Author's note: Good day to you all. This is my whole new KFP fanfic. Now, it is true that I'm already writing another as you're reading this - I'm talking about "A Peacock's Harem". However, as the title suggests, this story is an harem fanfic. This new fanfic will be different as I will try to focus on character development, progression, good story arcs, and world-building. But enough with my rambling; let this story start!

The Frog Dojo

"Attention, please! We're about to reach the Valley of Peace's arrival station! Please make sure to gather all your belongings, hold your children by the hand, and wait for the train to be completely stopped before standing up."

The voice of the driver through the intercom woke Yukan from a pretty weird dream. The avian let out a loud yawn before standing up from the train seat he filled to be able to take a nap. He cracked a few of his bones before looking out the train's window. There he finally arrived, the Valley of Peace.

The city of the Valley of Peace was built along the banks of a gentle river and is truly a true modern curiosity. Its beauty is matched by the backdrop of a majestic mountain which has helped shape the city to what it is today. The riches these mountains brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built in the shape of those same mountains.

The skyline is packed with similar skyscrapers and they have aspects which represent their past, present, and future. Culture is rising in the Valley of Peace and it has attracted a lot of attention. Various cultures have left their mark not just on business, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was a city of little diversity has grown into a multicultural hub and it's this that unites the 12 million people to this day.

It's this multicultural identity that has truly left its mark. Hundreds of takeouts, concession stands, and theme restaurants offer a plethora of culinary choices and those who feel hungry for something else can enjoy city exploring, dance, musical activities or one of the many other recreational venues. However, none of these make the Valley of Peace stand out from other cities in China. No, the city is famous for its large variety of martial arts dojo. Animals from all around the world come to this majestic city to learn Kung Fu, Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, Jet Kune Do, and pretty much every martial arts in existence. In fact, learning martial arts is the reason that brought young Yukan to this city today.

The train's electric doors soon opened and the passengers in it walked out. Yukan took only a few steps before taking a deep breath of the pure, fresh air, which relieved him from the train's dirty smell. As he walked through the train station, the young avian came across a large pond of water on the floor and decided to give himself a firm inspection on his physique.

His orange feathers were pretty messy from not getting cleaned in a while, but the white facial expressions around his emerald green eyes still looked good. His light blue vest was left open to reveal a black tube top around his chest and some of his puffy yellow tummy. A small hole on the back of his light blue shorts allowed his tail feathers to come out while also avoiding to cover his black talons. He gave a quick lick to a red feather on the tip of his wing to brush the three large feathers that served as his hair on the back of his skull. Yukan always thought he looked like an ordinary 21-year-old boy, but the high amount of attention he received from girls led him to think otherwise by moments.

As soon as his inspection ended, the parrot heard the sound of utensils clicking against plates and mouths munching on food. He turned to see some sort of small noddle bar with around five customers sitting in front of the counter and savoring bowls of noodles - they were probably delicious judging by the speed at which they were eating. Yukan reached into the pocket of his jacket to take out his wallet and check the money at his disposition. He smiled after seeing his budget would allow him to get a quick dinner.

Yukan walked over to the noodle bar and sat before the counter next to one of the customers. The bar's cook, a male pig with a lot of flesh and a white apron, took notice of him and gave a welcoming smile. "Hello, my young mister! What can we do for you today?"

After giving a quick look through the menu paper on the shop's wall, Yukan made his decision. "I'm gonna take the noodle soup with artificial eggs, please."

"Excellent choice! That's my favorite one!" After giving his order which the cook left to prepare, Yukan heard a loud voice talking beside him. He turned to see that the customer beside him looked at Yukan with a bright smile on his beak.

A male peregrine falcon with black markings over his white face and around his yellow eyes. An old-looking gold yellow robe held in place with a blue sash around his waist covered most of his body, but his brown wings are visible, holding the chopsticks he uses to eat a bowl of what Yukan is also about to eat. Despite the quality of the robe, one can easily tell that this falcon is not a noble or royalty. And yet, a certain charisma emanated from him.

"You like artificial egg noodles?"

"Yup, they're perfectly balanced in terms of flavor with some salt and the feeling of the eggs melting in your's a wonder!" the falcon said and laughed loudly.

Yukan couldn't wait to find out if what this falcon told the truth - he did not eat anything especially good in a few days now. So saying that his taste buds jumped in joy when the warm noodles touched them would be an understanding. His mouth practically begged for more and the sun parrot finished his bowl in a matter of seconds. The burp he let out afterward indicated how much he enjoyed it.

"My, my! I think I just found someone who likes artificial egg noodles more than I do!" the falcon said with yet another loud laughter that disturbed some of the customers. "You're from around here, kid?" he asked after his laughter died down.

"No; I only arrived here a few minutes ago," Yukan replied. "I've come to join a martial arts Dojo called The Frog Dojo. I heard a lot about it and I think it might be the best place for me to become a great fighter."

"Oooh, so you're looking to become a Master in this city?!" the falcon asked with interest. "This is great! You're at the right place to learn martial arts. Did you know that some of China's greatest heroes were from this city? Back in the old days, it was a small village counting only around 200 animals instead of 12 million ones. I truly cannot wait to see what the new generation is capable of!"

Yukan couldn't help but smile at the falcon. "Yeah, I can't wait to face the challenge ahead of me." He looked down for a brief moment. "This is my only chance to start a new life." He then looked back at the falcon. "So you're from this city then?"

"Nope." The falcon took a cup of sake he ordered alongside his noodles and took a big sip from it. "I arrived in this city earlier today. I did not take the train or plane; I prefer flying by myself with my own wings when I want to get somewhere. I've come to pay a little visit to a friend of mine in prison. I was going to head there after finishing my meal."

Yukan just nodded at the falcon before giving the money he owned to the cook and standing up. "Well, I better be going now. I still have to find the Frog Dojo before nightfall if I wanna sleep somewhere. I don't really have enough money to sleep in an inn." He turned and walked out of the shop. "Have a nice trip."

"You too, boy! Good luck at your Dojo! Hehehehe!" the falcon laughed loudly again before standing up. "I should get going too. It is impolite to keep my friend waiting alone in prison."

"Hum, sir!" the pig cook called before the falcon could leave his shop. "You forgot to pay for the meal."

After leaving the noodle shop, Yukan got blessed to find a small tourist shop with maps of the city showing every location of the various districts. He picked one up and started making his way to the Frog Dojo. On his way, the sun parrot walked through many streets of different styles - unlike his avian comrades, Yukan preferred walking instead of flying. It just felt better to him.

After crossing four relatively peaceful and quiet streets, Yukan came across a street busy with a large crowd of animals gathered around something. A lot of chats filled the air and Yukan's curiosity took the better of him. He decided to approach the crowd and get informed on the situation.

"What's going on? There's a sale of free video games?" he asked.

"No!" a young goose answered him. "It's "Golden Fist" Mao Ren! Someone insulted him and is taking a beating right now!" he said in a frightened tone.

Yukan blinked his eyes. He never heard about this "Golden Fist" Mao Ren...but it sounded like a criminal's name. And he attacked someone simply for insulting him? Yup, definitely a bad guy! Yukan decided to interfere, so he pushed his way through the crowd and to the middle of the scene. His emerald green eyes soon widened.

On the ground laid a badly beaten pig, but even with his bruised face, he still looked better than his attacker who had the most ridiculous appearance Yukan ever saw. A male warthog with grey skin and purple robes. However, one could easily miss these traits since they were buried under a pile of gold and other jewels. This warthog wore all the jewels one could think of, including a large golden chain around his neck and brass knuckles on his fists. These last ones were covered of blood, visibly the pig's.

"And next time, you'll think twice before insulting me, pig!" the warthog spat at the wounded pig who quickly ran away in fear.

Yukan blinked his eyes before leaning toward a nearby goose. "Who's that moron dressed in gold?"

The warthog's ears twitched, indicating he must have heard his comment. This possibility got confirmed when the little chubby warthog turned around and walked toward Yukan, all the animals close to him backing up in fear. "Do you know who I am?!" he asked with getting so close to the sun parrot's face that he spat a little bit and allowed him to get an unpleasant taste of his breath. "I'm Mao Ren, pal! The toughest guy you'll ever meet in this city! The guy you just saw running away like a chicken took the wrong decision to insult me, so I recommend you don't do the same unless you want to taste my golden fist!"

Yukan winced and waved his wing in front of his face. "Well, just your breath is enough to give me a headache, so I'm not really sure I wanna meet your-"


The sun parrot's head twisted to the side after receiving a devastating right hook from the warthog. The golden brass knuckle delivered extra damage that a normal fist could not. "I warned you; do not insult the Golden Fist, boy!" Mao Ren declared with a mocking smirk. He thought he won this confrontation with no problem, that Yukan went down like the innocent pig he beat down moments ago.

He was wrong.

Yukan slowly turned his head with a pissed off look toward the warthog who did not expect this, judging by the look of surprised he displayed. The sun parrot reached his wing to rub off some blood on the corner of his beak and glared at Mao Ren. "You think that's a punch? Sorry to disappoint you...but I'm gonna show you what a REAL punch is like..."

Yukan curled his wing into a fist and set it on fire out of nowhere. The animals all around - Mao Ren the most - all widened their eyes in surprise. This sun parrot possessed powers! "N-No, wait!" Mao Ren begged with lifting his hooves.


Yukan smashed his burning fist across Mao Ren's face, sending him flying into a building's brick wall. It left a crack under the impact, but nothing that could not be fixed with a little work. Mao Ren fell face-first on the ground with a thud and some smoke emanating from the side of his face. Yukan gave a triumphant smirk and pulled the fire away from his fist.

"Alright, call the police to send this thug in prison," Yukan asked the civilians. One of them nodded and took out his cell phone.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Yukan turned around at this new voice. He got meet by a female eagle watching at him in awe.

Pure white feathers covering a skinny body and gentle face. Golden yellow eyes set deeply within their sockets watching in amazement the scene that happened before her. Several feathers standing out of her delicate neck and powerful legs decorated with sharp talons. A golden chest plate that almost looks like a sport bra covering her upper body and golden armor shorts on her waist leave her blue tummy and well-toned abs exposed. There's something bewildering about her, perhaps it's a feeling of comfort or perhaps it's simply her gentleness.

Yukan blinked his eyes at the female eagle who just praised what he did. "Huh, thanks."

"I saw what you just did!" the eagle said, her golden beak forming a smile. "You have fire powers? That's very impressive! I haven't seen someone with fire powers around here before!"

"Oh, you know, it was no big deal. Just a little thug who wanted attention."

The female eagle suddenly shook her head and took a more serious expression. "Where are my manners? My name is Shining Eagle."

"I'm Yukan Tori. Nice to meet you."

"So you're new around here, Yukan? Cause I fly around the city every day and I never spotted any sun parrot like you before."

"Yup," Yukan confirmed with a nod. "I arrived around an hour ago. I came to join a place called the Frog Dojo; I heard a lot about its master named Shujinko. I think I may be able to learn martial arts from him."

Shining Eagle's eyes suddenly widened. "Wait, the Frog Dojo?! Dude, that's the Dojo I'm part of!"

Yukan looked at her in surprise. "R-Really? You're from the Frog Dojo?"

"Yeah! I've been working there under Master Shujinko's watch for three years now! After leaving the Aerial Academy, of course." She then opened her wings and flapped them to start flying. "Come on; I'm gonna show you where the Dojo is located! I can't believe we're gonna have a new comrade!"

As Shining Eagle took off in the sky, Yukan ran after her through the streets. In the end, he would have somewhere to sleep tonight...

The first thing you probably noticed is that unlike most other KFP fanfics out there, this one is set in a modern time instead of the ancient China era. Also, Po is not the main protagonist of this story; we instead have my own character, Yukan Tori the sun parrot. This is to give me more creative freedom for this fanfic. Do not worry though, as characters from the movies and TV show will still appear, and Kung Fu is still the story's theme.

Next time: Yukan arrives to the Frog Dojo and meet up with its members as well as Master Shujinko, the one in charge.

Another thing. For this story, I'm taking inspiration from my most favorite author of all time, Eichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece. The guy's a master in the art of foreshadowing which is why I like his pirate manga so much. During my time in vacations, I took the time to plan this fanfic ahead so that I might add foreshadowing elements and also make this story in a way that will allow the readers to analyze it and come up with their own theories. So you can already start asking you many questions (ex: Where is Yukan from? Why did he come to the Valley of Peace? Who was that falcon he discussed with?).

Oh, and Mao Ren is a boss from the online game "Tales Of Po" which I used to play when I was younger.

Except that, I hope you will enjoy ready this fanfic as much as I enjoy writing it. As always, constructive reviews are welcome and may the gods watch over you all.