Chapter 2

It had been a couple of days since Clay had returned from his last mission that did not end well for him. His ribs were hurting him, every breath hurt, but he was thankful there were no internal injuries. His ribs would heal and the bruising would fade. Shawn had stayed with him for the past couple of days before he headed off to work today. Shawn had been very attentive with him for the past couple of days. Clay was still confused about what had happened between them. He knew that Shawn didn't remember what had happened and Clay believed him. The problem was, Clay did remember and it wasn't easy to forget. Clay knew he was probably being too sensitive over this, that he should just man up and move on already. He was trying his best to move forward and just forget about it. After all, they had had rough sex before so it shouldn't be that big of a deal. He was probably overthinking it and being too sensitive. Ash always told him he was too sensitive and acted too much like a woman. With him being more interested in reading and learning than doing manly things.

Clay was up and moving today because he got a text from Mandy that he needed to meet today at nine. Clay was not in the mood to be going anywhere, but he also knew he didn't have much of a choice in the matter. He was still really sore and exhausted, on top of that he had a headache today. He had called Sonny again and asked for a ride, one Sonny was more than happy to provide. Clay honestly had no idea what he would do without Sonny. He couldn't believe that him and Sonny were best friends. He thought for sure when he joined the team that him and Sonny would never get along and now they were best friends. Clay headed downstairs and waited for when Sonny would pull in. He was so tired from not getting proper sleep with his ribs. Every way he laid it hurt and he couldn't lay on his back too well because his ass hurt and it was harder to breathe lying flat. So he had to sleep propped up and that caused his ass to hurt even more. It was endless and the end result was him not getting much sleep.

When Sonny pulled up Clay headed over and got in. He didn't even waste a second before he put the back of his seat back slightly so he wouldn't have to sit straight up and put more pressure on his ribs.

"I'd ask how you are but that pretty much sums it up." Sonny said, slightly worried.

"My ribs are killing me. It doesn't matter what I take, nothing works and I have a raging headache for the past couple of days to go with it. I am exhausted and all I want to do is sleep for twelve hours without waking up every thirty minutes from pain." Clay complained as he closed his eyes and leaned back.

"You get your head checked? You banged it when you got hit didn't you?" Sonny asked, now worried that Clay had a concussion.

"Ya they did a check for a concussion but they didn't see anything."

"Maybe you should have Trent check you out while you're there. What are you going in for, you're supposed to be on medical leave for three weeks."

"Don't know. Mandy sent me a text saying I needed to be there for a meeting at nine."

"She didn't say what the meeting was about?"

Sonny didn't like the sound of that at all. There was no need for Mandy to be pulling Clay in when she knew that Clay was on medical after taking three bullets. When they pulled up to a stop light Sonny quickly texted Jason that he had Clay and what was going on. He knew that Jason would want to know about this.


Sonny looked over at Clay before he continued on down the road. "You doing ok otherwise?"

"Ya I'm good. My friend texted me when we got back, he didn't remember anything that happened that night."

"Did you tell him?" Sonny asked, doing his best to keep the anger from his voice.

"Naw, just told him to leave me alone and to not contact me anymore."

"And he hasn't?"


Sonny wasn't sure if Clay was lying or not, because his eyes were already closed so it wasn't like Sonny could see if he lied. He was praying that he was telling the truth.

"What's his name anyways?"

"It doesn't matter, he's gone. Can we drop it please."

"Ya, ya sure." Sonny said, but he was not happy about it.

He wanted to know more about this friend, but it seemed like Clay was not in the sharing mood, not that he could blame him. When they pulled into the base Sonny parked as close as he could as they got out. Clay gave a groan as the sunlight hit his eyes. It was making his headache worse and he was really hoping that this meeting didn't last long. He also just figured out that someone would need to give him a ride back home because he had no car.

"Sorry, I just clued in that you would need to drive me back." Clay said, as they headed in.

"No worries little brother, I got you." Sonny said, patting Clay's back gently.

Sonny was not surprised to see everyone in the tea, standing there at the entrance waiting for them. Just like he was not surprised to see that Jason was pissed.

"What are you guys doing here?" Clay asked.

"Sonny texted me that you were coming in for a meeting with Mandy. I'm going in with you." Jason said.

"You ok?" Trent asked, moving closer to Clay.

"My head is killing me. I can't seem to shake this headache no matter what I take." Clay admitted. Trent had a way of making things that hurt better and he was really hoping for some magic right now.

"You smacked your head really hard when you went down. Did the hospital check you over for a concussion?" Jason asked, now concerned.

Trent went over and started to touch Clay's head as Clay answered.

"Ya they checked and found nothing. There was no bleeding or anything like that."

Clay hissed as Trent gently touched the back of his head.

"Sorry. You have one hell of a bump back there."

Trent pulled out his penlight and took a quick look at Clay's eyes. Clay did his best to keep his eyes open with the sharp stab of pain the light sent through his head.

"They equal?" Ray asked.

"Nope. It's subtle, but his right is slightly smaller than his left. Concussion symptoms can show days or weeks after the blow to the head. He's got a mild one, but it'll still be about a week to ten days to heal. Doc should have known better." Trent said, not happy that Clay didn't receive proper care. He could have gotten placed on concussion protocol to help reduce his discomfort right now.

"Great." Clay complained.

"Sorry kid, I should have checked." Trent said he was not happy that he didn't even think that Clay had hit his head. He was more focused on his ribs and his ass than his head.

"It's not your fault. I didn't think of it either." Clay said not wanting Trent to blame himself.

"It's a good thing you are already on medical leave. Not happy with you having a concussion and it was missed." Jason said.

"How are your ribs?" Trent asked.

"Sore. I can't get comfortable enough to sleep. I've been taking Advil, but it's not working."

"Ya you should have some with codeine, like a T3. I'll grab some from the base Doc for you. It'll help with the headache too. You should be in bed resting right now. You need to spend the next week just sleeping it away and drinking plenty of water." Trent said.

"You got food?" Ray asked.

"No I'll have to go out later and get some. I thought I would go tomorrow when I felt better."

"After this meeting I'll take you home and then tonight I'll stop by with some groceries for you. You need to be in bed not out wandering around. Let's get to the meeting, Blackburn is going to meet us there too." Jason said.

"What's it about? Why would you and Blackburn need to be there? Am I in trouble?" Clay asked, worried about his spot on the team.

"The CIA and the Navy have classified you as a government asset. I suspect this meeting is going to be with Mandy and some CIA officials and navy officials about placing you on CIA operations. Mandy mentioned on the way back from our last op that the CIA wants to place you on different teams to properly use your language skills." Jason explained.

"Wait what? He's gonna be floating?" Sonny asked, pissed off.

"I told Backburn and we are working the problem. We are going to do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen. If the CIA wants to be sending Clay into different areas we could argue that it would be better for Bravo to be that team. If they agree it would mean less downtime for us, but it would prevent Clay from floating around. It's not that I don't trust the other teams, but I don't want any of my guys out there without us."

"So it's not just going to be Mandy there." Clay said.

"No she said the Upper Brass and the CIA Director, but who will be in the meeting, I don't know. It's going to be more than just Mandy though. But Blackburn and I are going and we'll have your back." Jason said.

"Should all be going." Sonny said.

"I feel you brother, I want to be there too, but I think a whole squad crashing a meeting won't go over well. We'll have to wait and see what happens." Ray said.

"Fine, but I don't like it." Sonny grumbled.

"I'll go and get you some pain meds." Trent said.

"Ya I gotta get to this meeting." Clay said, as he noticed the time.

"Come on." Jason said.

They headed off and Jason made sure to walk slower so Clay wouldn't have to rush to catch up. He knew how much it sucked having cracked ribs and now a concussion to go with it. He was not happy about Clay's injuries at all, but at the same time if Clay hadn't been there his whole team could have been killed and so far it all would have been for nothing.

"I'm sorry kid." Jason said.

"What are you sorry for?"

"For you getting injured. You weren't feeling well, I should have left on the plane and then you wouldn't have gotten shot and now have a concussion."

"It's not your fault. You didn't know it would be a set up and if I wasn't there there's no telling how bad that could have gone. I'll heal and be fine. Don't blame yourself, I said I wanted to go that's on me and not you. As for what happened with the op, that's on Mandy."

"It still shouldn't have gone that way. I don't know what is going to happen in this meeting, but I promise I am going to do whatever I can to make sure you stay with Bravo for your ops. I know you can handle yourself and I know you've led a team before, but you still have a lot to learn. You're only twenty-five and I want to see you make it to sixty-five. That means keeping you in the team so I can teach you everything I know."

"You said Blackburn was going to be there, so maybe it won't be too bad."

They arrived at the room and Blackburn was waiting outside of it. He didn't look impressed at all, not that they could blame him.

"Admiral Doit, Admiral Smith, Commander Shaw as well as the Director of the CIA Director Dawson are all inside ready for us. And no, no one has said anything to me. What I do know, all of them hate Ash and would love nothing more than to permanently erase his memory. Getting Spencer talked about would accomplish that." Blackburn said.

"He's already erased Ash's memory. He doesn't have to prove anything else." Jason said pissed that they were just going to use Clay. He had proven himself more than enough.

"I agree, let's go see what we can do." Blackburn said.

They all headed in and it was clear on everyone's faces that they were annoyed that Clay came in with backup.

"This is a closed meeting. You both need to leave." Commander Shaw said.

"Spenser is under my command as well as Hayes' subordinate. This affects Bravo team as a result we both have every right to be here to see what this meeting is about." Blackburn said.

"It's fine. They have the right to know what is going to happen. I can respect the desire to be there for their man and this will affect them." Director Dawson said.

Clay sat down in the only chair across the table from everyone. Leaving Jason and Blackburn to stand on either side of them. What was pissing Jason off, was Mandy sitting next to her boss not even saying anything.

"Spenser, you have been classified as a Naval and CIA asset. This is due to your sniper skills, but more importantly your language skills that reflect your high IQ level. It has been brought to our attention that you have a genius level IQ that has aided you in learning multiple languages as well as being able to do on the fly complex mathematical calculations." Commander Shaw started.

"Moving forward you will be working more for the CIA than the Navy. You will be required to follow our regulations over the Navy's. From this point forward you will be a Tier One Operation within the CIA. And before anyone can jump to speaking, the paperwork has already been signed and filed. And no we don't need Spenser's signature. He waived that right when he enlisted. Government Assets fall under CIA jurisdiction." Direction Dawson stated.

"What does that mean for Spenser?" Jason asked, beyond pissed right now but there was literally nothing he could do about it. The paperwork had already been filed, this wasn't a meeting to give them the head's up, this was to tell them.

"It means you will still be able to operate with other teams within Devgru, but you will also be out with CIA agents doing different operations, some of which could be undercover. As a result we will need to ensure you are better prepared for some of those operations. You are on record for knowing ten languages, including English, we are going to have you learn an additional five languages; Farsi, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese." Director Dawson started.

"Sir with all your respect, the human mind can only learn so much. On average it's five languages in addition to your native language. I already know close to double that number, and I learnt them when I was younger for the most part. The older you are the harder it is to learn a new language. Plus ones that are similar are harder and can easily get mixed up in your mind. It would not be wise to have me learn any more languages." Clay explained.

"This is not up for debate. I give the order and you do it, it's that simple. You don't, you will be arrested for treason. I don't play around and I don't like it when someone thinks they can tell me their opinion without being asked for it. You are new to this, so I'm going to give you the chance to change what you just said to me. Try yes Sir this time." Director Dawson demanded and within a second the atmosphere in the room changed.

"Yes Sir." Clay said and it was clear he was doing his best to keep his tongue bit.

Jason was about to lose his shit, but he knew that would put Clay in jeopardy and he wasn't going to be making things harder on him.

"Good boy. In addition to the languages you will also be taking courses on chemistry, biology, engineering and physics so you can be placed undercover as a scientist. You will do these courses while you are still going out on operations. I understand you are on medical leave due to cracked ribs for the next six weeks, so over the course of the next six weeks you will be in the classroom. I have already scheduled you in for the classes. You will spend twenty hours a day doing different courses seven days a week. Every five hours I've allotted time for you to get a ten minute break. You will start right after this meeting." Direction Dawson said.

"Excuse me Sir, we just discovered that in addition to Spenser's cracked ribs he also has a mild concussion. As you would know Sir he will need to be on rest for seven to ten days." Jason said as politely as possible.

"Was this confirmed by a military doctor?" Director Dawson asked.

"No, our team medic. It was when we were on our way to this meeting. We were going to have Spenser see the base Doc after this." Jason said.

"But he did see a military doctor a few days ago and it was ruled out." Admiral Doit commented.

"Yes Sir, but as you know symptoms don't always present themselves right away. His pupils are unequal. It's slight, but combined with his headache it's enough to conclude he has a mild concussion." Jason explained.

"They look equal to me. He's fine for class work even if he had a concussion, which I highly doubt he does. You will begin after this meeting." Director Dawson said, not impressed at all.

"If I may Sir, even something simple like sitting with multiple cracked ribs is not medically recommended. Along with the mild concussion, you need Spenser at his best in order to properly take in the information he needs to properly learn within these courses. It would be in everyone's best interests, especially the CIA, for Spenser to be allowed to start in a day or two when the headache is gone and his ribs are more healed." Blackburn tried.

"A weak asset is not beneficial to us, Director. I don't see what a day could hurt." Admiral Smith said.

"Very well, Spenser can start tomorrow at four am and he will go until midnight. The doctor gave you a medical leave for six weeks, but the CIA has different regulations for medical leave. You have cracked ribs, that means you can be awarded two weeks. After the two weeks since the date of the injury has passed you will be placed back on active duty and may be sent off on a mission with whatever team is available." Director Dawson stated.

"Sir, I know you were thinking of having Spenser float around. I would like to offer up Bravo Team to be the main team that Spenser works with. They are the best the Navy has, as their track record proves. They all know each other and work well together. They would be able to handle the more challenging operations and they are the best team to protect your new asset." Blackburn said.

He was really hoping to at least get something out of this that went in their favor, because so far they were getting screwed. It would mean more work for Bravo, but he knew no one would care about that.

"It would benefit us Sir to have Bravo doing the top rated operations. Plus they will make sure our asset is protected and comes back alive." Mandy said, speaking for the first time.

Normally Jason would be happy to have her support, but this time around he knew she was only doing it to further her career. She was stuck on Bravo and without them doing these operations she wouldn't get any credit for it.

"Very well. When Spenser is not within a CIA team he will be placed within Bravo. Spenser, you will go to the learning center to pick up your course materials. I expect you to be ready for tomorrow. You are dismissed." Director Dawson ordered.

Clay gave a nod and he stood up, doing everything he could to not show any pain. The three of them headed out and Blackburn waited until they were far enough away from the door before he spoke.

"I know this wasn't ideal and there really isn't anything we can do about this right now. But take the win that Spenser will still be able to be on Bravo and you all will be able to watch his back."

"Not ideal? He's got a concussion and he's going to be sitting in a room for twenty hours a day learning all this shit. It's going to prolong his concussion and on top of that he's got cracked ribs that he's expected to operate with. That's bullshit." Jason snapped.

"I agree, but unfortunately, we are not in any position right now to argue or fight them." Blackburn said.

"How do we fight them then?" Clay asked, because this was not what he wanted at all.

"By getting more upper brass on our side then theirs. We overpower them with numbers then the Navy can kick the CIA out of this little party and Spenser will be a Navy asset. Still an asset, but he would get to follow our regulations again." Blackburn said.

"So Admirals and Captains." Jason said, trying to think of someone that could help.

"And politicians that have a pull. Admiral Anderson will help." Clay easily stated.

"He hates Ash." Blackburn said.

"But he loves me. He's my Godfather." Clay stated.

"Whoa." Jason said surprised.

"I wasn't aware of that." Blackburn said.

"We don't advertise it. Something that we agreed upon when I started. I already had Ash over my head, I didn't need people to know that I had an Admiral as a Godfather. I've never gone to him for help before, but he might know a place to start." Clay explained.

"I'll speak with him and see if he can lend a hand. You get him home in bed." Blackburn said to Jason.

"I got him. Gotta stop by and see Trent, he's got the kid some pain meds." Jason said.

Blackburn gave a nod and then they all headed off. Clay stayed quiet as they headed off for their cages. Jason didn't press, he knew that Clay was not feeling great and he needed some time to get his thoughts in order. Jason was beyond pissed. He couldn't believe that no one had been there on their side that could have helped to stop this. That no one had even given them any heads up so they could try and do something. Now Clay was being forced to do things he didn't want to do. He was going to lose more freedom working for the CIA and out there without Bravo. The only benefit they got was that Clay would still be with Bravo, but that caused more problems with Bravo having to be on more operations and spending less time home. They walked into the cage room and everyone was there waiting to see what would happen. Clay instantly went over and sat down on one of the stools at the table.

"So what happened?" Sonny demanded.

"We got railroaded. The paperwork had already been filed. Spenser has been listed as a CIA asset. He starts tomorrow at four in the morning to learn new languages and other courses. He'll be doing twenty hours days, seven days a week until the courses are finished and in between doing operations." Jason started.

"What!" Sonny yelled.

Clay winced and grabbed his head. "Sonny, man." Clay complained.

"Sorry Little Buddy. This is just bullshit." Sonny said, as he placed his hand on Clay's back.

"He's on medical leave for six weeks, maybe we can fix this." Ray said.

"He now has to follow the CIA regulations. He only gets two weeks off with cracked ribs, regardless of how many there are. He goes back on operations in ten days." Jason said.

"He can't with cracked ribs. He'll probably still have a concussion still. With having to strain your mind with reading and looking at computer screens it will extend your concussion. You most likely will still have it in ten days." Trent said, now more worried about Clay's physical health more than anything.

"We'll have to come across that bridge when we get there. We did manage to argue that their new asset would be safer going on missions with us compared to floating around with other teams. So when he has navy missions he will be with us, but when the missions are strictly CIA he will be with agents. And there was talk of him going undercover as well." Jason said, getting it all out.

"This is insane. How long is he supposed to do this for?" Ray asked.

"They didn't say." Jason said.

"I'm the new shiny toy that they get to play with. Eventually another new shiny toy will come along and I'll get forgotten about. My enlistment is up when I'm twenty-eight if this is still happening at that point I'll have leverage to renegotiate the terms of my enlistment to get it back to what it was supposed to be. Assuming we can't get it changed before then. Three years is better than forever." Clay said, and they could all hear the pain and exhaustion in his voice.

"We're going to try and see if we can overpower the one involved in this to get Clay back within Navy control. It's going to take time though." Jason added.

"This is insane. I hate this. But at least he'll be with us and not some other team." Sonny said, trying to come to terms with everything.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Brock asked.

"Not right now." Jason answered.

"You need rest Clay. Here's the meds, take one every six hours as needed. Just rest all day and I'll check in on you tomorrow." Trent said, handing over the meds.

"He gets a ten minute break every five hours." Jason said, not impressed at all.

"Oh how generous of them." Sonny said, as he rolled his eyes.

"There's nothing we can do about it. All we can do is be there for whatever the kid needs." Ray said.

"Right now, what he needs is sleep." Trent said.

"Yup. Come on, I'll drive you home. The rest of you guys work on some drills, let's get ready for whatever operations might be coming our way. With it being two weeks out, I'll get Blackburn to put us off duty so we can do more training. Ray, check in with Lisa, she can probably give us a rough idea of what operations are going on right now that the CIA are involved in. We don't need details, just a rough idea of what they are going in for. I'll be back shortly." Jason ordered.

"Copy Boss." Ray said with a nod.

"Call me, if you feel worse Clay." Trent said.

"I will." Clay said, as he got up.

They all could tell he was very sore and they wished he could have had more time to rest and recover. Not just from his injuries, but from the rape. He was now going to be thrown back into duty when he desperately needed the time off. Clay and Jason headed out and made their way over to his truck. Once inside, Clay moved the seat back like he did with Sonny's to try and help ease the pain a bit. Jason waited to say anything until they were down the road.

"I'll drop you off and then go pick up some food for you. I'll grab some easy things that you can eat while you are off. I'll also be picking you up tomorrow morning at three thirty and taking you in. That'll give you enough time to get what you need before your class starts."

"You don't have to do that. I'll be fine and I can drive tomorrow." Clay said, not wanting to put Jason out.

"You have a concussion and until that heals up a bit I would prefer you to not drive. I don't mind, I can always crash in the lounge afterwards. I'm more worried about you." Jason said, finally letting his worry show through in his voice.

"I'll be fine, I've been through worse. Besides, I like learning new things."

"Our little genius. I always called you a genius, didn't know it was official."

"Found out when I applied for Basic. It was just another piece of me, it's never really mattered to me one way or the other. I knew I was smart, I don't care to be labeled as a genius. My mind helps me to help other people, that's all that I care about." Clay said with a shrug.

"That's because you're a good person Clay. Despite everything, you are a good person, that right there is proof that there are miracles in this world." Jason said proudly.

"Can I…" Clay started but hesitated. He wasn't sure he should be asking Jason this or not.

"Can you what?" Jason was surprised that Clay hesitated. It wasn't like him to hold back on a question. Something that would match with him having a higher IQ. Jason couldn't help but wonder if Clay's need to know things ever became exhausting for him.

"Nothing, it's inappropriate."

"No such thing with family. Go ahead and say it."

Clay let out a soft sigh before he spoke. "I was wondering if I could ask you a question, like a Dad question. But it's inappropriate, you are not my Dad, you are my boss and friend." Clay said quickly.

"Kid, how many times do you think I've had one of the guys stay over at my place in the eighteen years I've been in the teams?" Jason asked calmly.

"I don't know, probably hundreds."

"Zero. Zero times any of them have crashed at my place. Except you. You have been there two dozen times in the past year you've been on Bravo. Just like you are the only team member I've left alone with my kids. The others have been around them in gatherings, but none have ever been alone with them. None have babysat them or come over just to help them with their homework that we couldn't figure out. None have ever been there for Christmas. But you have." Jason started.

Clay didn't know what to say. He had no idea that Jason had never had any of the guys over like he did with him. He figured it was normal. The times when Clay was hurt, Jason would invite him over. The times when he was having problems with Ash, Jason would invite him over. All the times when Jason could tell he wasn't sleeping great, he would invite him over. It became natural that Clay would help Mickey and Emma with their homework. Especially the stuff that Jason and Alana didn't understand. It was normal for Clay to be hanging out with Mickey and playing soccer in the backyard. It was normal that Clay was on the list of people who could pick Mickey up at school, and has. Clay figured it was like that with everyone and didn't think much of it. When Jason invited him over for Christmas, Clay figured it would just be for dinner. Only it was Christmas Even and all day Christmas with them. They had even exchanged gifts. Clay figured it was because they knew he didn't have a family to spend it with. Now he couldn't help but wonder why.

"Why me?"

"Because when I look at you I see a friend, yes, but I don't see a brother. It's not like when I look at the other guys or when I looked at Nate even. When I look at you I see a kid." Jason paused for a moment before he continued. "I see my kid. You don't feel like a brother to me, you feel like Emma and Mickey does. Like you're a part of me. I know that sounds crazy probably to you."

Clay cut Jason off. "It doesn't. I don't really know what a Dad feels like. I know what it's not supposed to feel like. But, you feel like a Dad to me. Have since I met you almost. It doesn't sound crazy."

"Good. So from now on I don't want you to hesitate with asking me a question. Whether that is a boss question or a Dad question, I will always answer. What did you want to ask me?"

"Do you think I'm too sensitive?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

Jason wasn't expecting that question. Yes Clay was sensitive, but he was also very intelligent so it wasn't surprising. Plus with the lack of parental figures in his life growing up he would be more sensitive to things.

"Just things recently and Ash always said it. I was just wondering if maybe he's right."

Jason could hear the hurt in Clay's voice and he knew exactly what recent things Clay was talking about. If Clay thought the way he reacted to being rape was him being too sensitive then Jason really wanted to punch Ash in the face. If it had been him, he wouldn't have been able to leave his bed. Jason pulled off to the side of the road. This was a conversation he needed to have with Clay and make sure all of his attention was on him. With the truck in park, Jason turned so he could face Clay.

"You are not too sensitive Clay. You've been through a lot in your life, more so than I know about and I would really like to get to know more about your past and your childhood. But more importantly, anything that asshole has said to you is wrong. You are not too sensitive, you care about people. You want to help as many as you can and yes sometimes it's hard on you when injustice happens, but you don't ;et it ruin you. We all have a sensitive spot, Ray and me are kids. Sonny is women, Brock is dogs and Trent is the team. You care about all of those things and that is what makes you a good person, a good man. Despite having Ash for a father. And I wish I could have met your grandparents, because I would really love to shake the hands of the people who raise you into being this amazing man. You are perfect the way you are, just like everyone else on the team."

"Thanks." Clay said with the first real smile Jason had seen since his attack.

"I'm always going to be here for you. You can tell me anything Clay and I mean anything. All you have to do is do what Mickey and Emma do, tell me you need a dad moment. I started it with Emma when she was reaching her teenage years. In a dad moment you can tell me anything and I won't get mad at you, no disappointment, no lecture, no judgement. Just me listening and talking whatever it is out calmly. In a dad moment you can tell me anything and if you don't want to talk about it again, then we don't. It's that simple. Got it?"

"Got it."

"So with that being said, do you need a dad moment?"

Jason was really hoping Clay would tell him more about what happened. He really wanted him to open up to him.

"Say I do, and I tell you something, what happens when we go back to you being my boss?"

"It would be an area we would need to navigate through, but what you tell me outside of being a boss will be kept there. I will trust in your judgement to be able to handle the missions. If there comes a time where I need to pull rank, know that I would only do that because the biggest job I have is to keep you safe. If I have to pull rank, it's because I have no other options but to pull rank."

"No, I understand that."

It was a huge relief to Jason that Clay understood what position he was in and where he was coming from.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" Jason asked gently.

"Yes, something happened, but I'm not ready to talk about it yet. I'm still processing."

"And that's ok. You have every right to process what happened and take the time you need. When you are ready, I'll be here for you."

"I appreciate it, really I do."

Jason gave Clay a warm smile and a wink before he put his truck back in gear and headed off for Clay's apartment. When they arrived Jason got out to walk Clay up to his place. He wanted to make sure Clay got in ok. Clay opened his apartment door and tossed his keys down on the countertop.

"You didn't have to walk me up, you know. I'm not gonna fall over." Clay teased.

"You look like you could fall over." Jason teased, but he was serious about how exhausted Clay looked.

"Babe, where did you go?" Shawn asked, coming out of the bedroom dressed in his work clothes.

Jason instantly looked from the big guy to Clay, who said big guy called babe. Jason could see the worry all over Clay's face and he knew how he reacted in this moment would determine the course of his relationship with Clay.

"Oh, you are going to be in so much trouble for this." Jason teased with a big smile.

He knew for a fact that no one on the team would care. They would defend Clay in a heartbeat if anyone had anything to say about it. They would be more upset with the fact that Clay kept it from them.

"Who are you?" Shawn asked, moving closer to Clay, as if he needed to protect him.

"I'm Jason Hayes." Jason said, holding his hand out to Shawn.

"Shawn Wilson. Are you on the same team as Clay?" He asked, taking Jason's hand in his.

"Team leader, but you can consider me more of his father." Jason said, holding onto Shawn's hand.

He wasn't sure what it was about Shawn, but he was throwing up some flags. Like how big he was. Sonny said Clay had told him his friend that assaulted him was bigger than he was. Shawn fit that description. He would be keeping a very close eye on him and their relationship.

"Last I checked, his father's name is Ash." Shawn said as he tightened his hold on Jason's hand to match his strength.

"Biologically he is. But I'm the one you have to worry about."

"I got nothing to worry about." Shawn said, not backing down.

"I'm exhausted, so is the dick measuring contest over now?" Clay asked, not comfortable with the tension in the room.

Jason pulled his hand back, but more for Clay's sake.

"You should be in bed babe. I was surprised to come by and you weren't here." Shawn said, as he moved over to Clay.

"I got called in for a work meeting. I have to go in for a course so I'll be gone for most of the time for a little while."

"How long is a little while? Are you staying local?" Shawn asked.

"I'm local and I'm not sure. What are you doing here? I thought you were working on sites all day?" Clay asked, looking to change the subject away from his work.

"I was on my way to a site, but I wanted to come by and bring you some food. You're down to like two cans of soup in here and you refuse to crash at my place."

"My place is closer to work, that's all. Thank-you though for the food." Clay said warmly.

"It's no problem babe. I gotta get back to work. I'll see you tonight."

"He needs to be resting so you can see him another night." Jason said. He couldn't help it, his guard was up around Shawn. There was just something about him.

Shawn ignored him and pulled Clay in for a kiss. After a quick moment he pulled back and spoke. "See you tonight babe."

"Be safe." Clay said.

Shawn headed out, not even bothering to say anything to Jason and Jason knew he was going to be a problem. With Shawn gone, Jason turned his attention to Clay, but he made sure he didn't show his concern or annoyance with Shawn.

"Don't suppose we can rewind here and you'll let me have a dad moment eh?" Clay joked.

"But if I do that, then I won't be able to tease you. But know that I don't care if you date a girl or a guy. That doesn't change how I feel about you and the guys would say the same. They are going to be pissed, especially Sonny, that you kept something this important and big from them."

"Ya I figured as much. I'm not ashamed of being bi-sexual, really I'm not. I just didn't know how they would take it. It's one thing to be ok with someone dating a guy and another to have that person on your team. To be sleeping in the same room as someone who also likes guys. Showering around each other. It's just different and I didn't want it to change the team dynamic."

Jason could tell that Clay was very worried about that. He could understand where he was coming from. Most jarheads were not too happy with having someone that was gay within their ranks. Clay was bi-sexual, but it would still be treated the same. He knew though that no one on Bravo would care. It wouldn't change their dynamic at all. Sonny would still make jokes and would be insulted if him and Clay still didn't share a bunk bed. If Clay didn't shower with them. Hell, Jason knew without a doubt that Sonny would be all too happy to play wingman for Clay to pick up a new boyfriend. That is what made Sonny a good man, he didn't care who you dated as long as you found love and were treated right.

"First of all, the guys wouldn't care that you are bi-sexual. It wouldn't change the dynamic. And if it's Sonny you are worried about, don't be. Hell, he's going to be dragging you out to gay bars to play wingman with you. Sonny might be a pipehitter, but he's smarter than people give him credit for. He wouldn't let this change your friendship. None of them will care, but they will care that you haven't told them. You don't keep these secrets from family. I'm not saying you need to scream it from the rooftop, but the guys deserve to know." Jason said, as he moved closer to Clay.

"I know, I just don't want them to look at me differently." Clay admitted.

"They won't. They love you, you are their brother. There is nothing about you that they would hate. You can tell them and we will keep the secret, because I'd imagine having Ash as your father, an Admiral as a godfather and now being bi-sexual it won't be easy on you. You can trust them with this."

Clay gave a nod. "Ok, I'll tell them tomorrow."

"Good. Now, I know you are exhausted and need sleep, but real quick. Where did you meet?" Jason said with a smirk.

Clay rolled his eyes playfully before he spoke. "I met him at a club four months ago. It was after Mexico and I just wanted to get out. I went to the club alone and he caught my attention. I didn't think he was gay, but he came over and bought me a drink. We ended up hooking that night and we've been dating ever since."

"Where does he work?"

"He owns a construction company. He owns a penthouse condo downtown, his business is very successful."

"He looks like a construction guy with his size. He looks older."

"Ya he's older."

"And how older is he? Like Brock older or me older?"

"Closer to Ray. He's thirty-seven, never married, no kids."

"Thirty-seven? He's twelve years older than you. That's not a big deal if you were seniors, but there's a big difference between twenty-five and thirty-seven. He's got his career established, you are just getting your established. How is he with your career?"

That was the big issue right now. The younger you were the more open minded you were. Shawn would be set in his ways and want his boyfriend to be there with him. Clay was gone most weeks out of the year and that wouldn't go well with someone with Shawn's personality. Jason didn't really know him, but he could tell that Shawn was annoyed when he stopped by and Clay wasn't here. Or that he would have to work more right now. All were red flags and Jason knew it wouldn't be Shawn that ended up heartbroken.

"He's not happy with it. He doesn't like that I can get called away at a moment's notice. We've had an argument about it just before this last mission actually."

"Really?" Jason asked. He was very interested in hearing about this argument, because Clay showed up after being raped by apparently a friend.

"Ya it wasn't a big deal. He had a bit too much to drink that night and it wasn't a big deal. I let it affect me more than it should have."

Jason knew that Clay wasn't talking about the argument, he was talking about the rape. Apparently he wasn't believing he was raped and if it was by Shawn, which Jason believed it was, then he might not ever see it for what it was. Them dating didn't mean that Shawn had the right to put bruises on him and force himself on him, on his kid. Jason thought he only had to worry about Clay professionally, but now he had reasons to be worried about him personally as well.

"You have the right to feel how you feel Clay. If it bothered you what he said or did then you have the right to be upset over it. And if him drinking is a problem, that is something you need to think about. Drinking for pleasure is one thing, but drinking to the point where you are hurt is another, even if that hurt is words. I'm not saying you guys won't work out, but just keep your heart guarded for a little while first. Don't give it to him so easily because with your job, that is going to get more intense, he might not be willing to stick around. And the very last thing I want is for you to be hurt."

Jason was really wishing he could talk to Clay about the rape. To tell him that there is no amount of alcohol on this Earth that turns a man into that type of monster. That lives inside of him and it could come out without the alcohol next time. This situation was volcanic and the only comfort to him right now was knowing that Clay wouldn't be around much. He would be with the team where he belonged and hopefully that distance will make Shawn leave.

"I'll be careful and like you said, I'm gonna be gone a lot right now and I have no idea if he'll stick around for it. I'm protecting my heart, I swear. But for now, I really need sleep."

Jason could see the exhaustion clear on Clay's face. He pulled Clay in for a hug and held on for a moment just allowing himself to be comforted by the fact that they had accomplished something today. It wasn't what he wanted, but at least Clay would be with them for all Navy operations and that was more than they had walking in.

"I know I don't say this, but I'm proud of you and I love you." Jason said.

"I love you too." Clay said, doing his best not to let his tears build up.

Jason pulled back and gave Clay a warm smile.

"I'll see you at three thirty. I'll bring the coffee."

"Sounds good."

Jason headed out and Clay let out a sigh. He had no idea how it was going to go over with Shawn about his new position, but he was hoping it wouldn't be too bad. He was also a little nervous about the guys finding out he was dating Shawn. Especially Sonny. He would be able to connect his injuries from the other night to Shawn, so he would need to make sure he had a good cover for it. That was a problem for later, right now he just wanted to sleep for a week. Clay made his way over to his room, stripped and got into bed.

Blackburn made his way to Admiral Anderson's office hoping to speak to him about Clay's situation. He was surprised that Anderson was Clay's godfather, but him and Ash were on the same team so he figured they must have been close at one point. He couldn't help but wonder if it was Ash's book that caused the rift between them or if it had to do with Clay. Blackburn knocked and waited for when he was allowed to enter, he walked in and he could see the Admiral was not pleased.

"Commander Blackburn, what do you need?"

"I need to speak with you about Special Warfare Officer Spenser."

"If this is about the Director of the CIA hi-jacking one of our best operatives, I've heard."

"I'm hoping you would be able to help me with a plan of attack on how to overrule Director Dawson on it. I know it would take a strong force to change the outcome, but I would like to try."

"You'd need a very strong and powerful force to make the Director change his mind. You would also have to hang a shiny carrot in front of his face. We don't have a carrot shinier than Spenser right now."

"I know, but someone might come up. I was hoping you would throw your support in Spenser's corner as well as Captain Harrington."

"Spenser will always have my support. He has a bright future ahead of him. Captain Harrington is not going to help. He prefers things to be kept the old way and everyone does as they are told. He prefers his operatives to be old school and by the book, like Charlie One. Spenser is different, more like Hayes. He'll rock the boat and change things around here. You need a Captain that is not afraid of those that can rock the boat and get positive results. Captain Lindell, you want him in your corner. Spenser is just what he is looking for, and it doesn't hurt that Spenser could promote his career."

"I'll reach out to him. I appreciate it."

"He is also connected with politicians, people that have pull with the Director. You get him on your side, you will be able to start making a plan. He might not do it for free, so let him know that if he helps and succeeds in getting Spenser back within the Navy full time and away from the CIA, he can be given the Captain position of Bravo."

"I will let him know Sir." Blackburn said, slightly surprised that Anderson was willing to go to those lengths to help Clay. He was glad though so he wasn't going to be thinking too much on it.

"Let me know if you need any help."

"I will thank-you."

Anderson gave a nod and Blackburn headed out. He had a Captain to speak with and hopefully they could get Clay back with them where he belonged.