As Reyna found herself waking up once again, an annoyed groan escaped her. She was tired of being in pain and not being able to stay awake for more than five minutes. There was also the whole part where she was coughing up blood. Reyna's eyes snapped open. She vividly remembered choking on blood, so how was she alive right now?
Reyna's eyes slowly moved around the room she was in. It seemed to be some kind of infirmary. Reyna turned her head and saw Nico laying in a bed. He looked pale, but he was alive. Another boy was standing near Nico and seemed to be lecturing him. The boy had blonde hair that looked ruffled from a hand repeatedly running through it and bloodshot blue eyes.
"I am not arguing with you, Nico. You need to rest. Everyone is worried about," the boy said. He crossed his arms and looked down at Nico. "No more shadow traveling for the next month. Got it?"
"I guess," Nico said. He rolled his eyes dramatically. "I'll stay in the infirmary, Will. You don't need to hunt me down."
"Oddly, I don't believe you," Will said. He shook his head and seemed to notice Reyna. He turned towards her. Reyna slowly sat up and looked down at herself. She was wearing an orange shirt that was a size too big for her and what looked like a spare pair of Hylla's sweatpants.
Reyna could see the bandage that was peeking out from underneath her shirt. Her shoulder felt stiff, and she didn't think that she could move it. There was a small brace around her forearm and wrist. Reyna slowly looked at Will and spoke, "Where am I?"
"Camp Half-Blood," Will answered. He walked towards her and seemed to study her. "You lost a lot of blood, and that poison hit you hard. We gave you an antidote, but you need to make sure to take it nice and easy for the next coupe of days."
"What about the war with the dirt woman. Gaea?" Reyna asked. She glanced at Nico. "The statue. That wasn't a weird dream, right?"
"You two delivered it and helped stop the civil war between the demigods. Gaea still rose, but we were able to defeat her with our combined forces," Will answered. He looked at both of them. "I will be back. Neither of you move."
Will walked out of the infirmary. Reyna wanted nothing more than to stand up and leave,but she could feel how exhausted she was. Reyna slowly laid back on the bed and spoke, "What about Gwen?"
"Gwen killed Orion with a blessing from a goddess and a lot of anger," Nico replied. He laid his head back. "She was injured, but she'll be fine. I heard that Hylla and the queen of the Amazons managed to take out the rival pirate captain. It was someone from the Vanguards."
Reyna chuckled and spoke, "They're not even a rival. They're just a couple of demigods who picked up a history book and thought they could be great like pirates of old. Gaea was must have been real desperate if she was hiring them."
The words had brought a smirk to Reyna's face, but she slowly lost the smirk. The Mistveil was still a problem. They had attacked Reyna and broken their alliance, even if Gaea wasn't involved. Hylla didn't think they were a threat, but Reyna knew they were. She had seen enough rival pirates to know whether or not her sister needed to worry about another crew, and both of the daughters of Bellona needed to be focused on the Mistveil.
The Mistveil would be another problem for another day. At the moment, she had a much more pressing matter. Where the hell was her leather coat? Her eyes glanced around the room, and she saw her weapons and backpack were on a table near the bed. Reyna slowly sat up and grabbed the backpack. Upon lifting it slightly, she knew that her leather coat wasn't inside.
"Did my leather coat get left behind?" Reyna asked. She glanced at Nico, and the son of Hades nodded. Reyna looked down and shook her head. She slowly laid back on the bed and groaned at the fresh pain in her shoulder. "Damn it."
"It got left behind when Orion attack. Sorry," Nico said. Reyna waved her hand, like it wasn't a big deal. She wanted to act like it was, but that coat had been with her for about four years now. Reyna had found it during her first successful raid, and she wore it everyday since.
Reyna let out a pained sigh and closed her eyes. Her stomach gnawed from hunger, and her head was starting to hurt. Reyna would need to find some kind of food and something to drink. After that, painkillers or even ambrosia would be nice. Reyna glanced over at Nico.
Nico was staring up at the ceiling and seemed to be lost in thought. His face was still pale, but his body looked solid now. It didn't look like he would turn into a ghost anymore. Reyna looked away. Nico had used more than his energy than he should have to shadow travel with Reyna. He hadn't left her behind.
"I owe you," Reyna stated. She didn't look up at Nico. He would probably try to protest and claim that he was noble or some bullshit like that. Reyna didn't really care. The boy had saved her life, and she owed him. "Don't argue with me, Nico."
Reyna slowly reached towards her belt and into one of her pouches. She pulled out a necklace and studied it. A small torch crossed with a sword rested slightly below a skull. It was the same symbol that was on their ship's flag. Anyone in Hylla's crew would recognize it.
Reyna tossed the necklace towards Nico and spoke, "It's a symbol of our crew. It shows that you are an ally, and you can turn it into my sister or I for a favor."
"Thank you," Nico said awkwardly. Reyna didn't say a word. She just closed her eyes. Reyna didn't like to owe people. That meant she would have to do something to tilt the scales back into her favor. It was nice to have people owe her, so she could have leverage over them. "There's something I wanted to ask you."
Reyna bit back a sigh, and she opened one of her eyes. Nico opened his mouth to say something, but the sound of hooves interrupted them. Her eyes slowly moved to the door of the infirmary, and she studied Annabeth Chase. For a few moments, Annabeth watched her. Reyna's attention shot towards the creature that was also at the door.
The creature had the body of a horse, but the upper half of a man. Reyna had seen plenty of Centaurs in her time, but none of them looked this refined. Most of the ones she met had been covered in paint and having the wildest party of their lives. They called themselves the party ponies or something like that, and coincidentally, Reyna's first time meeting them was also the first time she had gotten drunk. She still didn't remember that week.
"You must be Reyna," the Centaur greeted. He smiled and walked towards her. Reyna blinked a few times and slowly sat up. The Centaur held up a hand. "My name is Chiron. I wanted to thank you for helping us return the Athena Parthenos."
"Chiron? Like the stories?" Reyna asked. She frowned and studied the Centaur in front of her. In her free time, Reyna read plenty of mythological stories, so she knew about the legend that was Chiron, but he was long gone. "How?"
"I asked Zeus to be able to train heroes, and that is what I do here at Camp Half-Blood," Chiron answered. He smiled and studied her. "You are welcome to rest as long as you need."
"I need to find my sister," Reyna began. Annabeth gave Chiron a look, but if he noticed it, he didn't say anything. He just smiled at Reyna.
"Your sister is here. We just finished working out a deal. She said that she would visit you soon," Chiron said. Reyna nodded slightly. She wasn't surprised that her sister didn't drop everything to see her or even make it a priority. That was just how Hylla was. "Your sister also said that after today, I would be communicating with you when it came to any further negotiations."
"Considering you guys saved my life, I'll make sure to give you a fair deal," Reyna said. A small smile came to her face. Her gaze stayed focused on Annabeth though. The last time she had seen Annabeth was when she tried to kill her. Things had changed, but she didn't feel very comfortable that her blade wasn't at her side. "And, I, uh, guess that I'm sorry for trying to steal your ship. If I had known you were trying to save the world, I would have waited until after you were done."
"Well, you weren't successful in killing us, so I call that a plus. I would offer you the ship, but it was blown up during the battle with Gaea," Annabeth said. A sad look crossed her face, and she blinked rapidly. She looked like she was trying to calm down. Chiron gently grabbed Annabeth's shoulder.
Reyna didn't respond. The only words that were coming to mind would not be helpful or really respectful. Instead of speaking, she gave a half shrug and looked away. Annabeth spoke, "Your sister said that I could talk to you about supplies, and maybe, you guys would be able to escort us if we ever need to go on the ocean for a quest."
"I think we can make it work," Reyna said. She saw someone else appear behind Annabeth. Reyna studied her older sister. Hylla nodded to Chiron and slipped past him. She walked towards Reyna's side.
"I told you to be safe," Hylla said. She crossed her arms. Reyna rolled her eyes and smirked. If Hylla was going to lecture her, things would be find. Reyna still took the time to study her older sister furtehr. There was a few cuts and bruises on Hylla's arm, but she seemed to have avoided any major injuries. Lucky her.
"Here I am," Reyna said. She glanced down at herself. If she could look into a mirror, she was sure that she looked like hell warmed over. "In one piece."
"Barely," Hylla muttered. She gently placed a hand to Reyna's face and studied her. "I made a few deals with the two camps already, but it's going to require you traveling back and forth a few times. Do you think that you'll be able to handle that?"
"Yeah," Reyna answered. While she was worried about her sister only a few seconds ago, she was now starting to get annoyed. Things were already back to normal. Reyna laid her head back and bit her lip. She thought back to her mother, but could she tell Hylla that she knew? Would it just drive Hylla even further away?
Reyna hated it, but she understood her sister's reasoning. She just wished that Hylla had told her. A hand brushed her arm, and Reyna looked up at Hylla. Her older sister looked down at her. There was no emotion on her face but clear concern in her eyes. Reyna smirked, and her sister glared slightly.
"We'll be leaving in a few hours," Hylla stated. Reyna glanced up and nodded. "You're going to be on bed rest for the next few days though. I can't have you hurting your shoulder even more."
"I know," Reyna muttered. She closed her eyes and sighed. She really hated when Hylla made her go on bed rest. Reyna liked to work in her free time, and anytime she was hurt, she was forced to lay in bed and do nothing. And then, everyone would check up on Reyna to make sure she wasn't doing anything.
"You two are welcome to stay another night," Chiron said. Hylla's lip twitched, but she still had her back to the Centaur. After a moment, she forced a smile to her face and turned.
"I appreciate the offer, but the two of us need to get back to our ship and get going. I have to check on a few things," Hylla said. Chiron nodded and didn't look offended. Hylla glanced at Reyna. "I'm going to meet with Kinzie. Be on the ship in three hours."
"Aye captain," Reyna said, even though she knew she would be getting punched for it as soon as she felt better. She watched Hylla leave the infirmary. Reyna slowly looked at Annabeth and found herself lost in thought. What would it be like to be at a place like Camp Half-Blood? How would her life be different? Reyna sighed and pushed those thoughts out of her mind. It didn't matter what her life would have been like. For now, she needed to focus on the present.
Reyna had to worry about making sure things with the camps went smoothly. The camps were grateful for the help now, but would there be a point when the camps decided they didn't want to work with pirates. Reyna knew that Camp Jupiter wouldn't like pirates that much, so that would probably become real awkward real quick.
There was also the Mistveil. It didn't matter what Hylla thought. Those pirates were going to make a move against them, and like always, Reyna would just have to be there to save her sister's ass. Reyna groaned softly and slowly sat up. It took her even longer to make it to her feet, but Annabeth helped her.
"Thanks," Reyna muttered. She awkwardly pulled away from Annabeth and watched her. "I should get back to the ship though. Check on everything."
"Thank you again," Annabeth said. Reyna nodded slightly and slowly turned towards the bedside table. She slowly grabbed her cutlasses and put them on her belt. Reyna turned towards Nico and studied him for a few moments. He was staring back at her.
"Stay safe, Di Angelo," Reyna said. She nodded towards Chiron and Annabeth. As Reyna left, she kept her gaze on Nico. He was watching her, and there was a small frown on his face. Reyna quickly looked away and thought back to her dream that involved the son of Hades. Maybe, she had more than just two problems to worry about. A soft curse left the quartermaster. Something told her that the next few months would be the most important of her life.
Reyna stared back at Camp Half-Blood. From the outside, it was beautiful. There was the strawberry fields, the dense forest, the cabins, and the large statue on the hill. All of it came together to make a beautiful scene. Reyna looked away from the camp and sighed. She was sitting on the stern of the ship and trying to relax.
"You look like you took a beating," Kendall commented. Reyna turned her head and watched Kendall walk towards her. The pirate sat on the stern, near Reyna. "How does your arm feel?"
"Terrible," Reyna responded. She glanced at Kendall. The two were only a foot apart, and Kendall had a weird look on her face. Her eyes were trailing up and down Reyna's body, like she was trying to see if Reyna had more injuries. "It's just my arm."
"I still wanted to check on you," Kendall whispered. She put her hand to Reyna's knee. Reyna slowly looked down at the hand. "When we saw each other last, things ended on an awkward note, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just kissed you. I hope it hasn't been bothering you."
Reyna looked down at the ground. After a moment, she glanced at Kendall. Would it be bad if she told Kendall that she hadn't thought about the incident at all? Well, it was the only thing she could think about during the night that it happened, but after that, Reyna had a lot more important things to worry about. Feelings were pretty easy to ignore.
"It's cool," Reyna said, and she shrugged with her good shoulder. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Kendall was now eyeing her arms. Reyna frowned and shifted. She felt Kendall's other hand move to her upper forearm. "Is something wrong?"
"You're always wearing your coat. I never noticed how muscular you were," Kendall said. Reyna looked away awkwardly. Why was Kendall commenting on how muscular Reyna was? All of the pirates were pretty fit. Reyna sighed and looked down. She was missing another piece of the puzzle, and Kendall was speaking in some kind of weird riddle.
"It comes with the job," Reyna muttered. She slowly stood from the stern. "I think I'm going to take a nap. If anyone asks for me, I'll be awake for dinner."
"Reyna, wait," Kendall said. She grabbed Reyna's arm. After a moment, Reyna turned towards Kendall. "You're not mad at me, are you? Are we okay?"
"We're fine. I'm just tired, Kendall. It's been a long, weird week, and I just want to sleep in my cabin," Reyna said. Kendall nodded and kissed her cheek. Reyna blinked a few times in confusion. She watched Kendall wall away. Reyna stared for a few moments. What was that?
Reyna sighed angrily and started to walk towards her cabin. She liked Kendall as a friend, but Kendall was so insistent on being touchy and complimenting Reyna at every point and turn. If Kendall could just keep her hands to herself, that would be great. Another angry sigh left Reyna, and she made sure to avoid eye contact with any of the pirates that she saw. The last thing she needed was another conversation.
As Reyna walked, she awkwardly tried to reach into her pocket to grab her two coins. She managed to free them from her pocket as she made it through the door. Reyna went to flip the coins, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw something on her bed. She stared at the leather coat, her leather coat, that was laying on the bed.
Reyna sat the coins on her pillow and picked up the leather coat. She examined the blood that covered the inside of the leather coat. Two holes were torn into the shoulder of the coat. Reyna examined the coat and saw a small note that was on the bed.
"Wait for the veil to fall," Reyna read. She lowered the note angrily. Then, she crumbled it up. Reyna closed her eyes. The last thing she needed was another riddle. Reyna examined her coat and sat it on her desk. She would need to wash it and fix the holes. For now, she would sleep.
Reyna collapsed onto her bed and flipped her two coins into the air. She blinked, and her dogs were jumping onto her bed. Aurum curled up on top of her legs, and Argentum gently licked Reyna's face. Reyna wrapped her good arm around Argentum and pulled him close.
"I missed you guys too," Reyna whispered. She rested her head against her dog and tried to relax. After a moment, her eyes went back to the note that was laying on the ground. Someone was warning her about the Mistveil pirates, and considering they had given Reyna her lost coat back, it had to be an immortal. Most likely, it was her mother.
If Bellona was warning Reyna, things had to be dire. That meant Reyna would need to be on high alert and keep an eye out for any threats to her or her sister. There was also the dreams that she had. Reyna tried so hard to shove those dreams to the back of the mind.
Truthfully, those dreams scared Reyna to her core. She took a shaky breath and closed her eyes. The dreams indicated that she would be arguing with Nico over something, and the two would attack each other. Reyna had seen his power, and the last thing she wanted to do was fight him. There was also the dream where something dragged her underwater. Oh, and there was the one where a man threatened to break her spirit and take her soul. So, she had that to look forward to.
There was no point in speculating though. Reyna would just need to get healthy and prepare for the future. Something told her that it would change her world forever. Reyna didn't care if she was going to be pitted against the Mistveil pirates or the camps. It didn't matter. Reyna would do everything in her power to keep her sister and the rest of her ship safe, even if it killed her.
Thank you to everyone for the support throughout this story. There will a sequel in the future, and I hope to see you there for it.