I own nothing, I am writing out of a love of the characters and because who doesn't enjoy a good mystery?

Chapter Summary: Flashback time, to the spring of 1983

Shawn is all of six years old and his Aunt Jeanie just took him out for ice cream...

March 1983...

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" the six-year old energetic bundle named Shawn came hurdling right towards his mother. Dr. Madeleine Spencer barely had time to prepare before her son all but crashed into her.

"Hey Goose!" She smiled, giving him a nice big 'hello' hug. His eyes were bright, and she noticed a smudge of chocolate at the corner of his mouth. The doctor looked up, and saw the most likely culprit not far behind him.

Jean Caiman-Jeanie to most people-closed the door behind her energetic nephew, and greeted her older sister with a quick smile. She lived a little over an hour away in Los Angeles, but with their busy work schedules, they rarely had time to see each other. While in town to do such that, Maddie had asked her sister to spend the afternoon with Shawn, as the police psychiatrist had to prepare for an upcoming conference, and Henry was off on a long stakeout.

While his aunt put her purse down and toed her shoes off by the door, Shawn was busy telling his mom about everything they did. "Aunt Jeanie took me to the park, I played on the swings with Gus, and then-and then she took us out for ice cream!"

"Ice cream? That sounds great." Maddie smiled, while inside she gave a small sigh. Shawn and sugar was rarely a good combination, especially right before dinner.

"Which was nice, 'specially cause she wouldn't share any of her candy." The boy shared.

Maddie's brow furrowed. "What candy?"

"Her special candy. That she keeps in her purse."

Cue the moment where Maddie figured out what Shawn was talking about. And it wasn't candy. The two sisters shared a look over the little boy's head, Jeanie giving one that seemed half apologetic, and half desperate.

Maddie smiled and looked back at her son. "Why don't you go get some of you and Gus' drawings from your room, Shawn? I'm sure Aunt Jeanie would love to see them."

"Okay!" the boy leaped up, and practically stomped his way upstairs in his excitement.

"I'm sorry," Jeanie apologized, fidgeting with her hands."He found them in my purse and I didn't know what to say and I really, really didn't want to explain it so I just...took him out for ice cream."

"Jeanie, it's fine." The psychiatrist assured, placing a hand on her sister's shoulder. "I don't expect you to try and explain antidepressants to my six-year-old. I'm just glad that you've found one that works. You've been going to therapy too, right?"

A small smile and a roll of her eyes, Jeanie stepped away to grab something from the fridge. "Don't psychoanalyze me, Mads. I'm doing fine. You seriously worry too much."

Santa Barbara Herald


Jean S. Caiman, age 29, died unexpectedly on Monday, October 17th, 1983 while vacationing in Santa Barbara. She is survived by her sister, Madeleine Spencer, brother-in-law Henry, and nephew Shawn. Funerary services will be held at St. John's Catholic Church, officiated by Father Peter Westley...

This is my first Psych fanfic and I am very, VERY EXCITED ABOUT IT YOU GUYS!

I've never written a mystery before, but I have it all planned out and I think you'll like it!

If you like what you've seen here, comment below and let me know!