Hi guys! I don't have much to say here, just that this is my first fic and I hope you all like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, just this idea.


Lost in Time

Chapter 1

She couldn't believe that this was it. Shivers made their way deep down on her spine, while the girl couldn't help but swallow in nothing else but despair. How could they let this happen? Just… how? The miasma was making everything surrender to its owner and the few individuals around that could resist were just running away from it.

Just how did they let this happen?

And then her knees couldn't hold her weight anymore and she felt the hard ground under her shaking body as she fell. She had failed. They all did. A hand on her shoulder woke her up from the daydream she believed she was in, just to make her feel the miasma all over the place once more.

"We need to go, now." It was the familiar voice of her friend, Sango, who was deeply wounded and bleeding but was standing still, stronger than herself. "Kagome-chan!" The woman yelled while shaking her friend to bring her out of her stunned state, and as the girl blinked and weakly nodded, they both started to run away, letting everything behind.


It was strange to run from something, someone, that they've been chasing for months, years even. She just couldn't believe in what her own eyes were witnessing; her whole-time travel trip had been in vain.

Kagome was weak. Inuyasha was weak. Sango was weak. Miroku was weak. Shippou was weak. Kirara was weak.

Even Sesshoumaru, the Lord of the West, had lost not only this battle, but also his beloved Rin.


Chapter 1

Kagome entered the tend slowly, as she did the last couple of days. Seeing him like this was hard but seeing her with him was the worse part. Kikyo had run away with them once Naraku completed the jewel and was helping them heal Inuyasha, as he did get a deep wound that came from Naraku; a smashing one.

The hanyou didn't open his eyes since, and the bleeding didn't stop. They were at Kaede's village, that for some strange reason wasn't attacked by the new ruler of the continent. Well, it was more like he couldn't lift a finger to it; being the village and the forest around it. Kagome associated it to the fact the hanyou was born on those grounds' years ago, but she wasn't so sure.

"How is he?" She asked while taking a seat at the side of her old-self, Kikyo.

"Getting better." The miko told her simply, but kagome knew better, the sadness in her eyes evident.

"You can tell me the truth. I can handle it." The teenager said while putting a supportive hand on Kikyo shoulder, who looked briefly at her.

"He… is not…" She paused, trying to get the word out of her mouth; if it did come out it'd turn everything… real. "He's not healing. I don't know what to do."

Kagome's eyes then went to the unmoving hanyou next to them. He was wearing just his kimono's pants; his torso being wrapped up with bandages that were all red from the blood that still poured out of his wound. She sighed. Maybe a future medicine could heal him, or not since he was half demon, but it didn't matter anyway as she was out of supplies from her time; there were a lot of people in need of urgent medic care after all.

"He's strong, I'm sure that he'll heal soon. Maybe… he needs someone by his side now. Like you." The teenager finished while looking at Kikyo, who was surprised to hear such a thing from Inuyasha's new lover. Kagome smiled at her, understanding her reaction. "He still loves you. That's a hole that I'll never fulfill, after all you gave your life to save him. Even it being necessary to seal the idiot." She giggled at the end. "I'll go see the others, maybe I can help more over there." And then she just got up and walked away, letting Kikyo alone with her thoughts and Inuyasha.

The outside of the tend wasn't any better of a view than inside of it. The village had grown up in only a few days, and not only because of humans… many youkais were all over the place too. And that was making a visible segregation as at the same time there were humans that didn't mind their presence, there were the ones that just hated them.

Of course, the other way was all the same.

Kagome sighed and walked around, trying to see if she could be of some help; but there was nothing. She didn't know much about medicinal herbs, nor how to fix deep wounds, and now she regretted not paying attention to her first aid classes. As she walked around, not really paying attention to where she was going, Kagome found herself walking near the well, stopping after noticing it. What would happen now that the jewel was complete and in the hands of Naraku? Would she be able to go and come back? It was when she took a few steps away from it, backwards, and hit something on with her back. Yelping she looked over to see on what she bumped and found someone.

His yellow eyes glared at her with rage at first, after all how dare the human not notice him? But then his gaze softened, well at least a little bit. His eyes went to the thing she was running away from and to her scared and surprised eyes. Was she afraid of a simple well?

"Miko." Sesshoumaru said, just to knowledge her presence, and his voice seemed to wake up the girl from the unexpected situation.

"Oh, Sesshoumaru. Sorry, I didn't see or heard you." She said stepping away from him. "What brings you here?"

He arched one eyebrow at her antics, but never looked away from her eyes. After a while he felt her uneasiness and looked at the woods, walking to them right after. For some reason unknown to him, Kagome walked behind him until he sat down under a huge tree. But he didn't really care.

Looking at the trees around then made him remember Rin. Her cheerfulness and energy to run around and around, making himself and Jaken happy just for smiling. But now she was gone, Naraku made him that favor, one that he didn't even ask for, and how he wished to kill the hanyou for that.

Not that he didn't try to. Oh, but how he tried, and he almost got his revenge if that wasn't for his idiot younger brother who appeared out of the blue and made a fucking wrong movement. Yes, he did resent his idiot brother for giving Naraku all he needed to turn into a strong being, and he hated to admit that he wasn't strong enough to defeat him; at least not alone. Kagome made a movement at his side, making him look at her; she was with her knees up, her arms hugging them close to her upper body and her head deep buried on the small space there. Was she… sad?

"This is all my fault." Her voice came out muffled, as she didn't raise her head to speak. "If I didn't shatter the jewel, nothing of this would happen. If I didn't go near the well that day… this era would still be the same."

At this point he frowned, secretly being relieved for her eyes being covered so not to see him. What does that even mean? This era?

"This Shesshoumaru doesn't understand what you're saying." Well, she didn't tell him that so he could understand her… she just wanted to let it out of her chest.

"I'm just saying that all that happened since I appeared here is my fault." Kagome decided then to look at his face, her head resting on her knees, right side, to look at him. He was fast enough to put his neutral face again. "Maybe if I didn't release Inuyasha nothing of this would happen too. All I'm saying is that… the jewel was with me, I shattered it and lost it to Naraku. I am the cause of this chaos." A sad smile came to finish her sad point.

Shesshoumaru couldn't care less about what she was saying. He didn't understand why this would be her fault and really, did he want to know? He wasn't even sure as to why he let her be by his side at the moment. Kagome turned her face forwards, looking at the trees ahead, chin on her knees.

"How should I say it…" There was a pause, until her voice came out again. "I am not from this time? It's hard to explain because I don't know myself, even after years. All I know is that one day I was walking near the well and suddenly the centipede appeared from inside and brought me here. And then…" she put a hand on the right side of her belly. "She took the jewel from inside of me. I didn't even know it was there…"

His frown got deeper. What she was saying seemed impossible, unthinkable even, but it did made sense if you took a hold of her odd clothing. No one, at least no miko, used to show that much of skin. Not that he ever looked at her that much. So, that being said, the daiyoukai remembered how she was getting away from the well just a moment ago; if what she said is true, she could just go back to her life over there, couldn't she?

"Then why were you getting away from the well if it can take you back?" Sesshoumaru asked.

Kagome's eyes widened at the sound of the voice, her protective sitting position being released as she got closer to him, she was perplexed; that was the longest phrase she ever heard from the Lord of the West say. Actually, he spoke so little that one could think that he was mute. As a growl escaped his throat, as to wake her up and answer his question, she blinked.

"S-Sorry, it just surprised me that you asked something. You're so not talkative that I just got shocked." Now her hands were on top of her mouth, covering it so to show that she was telling the truth.

Well, he could say that she talks too much and a Iittle bit of direct answer would be appreciated.

"I'm afraid to go back." Kagome continued, still sitting as close as she could be to someone like Sesshoumaru. "What if I can't come back here after all?" She whispered the last part, as if saying that out loud would make it true. "What if something changed?" She finished; eyes glued on his yellow orbs.

He could see it, feel it, smell it.

Her fear. Her sadness.

Was it because of his stupid of a brother? Or was there another reason? And why did he care? Maybe her eyes were too deep for a human, or her personality. He didn't know.

It wasn't like he was going to let it show anyway. But all too suddenly, something in the air changed; both of them felt it in different ways but stood together in alarm. It was a presence different of what they've been sensing since Naraku ascended, it was… pure. Sesshoumaru then started to walk towards it, unsure of what he'd find; Kagome following close behind. The path was exactly the same they did as they went into the woods, and so they ended up looking straight at the well.

It was emanating a pink energy, all the way upwards, and Kagome recognized it right away: the well was calling her. She took a few steps behind, trying to avoid the crescent buzz that was making its way to her ears; and protective hands make their way to cover them to avoid it, so the sound would go away. But it was futile as it only got louder and louder.

Sesshoumaru looked at her with a slight frown, she was acting strange (more than always) and the youkai looked over the well again. He could swear that there was a voice calling for him in a faintly whisper, coming from the depths of the well.

"Stop it!" The girl yelled with her eyes shut while kneeled on the ground. Her form was getting smaller and smaller as the buzz got bigger and bigger that even Sesshoumaru was able to hear it.

He wanted to comfort her, as he saw Rin in pain instead of Inuyasha's human girl but restrained himself.


The voice appeared again, and it was starting to annoy himself. It was a familiar sound, and yet not. He just couldn't point out to whom it belonged to and the buzz that seemed to come from inside the girl at his side was distracting enough to mess with his thoughts.

You mustn't forget.

He didn't know where to look: over the girl or over the annoying talking well. But not longer after it spoke again, he kneeled by the priestess side; just because the sound coming from her was starting to driving him nuts. He put his hands forward, yes both as he managed to get his arm back during the last battle, and grabbed the crying girl by her shoulders.

They were cold, but his touch made Kagome react somehow, her unfocused eyes made their way to meet his own yellow orbs and he froze. He never once had seen the girl like this, even when he poisoned her back in the very first time they saw each other. There was almost no pupils, and all her will and strong life force were gone.

You mustn't forget, Sesshoumaru.

Kagome's lips moved, but the sound wasn't not even a little alike her own sweet voice, it was the same tone he was hearing coming from the well.

When the time comes, you will be her aid. You mustn't forget.

"Miko!" He demanded, trying to take her out of the strange trance; while the voice didn't stop, now being an echo from both her and the well. He wondered why no one was coming and started to lose control of his own anger and powers. Sesshoumaru didn't even know why he was trying so hard to keep her sane!


As the voices started to grow in volume, he had to let go of her arms in order to protect his own sensitive ears; it was all too much and there was the need to close his eyes, trying to shut all the growing noise.

Where the hell are the other youkais? They should be listening and sensing this! He mentally screamed, taking a little too long to notice that the sound had stopped.

"Se…sshou…maru…?" Her weak voice snapped him out of his stupor, but not because he missed it; it was only from where it was coming.

A second ago she was right in front of him, and now…

She was right in front of the well, looking at him weakly; Kagome couldn't understand what just happened. He could tell that much. And again, everything happened too fast to even he, the inu daiyoukai, to act in time. The light coming out of the well intensified, engulfing the girl in front of it. Her widened eyes full of terror made the youkai launch himself forward, right hand stretched to her left one, but for a second he missed the catch.

"Sesshoumaru!" He could perfectly hear Kagome's desperate yell, and his own voice as he leaned into the well, all in vain.

"Kagome!" He yelled, and without thinking the youkai jumped right after her, not even noticing that he had called the girl by her name.

The pink energy engulfed his whole body but there was a palpable resistance from it. Eyes shining red he started to fight the pull that was trying to make him go back up but as soon as he let a bit of his own youki out it went back full force, knocking him practically on the spot. The only thing he heard, and saw was the faint yelling of the miko and her stretched hand towards his body.

When the daiyoukai opened his eyes once more it was already night. He felt stuck on a tight place, what a few seconds later he found out to be the structure of the well itself. A groan came out as he put himself on a better sitting position, a sharp pain through his brain making him wince for a brief moment. What was he doing inside the well to begin with? That part of his memory was a blur, as if something was making an effort for him to forget what happened; but his mind was strong, or it was the effect of something else – he didn't know, and a faint yell from a familiar girl made he realize and remember what happened.

He couldn't save the miko. He had failed someone again, but this time it seemed way worse than the previous ones (that happened not too long ago). With a sigh he got up to his feet, leaping off of the tiny space he was laying for God knows how long. And as soon as he put his boots on the grass field, he knew that something was different; the scent of the air had changed, it was as if something was… missing.

Although he ignored it and walked towards his brother's hut, he had to inform about what happened to the miko, him liking it or not. And that's when things got even stranger. The scent coming from inside the hut wasn't the one of wounds, mud and death that were present a few hours ago, no, it was as if there wasn't even death to begin with; although the blood scent was definitely still there. Opening the door, he held back his eyes from widening from surprise, as he saw a very alive Kikyo standing by his brother's side.

"Sesshoumaru, what happened to you? You vanished for hours." The miko spoke looking at him, but her attention was all over his brother that was half awake. She had a fabric over his wound, cleaning it up; it seemed way better than that same morning.

There's no need to tell that he ignored her completely and turned his attention to the wounded hanyou.

"The miko's gone." He spoke simply and was about to leave when a faint voice answered him.

"Miko?" Sesshoumaru froze at that moment but without looking at his brother he answered.

"The girl called Kagome." This time he turned just in time to see them both exchange a glance, before looking at him again.

"…ok? Should we know this Kagome?"

That was a joke. It had to be. How come both forgot about the girl that entered their lives years ago? That traveled with them and even fell in love with this idiot? His eyes glowed red for a moment before he managed to calm down.

"The Shikon no Miko. The one that shattered the jewel." At that he saw clearly as a day Kikyo blushing.

"That was a miscalculation of my part. There's no need to remember that all of this that happened is my fault."

That's it. He got mad at those jokes they were doing and walked outside, not even caring what they'd think. He sensed the monk nearby, and decided to go talk to him, after all he was a more intelligent person. But then, after saying the same thing he just did to Inuyasha, he got the same answer.

"Should I know this Kagome?"

And then one after another he got the same answer, making him notice that he was the only one who knew the girl and just one thing made him sure that he didn't gone crazy…

You mustn't forget.


That's it! I hope you all like it! I can't promise when the next chapter will come because my life is really busy these days, but I can say that a feedback can help me write more!

Thank you and see you!