CHAPTER IX: Procedure, Part I of III
Severus kept his face as emotionless as possible, as he resumed his seat upon Lord McKinnon's direction.
The disciplinary hearing had officially commenced.
Lord McKinnon came down the dais and assumed his place behind the handsome podium, looking between the two tables of students and parents with serious, dark eyes.
"Students and parents, the Hogwarts Board of Governors have been called to order to address a grave of violation of the Hogwarts Charter. This violation was born through a lack of administrative oversight and accountability, which has overall lead to an academic environment that is not representative of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This unsatisfactory environment was made known to the Board of the Governors yesterday, Sunday, 27 1976, leading to our current gathering here, on the morning of Monday, 28 June 1976."
Lord McKinnon looked over his shoulder, briefly. There was something hard in his eyes, as he squarely made eye contact with Dumbledore, who didn't look away.
"The Board of Governors must make known its great surprise and concern that these violations have not been adequately addressed by the Headmaster nor the Heads of Houses. As well, we declare our disappointment at their apparent choice to look the other direction and ignore the optimal welfare of a student, which ultimately does not serve any of the students present nor the trust of the parents who allow us to have their young witches and wizards in our care."
Severus looked past Lord McKinnon at these words, his eyes falling on Dumbledore and the Heads of Houses.
Dumbledore was curiously expressionless, though his blue eyes were blazing as he stared at Lord McKinnon's back. Professor McGonagall's lips were still so thin, as to not be visible, and Severus almost smirked at the hard look she was giving Dumbledore from the corner of her eye. While Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick looked both troubled and concerned in equal measures, Professor Slughorn was frowning deeply with none of his good cheer, as Lord McKinnon continued.
"Considering the oversight that the Headmaster and the administration have displayed concerning these violations, let it be noted on the record that the responsibility for this matter has been passed onto the Board of Governors - and the decisions made here today by our governing body will supercede the authority of the Headmaster and the administration." Lord McKinnon looked over his shoulder at Dumbledore and the Heads of Houses and declared: "What is decided here today is what shall be upheld by the Headmaster and the adminstration, due to the complete lack of accountability shown regarding these violations of the Hogwarts Charter. No attempt shall be made to subvert, overturn, or ignore our resolutions or orders, upon promise of disciplinary action from the Board, toward any staff member found responsible for doing so. So mote it be."
A thrill of shock that he couldn't quite trust flared within Severus.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Although he was likely that nothing would come of this or that Potter, Black, and Pettigrew would escape this with slaps upon their wrists - at least it was clear that the matter was out of the hands of the Hogwarts staff, entirely. That must have been what the blazing look in Dumbledore's gaze was about.
For once, Dumbledore was powerless to protect the Marauders from whatever due justice they would hopefully recieve - and there would be consequences even for him, if he tried.
Lily must have realized the same, for her hand found his under the table and she gripped his trembling hand, hard.
Severus was encouraged, as Lord McKinnon paused to allow the gravity of the situation to set forward, before continuing on.
"At this time, I would have the Chair of Student Welfare come forward to carry out his duty by making the opening statements, declaring the procedure of this hearing, and declaring the accusations for the record." Lord McKinnon did not remove himself from the podium, but simply stepped aside as a rather pompous wizard came almost-bounding down the dais to take his place. "Please, state your name for the record."
"I am Heir Everard Macmillan of the Ancient and Most Earnest House of Macmillan, son of the Lord Edmund Macmillan, grandson of Sir Aloysius Macmillan." Everard Macmillan looked around importantly, before peering over his monocles at the scroll and announcing importantly: "Thank you, Lord McKinnon. As Chair of Student Welfare, it is my duty to oversee, protect, and serve the interest of the students of Hogwarts and ensure their optimal welfare while in our care at Hogwarts. A part of my duty, I receive and process any mandatory reporting entries made by the Hogwarts staff. If I have determined the report is legitimate through evidence provided by the mandatory reporter, I make the report known to my fellows on the Board. As a collective, based my ultimate recommendation as the Chair, we move forward, with our ultimate intent being the optimal welfare of the student named in the mandatory reporting entry. The student named on this report, submitted by the Hogwarts Matron on Sunday, 27 June 1976 is so named as Severus Snape of Slytherin House, fifth-year student of Hogwarts."
This pompous declaration of evidence and reports and welfare had Severus looking over at Madame Pomfrey, both surprised and wary. What had she shared with the Board of Governors that had the Headmaster powerless and at the behest of the Board of Governors? What evidence had she submitted that had been so thoroughly reviewed by the Board of Governors that this hearing was warranted? Madame Pomfrey must have felt him starting, for she looked over.
The flinty look in her dark gaze was reassuring, from one Slytherin to another.
Madame Pomfrey was his ally and had done all she could to stack the deck in his favor. While he wasn't going to get his hopes up - he was encouraged, still.
Heir Macmillan was now glaring, but at whom it wasn't clear. Nearly brandishing the scroll that hovered before him, Heir Macmillan's voice was nearly booming as he continued.
"As it pertains to the mandatory reporting entry received from Madame Poppy Pomfrey concerning the Hogwarts student by the name of Severus Snape...I must say, on the record as the Chairman of Student Welfare, the report I received was so appalling, I'm willing to call it heinous." Heir Macmillan paused to give a brief, withering look to Dumbledore and the Heads of Houses, much more severe than Lord McKinnon's brief look had been. "According to the evidence submitted by Madame Pomfrey, the mandatory report entry has peaked with the core incident that occurred on Saturday, 26 June 1976 - in Hogsmeade Village, no less. We the Board find this disturbing in and of itself, as it is a strict condition of the privlege of traveling to another town be safe above all else. As I investigated further, it became clear that the core incident was but the culmination of a pattern of misbehavior and lack of discipline. A pattern that has apparently spanned the entirety of these students' lower form!
"Throughout this period of no less than five years, it has been determined that there was rarely, if ever, any interest or action taken by the Hogwarts staff to prevent, mediate, or altogether stop this deeply worrisome behavior from members of its student body. In short, the Hogwarts staff appears to have ignored the repeated violations of the Hogwarts Charter for reasons unknown. Through this deliberate ignorance, an environment has developed where students have been named in a mandatory reporting entry - as perpetrators, this time, instead only being the subject of the report. This made it clear that this report was not simply as issue of a danger to a student's health and optimal welfare. This was instead a disciplinary issue, at its core, facilitated entirely through a disappointing lack of authority and accountability, as demonstrated by the Hogwarts staff, namely the Headmaster and the Heads of Houses."
With every word from Heir Macmillan, Severus could feel hope within him - a real hope that wasn't cautious encouragement.
Someone knew what was going on. Someone who was in a position of authority and wasn't favoring his pet Gryffindors as Dumbledore ceaselessly did, they knew what was going on here at Hogwarts -
And, for the first time that he could ever remember, they had listened and believed him.
Listened and prepared to take action on his behalf - against Potter, Black, and Lupin, no less. A fiery spike of grim satisfaction made it hard to restrain his smirk, as he looked across the room at Potter, Black, and Pettigrew.
None of the swaggering foursome appeared to be well.
A hint of a sneer was pulling at Potter's thin mouth, a burning indignation searing behind his square-framed glasses. He was ashen, his face strained, as he stared upon Heir Macmillan as if he couldn't believe he was being spoken against in such a way. Pettigrew was sweating and fidgeting anxiously, seeming almost twitchy as he listened someone with more power and more authority than Dumbledore make it clear that the Marauders did not have the advantage or protection of Dumbledore at the moment.
Even Lupin, who sat at the end of the table alone and with nobody at his back, seemed ready to faint, pale as bone and looking quite sickly indeed. It was deeply satisfying to see the beastly boy at his weakest, the New Moon having peaked just yesterday - for there was nothing of the overpowering, bloodthirsty beast lurking and ready to pounce at the Full Moon behind his deceptively timid facsimile.
Only Black appeared to be unshaken or concerned with what was being declared and said against him.
A true burn of loathing struck Severus as Black met his gaze, unflinching and unapologetic. If Lupin had been the beast who nearly killed him at the Full Moon two weeks ago, Black had been the one to originate the murderous attempt and make it possible for Lupin to do so. Had it not been for Potter losing his nerve and backing out the last moment, piteously claiming that he'd been trying to save Severus instead of being in on the savage plot - Severus would be dead right now.
Or, worse: a beast like Lupin, bitten and condemned to a cursed half-life of Lycanthropy.
Severus felt the constriction of magic around his throat as he desperately wished he could tell the whole sordid tale. While he had the attention of the righteously displeased Heir Macmillan, while he had the attention of the whole Board of Governors - Severus wished he could say something, say anything.
Instead, he had to settle for glaring as Black continued to stare him down with hatred.
Heir Macmillan was not finished, as he once again brandished the scroll and looked almost imperious.
"As this is a disciplinary hearing, there is a procedure that must be followed and it goes as such. I shall read off the list of accusations as leveled against Heir Potter, Heir Steward Pettigrew, and Heir Black, formed from the evidentiary findings of the mandatory reporting entry about Severus Snape as submitted by the Hogwarts Matron. According to the Hogwarts Charter, it is their right to hear the accusations against them and be given the courtesy of a few moments to deliberate on the accusations amongst themselves." Heir Macmillan eyed the Marauders with a severity that belied his puffed-up countenance. "Once the brief deliberation is over with, the Complainant is then allowed his right to expand upon and legitimize these accusations. We give Severus Snape the opportunity to allow his voice be heard by the Board directly, thus delivering a testimony in his own words. The Accused will be allowed the opportunity to defend against both the formal accusations and the testimony of the Complainant. A chosen witness shall be allowed to speak on the behalf of both parties, while the parents or guardians that are present are allowed to advocate at any time for the students named as both the Complainant and the Accused."
Heir Macmillan paused and looked expectantly over his shoulder at his fellows.
"In addition to the advocacy of the parents or guardians, Hogwarts provides student advocacy through the Board of Governors during a disciplinary hearing. At this time, I ask that members of the Board of Governors at this time volunteer one of our number to be an advocate for the Complainant and the Accused each."
The prompting of Heir Macmillan made two wizards rise to their feet simultaneously.
A dark auburn-haired wizard that Severus did not know but seemed familiar - and one wizard that was familiar, though Severus had never seen or spoken to him before in life.
Lord Abraxas Malfoy looked like what Severus imagined Lucius would look like, forty or fifty years from now. His ice-blond hair was tied back from his face with a silk ribbon, catching the summer sunlight every bit as much as his Acromantula-woven robes and jeweled signet ring. While Lucius aspired to be the picture of chilled power and dominance that was the Lord Malfoy, he wasn't quite there yet.
For, never once had Severus felt as intimidated by Lucius as he now felt by the Lord Malfoy, who was starting at him viperously.
Severus was startled as Lord Malfoy descended the dais and began walking over to their table. Unlike Madame Pomfrey, Severus didn't know whether he should be reassured or wary by this, despite Lord Malfoy being a Slytherin, too. Lord Malfoy was not Lucius. While Severus was reasonably sure that Lucius was a true ally, a solid wizard to have in one's corner - perhaps, even a friend - he knew very little about Abraxas Malfoy.
The Lord Malfoy came to stand directly before Severus, pinning him with a gaze as sharp as a shard of glass.
Heir Macmillan allowed Lord McKinnon to step forward briefly and declare:
"Those who have volunteered on behalf of both the Complainant and the Accused, please state your name for the record. "
"Good morning to all those gathered. I am Lord Abraxas Malfoy of the Ancient and Most Sincere House of Malfoy, son of the late Lord Augustus Malfoy, grandson of the late Lord Marcellus Malfoy." Lord Malfoy looked around the room briefly, as if allowing everyone to savor his lineage and his title.
The dark auburn-haired wizard had gone to stand opposite of Severus and the Lord Malfoy, choosing to be the Marauders as swiftly as the Lord Malfoy had chosen Severus himself.
"Good morning to all. I am Laurus Prewett, the Regent of Lord of the Ancient and Most Fortunate House of Prewett, son of Heir Fabius Prewett, grandson of the late Ignatius Prewett II." Laurus Prewett titled his rounded chin upwards, his bright-brown eyes blazing.
Suddenly, Severus knew why he'd looked familar: Fabian Prewett had that same insufferable glint to those same brown eyes. Severus resisted the urge to sneer, disliking the wizard on principle, for who he reminded him of and who he now spoke in favor of.
"Thank you, Abraxas, Laurus," Lord McKinnon stepped back, adding: "You may continue, Everard."
Heir Macmillan resumed his place, his gaze back upon his floating scroll.
"With the Board members selected as student advocates, closing arguments shall be made by each of these student advocates to the Chairman of the Board, the Lord McKinnon, which will conclude the proceedings in full." Heir Macmillan looked between the two tables of students, seriously. "At the conclusion of the proceedings, a verdict shall be delivered and if applicable, penalties will be applied as a resolution. This verdict can include but is not limited to suspension, censure, or expulsion and as stated previously by the Chairman of the Board, the Lord McKinnon - the Board's decision is final and out of the purview of the Headmaster and the Heads of House, completely."
Heir Macmillan tapped his wand against the scroll that floated before him, and Severus watched anticipation as another scroll switched itself out.
"With the opening statements made and the procedure made clear, I shall now read the official Declaration of Accusations, as made against Heir James Potter, Heir Steward Pettigrew, and Heir Black."
Severus was scarcely breathing as Heir Macmillan turned to face the Marauders with his newly floating scroll.
This was the moment he never thought would arrive and he wanted to hear every word, as declared on record by people who seemed interested in doing something to help him.
"Heir James Potter, by authority of the Board of Governors, you are hereby accused of multiple violations of the Hogwarts Charter through the following infractions committed on Saturday, 26 June 1976: deliberate harassment of a fellow student, willful misconduct outside of school grounds, reckless behavior outside of school grounds, spell-hacking, spell-hacking with the intent to commit harm, aggravated assault through spell-hacking, and willful and premeditated violence against a fellow student."
Potter pulled forward out of his father's grasp and Severus grinned in malicious glee, as his face went from ashen to brick-red in a matter of seconds. He was righteously furious.
"Now, wait a moment - !"
"Silence, Heir Potter." Lord McKinnon declared sharply, before Heir Macmillan was able to demand the same. "You will have your time to address these grievances in full. Now is not that time."
Severus contained his grin to a smirk, as Potter sullenly settled back into his chair, glaring daggers at Heir Macmillan as the chairman pressed forward past his outburst.
Heir Macmillan peered over his monocle, as he declared: "The occurrence of this core incident on 26 June and the bold has lead to a deeper investigation of the entire academic year, so that it could be understood if this was an isolated incident or a pattern of misconduct. Our investigation reveled the latter, unfortunately. The Board of Governors will be addressing the sustained pattern of misconduct throughout lower form and this review will contribute to the final deliberation and verdict of these accusations leveled against you."
Severus could hardly believe what he was hearing.
Potter was being made to answer to quite a thorough list of accusations by the Board of Governor - and, it wasn't simply because of their encounter in Hogsmeade a couple of days ago. If what Heir Macmillan was promising would come true, James Potter and his entire conduct record at Hogwarts was going to be examined and addressed by someone with more authority and interest than Dumbledore had ever once had.
Potter looked pinched, as he was forced to stay quite and Heir Macmillan turned to look at Pettigrew in the seat alongside him.
Severus suppressed a smile. Perhaps today would be the day that Potter would see judgment and Severus would finally know justice.
"Heir Steward Pettigrew, by authority of the Board of Governors, you are hereby accused of multiple violations of the Hogwarts Charter through the following infractions committed on Saturday, 26 June 1976: deliberate harassment of a fellow student, willful misconduct outside of school grounds, reckless behavior outside of school grounds, failure to report spell-hacking, abetting spell-hacking with the intent to commit harm, abetting aggravated assault through spell-hacking, and abetting willful and premeditated violence against a fellow student." Heir Macmillan eyed a bone-pale Pettigrew critically. "As with Heir Potter, the occurrence of this core incident sparked an investigation of the academic year and said investigation prompted the Board to bring your entire conduct record under review for lower form. This overview of your record will be a deciding factor in the final deliberation and verdict of these accusations leveled against you."
Pettigrew seemed fit to wet himself or pass out, looking wildly at Potter. Severus scoffed quietly, finding Pettigrew to be pathetic. Even when his own hide was on the line, with nobody between himself and the full wrath of the Board of Governors closing in on him and his future at Hogwarts - Pettigrew was ever the sycophant, unable to do anything without following Potter.
Heir Macmillan turned to look at Black, final and last, and his voice was considerably colder as Sirius gave him an ugly look indeed.
"Heir Sirius Black II, , by authority of the Board of Governors, you are hereby accused of multiple violations of the Hogwarts Charter through the following infractions committed on Saturday, 26 June 1976: deliberate harassment of a fellow student, willful misconduct outside of school grounds, reckless behavior outside of school grounds, abetting spell-hacking, abetting spell-hacking with the intent to commit harm, abetting aggravated assault through spell-hacking, willful and premeditated violence against a fellow student, and threats of violence against a fellow student with intent to harm."
The final accusation was unique to Black. Nothing of the sort had been present in the declaration that had been leveled upon either Potter or Pettigrew.
Something very satisfying indeed spiked in his chest, as Severus recalled the altercation that had happened between Black and Pettigrew before Potter had ever hunted him down.
He had no doubt in his mind that Black and Pettigrew had instigated attack from Potter. Black had tried to attack him and had likely been sour about Pettigrew preventing him from doing so. It was easy to imagine Black going back to where they'd been holed up, goaded Potter into doing what he couldn't do himself. His absolute malicious glee at Potter's humiliating attack had been all the more enjoyable for his own lack of opportunity.
Severus couldn't help but savor the ugly, incensed look twisting Black's patrician face into something quite unpleasant to behold.
Heir Macmillan was openly displeased by the defiance displayed by Black, as well as his blatant lack of contrition. There was a brittle chill to his voice, as he concluded the accusations against Black and he looked more severe than he had with either Potter or Pettigrew.
"As with Heir Potter and Heir Steward Pettigrew, the investigation in your conduct record for the current academic year. The insight provided a disturbing insight into the hostile and ever-escalating pattern that has been running rampant throughout the entirety of your lower form career, which made it a pressing concern to have your future at Hogwarts put under closer review. This review will go toward determining the outcome of the final deliberation and verdict of these accusation leveled against you."
With a smart tap of his wand, the scroll abruptly rolled itself up, allowing Heir Macmillan to snatch it up pompously in his hand. He peered between the two tables over his monocle, sharply.
"This concludes the Declaration of Accusation against the Accused. At this time, as Chairman of Student Welfare, I give the Accused leave to discuss and deliberate the charges against them with their parents and student advocates. This period of discussion and deliberation shall last no more than twenty minutes. Upon the conclusion of this courtesy, the Board will move forward with the testimony from Severus Snape on these Declaration of Accusations. Thank you."
Heir Macmillan returned to his seat upon the dais, leaving Lord McKinnon to resume his place behind the podium.
Lord McKinnon gestured to Potter, Pettigrew, and Black talk amongst themselves, before looking toward Severus, with serious dark eyes.
"Mr. Snape, it is suggested at this time that you take advantage of this period of pause to open a discussion with your parent and advocate to prepare for your testimony. At the conclusion of the twenty minute period, you will be called to stand before the Board. Use your time wisely."
Severus nodded, weightily.
The critical moment had arrived and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. For years, he'd dreamed that someone of authority or someone who cared would stop, listen to him, and believe him about the Marauders - even if it was for a moment.
His moment had arrived and Severus was determined that he take full advantage of it, that he lay it all on the line to see the Marauders brought to justice.
Nothing would be the same after this.
Nothing would be as it was going forward.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: This begins the first of a three-part chapter, because the more I think about it, the more there is to address around this complex dynamic. There is just so much to look at and so much to deconstruct, I had to break down into three parts. So, if this part was a bit weighted and full of formality, that's because the next installment is explosive and the concluding installment of this three-part chapter catapults us into ABSOLUTE AU territory. It's been a soft AU so far. After Chapter 11, Snape and Lily are in a whole new world that isn't anything like canon!
If Snape is reading as an unequivocal victim here, that's intentional and will be addressed. His righteous anger at the Marauders would totally cloud his judgement of the accountability he holds in this dangerous rivalry between them - which, in my opinion, is quite the character flaw. Snape will not be absolved of his behavior up until this point, scout's honor! In order for him to turn this corner and be someone that he feels is worth of Lily's love, we have to talk about the vile little shadow he was casting in his Hogwarts years, which in canon lead to him down the dark path that resulted in the tragedy of his story. Here, he doesn't take the same road - but, looking towards the light can be just as harsh as embrace the dark. This won't be easy for him, but Lily will be worth it.
Next update is Part II of this vast chapter! I appreciate all the reviews and the patience in this growing story. It has not and will not be abandoned, even if I have to slow down a bit to write chapters that I feel do justice to the story I'm trying to tell. Stay tuned for the coming installment: Proceedings, Part II of III!]