right thing."
"Sonic's right, he might have been created in a lab but he's still Mobian, believe it or not. He has hedgehog DNA and deserves the right to freedom and expression," the leader of the freedom fighters, Princess Sally, spoke up now.
The discussion progressed until they had all come to a conclusion.
Sally placed her hands on her hips as she faced the blue hero,"so it's settled, Shadow stays with Sonic until he can prove himself to not be a threat. This means you two-,"she pointed at Sonic and Tails,"-will need to Lee a close eye on him. He isn't to leave either of your sights until further notice. This is only temporary and to serve purpose to make sure he is becoming who he wants to be."
The hedgehog and fox duo nodded as they stood from their seats and proceeded homeward. Little did they know, Sally had already asked Nicole to track their computer searches and home networks for any unknown devices in their house.
"I dunno, Sonic,"Tails scratched his head as Sonic looked for the key to their house,"I'm not sure now is a good time for that."
"Nonsense, bud! A little fresh air is good for everyone,"as the door swung gently open, Sonic's ears perked to hear any unknown noise. Upon hearing nothing, he called out Shadow's name.
When he didn't get a response, he quickly looked at Tails, concern and worry covered his face as he cautiously jogged to the spare bedroom where Shadow normally resided. Before he could knock on the bedroom door, the brown wooden door swung open to revealed a tired looking Shadow.
"May I help you?"
Sonic internally sighed with relief,"sorry, I got worried."
Red eyes scanned the blue hero's features,"you assumed I was contacting the doctor, correct?"
Sonic sighed,"yeah, I'm sorry. I-" blue ears flattened against his head as he carefully approached their next topic of conversation,"I don't fully trust you just yet."
"That's reasonable," Shadow opened the door wider,"you are more than welcome to search the room, I have nothing to hide and I would like to be as transparent as possible until you do find the power to trust me again."
Holding up his hand, Sonic shook his head,"that's not necessary, I just want complete honesty in this relationship."
Nearly choking on his spit, Sonic spoke up,"no, no, sorry, I meant, uh, friendship."
Shadow had only made a 'mm' sound before moving past Sonic and headed towards the kitchen, ignoring the blue hedgehogs comment about relationships. Although the feelings between the two hedgehogs were very mutual, Shadow couldn't bring himself together enough to show any type of affection. Atleast not the way the blue hedgehog would recognize.
Upon hearing footsteps behind him, Shadow turned around to see the twin tailed fox he rarely spoke with.
"Hey," the fox scratched his chin,"can we talk?"
Nodding, Shadow's ears perked with an intent on only listening, not exactly sure what the fox would need to discuss at this very moment.
After taking a deep breath, Tails spoke,"I probably shouldn't be saying anything, but I like to think we've grown to be friends. Sonic and I just came back from a meeting with the Freedom Allegiance to discuss any and all options revolving around you. For the sake of my brothers feelings and the want to have your own freedom, dont screw up. They're all watching closely, and I know you have good in your heart, Shadow. You've been pushed around way to many times to get locked up again if they catch you slipping. I just want you safe. If you don't do it for yourself, then do it for Sonic. I see the way you two look at eachother and I typically don't get into other people's relationships because it's not my business. I know you need time to figure out who you are without anyone controlling you and I respect that, but I hope to Chaos you choose to stay on the good side with not only me, but with Sonic."
Taking in all the information, Shadow nodded, placing his right hand on the kits shoulder momentarily before speaking,"I appreciate this information, Tails. I plan to stay on the good side, I made a promise to an old friend that I would protect this planet on her behalf, I don't plan to dishonor her wishes."
With all that said, the fox smiled before grabbing a side from the fridge and leaving the black hedgehog to his own thoughts.
Although he was very aware of the situation he was in and didn't have a clue as to who he truly is, maybe it would be more comforting to find that all out with someone supporting his every stride. Someone who has shown he would and has been there every step of the way. But he had never been shown such kindness or had ever experienced romantic or sexual relations. How was he supposed to handle this?
He looked out into the living room where Tails sat watching tv and then turned his attention to Sonic's bedroom. Obviously he couldn't ask Sonic to help him woo himself and although Tails was older now, he still was too young. He was going to do this head on, possibly learn to cook the blue hedgehogs favorite dinner dish and perhaps a walk at night. Those were genuinely underrated and Sonic might even enjoy it. The small details he would have to work out impromptu.
As the day continued, Sonic seemed to make sure Shadow was in shouting distance almost every thirty minutes on the dot, the hedgehog in turn was growing incredibly annoyed by such occurrences but continued responding back nonetheless to help put the blue ones mind at ease.
The evening was upon them, Shadow had spent the day in the kitchen preparing - what he hoped - perfectly crafted chili dogs, Sonic's favorite. He remembered the day he was given actual food, Sonic had offered to make chili dogs but that very night, Shadow was taken from them.
A shiver crawled up his spine as he recalled the night, shaking it off and continued to stir the pot of chili. Luckily for him, Tails had errands to run and Sonic was fast asleep on the couch, most likely from boredom. But it was all in his favor, he wouldn't want the blue one to come to his senses before the ebony male could properly prepare the dish for their night.
As he was about to grab the ladle to pour the chili on the hot dog, Sonic's rapid footprints could be heard along with the sound of his obnoxious sniffing to entrap the delicate smell of his favorite food.
"You made chili dogs!" Sonic was already trying to grab the plate Shadow held in his hands.
"Go, Sit at the table, hedgehog, I plan to serve you," was his only response. Sonic took the initiative and rushed to the dinner table, already keeping an eye on the tasty food held on the plate in Shadow's gloved hands.
After handing Sonic a plate with three of the delicacy and handing the blue hedgehog a soda, he himself sat down across from the other to enjoy what he hoped was edible food.
"I have never cooked before, I apologize if it is inedible,"Shadow grabbed the bun and held the food close to his mouth, sniffing it slightly before engorging himself in the tasty food.
Sonic was already on his third one before he spoke up, barely giving himself time to swallow,"how'd you learn to make it? It's great!"
Shadow shrugged," Tails had given me his tablet to look up the recipe before he left."
Taking a sip of his soda, Sonic stood up to make more of his favorite food,"dude, it's great! I nominate you to make chili-dogs all the time!"
To Shadow's dismay, being called 'dude' by the hedgehog he wanted to be in a relationship made him cringe only slightly," I would be honored, Sonic."
Dinner was enjoyed with light yet pleasant conversation, Shadow had suggested a walk around the block but Sonic questioned about the limp in his step when he walked.
"I assure you it's nothing to be concerned with, I'm still recovering my Chaos levels but I would still like to continue our night," Shadow stood slowly, making sure not to hurt himself as he stood. He reached out his gloved hand for Sonic to take, he didn't know if the butterfly feeling in his stomach was normal when Sonic had grabbed his hand. The blue hedgehogs smile held a specific smirk while his eyes held nothing but mischief.
They strolled out of the house at a rather slow pace, but with the setting sun and eagerness to turn this into something more, the timing and pace seemed perfect.
"So, at one point, you were.. a werehog?"
"Yeah! It was crazy you didn't get injured when the planet broke apart," Sonic shrugged as he laughed.
Shadow stopped in his tracks to look the other in the eyes,"I think you're lying, I would have known if the planet broke apart."
This statement caused the blue hedgehog to laugh and unintentionally squeezing Shadow's hand,"you didn't know the planet broke apart?! Oh man, you are gonna love coming on adventures with me."
Shadow stood in an almost dazed state with blushed cheeks as he stared at the hedgehog in front of him, basking in the pure beauty and radiance the other hedgehog beamed without even trying.
With the golden hues of the sunset and the pure joyous laughter, the hedgehog was something made of pure good in the world and Shadow needed - no - craved the pure happiness and joy Sonic had. Without warning, Shadow leaned in, connecting their lips. Sonic gasped, but was quickly drawn into the tender feeling. The kiss itself was incredibly sloppy, Shadow having no experience other than the brief kiss he shared with the male when he was barely waking up and Sonic just never having kissed anyone in general.
Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow's neck, pulling the other closer to himself. Their bodies pushed together looked like two perfect pieces of the same puzzle. Sonic was the only one of the two who actually knew what to do in this situation, having been a sucker for some romantic movies.
Shadow was a complete novice in the field but his body was reacting in ways one would do only in private. Luckily for him, he was able to control himself enough to calm his body. After their lips parted - and a small string of saliva connecting their lips broke - Sonic could only look into crimson eyes in complete longing.
Before Shadow could say anything, Sonic burst out in laughter. This caused Shadow to blush immensely and frown, figuring he did something wrong.
In between his laughter, he spoke," was this a date? Because if it was, I am completely obvious!"
Shadow tilted his head in confusion,"date? I'm not sure what that means."
Sonic smiles warmly as he took hold of Shadow's hand and started their journey back to their house,"it's something you do when you like someone. Take them out, show 'ema good time, make out a little, innocent stuff."
"Innocent? Is there a non innocent type of date?"
Now it was Sonic's turn to blush as he rubbed his nose with his free hand,"uh, yeah. That's probably when the couple, like, has sex and stuff."
Shadow cocked his head in confusion still," i am not aware what these words are."
"Oh geez," Sonic laughed in slight embarrassment,"okay, so, remember the time I had to bathe you? The very first time? And you had that little.. '-accident'?"
Shadow nodded, remembering the occurrence.
"Okay, so that's your... penis.. and sex is when two people -male with male, female with male, or female with female - engage in.. intercourse. Basically you put your penis in the male's uh 'tail-hole' or the female's... vagina.. "
"I'm assuming this is done in private considering your lack of enjoyment in explaining this to me."
"Correct," Sonic began to laugh again but quieres down quickly," sex is something everyone experiences atleast once. It's something you want to experience with a trusted partner, someone you know will stay by your side when things get rough. I'm all for the romance and lovey gestures, I don't typically engage in hook-up culture."
Shadow nodded once again, choosing his next words carefully,"I trust you and I know you'll stay by my side."
This in turn made Sonic's fur turn as red as Shadow's stripes,"w-what?"
"I wish to engage in sex with you," Shadow blurted, gaining a few stares from passerby's who looked at them quizzically.
Sonic bursted with laughter from nervousness and pure enjoyment,"Shads, you barley found out what sex is! How do you expect us to try it?"
Shadow shrugged,"the end goal of this 'date' was for you to see we're compatible in more ways than one. I wish to seal the deal and claim you as mine."
Stopping his laughter to blush and respond, Sonic swallowed the butterflies in his stomach. The way Shadow phrased the sentence made his heart flutter in an emotion he wasn't sure he's ever felt before but he definitely knew it was a good feeling,"well.. we'll see what happens in the future."
Shadow nodded, appreciating the response he was given. Their walk back home was carried on in the dark, their laughter and voices filled the air without any awkwardness.
Once home, the duo decided to continue their chit chat on the couch, snacks shared between them.
"Maria was the only one on the Ark that had shown me any kind of kindness, everyone else just wanted to run test on me."
"Maria seems like she has a heart of gold."
"She did, she often spoke to me, but it was always muffled between the glass and ooz plugging my ears."
"I bet she was saying some pretty nice things."
It took Shadow a few moments to respond," I think she would have liked you."
"You think so?"
"I do. She seemed to have a heart of gold, everyone she talked to ended with a large smile or laughter."
They sat in silence, one filled with happy thoughts and hopeful wishing. Their eyes met, Sonic's shining eyes stared longingly into Shadow's, his own crimson eyes begging the blue hedgehog to return his feelings.
Sonic took initiative and kissed Shadow, their tongues intermingling in a dance only they could complete. Sonic's breathing became harder and deeper, his labored breathing almost too easily turning on his dark counterpart. Tan cheeks became flustered and red as Sonic's breathing became harder. Their rushed hormones and virginity making their actions oh so arousing, Sonic hopped on top of Shadow's lap, claiming that spot as his as he continued to sloppily kiss his mate.
Knowing Shadow didn't know what to do, and from watching his fare share of porn, Sonic grabbed Shadow's hands and placed them on his waste. The feeling of someone else's hands touching him in such a way made his body tingle in the best way possible.
When he leaned forward to connect their bodies once more, he immediately felt something large between them. Upon looking down, Sonic blushed immensely, his whole face showing complete shock that his partner was completely aroused already.
"Damn, Shadow.."
Shadow followed his gaze and saw his member at full length,"I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do."
Sonic smirked deviously was he slowly crawled off his lover's lap and kneeled between his ebony legs. Green eyes looked into crimson, lust eveloping them both. Before Shadow could question what the blue hedgehog was going to do, his peach lips kissed the tip of his member that sent a shiver throughout his body.
His pink tongue shot out and licked the tip of his penis, loving the sweet yet salty taste of the pre-cum that was leaking out. Before he could even remember if he had a gag reflex, Sonic took his partners whole member in his mouth, bobbing his head up and down.
Shadow subconsciously gripped onto the couch's armrest with his left hand while his right grabbed onto Sonic's quills as he bobbed up and down on his cock.
Sonic used his saliva to cover the cock in his mouth before pulling away completely. Spitting in his fingers, he rubbed the liquid between his legs where his tail hole was at to make the next move smoother.
Shadow watched in anticipation, if the first thing Sonic did was great, the next thing he did would be even better. The blue hedgehog perked his tail and lined up with Shadow's member, taking a deep breath, he slowly let gravity pull his body down as Shadow entered his body.
The ebony furred male gave off a throaty and deep moan, enveloped by the pure bliss he was being dug into. Sonic winced un pain at the unfamiliar feeling entering himself, but he continued onward, waiting for the pleasure to kick in.
He paused when he realized Shadow's whole member was inside him, his body getting used to the feeling of a foreign object in his most vulnerable part of his body.
Shadow gripped onto blue hips, the devious look now transfixed onto Sonic, his eyes showing nothing but lust and love with a mix of hopefulness.
Using his strength and his hips, Shadow flipped them over on the couch with himself on top and Sonic on the bottom with his legs wrapped around Shadows torso. His primal instincts kicking into high gear as he slowly started to pump his member in and out of the blue body beneath him.
Sonic basically purred and moaned hoarsely as his own member twitched, begging to be played with. Removing his glove, Sonic's peach hand grabbed onto his own cock and started to pump himself in rhythm with Shadow's thrusts. They moaned in sync, Shadow's thrusts became harder and rougher as he neared climax.
Bending down, Shadow burried his face in the crook of Sonic's neck, breathing in the musky scent of his lover.
Sonic took this opportunity to whisper in Shadow's ear,"I'm only yours."
This lone sentence drive the ebony male over the edge, he moaned loudly as he came inside of Sonic's right hole.
The feeling and sound of Shadow's cum inside him threw him over the edge, Sonic's dick twitched as cum squirted out onto his peach covered chest.
They panted, both males staring into the others eyes, loving the connection between them.
Laughter soon erupted, both hedgehog's feeling the love and connection and lust that enveloped them. After cleaning themselves up and a quick shower for each, Sonic joined Shadow in his room, both boys snuggling on the twin sized bed.
"I love you, Shadow."
"I love you too, Sonic the hedgehog."