If there was ever a time when the confusion of the Imperium would grow so great that the fate of a rather significant part of the galaxy was left to the hands of a ragtag group individuals such a time would be comparable to the time when the Dark Age of Technology ended and Humanity as a whole was left to its own devices.

Regardless of such a time did occur.

The gathered group of misfits as one would call it today was simply known as Unit.

A simple yet effective name, a name sited for a team sentenced to death, brought together by a long lost Penal Colony, the team was considered nothing special by anyone and as a direct result, they went thru basic training, just like any other recruits on the world.

The six-man team, however, would soon prove themselves to be more than ordinary and would soon gain a reputation that few could ever hope to match.

Isha the teams medic, Arturia the strick and by the book second in command, Guy the man responsible for communications, The Sargent or General as he would sometimes refer to himself.

It would be these four that would begin the legend of Unit.

According to what members of the Inquisition discovered alongside members of the Adeptus Soriotas, the Penal colony had a habit of drugging its inmates.

These drugs would enhance the inmate's basic instincts until they were little more than savage animals and as a direct result, they would act on their most basic of needs.

Only the strongest of wills or those that were used to even stronger narcotics were able to overpower and escape the effects of the various drugs.

The four were able to overcome the drugs however this was with great difficulty.

An investigation into the background of the four resulted in a rather disturbing lack of information, it isn't out of the ordinary for Imperial citizens to be lost under the significant amount of information, however, there are always traces of information.

For Guy, Isha and Arturia, there was nothing more then a single recording of Guy being sent out into space alongside a large batch of trash as a Sister of Battle referred to it.

As for the Sargent, his background was under lock and key, meaning that only members of the Inquisition had access to it and even then only those with the highest of clearances were allowed to do so.

Suspicion only grew when the records of their missions began to be investigated and deeper did the pit of misteries grew.

Isha who was by far the weakest f the members of the team was a rather specialized chemist and as a direct result had fabricated various kinds of potions, chemicals and all sorts of pills and ointment to cure even the most horrifying of diseases.

So effective were the cures that a black market had been formed around her products, under normal circumstances no Commisar would ever tolerate seeing a single Guardsman with something that wasn't approved by the Imperium.

With the potions or pills that had Isha's emblem, however, this was not the case.

For example, there exists a bottle filled with glowing blue liquid that when applied to a severed limb, will make that limb grow back, the reader of this document should remember that this was considered a complete waste of such a needed potion.

In fact, even the most injured of guardsman would be known to actively scream in disgust after discovering that such a precious resource was used for a minor injury, because if a person received the potion when they had their heads severed or if their body was torn apart.

As long as the person's head was intact, the potion would rebuild the person's body completely, how this is done no one truly knows, however, there have been no signs of corruption by anyone that the potion has been applied to.

One would be pressed to remember that Isha is, in fact, Human, even when she has been known to be able to cure all diseases that have been taken to her.

It is known that various Lords and Inquisitors have attempted to separate her from her team, more specifically Guy who she refers to as her Master.

In fact, this is one of the few traces of the three individuals past, but it is known that Isha, as well as Arturia, have a nearly unbreakable loyalty towards Guy.

Arturia or rather known as the team's commissar is a beauty few men can hope to reject, in fact, it's been recorded that Arturian, as well as Isha, have been attacked by various men, women, demons, and aliens simply because of their beauty.

Each time, however, the results have ended with the attacker's death, while Isha is known to either poison or dissolve her attackers using some form of chemical she carries for self-defense.

Arturia is known to be much more direct.

Her mastery of sword combat as well as being able to train and lead troops have given credits to the belief that she was in fact at one time someone of high birth.

It is said that the only things that will ever drive Arturia into an enraged frenzy are cultist that have given themselves to the dark gods, aliens enslaving or torturing Humans, Lords that believe themselves capable of hurting those beneath them and someone attacking Guy.

The last one of these was also the first to ever be discovered, as a group of inmates attempted to kill Guy to force Arturia and Isha into submission.

Needless to say, none of them made it out alive.

Its believed that had Guy not stoped Arturia, she would have slaughtered the entire penal colony, in a blinded rage.

Her anger would also be known when she fought a demon in one on one combat, how she survived is unknown however what is known, is that she continued to fight regardless of who or what was in front of her.

She only stopped when Guy ordered her to stop or be labeled a disappointment by him.

Guy, is perhaps the least intriguing of the group, or at first glance, he would appear to be so, however, one must remember that appearances are deceiving.

The reason being is that there is no information about his period, Isha and Arturia have no information about them, but the manner of the way they speak, act and conduct themselves in conbat, when speaking to those higher rank than themselves, or when they are doing their own thing.

Have led many to believe that they were raised in one of the many noble houses of the Imperium, more importantly, it has been a growing concern that they are in fact natives to the Sol Sistem.

Guy has no traces of where he comes from and rather disturbingly, he has been known to either rediscover ancient relicks from the pst, long lost machinery or weapons from the Dark Age of Technology.

It is believed amongst those that have fought alongside him, that there is no door closed to him, something that has led the various Ordos within the Inquisition to wonder if he is in fact Human at all.

Most disturbingly of all is the loyalty that Arturia and Isha have towards him, as it was him who at one point ordered the two of them to help him take over the very same penal colony that had housed them.

It took the six-man team four days to accomplish this feat, and it is believed that it only took this long because Guy ordered both Arturia and Isha not to kill anyone.