I don't own Mega Man Star Force (which belongs to Capcom), or RWBY Chibi (which belongs to Rooster Teeth).
"Japanese (Translated)"
Playing BGM (Mega Man Powered Up: Title Theme)
Letters C, H, I, B, I, and ! fell from the sky and landed on the white background. Then Mega Man brought down letter G on top of the word 'Chibi' via his Dash Boots, then Queen Ophiuca's Giant Anaconda placed the letter L next to G. Harp Note carried the letter S and threw it next to L. Then they realized something's missing, until they saw Camo Leon crashing down with the letter A between L and S, while Camo Leon rolled forward and hit the camera, everyone else cringed. Camo Leon eventually gave a thumbs up before getting up.
He then backflipped towards the group to pose. Mega Man leaned on the left side of the title, Harp Note climbed up the title and sat down on her letter, dangling her legs, Camo Leon jumped up and used his grappling wire to hang himself upside down above his letter, and Queen Ophiuca leaned in front of her letter while petting her snake.
Geo and Ruby were sitting in a students' lounge.
"I bet you have lots of stories during your years as a Hero on Earth!", Ruby asked excitedly, she was practically hopping on top of Geo's lap, begging him to tell her stories of his adventures.
Geo was sweating in embarrassment for having his personal space invaded by her.
"Okay, okay. Calm down, Little Red Riding Hood.", Omega-Xis lifted her up by the collar of her cape and dragged her away, making her go back to her seat. "Here's a story that'll make you laugh till you-pffh….. break your funny bone-pffphphh!", he was suddenly holding up the urge to laugh, something that Geo was aware of and was blushing red.
"No! No! Not that, Mega! Anything but that!", he waved his hands defensively. "Aww, come on, Kid. It's hilarious! I'm sure the Little Red Riding Hood and her pet crow would like to hear that.", the AM-ian pointed his thumb at Ruby and Crowi, both of their eyes were sparkling eagerly.
"Pretty please?", Ruby was pleading. "With strawberries on top?", same for Crowi.
'Kore wa, Sonia ga ore ni shiyō shita no to onaji torikkudesu.(This is the same trick Sonia used on me.)', Geo gritted his teeth nervously at their puppy dog eyes, before giving in to their cuteness. "Fine. Here's the story.", both the redhead and the Crow FM-ian sat down.
"Remember how people ended up respecting me as a legendary hero?", Ruby nodded at the brunette's question. "Well. I don't exactly care about the fame, but sometimes I couldn't help but overhear people dissing me behind my back."
Ruby gasped, "You're kidding me, right?". Geo raised his eyebrow, as if to say, 'Do I look like I'm kidding?'. "Sometimes in real life, not everyone respects the hero. It's just how it is."
Ruby was hurt. A hero, being dissed behind his back? How could they!? "So what did you do? Punish them?", she asked. "Um. No. Too reckless, and that's something only Leon would do.", he chuckled. "Yeah, I can agree with that.", Ruby giggled.
"So I went undercover, per Mega's idea.", he said.
"Greetings, everyone. I'm Joe Wrench the mechanic.", said 'Joe', who's basically Geo in Groucho glasses, fake rainbow afro, orange long sleeved shirt, grey overalls and brown protective gloves and boots.
Ruby and Crowi were laughing their butts off at Geo's disguise. Geo blushed in shame, "It was Mega's idea for the disguise, just so you know.", he averted his gaze.
Currently, 'Joe' is having lunch with a WAZA operator named Richard and a chubby Satella Police officer named Tetsu.
"So you guys work here?", 'Joe' asked them. "Well, yeah. Work is work.", Richard replied before chewing on some mashed potatoes.
"So whaddya think of Geo Stelar?", 'Joe' asked, a slight hint of pride seething at the mention of his 'idol'.
"You mean Kelvin's kid, aka Mega Man?", Tetsu replied. "The one who's obsessed with hi-tech stuff?", 'Joe' frowned when he heard those words.
"Yeah. I get that being an astrologist means you gotta be skilled at engineering, but that kid's got a motor mouth when explaining stuff like that. It's really hard to listen.", said Richard.
"As Mega Man. Sure he saved the Universe hundreds of times, but they always come back again. If he's so legendary? Doesn't he have a way to stop them permanently?", Tetsu complained harshly.
'Joe' had to resist the urge to crush his own steel spoon, hearing their ungrateful words.
Even Ruby couldn't help but growl at those people, "Ugh! Those ungrateful….. jerks!", she was clenching her hands in anger. Crowi had to pat her on the back to calm her down.
(Transition: Geo popped out of the screen and facing the audience. He lowered his Visualizer, said goggles began displaying calculations before Geo left the screen.)
Soon, 'Joe' was currently fixing the radar circuitry at the hallway. "Okay, okay. Now it's real easy. Now all you gotta do is rewire the calcinator.", a black-skinned woman named Taylor, his supervisor and chief engineer, instructed him.
"So. Remove…… this?", 'Joe' held up a wire in confusion.
Taylor knelt down to see what he's holding, "Does that look like the calcinator?", Taylor asked him frustratingly. "What's wrong with you!? Why so hard to understand!?", the chief engineer ranted angrily at his 'incompetence'.
"I don't know, but can you please stop yelling at me!? You're starting to stress me out!", 'Joe' rebuked.
"You didn't know how to rewire a radar? I thought you were a tech genius.", Ruby raised her eyebrow.
"I am. But 'Joe' isn't.", Geo chuckled.
"Okay now can we rewire it, please? So I can go get a cup of Joe.", Taylor complained.
"I haven't had my cup of Joe yet, Joe!", she spat at him sarcastically.
"Ouch. That must've hurt your pride.", Crowi remarked while clutching her heart.
"What do you expect? Going undercover is not that easy.", Geo said shruggingly.
"Whaddup, Joe?", a random Satella Police officer greeted him before 'accidently' kicking his wrench aside just as 'Joe' was about to reach it.
"Hey! You kicked my wrench!", 'Joe' yelled at his fake klutziness, but the officer ignored him as he left the hallway, leaving him lowering his head in frustration.
"Jerk face……..."
(Transition; A Beowulf howls in terror as it gets chased by Geo firing his Night Fowl rifle.)
Back at the cafeteria,
"Hey. Has anyone seen Geo's plasma dagger?", 'Joe' asked Richard and Tetsu, the latter got spooked since he was asking right behind him.
"That weird looking thing? Didn't see it.", Tetsu replied rudely. '
Joe' narrowed his eyes, "No, it's not. It's awesome. I'll show it to you.", the engineer walked out of the cafeteria…….. and came back with what appears to be a plasma dagger with a stun gun under it's blade projector.
Tetsu flinched when 'Joe' held up the dagger in front of his face. "Whoa! That thing looks dangerous, man!", he held his hands up.
"YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOOK AT IT ANYMORE!", 'Joe' yelled at them angrily, before tossing the dagger to a vending machine, causing it to explode violently.
Everyone looked at him in shock.
Geo cringed in embarrassment for the outburst. Ruby and Crowi huddled together in shock by the fact that Geo actually snapped for having his inventions insulted.
Omega-Xis laughed, "Yeah. Kid's real sensitive when people make fun of his 'babies'.", he gestured his fingers to emphasize the last part.
"Hey guys. My friend said he saw Geo in the shower. They said he had an A-pec. They said Geo Stelar was shredded.", 'Joe' said as he ate some food.
"What? Your friend's a liar, man. Geo Stelar is a total dork.", Tetsu protested jokingly as he ate some chicken. "That guy looks like he couldn't beat someone in chess, because he can only beat a supercomputer. Hahahahaha!", he laughed tauntingly, earning a frown from 'Joe'.
Until Tetsu suddenly started choking. "Tetsu? Oh no, he's choking on food!", Richard cried in distress for his co-worker.'Joe' walked towards the choking Satella officer and wrapped his arms around his belly, but not before giving him a warning.
"Consider this as karma for disrespecting Geo Stelar, buddy.", he whispered out the threat next to Tetsu's ear, making him nod in panic. 'Joe' then proceeded to squeeze his belly and spat the food out of his throat. Tetsu fell on his knees gasping for air.
Ruby and Crowi deadpanned, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that threat is going to blow your cover.", said Crowi.
Geo scratched his head nervously, "Not my best moments, I know."
"Guys. I have an announcement to make.", 'Joe' announced to everyone, then he removed his disguise, revealing himself to be-
"Geo Stelar.", Richard guessed in deadpan, not a bit surprised by the reveal.
"I know it was you when you threatened me while I'm choking.", Tetsu crossed his arms.
"I know it was you the moment you said, "Hi. I'm Joe.".", said Richard.
Geo blinked in dismay. But recomposed himself as he walked towards Richard, "Then in that case, congratulations for figuring that out.
Ruby and Crowi giggled at his failed attempt at undercover.
"You're a terrible actor. You know that?", Omega-Xis sighed.
Geo chuckled coyly, "Well. At least they learned their lesson."
"Oh? How did you teach them a lesson?", Ruby asked curiously.
Geo frowned, "You do not want to know."
Richard was unconscious, twitching from the electric shock apparently, but what's really standing out was the fact that he's passed out on the toilet seat, his pants down, and there's a sign that says, 'I'm a Dumb Dumb.', hung around his neck.
Then Geo's Scroll beeped. "Oh, right! I promised Jaune that I'll help him learn how to fix his weapons.". He stood up and shook his head.
"I still don't get why does he use a toy hammer, of all things, to fix his sword?", he wondered as he left the room. "Yeah. Even I thought that was stupid.", Omega-Xis chuckled in agreement.
Meanwhile back in the lounge, Ruby and Crowi were huddling together in terror after hearing what Geo did to the employee. Despite his kind personality, he has limits to his patience and be quite willing to humiliate anyone who disrespects him.
Ruby gulped, "Remind me to never mess with Geo next time.", she told her Wizard, who nodded silently.
Guess what reference did I use to write this chapter? Leave your answers in the Review section below.